《Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An Autobiography》Closing Statements: The Biography Part 2 Of 2. The Epilogue
…Gary stared out from the ship, watching the ocean break apart as the ship ripped through it. He paid no mind to the passengers lounging in beach chairs underneath beach umbrellas or looking over the sides of the ship. Gary had plenty on his mind already. From his family and friends he left behind in Kanto, to his journeys through Kanto and Unova, to June.
June was in tears as she stared out from the ship on its way to Vermillion Harbor. Her hands gripped the strap of her huge bag that hung from her shoulder. She thought sadly of Gary as she watched her own tears fall from her cheeks. The tears disappeared long before she actually witnessed them hit the ocean, if they ever did at all. June ignored the people on the ship around her talking happily about arriving in Vermillion City, lost in her own sorrows. Even though she was finally heading back home, she questioned if she had made the right decision. What is it about this that bothers me so much? she wondered. Is it because I’m scared of seeing that man again after all this time? She thought of the intimidating though attractive figure of Lt. Surge, his army jacket open, revealing his cut chest and abs. June was hot enough in the sun as it was, and an added wave of heat hit her thinking of Lt. Surge, her face starting to flush red as a smirk crept across her face. Or is it… something else…? She wiped at her eyes as they filled with more tears, her smile vanishing. “Aaaaaaaahhh!!” she screamed as she felt a pair of powerful electric jolts go through her body. She collapsed helplessly, breathing hard, and turned around angrily. “Rotom! Electivire!” she shouted.
Rotom hovered above her, Electivire standing next to it. Both Pokemon were smiling down at her.
June knew they were only trying to cheer her up. She knew that they knew she was upset about things. She smiled at her Pokemon. “Thanks, guys.”
The restaurant in Striaton City was as busy as it usually was these days, the three brothers, Chili, Cilan, and Cress, running about with refined elegance to not only take orders and make food, but serve it as well.
They had never been as busy in all their lives since the day they hung the huge picture of Gary in their restaurant. Below the framed photo was a platinum plaque with the words: Having Served Gary: Unova’s Hero From Kanto’s Pallet Town! Proud to have defeated him in a peculiar tasting battle, and even prouder to have later been served a unique dish of defeat, presenting him with his first Badge in Unova.
Bianca bounced in place in front of a Machamp that flexed uncomfortably in front of her. “Oh, look at those muscles!” she gushed, and she stopped bouncing and adjusted her half rimmed glasses. Her hands then grabbed at her green fleece hat on her head. She reached out and squeezed Machamp’s multiple arms in turn, aroused by the muscles on the Pokemon. “Oh, goodness me! I just love muscles, honey!”
Virgil sighed, staring at his wife. “I know, honey. I know.” He knew where this was leading, and it honestly disturbed him a bit, as well as made him very jealous. He knew his own frame was a lot more modest than a Machamp’s, but he didn’t have time to work out and maximize the size of his muscles. Aren’t I good enough, considering all the work I do? he thought bitterly. Does she really need Machamp sized pecs in her life?
Bianca returned Machamp to its Poke Ball and placed it on the counter in the room they were in. She then gave Virgil that familiar, sultry look he’d come to know. “Oh, Virgiiiiilll…”
“Bianca, honestly, when you do this when we’re at home, it’s one thing. But, why in Prof. Juniper’s lab?” Virgil took a step back. “I really don’t-”
Bianca jumped Virgil and took him to the floor.
Something crashed, startling Virgil, but before he could say anything about it, his lips were covered by Bianca’s.
She pulled back, breathing hard, and pulled off Virgil’s brown vest.
Virgil gasped as he heard something rip. “Hey! Wait!” he protested, and sat up, placing his hands on his wife’s green skirt, his hands tightening on her thick hips that he loved so much. “Bianca, we can’t-!”
Her husband’s touch drove her insane with desire, and Bianca swiftly removed her white lab coat, her pronounced chest heaving underneath her white tank top. She forced him back down onto his back easily and kissed the black, long sleeved shirt that covered his chest. Her hands grabbed at his baggy brown pants, forcing their way down inside them.
The door to the room burst open.
“I heard something cra-ah-ah-aaahh…” Prof. Juniper’s voice came out weak and stunned as she saw her assistant and Virgil in a compromising position.
“Prof. Juniper!” Bianca pulled her hands out of her husband’s pants and crawled backwards until she bumped hard into a table, and something else fell and crashed to the floor.
“This isn’t how it…” Virgil stopped and sighed, lowering his head.
Prof. Juniper’s face went a deep red and her eyes rolled up to her head before she passed out and hit the floor.
“Prof. Juniper!” Bianca and Virgil cried out.
“Munna, defeat it with Psybeam!” a young Trainer told his Pokemon.
“Scolipede, you can do it! Steamroller!” Ike ordered his Pokemon.
“Scoooolipede!” Scolipede curled into a ball and spun at Munna quickly.
Munna attacked with Psybeam, but Scolipede leaped over the attack and slammed into the opposing Pokemon.
Munna slid on the ground and moaned weakly.
