《Am I The Only One Who Is Not Forced to Migrate Across Worlds....?》Chapter 2


Something seems wrong....(Part 2)

Alzemann Kingdom, West of The Five Kingdom Alliance, Nomero

On a planet, about 261.7 ly away from Earth, there was a certain palace. The palace was so breathtaking that every 2nd or 3rd person would look at it for awhile even though they are locals and see the palace almost every day. A “peace” symbol was written at the top centre of the palace. But “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Although, we heard this idiom many times and nowadays, people could not help but laugh when someone says the proverb righteously.

This palace has long history of 550 years approx. This palace was built in honor of the Great Otherworldly Hero, Reuken. He was known for his contribution for defeating one of the greatest Demon Kings of his time. It was said that the demons of that time occupied more than half of the total land of Nomero. The ruler of the Five Kingdom Alliance(human region), the Beast King of the Unified Beast Temporary Alliance(Werewolf, Dragon, half-breed,etc) joined hands and called upon the best Magic Summoners from that time and summoned the Great Otherworldly Hero, Reuken after a total of 8 failures.

Although, they lost five 5-star magicians out of eleven, they got the fruit of their sacrifice. Reuken, within 2 months after he was summoned , he could already fight head-on with a 4-star Swordsman. It takes 35 years even for a talented Swordsman to reach 4-star. That can only be explained by Reuken’s monstrous talent. After, two years, Reuken finally defeated the Demon King. But, he vanished soon after defeating the Demon King. Many expeditions were sent to find Reuken, but not even a hair of Reuken could be found. Even nowadays, his heroic victory is celebrated every 27th March(according to Earth’s calendar).

*Xie’s POV*

Even though this huge palace was made for Reuken, I don’t think that he will be happy if he were to look at the interiors of the palace. Don’t get me wrong , I’m not talking about the designs or decorations, rather the feel and “demonic” vibe….

I sometimes wonder whether humans are really “humans”….. From what I saw and experienced, it makes no difference to me whether one is human , an angel ,a demon or other races…. Because there will always be humans who will act inhumane, angels who will act like demons and demons who will act like angels.

But if someone asked me, “Which race do you want to be in your next reincarnation?”, a white haired dressed white(also C-cup) beauty asked me.


First of all , does that mean you can guarantee that I will be reincarnated? From what I have learned, the stronger a person is , the lesser chance that person has of reincarnation. There are a lot of factors that depends. For example, for your reincarnation, you must atleast have a wisp of soul after your death. Although, even if not a single wisp of your soul is left, there are several other solutions to that nowadays. Modern problems require modern solutions. Without going off-topic anymore ,I truthfully answered,

”Of course , an angel.”, I said that with a straight face. The white haired beauty’s eyes were already narrowed. And I could already feel some eyes staring at me…. I kinda like this feeling…..

“Ok. Next question . Your preferred class?”, asked the whit….F*ck it!! Its annoying to call her ‘white haired beauty’ again and again.

“What is your name?”, I asked with a neutral face.

The whole palace: “…..”

It was a pin-drop silence. My classmates were looking at me with a queer expression. And the beauty’s face infront was priceless. Though, I feel very proud making everyone stunned like this, I am a bit confused. Eh? Did I ask something wrong??

While I pondering about the reason of the silence, a bald knight in blue armor shouted, “Foolish peasant!! You dare to be rude to the holy priestess?!! You committed a crime big enough to be hanged!! Do you even know that?!”

“….”, Now, I am silenced. First of all, how am supposed to know your world’s rules?? And secondly, is asking for someone’s name that big of a crime….? I was always taught by pops to ask for someone’s name before talking to them…..I never thought that there would be a day where I will be sentenced to death just because I asked for someone’s name….. And stop shouting baldy!! Otherwise , I will make sure to make your next generations bald too!!

“Apprentice mages!! Put that insolent brat to prison!”, another bald knight who looked younger than the first baldy and resembled the latter.

F*ck , you are bald too?! I, now, pity them…..Such a kind hearted man I am!! But alas, those who are kind, die young…..

