《Game Cheater Reincarnated》11:Tightening loose ends
Hiro here. So bandits captured soldiers from camp and made them into slaves, I must act but what should I do now? At this point there is no point in tolerating that bandits existence, and they robing this village blind, the food is horrible and and food price is way too high, it means there is a food shortage in this village I bet not everyone can pay 75 cooper for a bowl of soup and a piece of bread.
After brief greetings(introduction(挨拶)), I tell my new friend:
“Can you show me to the room for nobles with a bathtub and give me some soap?”
He started to count some copper coins and I tell him:
“How much is for one meal in here?”, he turns to me and say
“It’s 75 copper”, I take out another silver and give it to him and say
“You can keep the change” he looks at me a bit shocked.
At this rate, I should go exchange some gold, before I ran out of silver coins, it must be hard to survive while being governed by bandits junta.
I think while being guided to the room where I will reside for this day, as I go in with a piece of soap I say,
“I will have a meal in my room if possible and bring extra water for bath”, to what in keeper just silently noded.
I waited few minutes before I heard a knock on the door it was Bow(innkeeper) holding 4 buckets of water and girl from before holding a tray with soup bowl some meat on plate and a big piece of rye bread, as she put the tray on table she looked at me but when I turned to her she turned away, the Bow just walked into the bathroom left buckets there and left, but girl kept shooting glances at me, do I look weird or something? Maybe it’s rare to see an asian in this places? But I saw a few local asians as slaves and bandits then why? Maybe she holds some ill will towards me after I was a bit harsh with her? Then there is no helping it.
All this money spending makes me think, let’s test something interesting, is this world's objects can be identified in my console? {Concentrate on a silver coin as a target, [and in my lower left corner of my view appears] “refid 000x9fda” “bid silver_coin”}, [What did I just get base id of an object? And why it’s not hex coded as reference id?], well whatever let’s try this out {type “player.placeatme silver_coin 2” accept}, and before me on floor appears 2 silver coins, I put them in my coin purse on my belt, well with that's done it’s time to wash up and have some grub.
As expected there is 4 buckets of cold water, a bar of soap and 2 rugs, that I would not dare to call towels, so before I do anything with that, I take school uniform from my inventory, damn why it’s still this moist? Does my inventory freeze objects in time? I will experiment on that later, now let’s try to dry it, first I should adjust heat output of ‘flames’ spell, so I point my hand at the bucket of water in close proximity so I wouldn’t burn anything, equip ‘flames spell’ and as I cast it I try to minimize magicka consumption as much as possible, without breaking the spell cast, but it seems spell stops producing heat when consumption drops below 3 mp/s[mana points per second], water got warm as I was experimenting, so let’s try to dry some clothes, I point my hand to the school uniform and as I cast spell with consumption of 4mp/s, uniform starts to release vapor and slowly dry up, but next second it burst into flames, I quickly equip ‘frostbite’ spell and try to extinguish the blazing, blazer along with shirt and pants, but as I look at ice covered uniform, it’s cinders with clay like hardened dirt that saved some bits and pieces of the last memento from my previous world.
On that note I undress by putting my apparel into the inventory and buck naked I stand into the bathtub with hanging head, I fill some sort of dipper with warm water and think that this flames spell must have some different concept of heat, it looked like it was making plasma out of thin air with no chemical reaction of oxidation of gases, but the heating of the gas itself almost like pyrokinesis, so frostbite must be cryokinesis? I was thinking that while I was washing off the remnants of dirt from my head, hands and feet, then I drained dirty water from bathtub into a basin, that was underneath the bath there wasn’t much water, so it wasn’t filled, I washed the dirt out of the tub with dipper full of water, then filled the bath and heated the water, I get in and relax, yes there is nothing like a bath full with hot water it just takes all your worries away.
Clean and refreshed I put on a new set of peasant clothes on and add the leather bag and coin purse to the set, there is a 75 copper meal on the table let’s see if it’s worth it’s money, yeah as expected this village is struggling to survive, there is no spices in this soup at least I didn’t sense any, and almost no salt, and meat is also almost tasteless, I would buy soy sauce for any amount of gold at this point, I can’t eat this, I go downstairs to mess hall/bar, and approach the kitchen, look inside and say,
“Hey Bow do you have any seasoning and some salt to spare?”, almost everyone in the mess hall was looking at me, then Bow walked up to me and asked:
“What you don’t like my cooking?” to what I plainly say,
“Just hand me some salt at least” he looks at me then into the mess hall for some reason, then gives me some crystal and rasp, I have a puzzled look for a moment, but then I guessed it is a salt crystal, some of the onlookers started to whisper something to one another, and looked like they saw something very abnormal, so I entered a kitchen and asked the Bow,
“Why is everyone looking at me like that?” he smiled and said,
“Usually no one complaints about my food, and then you ask for salt and spices only merchants can give them to you, and now you are holding a 600 copper worth of salt!”, this is some expensive salt,
“Wait you say it costs 6 silver?” he looks at me as if I were joking
“Kid do you have problems with calculations? One silver is 1000 copper”, I am a bit shocked, wait does this mean,
“Don’t tell me one gold is 1000 silver?”, looks like that tailor fooled me splendidly and I thought I drove a hard bargain,
“Yes it is why you ask?”, to that I smile and wave my hand like never mind and walk back to the room with a file and piece of salt in hand.