“Munna is unable to battle! Scolipede is the winner!” the referee in black pants, black shoes, and a black button up shirt, a purple bandana around his forehead, announced, waving to Ike. “This match goes to the Accumula Town Gym Leader, Ike!”
“Oh, no! We didn’t win!” the challenger groaned.
Ike ran to Scolipede and wrapped his arms around it. “We did it! We’re really winning matches, now!” He sighed and spoke more quietly so only he and Scolipede could hear. “Thank you, June. Thank you for everything.”
“The Kanto region’s Gary, coming all the way from Pallet Town, interrupted his challenge at the Interough Conference to stop Kiwi, accompanied by his friends, Robin and June, and destroyed her weapon of assured mass destruction, also saving the Legend, Kyurem’s, life,” the newswoman spoke.
Aurora gasped at the pictures shown onscreen, her eyes focusing on the face of the brown skinned child amongst the other two pale skinned kids. She adjusted her naked form under the thin sheet she and her husband were sharing and squinted. “It’s him again, Forrest,” she said coldly.
Her husband stirred and then continued snoring.
Aurora turned to him furiously, her blanket slipping from the top of her body, revealing her breasts. “Wake up!!”
“Huh?! What? Huh? What?!” He flapped around in confusion and sat up in bed, his bare, muscled chest heaving as he looked at his wife, startled. “What happened?” He saw his revealed wife and smiled stupidly.
Aurora growled.
Forrest didn’t even notice. He also didn’t notice the swift, open palm that slapped his nude body out of the bed.
Clay smiled sinisterly after his win against a Trainer as their platforms rose out of the underground cavern the battle was held in. The three-on-three match didn’t even require Clay to lose a Pokemon, defeating the kid with just his Gigalith.
The crowd’s cheers were deafening.
The electronic strip on the outside of Clay’s Gym proclaimed the words: VICTORY: CLAY. The words flew across the screen repeatedly. About an hour later, when the crowd was leaving the building, the words that normally passed across the screen were displayed: CHALLENGERS TO CLAY’S GYM, WELCOME. FACE THE COMPETITOR OF THE UNOVA REGION HERO, GARY. VIDEO FOR SALE. INQUIRE INSIDE FOR DETAILS.
Commercials for the video of Gary and Clay’s battle were shown heavily on TV, and they sold very well, despite the outrageous price. They were even promoted during commercials for upcoming matches for Clay’s matches against other Trainers!
As her ship reached Vermillion Harbor, June smiled and waved as she recognized the faces of several people on land.
Electivire and Rotom smiled, crowded by other people who were calling out to those they knew, as they gazed around at the people waving from the harbor.
“Mommy! Daddy!” June screamed, waving her arms as she jumped up and down.
Her adopted parents waved back, her mother wiping at her eyes, desperate for her daughter to be back in her arms again.
June’s eyes stopped on a Nurse Joy. Immediately, she knew who this was.
This Nurse Joy wasn’t just any Nurse Joy. This was the Gringey City Nurse Joy.
All Nurse Joys have a remarkable resemblance, but some people believe they can tell the differences between them.
The Nurse Joy June felt she was familiar with was the same one who gave her the Electirizer that evolved her Electabuzz. This nurse’s eyes widened as she spotted Electivire standing next to June.
Electivire also recognized the Nurse Joy and shouted out to her, waving his arm.
Nurse Joy let out a stunned, yet joyful cry and sniffled, waving at June and Electivire tearfully.
Gary sat on one side of a tree, his eyes closed tightly, his eyebrows narrowed in concentration, pondering what he should do next with his life, and where he should go.
Charizard sat at the opposite side of the tree, his eyes closed, smiling as the sun beamed down on him.
They both were sitting alone in the outskirts of Pallet Town.
Charizard opened one eye and stared towards Gary, not turning his head, and then closed it again, still smiling.
Ella and Trixa, down to their last Pokemon, were breathing as hard as their worn out Pokemon, glaring at each other.
Trixa’s Aerodactyl screamed out threateningly at Ella’s Pokemon.
Ella’s Omastar shouted back.
“Aerodactyl! Hidden Power!” Trixa shouted.
“Omastar! Use Gyro Ball!” Ella told her Pokemon.
Aerodactyl’s body became outlined in green. Crying out, it opened its mouth and a green orb formed inside of it.
The orb shot out at Omastar.
Omastar glowed light blue and leaped high into the air. It spun rapidly, pulling itself inside of its shell, and it flew at the Hidden Power attack. At the last second, it swiftly dodged to the side, the Hidden Power exploding as it crashed into the ground, and Omastar rammed into Aerodactyl’s face.
Aerodactyl wailed out and dropped.
Omastar landed and kept its eyes on Aerodactyl.
“Aerodactyl has been defeated! Omastar wins! This round goes to Ella!!” the referee declared.
The crowd went crazy, President Cyn speaking enthusiastically about the battle.
Trixa looked stunned as she stared at her defeated Pokemon.
Ella was thrilled to bits on the inside, but she held her excitement in and smiled at Trixa as she approached her. “Trixa, that was a really good battle. It was anyone’s match. I’m really sorry, though.” She extended her hand to her friend.