I could feel those third-rate mages surrounding me. They wore long sleeved red shirt and has an emblem on their chest that has an unknown letter printed on it. Although I said “unknown”, I can read that. Let me look closely. I looked at one of the female mage’s chest. Ahh….low ranks….3-star…


Suddenly, a green light came infront of my eyes, I leisurely dodged it but….

“Ahhh!! My eyes!!! Wh-what did I do?”, I asked the female mage who seemed shot the green beam of light. I acted like I was about to cry.

“Y-you dare to ask?!!”, the female mage seemed to be at the verge of explosion.

“Enough! Rita. Lets capture him first!”, a red-haired mage said while glaring at me.

While the apprentice mages surrounded me and was about to catch me, “Stop”, the white beauty infront of me lightly said. “Everyone, leave this man.”, the beauty continued.

The mages didn’t look very stunned but still continued to surround me.

“B-but, priestess, that brat dared to ask for your name when you asked him a question. We know that your majesty is kind, but, he can’t be excused!!”, another knight in blue armor shouted.

Ah! I see. So, I was being rude. In that case, I must apologise. But before I could say a word,

“Yes, fellow knight Cezas, he ought to be punished”, the older baldy shouted.

“Priestess, you must punish that brat!”, sounds like this are being echoed in the palace room right now.

I am now completely cornered. People are the same. Be it humans, angels, devils or some other race. All are the same. It makes no difference. They are three kinds of people in this boundless universe.

First, the parrots . They never dare to speak individually and always speak when he\she knows that the other person(s) will speak after him\her.

“Priestess, just make a sentence. I swear I will not kill this brat. I will punish him so that he doesn’t make the same mistake again.”, the younger baldy said righteously.

The second, the false heroes of justice . This kind of people has further classifications. For example, a devil showing that he\she is the “real” warrior of justice and is perhaps cool, an angel showing that he\she can be cool too by breaking the stereotypes that most of the time, demons are the “good” guys….On top of that, the beauty herself is a demon and we(me and my classmates) are ordered to not harm the minions and directly kill the Demon King. Third…

“Halt! We know that this man has committed a crime that’s punishable by law. But, its also true that this man didn’t knew the ways of this world. So, it seems understandable. And also, even though this man doesn’t seem to be strong, he could be atleast of some use to Us”(the priestess referred to herself by ‘We’)

The hypocrite….

“Oh lord! Hail priestess Latisha”, the older baldy shouted. After that, everyone, along with the crowd, followed his suit.

“Hail Priestess!”

“Hail Priestess!”

So, Latisha was her name. I lightly smirked to Latisha, and then with a pained expression, I got on my knees and shouted, “ No La- priestess, you cannot forgive me. I ought to die.!!”. My fake tears spilled out vigorously. Anyone who would call this an act would deserve to die. Yes! I have that much confidence in my acting skills!

“…..”, the palace was again silenced by me. The people present has strange expressions on their faces. Seemed like I struck their weak point . Friends from my class seemed to be shocked by my sudden declaration. I could already hear my classmates saying that they will arrange a proper funeral for me after my death…..F*ck! Just let me get over this!! I will take care of you guys next. Hmph!

I went to a nearby knight and took his dagger that was in his waist belt and stabbed myself in my upper abdomen.

I could feel hot blood oozing out of me. I gritted my teeth and howled, ”AHHHHHHHH!!!!!”.

The silenced prevailed once again. Howling in pain, I walked haphazardly like a drunken man and fell down. Tears(fake) came out of my eyes . I saw the surroundings around again. I could see Latisha’s ashen face, the knights in panic and the crowd’s disappointment.

Hahahahhahaha. I laughed in my mind.

Do they really think that such a cheap trick would work on me?!! The intelligence of mankind has really decreased. Let me explain why exactly I stabbed myself. The reason is simple. Its because the people around don’t want me to die! Hahaha. Sorry , if you didn’t find it funny. And you’re wrong if you thought that I would save myself.

I looked at my childhood friend, Ren, who was looking at me with panic filled eyes. I could already guess that if my classmates didn’t hold him back, he would definitely come to my aid. Good reaction! Ah….so much love….I can’t handle it. I lightly smirked to him and fell into deep sleep…..

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