I ate the rest of meal while applying salt here and there, brought salt and tray with dishes back to kitchen and asked,
“How much do I owe you?” Bow smiled and said,
“You paid enough to take that piece of salt whole” I smiled and left the salt in the kitchen, then gone back up to think about my next actions and get some sleep.
As I was sleeping I felt that someone is trying to take my coin purse, I slowly opened my eyes and looked to see a man, in some sort of mantle with a hood, if I were a kid I would scream of fear but this is no time for panic, I equip ‘Frostbite’ to both hands and overcharge it both hands with 32mp/s and blast out a total of 64mp/s at the assailant, and deep freeze him that instant normal output of ‘Frostbite’ is 16mp/s so this is overkill by all means.
When I tried to move away from him his hand, that was stuck to coin purse, it broke off, this means he is dead for sure, what do I do, he will start to defrost soon and will make a mess here, I know I should try adding him into my inventory, and as I select him by concentrating on him as target again, he is a nameless object, well I collected dragons in to my inventory what difference will human make? And now I have frozen thief as an article in my inventory.
As I try to continue my sleep I feel something cold on my thigh it was thief's hand and I add it to the inventory but then I hear someone whisper behind the door,
“You’re taking too long, I will help you” and another thief enters, as I am now sitting on bed, he quickly looks around not finding his friend, he pulls out his dagger and dashes in my direction, {type “SGTM 0.1” accept}[time perception is 10% of normal] I slowed time to almost stop but it was a bit too late he stabbed me and I am bleeding, it hurts I fell this kind of pain for the first time in my lives of both worlds.
I will not tolerate this any further, {type “tcl” accept, type “tgm” accept [god mode on], type “tim” accept [immortal mode off], type “player.setav speedmult 200” accept, type “player.setav weaponspeedmult 200” accept} I walk through him and crouch, as I disappear I activate pickpocket menu and take the dagger of him and into my inventory as it disappears out his hands, I grab one of his hands and bend it behind his back and press him on to the floor with a bang, sounds shift into the lower spectrum because my thoughts are accelerated too much, {type “SGTM 0.8” accept, type “player.setav unarmeddamage 100” accept}[time perception is 80% of normal], I stand up and twist his hand the other way to make him roll over and face me, then I talk slowly so he could understand me:
“Wwoohhooo sseeennnddd yyooouu?”, this is exhausting {type “SGTM 1” accept}[time perception goes back to normal]
“No one” he says he must be hiding something so I flick him on the forehead(でこ ぴん) with my free hand, and his head hits the floor and bounces back to what he loses consciousness, +100 damage points to unarmed damage must have been too much, as I see a bump inflating on his forehead, I hear someone running up the stairs, and then Bow enters with a couple of mercenaries and show shocked expressions, towards me holding this thief a hostage.
“Kid you ok?” I let go of the thief’s hand and it falls limp, as I turn towards the Bow and mercenary looking guys, I ask “Who are they?” it seems Bow noticed that I was stabbed and urgently suggests “Kid you were stabbed you need help!” I know there is no wound under my clothes and I can’t let them know, {type “player.addspell 12fcc” accept}[added 'Healing' spell] and I equip restoration spell ‘Healing’ to my both hands and apply magic to the place where wound supposed to be, then to my shock, not only blood disappears as if reabsorbed by the wound but also heals the rip in my clothes, well this is new, I should try this on my uniform,
“See all better now” the three adults were astonished, it seems my magic brakes the common sense of this world,
“What was that, I heard of water mages stopping bleeding but this, I don’t even think earth and water vector mage can fix human like that”. To derail that train of thoughts I say,
“I thought, I asked a question, who are this two?” Bow looked around as if searching for something and said
“This two helps me keep peace in this place” so they are some sort of bouncers?
“Now do you know this guy?” I say as I remove the hood of the thief’s head,
“I think it’s one of Belami’s thugs” said one of Bow’s bouncers,
“Who is that Belami you speak of” he looks at me with weird expression and say
“Not Berdandi it’s Belami and he and his thugs are now in control of this town” said Bow.
“Then it’s time to pay this Berdandi a visit” I say as I leave the room.