Trixa jumped, startled by Ella. She hadn’t even seen her walk towards her. She laughed. “Ella!” Trixa grabbed Ella’s hand and pulled her, taking her by surprise, and wrapped her up in a hug. “You don’t have to be sorry. Don’t sweat the small stuff. I guess this is where my journey comes to an end, huh?”
Ella hugged her friend back, confused. “An end?” She pulled away from Trixa and stared her in the eyes. “It doesn’t have to end here, Trixa. You can always compete here next year, or go to another region to try your luck there, too!”
Trixa just smiled at her friend, her eyes twinkling in the sunlight that shined on them.
The man smiled at the city around him.
It was a beautiful place, with not a sign of the horror that had taken place there about four years ago. Tall buildings reached into the sky alongside shorter buildings. Restaurants, toy stores, clothing shops, delis, banks, and many more establishments were all freshly built and ready to be run by a manager and open to the public.
Not every building in the city was completely reconstructed and ready to be used, plenty of them only halfway done being built while a few others had barely even been started.
Construction workers were in their bulldozers and cranes as they worked in the intense heat.
Silph Co. loomed most noticeably amongst the buildings due to its importance, and also because of its destruction years ago. It also stood out because it was one of only a few buildings in the city with any workers inside of it.
After all the years rebuilding Saffron City, most people were still too scared to return, even though the haunted Gym was torn down, and there had been no sights of the evil Haunter who took over the city since his defeat. Very few people lived there anymore.
The smile on the man’s face faded slightly. He was hopeful that people would return one day. As the new mayor of the city, he knew he had to do his best to return it back to its former glory. One day at a time, he told himself calmly. One day at a time.
“Ferrothorn!” Ferrothorn said happily, staring down at its defeated opponent, a Klinklang.
“Oh, no!” Ruko cried out in dismay at his Klinklang, its gears spinning weakly. “Good try. Return!” He recalled his Pokemon to its Poke Ball.
“Ferrothorn, good stuff!” The young boy returned his Pokemon and then looked up at Ruko. “Yo, that Klinklang was killer! You wanna trade for my Ferrothorn?”
Ruko’s eyes widened in shock. “You actually want my Klinklang? We lost!”
“You could have won, though! You weren’t really using the best order of moves for your Pokemon,” the boy insisted.
“Really…?” Ruko brushed his hair from his eyes.
“Yeah! I could teach you a bit about what you should have done in our battle with that Klinklang, but that thing was still fighting like crazy! That’s why I was sure I would lose. But using moves like Facade cost you. I can tell you what you did wrong, and I can even tell you what moves my Ferrothorn knows and the best combos to use with it to raise your chances of a win to almost a guarantee!”
“Wow…!” Ruko was excited by this, and he smiled. He opened his mouth to accept this guy’s offer, but then, his smile faded. He closed his eyes and angrily shook his head. When his eyes opened, he smiled at the boy again. “That’s kind of you, but I have to refuse. Thanks anyway.” Before the boy could plead his case, Ruko turned away and ran through the city they were in. He smiled as he ran, reflecting on a memory.
“You wanna trade that Snivy for my Zorua?” a boy asked Ruko about a year ago.
Zorua looked back at its Trainer for a moment before looking up at Ruko, who stared back at it with wide, intrigued eyes.
“I know we won, but Snivy is really cool, and tough! Plus, I can tell you all about Zorua’s moves and the best way to use it in battle!” the boy pleaded with Ruko. “Pleeeeease? Zorua’s a really rare Pokemon, too!”
Ruko’s Snivy managed to its feet after its defeat, groaning. It shook its head and looked back at Ruko, staring into its Trainer’s eyes.
Ruko looked back at his Snivy as he considered the offer.
Ruko shook his head hard, emotions rising up from his chest and into his eyes from the painful memory. He ran even harder, knowing that no matter how fast he ran, he’d never leave behind the regret he now felt over that first trade he selfishly made that cost him his very first Pokemon. But he refused to cry, but just learn from the experience. He slowed down to a walk, put on a brave face, and continued on towards his future.
Mrs. Tot sat in her house, in the dark, crying. She had been in her room for days, and hadn’t eaten in just as long. All she could think of was the fact that, essentially, her daughter had killed her own father. Mrs. Tot’s husband. Knowing her daughter had no regret over it made the pain even worse, and she knew she would be haunted by this for the rest of her life. She contemplated suicide a lot these days. The smell of vomit was strong and made her nauseous, but she refused to clean it up, or do anything else with herself. Despite the high temperature in her room, Mrs. Tot was freezing cold, shivering uncontrollably in her bed underneath a blanket.
Courtney looked around at her location.
New Bark Town. The town was more like a city with its tall, commercial buildings everywhere.
Well, here I am, she thought to herself. Johto. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply as a strong wind blew against her, blowing her blonde hair back wildly. The town where the winds of new beginnings blow, Courtney thought to herself. Her eyes opened and she glared ahead. This is where I can start fresh, all over again. Just me and Sceptile, like it’s always been. No more Gary. No more redhead. Why couldn’t they have just died in the explosion? I swear, if I run into them again, I’ll…
A strong wind blew against her again.
She breathed out and then inhaled again, trying to calm herself down. New beginnings, Courtney. New beginnings. I won’t see either of them ever again. This is where I start anew. Despite the obvious rage she felt for Gary, the loathing she held towards him, there was a feeling of regret in a very deep place within her that she was well aware of. I did one good thing, Courtney told herself. One act of kindness. For that, I feel redeemed enough. She smiled, satisfaction relieving her of her anger.
“There he is! Gary! It’s him again!” Gale excitedly pointed at the news on the television, having pulled her confused husband into the living room from the kitchen. She was jumping up and down like a thrilled five year old.
On the screen was a picture of Gary, the news reporter speaking of the kid who had stopped Kiwi’s planned attack against the planet.
Vincent had his lips puckered out, staring at himself in the humongous, gold framed mirror before him as he applied lip gloss to them. Sitting in his magnificent, golden chair, leaning over his luxurious, golden table, he occasionally glanced at the TV behind him through the mirror as a news report was given on the foiled plot Kiwi had attempted to fulfill. He sputtered and dropped his lip gloss on the table, jumping out of the chair and turning to the television. “What?!?!”
“Sweetheart, that’s the same child who survived the attack against Team Solace at the Kanto League a few years ago, isn’t it?” Vincent’s wife, Erika, said calmly, fanning herself with her hand-held paper fan.
Vincent stood in black stretch pants, his shirtless chest heaving hard as he stared in shock at Gary’s picture on the screen.
Tera was laying on her bed, on her back, holding a newspaper.
Gary’s face was on the front page, the words: KANTO KID STOPS UNOV-ERSAL JUDGMENT on the top of it.
Tera hugged the newspaper to her chest and sighed happily, her eyes closed. When she opened them, she was gazing at the ceiling of her room.
“Spina! Rak!” A Spinarak crawled along the ceiling, stopping on the face of Gary that was plastered there, taken from an old newspaper.
The paper was torn in half, only keeping Gary’s face intact. The words: CONNECTIONS BETWEEN- were still there, and underneath that read: AND- The rest of the words didn’t make it past Tera’s cutting. More pictures of Gary from magazines and newspapers were all over the walls and ceiling of her room.
Dame Hydraen attacked June’s Electivire with Dragon Rush, her body surrounded by a light blue orb with white streaks. As she flew at Electivire, her body was covered by a dragon-shaped energy, and she slammed into the Electric type.
“VIIIIIIIIRRRRE!!” Electivire’s stomach flashed white from the Critical Hit. He slid back painfully but didn’t fall.
“Electivire, don’t stop! Use your Ice Punch, now!” June shouted.
Electivire shook off the powerful hit he had taken and pulled back an icy fist, leaping at Dame Hydraen and slugging her in the chest.
Dame Hydraen belted out painfully as her chest started to become covered in ice.
“Dame Hydrean, Fire Punch your chest and smash that!” Robin yelled.
Dame Hydraen raised a fist and it burst into flames. She punched at the ice that was taking over her body and it was destroyed, breaking into pieces. She shouted challengingly at Electivire.
Electivire growled back, eager to continue battling.
“You’re really something nowadays, June, ha ha ha ha ha!” Robin laughed, winking at her.
“We’ve only just begun, Robin,” June smiled back teasingly, her cheeks flushing lightly with a red hue.
“Same here! Dame Hydraen, Fire Blast!”
“Electivire, Thunder, now!”
Lt. Surge smiled proudly as he watched the battle, his arms crossed over his chest, his right hand on his chin, nodding.
Both Electivire and Dame Hydraen roared powerfully and attacked.
Fire Blast and Thunder met in midair and exploded, covering the field in smoke.
“Pansage, use Bite, now!” the young girl ordered her Pokemon.
“Gastly, use Night Shade!” the opponent ordered Gastly.
“Pansaaage!” Pansage ran towards Gastly.
“Gaaaaastly!” Gastly’s eyes glowed bright pink and its body turned a pale purple. Multiple crimson rings flew out from its body.
“Paaaan!” Pansage’s attack was interrupted as its body was surrounded by a matching pale purple. It was forced to the ground on its back.
“Come on, Pansage, we can do this! Let’s get our first Badge!” the girl encouraged her Pokemon.
“Saaaage… Pan!” The purple faded from around Pansage and it wearily got back up.
Shane watched the battle taking place between a young girl and her Pansage, and a Gastly that was taking orders from a young man who looked exactly like him.
A Haunter hovered over the illusion of Shane, laughing to itself, unseen by Pansage or the girl Trainer.
The girl watched her Pansage cry out determinedly as it stood on what she and her Pokemon believed to be the Gym floor, unaware that there was no Gym. She and her Pokemon were actually outside in the middle of Obsidian City, believing they were battling for the Dimensia Badge against Shane!
The real Shane sighed tiredly and shook his head, his hand to his forehead. Not again… he thought.
“We’re still here waiting for Gary to appear for his battle against Ella,” President Cyn said. “I’ve gotta say, to leave such a fine dime as Ms. Binks hangin’ like this, totally not cool, bro! Oh, and also, by calling her a dime, I am absolutely not hitting on her. I got plenty of fine, full grown, brown sugar babies waitin’ for me at mah crib on mah laptop. I mean, on mah bed. Ha ha ha ha ha! I’ma get in trouble for that one. HA HAAAA!”