I walk on foot to the castle(fort/outpost) there’s a three thugs standing on guard at the entrance to castle, well they sitting on barrels drinking, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are on guard duty.
“Hey you there, where do you think you’re going?” said one of thugs as he noticed me,
“I came here to have a talk with Berdandi or whatever” I say in purposely offensive manner,
“You look to scrawny to be a mercenary, but I guess anyone will do, go see Bertrudy if she says you good, Belami will take a look at you before you can work for us” well that went better than I thought.
I was said to go towards noises of feast, and as I enter the big hall there is a lot of thugs here and there, and i see the bandit king on the middle of the U shaped table, there is drinks and food everywhere, some bandits drink while lying on the table, others eat doing the same, some dance on table, others in the middle of U shaped table having what seems an orgy with female slaves.
What i do now? I look for Bertrudy or whatever but before I do that, I slowly start walking towards the bandit leader, but before I walk past the middle of the table some women gets up from beside bandit leader, and walks towards me, as she approaches me while I kept walking, she signals me to stop, to which I ignore her and keep walking, then she says
“Boy what are you doing here don’t tell me you what to part of our gang?”, then I keep ignoring her and keep walking, to what she says
“Seize this fool he is trying to harm Belami”, and now I speak
“O no I just came here to have a little talk” I see as thugs rise one after another unsheathing their weapons but the first one to approach me flies through the whole room away to the one of wide hallways, looks like that scene triggered the memory of a few days prior, and smiley drunk expressions that filled the room, instantaneously changed to that of fear.
“So I see you thought some ropes would save you from my onslaught?” he looked at a couple of his thugs did he thought I was dead?
“You dared to harm people under my protection and now you want to sell them as slaves where are they?” for some reason he didn’t look even a bit scared, I wonder why, and then he shouted.
“Bertrudy kill that bastard!” before he ended his sentence I heard something whiz by me, as I look at the woman probably named Bertrudy she smiles at me with a creepy smile, I return the creepy smile and ask “Was that supposed to be a magic attack?” as i say that she sends flying towards me few of what looks like a (vacuum blades or air cavitation blade?) well a magic attack of wind element as they call it.
As she sees that there is zero effect whatsoever she starts to back away but not so fast {SGTM 0.1} wow that was faster than usual, ok never mind that now I had an interesting idea for this kind of good looking lady with a spoiled personality {player.addspell 179d9, player.addspell 179da, player.addspell 179db} and now [menu->magics->shouts->activate ‘Gol’, ‘Hah’, ‘Dov’] I spent dragon souls to activate sacred words of dragon tongue(Thu'um) and I shout "GOL HAH DOV---"(Bend Will) while mentally targeting her, wow this is gonna take forever, I am shouting out first word still better change time perception {SGTM 1} did I got better at controlling a console? Wow I hit here with a shout, ‘Bend Will’ and she is staring at me with a blank expression then I say “Protect me with your life” and she turns towards the armed thugs and starts to cut them up with wind attacks, until most of them drop weapons and cower in corners or just runaway, there is a few girls that look like slaves around bandit leader, they have some kind of choker on their necks {player.setav 00000458 100} [and Alteration skill is now lvl 100], [then I add all perks from Alteration with {player.addperk ids}] {player.addspell b62e6} [added Mass Paralysis spell] now equip a two handed skill and cast I successfully paralyzed everyone in this room and Trudy too, now I walk up to the bandit leader on a wooden throne and ask,
“What did make you think you can do whatever you want?” a he is paralyzed and can’t talk what do I do now? I pull him out of heap of slaves and walk outside of Big hall-room and up the stairs of the tower, hold him hanging by his leg, when paralysis wore off I ask him,
“Did you hear my previous question?” as I say that I hear footsteps coming up from the stairs and Trudy appears (ツルヂが でた), wait why and how this fast?
“Berdandi why are you here?” I ask Trudy and she reluctantly replies,
“I am here to protect you” well that’s interesting, I thought shout had a duration effect, but turns out it’s permanent, gotta be careful next time I give out orders under the effect of ‘bend will’.
“So Bera whatever you heard the question?” I ask bandit leader,
“You can be the leader I will give you anything please don’t kill me” that’s an interesting proposition,
“than you will happily become my slave?” he will say no and I let him have a flight
“Of course I will be the best general you could ever dreamed of” I was about to let him fly but what's with this obedience?
“Why are so eager to serve me?” if he lies or tries fool me I will let him fly,
“Why wouldn’t I, you can turn people it to slaves with just your voice, and even mage can’t handle you, you know she is a noble and nobles are very hard to turn to slaves!” well I think I could use an information fountain like him
"GOL HAH DOV, Serve me with your life and utmost loyalty” as I drag him up I hear behind me Trudy scream “Noooo...”.
please tell me what you think of this chapter
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