Ella looked around tearfully, waiting for Gary to appear, gripping a Poke Ball in her hand. Knowing he would appear.
He had to!
For every second that passed without Gary appearing, Ella’s heart slammed itself more and more painfully against her throat.
The referee approached Ella and stopped near her with a stern face.
“No!” she pleaded to him.
The referee raised one hand. “We’ve waited long enough. At your insistence, I gave you an extra fifteen minutes, and then another ten. Due to not arriving, I hereby declare that Gary has forfeited this match against you. You are the winner!”
Ella dropped her Poke Ball at the announcement, more tears flowing from her eyes as she stared at the referee with her mouth wide open.
“And that’s it, y’all! It’s official! Even if Gary appeared right now, it’s too late! Ella Jane Binks wins and is moving on to the second round!” President Cyn shouted out.
Ella lowered her head against the silence of the crowd that was watching her, thinking that this was possibly the most embarrassed she had ever felt in her entire life. She could only think of one other time she had felt so embarrassed.
When Gary had left her during their date.
She covered her face and ran out of the stadium, tears silently streaming down her face, completely forgetting her Poke Ball on the ground.
Mrs. Tot knocked on the front door, and her hands went through her freshly washed hair nervously. She had taken a shower for the first time in almost a month, this also being the first time in that time period that she had left her house. She hadn’t eaten a proper meal in that same amount of time, and it showed in how skinny she had gotten. She no longer had her curves. “Esto es estúpido. No puedo!” Mrs. Tot cried, and she turned from the door, ready to run.
The front door opened.
“Mrs. Tot?” Gary’s mother gasped.
Two more gasps were heard from inside of the house.
Mrs. Tot turned around, shivering that very hot day, sweating, her arms wrapped around her body.
“Oh, my gosh! Mrs. Tot!” Gary’s mother ran to her and held her shoulders. “What’s happened to you??”
Mrs. Tot looked back shakily and noticed that Gary’s mother’s eyes were red and puffy, dried lines of tears on her cheeks. Mrs. Tot’s head lowered as she turned away and she wept loudly.
“Oooh, it’s okay,” Gary’s mother told her soothingly. “Come inside, please. I think you belong with us today, okay?” She wrapped one arm around Mrs. Tot’s shoulders and guided the woman towards her house.
Mrs. Tot sniffled repeatedly and followed Gary’s mother. She looked up and came to a stop, gasping.
Staring at her in disbelief from the doorway was Ms. Say and Gary. Both of them had red, puffy eyes.
Mrs. Tot covered her face and cried even harder.
Gary and Ms. Say shared a caring smile before turning to Mrs. Tot and stepping aside as she was guided inside.
The young fourteen year old stared at the TV screen.
A newsman was speaking about the leader of Team Solace, who apparently had been stopped by a young kid named Gary while she was attempting to launch a catastrophic attack in Unova.
The girl squinted hard at the photo of a boy with brown skin and a crooked, though sweet, smile. “The boy from the Kanto League attack?” she muttered. He looks so familiar, she thought. Where do I know him from? The girl had the same reaction the first time she had seen Gary in the news after Team Solace had been stopped back in Kanto. She was unable to pinpoint exactly where she had seen Gary before, or if she had truly ever seen him in her life. But he looked so familiar to her…
“Drocky! I said it’s time to go!” a woman shouted from outside of the house.
Drock shook her head. “Coming, Mummy!” She ran away from the TV and out the front door. “Beeeeeeedriiiiill!! It’s time to goooooo!”
Beedrill flew through the beautiful garden in front of the house, having been focused on a large sunflower, and past a window of the house, not even noticing the television, and flew after his Trainer.
Peter typed on his keyboard rapidly, a serious glare on his face, his eyes focused on the screen of his desktop computer.
A series of letters and numbers and complicated formulas flowed down the screen continuously. Suddenly, a black box opened up on the screen.
“Huh?” Peter stopped typing and leaned back. He rubbed his eyes and then squinted.
The black box was a video.
“Gary, one of the survivors of the Kanto League attack about three years ago, appeared once again during one of Team Solace’s schemes,” a news reporter said from the box.
“Whoa-ho-ho!” Peter laughed. “It’s him!”
A white light covered the screen temporarily while the news reporter continued talking, and two beings flew out of the light before it vanished.
Porygon2 and Porygon watched the report cheerfully with Peter.
“You sure you’re okay with this, Cottonee?” Gary asked his Pokemon as they stood outside together under the hot sun. A welcome breeze hit Gary and his Pokemon, the areas of Gary that were wet with his sweat becoming cool. Gary enjoyed the chill, keeping his solemn eyes on Cottonee.
“Coooottoneeeee!” Cottonee said joyously.
“There’s no going back once this happens, bud,” Gary warned him, his heart beating hard. He raised his hand with the stone in it. “There’s no need to do this unless you really want to.”
“Cooottonee! Cooooooottonee!” Cottonee nodded eagerly.
Gary released his breath happily and nodded at his friend. “Then let’s give it a shot!” He raised the Sun Stone towards Cottonee and pressed it against his body.
Cottonee flashed with a blinding light.
Gary shielded his eyes and backed away from his Pokemon.
Cottonee’s body lowered to the ground as it began to shift and twist its form. The light flashed again and disappeared as it sprinkled to the ground. “Whimsicott!” the new Pokemon exclaimed.
“Whimsicott!” Gary gasped. “Ha! Courtney told the truth! I’ve got a Whimsicott!” Gary knelt down and opened his arms.
“Whimsicott!” Whimsicott ran towards Gary and leaped into his arms, hugging him and feeling warmed by his Trainer’s hug.
“Congratulations, Whimsicott! This is awesome!” Gary enjoyed the soft feel of the cotton around his Pokemon’s body pressed against his face and arms.
“Cott! Whimsi!” Whimsicott agreed.
Cory’s room door burst open, startling Cory and causing him to almost drop his book as he looked up in fear. As a Ghost type Gym Leader, being scared wasn’t something that occurred often to him or his brother, but it was in fact Spector who had scared him just now, running into his room. “Spector, what is going on? Surely, you have the decency to-” Cory said angrily.
“Dude, you’ve gotta see this!” Spector ran to Cory’s bed and pulled him from it.
Cory’s book fell from his hands. He reached out frantically to catch it, but it landed on the bed, closed. “My page!!” Cory raged. He absolutely hated to lose his place in a book! “CORY!!”
“Screw that book! The TV! It’s important!” Spector pulled his brother, who was actually more muscular than his skinny self, out of his room and down the hallway.
“Spector, if this information is not absolutely requiring my immediate attention, and I have lost my place in my book I was reading, which is the latest thriller from Chauntel, mind you, over nothing, I promise you-” Cory threatened as he was dragged into his brother’s room.
“It’s him!” Spector pointed at the TV in his room, something his brother’s room lacked.
Gary’s face was on the screen, the news reporter speaking about how he saved the world from Kiwi’s intended plan.
Cory’s eyes widened as he stared at the screen, dumbfound, his mouth open, his breath flowing out noisily.
“Chandelure!” The Ghost Pokemon floated through the wall and into Spector’s room, followed by a couple of Lampent and several Litwick.
“Jellicent!” The Ghost type also appeared after the Litwick.
The group of Pokemon were all curious as to what was going on. They all cried out happily at once as they saw Gary’s face onscreen.
“Elesa, enough is enough! Stop seeking sympathy and pitying yourself and get out of this rut already!” the Flying Gym Leader, Skyla, shouted at Unova’s Electric Gym Leader. She’d been trying to comfort Elesa for almost three hours now, but Elesa was refusing to stop crying and moping.
Elesa had a brown paper bag with eyeholes over her head. She gasped loud and long and cried harder than ever, her hands to her face. “Just go away!!” she shrieked at Skyla. “I just want to be left alone!!” She grabbed at the paper bag and tossed it to the ground, revealing her mascara smeared face. “And I can’t breathe in that damn bag!” She covered her face and continued to cry. “Just leave me alone… Why don’t you just go away already? Don’t you get that I don’t want you here? Just get out of my Gym! Allow me the dignity to die without having poisoned someone else’s eyes at my ugliness. I have no friends! I have no family! I have no future! I have only myself!”
Skyla slapped Elesa in the face.
With a gasp, Elesa was silenced. Her head had jerked to the side, her eyes to the floor. Tearfully, cautiously, she looked up at Skyla, stunned, her eyes wide with fear.
Skyla glared down at Elesa, her arms crossed over her chest.
The half-naked Elesa whimpered and was about to cry again, her lips quivering, her cheek now red and stinging.
Skyla got down to her knees and her face softened. She raised a hand and placed one finger on Elesa’s lips, silencing her. “You have your Pokemon, Elesa,” she spoke softly. She smiled slowly, gently, lovingly. “You can’t forget that your Pokemon are by your side. They always have been, and they always will be.”
Elesa sniffled hard.
“And you know your family loves you,” Skyla continued, her finger lowering from Elesa’s face. “You can’t break contact with people and then act as if they’re avoiding you. And don’t tell me you don’t have any friends, because I’m only here because I’m your friend. You know that, Elesa. Right?” She stared into Elesa’s blue eyes with her own blue eyes.
Elesa stared back into Skyla’s doe-eyed face. “Oh, Skyla!” she sobbed, and lunged at her, wrapping her arms around Skyla’s sky blue jumper in a tight hug, crying against her.
“It’s okay, Elesa. It’s okay. I’m here.” Skyla hugged her best friend, rubbing the bare skin on Elesa’s back between her matching black and yellow bra and panties, slowly.
Both women sat on the floor in each other’s arms in the middle of the bathroom.
Stoutland, Snover, Cottonee, Elgyem, Excadrill, Seismitoad, Darmanitan, Sawk, Unfezant, Electivire, Lanturn, Vaporeon, Galvantula, Manectric, Ampharos, Pikachu, Weepinbell, Butterfree, Magnezone, Blitzle, Dugtrio, Kingdra, Noctowl, Primeape, Charizard, Baltoy, Drifblim, Rotom, Prof. Oak, June, and Gary were the only ones inside of the House Of Memories that day. The party had been granted permission to be in that room that day without any other people, including the owner.
June, Prof. Oak, and the Pokemon were in tears, none crying harder than Gary. The others were offering pained sniffles compared to Gary’s open cries, his hands muffling the noise a little as he covered his face, kneeling before a gravestone, his head down.
Prof. Oak wiped at his tear-filled face with the sleeve of his lab coat, shakily gripping his cane tightly.
June slowly approached Gary, stopping next to him. She got down on her knees.
Gary could feel June’s presence, and he took June by surprise as he quickly reached out and wrapped his arms around her, crying against her.
June held him tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks even faster, and she looked at the gravestone in front of them, reading the name to herself.
Her eyes moved over to the gravestone behind it, and she silently read the name.
She swallowed hard and closed her eyes, quietly crying even more, and she hugged Gary tighter.
Ella walked down an open, dirt plain, her hands in the pockets of her blue denim short shorts. She was glaring down, and her eyes closed as the wind whipped up some dirt around her. She didn’t care that she had won the Unova League. She didn’t care that she was taking the steps very few were privileged to take; seeking out the members of the Unova Elite Four. The only thing she could think about was the fact that Gary had not shown up for their battle. Despite most of the world knowing by now why Gary had skipped the Unova League match, Ella had been left out on the information. Once she had won the Unova League, she immediately, and angrily, pursued the Elite Four, pain in her heart.
Traveling as a Pokemon Trainer makes it hard to keep up with the things going on in the world, making television in buildings like Pokemon Centers, and picking up a newspaper every once in a while, very vital.
Cursing Gary’s name, Ella stomped ahead. Her eyes would water every once in a while, but she remained strong for herself and shook away her honest feelings of sadness, confusion, and concern over Gary. I hate him, she tried to convince herself. I hate him! Her eyes filled with tears again, and she angrily wiped at them with the back of her hand, sniffling hard. She came to a stop and gasped as more dirt was blown through the air at her, but it was more than just dirt.
Something glittery was sparkling around her, too! She shielded her eyes as a large shadow covered her, and she looked up as something descended from the sky, glitter falling all around her.
It was a huge, pink flower, taller than Ella herself! It hovered over her. The giant petals of the plant opened, and the entire thing seemed to disintegrate into nothing!
Ella blinked against the glitter still falling into her face as she stared up at a beautiful blonde woman who floated in the air.
The woman quickly, but softly, descended to the ground, smiling sleepily at Ella in a white and pink nightgown, a large, white nightcap on her head, and pink sandals on her feet. Her mounds of flowing, blonde hair was wider than her entire body and reached down almost to the ground. A big pink bow was nestled in her hair by each side of her face.
The glitter stopped falling around the two girls.
“Caitlin!” Ella gasped in disbelief.
Trixa stared at her little brother eating his chicken fingers at the table.
The child grabbed another piece of chicken and dunked it into the ketchup on his plate, mashing into it, and then he made sounds like a plane as he swung his hand through the air, playing with his food.
Trixa smiled at the sight, and her eyes began to tear up.
“Trixa? Did you hear me?” Trixa’s mother said loudly.
“Huh?” Trixa’s smile faded as she turned to her parents. “Oh.” She wiped at her cheek as something rolled down it and then she stared at her hand. Something wet was there. A teardrop?
“Trixa, is something wrong?” her father asked, lowering his fork that was stabbed through a piece of his cheeseburger he had cut with his knife.
Trixa turned back to her brother, who had stopped playing with his chicken and turned to his older sister.
He stuffed his food into his mouth and chewed it slowly, watching Trixa.
Trixa turned to her parents. “I hope not, daddy. Right now, everything is perfect, but it doesn’t stay that way.”
Trixa’s father stared at her in confusion, her mother watching her daughter curiously.
“Trixa, what’s going on? You’re not making any sense,” Trixa’s dad insisted.
Trixa swallowed nervously, but she knew she had to say what was on her mind. She narrowed her eyebrows and cleared her throat, building up her courage. She then inhaled deeply. “I’m quitting becoming a Pokemon Trainer!”
Nobody spoke after this.
Trixa’s little brother swallowed his food hard, his wide eyes on Trixa.
Trixa smiled. “Mommy, daddy, Ceaser. I missed each and every one of you so bad on my journey. It’s not the life for me. I want to be home with my family!”
Trixa’s mother sighed with relief. “Honey, if you want to stay and not be a Pokemon Trainer, you know that’s your decision and we all more than support-”
“It’s not just that, mommy!” Trixa interrupted. She shook her head as her eyes filled with tears. “Excuse me for interrupting you, mommy. I’m really sorry. It’s just… I love you.” She turned to her dad. “And I love you, too, daddy.” She closed her eyes and her hands rose to the sides of her head. “But I can’t stand the fighting!” Tears flowed down her face. “I don’t want you two to get divorced again! You have no idea what I went through during that time! And then, when you got back together, the fighting drove me away to become a Trainer! I left to get away from the noise!” She covered her face as she began to sob uncontrollably. “But… But… But… I don’t wannaaaa!” Trixa continued to cry, letting a lot off of her chest. She gasped as she felt something touch both of her shoulders. She turned to see her dad standing at her left, his hand on her shoulder.
He smiled at his daughter. “Trixa. I’m so sorry for putting you through so much pain.”
“Daddy…” Trixa trembled as she turned to her right and saw her mother.
“Baby, we love you. And we love each other. And we love Ceaser, too.” She released her daughter’s other shoulder and ran her hand through Trixa’s hair. “I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for my part in driving you away. I had no idea.”
“Mommy…” Trixa smiled.
Ceasar appeared next to his mother, crying silently as he stared at Trixa. “I don’t want you to go again, sis.” He turned to his mom. “Or you, mommy.” He turned to his dad. “Or you, daddy! I just want us all to stay. Pleeeease! Nobody leave! Ever! Let’s stay here forever!”
Trixa’s parents joined their daughter as they all stared lovingly at the young boy.
Trixa looked up at her parents.
The parents turned to Trixa before looking at each other.
Trixa’s dad walked over to his wife and gently wrapped his arms around her.
Trixa’s mom sighed comfortably and leaned against her husband’s chest, her arms wrapping around his waist. “Forever.”
Trixa’s dad kissed his wife’s forehead. “Forever.”
Trixa got to her feet and hugged her dad from behind. “Forever!” she said happily.
Ceaser hugged his mom from behind. “Forever!” he shouted.
“Forever!” Trixa’s dad yelled.
“Forever!” Trixa’s mom screamed.
“FOREVER!” Trixa screamed even louder.
“FOREVER!!” Ceasar screamed even louder than her.
“FOREVER!!” Trixa’s mom’s voice was even higher than before.
“FOREVER!!” Trixa’s voice competed with her mother’s.
“FOREVER!!!” Trixa’s father’s voice boomed throughout the house.
The family laughed with each other as they held tightly onto each other with love.
“In recognition of your work as a Pokemon Ranger, you are hereby promoted to 7 Rank Area Ranger and presented with your very own Capture Styler. Congratulations, Kai Eraser.” The man behind the podium, wearing a dark blue suit, handed Kai the mostly red object.
Kai was in tears, beaming brightly as she stood onstage with the man and excitedly snatched the item away from him.
The man looked surprised at Kai’s action, but he laughed it off and applauded with everyone else.
The people in the room were mostly other Pokemon Rangers, most sitting in metal chairs, watching the stage, while a line of other Pokemon Rangers waited onstage to be presented with either their own Capture Styler or other reward.
Kai was trembling as she stared at her machine, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Yyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!! I finally got my own Capture Styler!!” She swung her arms out and cheered.
The crowd gasped and the room went silent.
“Oops.” Kai covered her mouth and stared down at the man who had just awarded her the Capture Styler.
His left eye was blackened where Kai had accidentally socked him with the device, unconscious on the floor.
“Whimsicott! Whimsicott! Whimsicott!” Whimsicott jumped repeatedly, pointing at the television screen that held Gary’s face.
Gramma stared at the screen from her couch and smiled. She turned to her Whimsicott. “He saved the world! Pretty cool, huh?”
“Whimsicott! Whimsicott!!” Whimsicott jumped excitedly, jabbing towards the screen. “Whimsicott!! Whimsicott!!”
Gramma became confused. “What is it? You’re acting as if you know him or something, ha ha!” She turned away from Whimsicott’s cries and jumps and stared at the screen, scratching her head.
Gary’s face faded away and was replaced with the image of a smiling Prof. Oak.
“Due in large part to Gary, Prof. Oak’s name has been strengthening in popularity following the downfall of Team Solace,” the newsman spoke. “Members all over the world are being arrested, while police as still searching for other, more elusive members.”
Prof. Oak’s face disappeared from the screen and was replaced with four rows of faces belonging to other people, each row holding five faces.
“Here are some pictures of people associated with Team Solace that police are still after. William Skippy, also referred to as Captain Billy, Dave-”
“So sad,” Gramma shook her head. “At least the team is done with. Amazing what good kids are doing these days, right, Whimsicott?”
“Whimsicott…” Whimsicott sighed and lowered her head in dismay, giving up.
“Scolipede is out…! Bisharp is actually the winner! Yooooo, this is insane! Virbank City’s Lana has beaten Roxie in a three-on-one battle!” the announcer at Virbank Gym shouted in disbelief at the turnout of the Gym battle. “Roxie may have only had one Pokemon, but it’s really unlike girlfriend to lose, even with the disadvantage! This is also the first time in this Gym’s history that a Steel type has beaten any of Roxie’s Pokemon! To add to that, Lana didn’t lose a single Pokemon! Another first from a challenger! The series of losses lately are seriously not like our Roxie! Her concentration has been totally out of whack lately!”
“Bisharp!” Bisharp stood up straight and looked back at its Trainer as she jumped for joy over her win.
She was the only one making any noise in the now silent building.
The crowd that had been rocking out to Roxie and her band’s music was staring in shock at the stage.
Roxie and her band were motionless, their eyes on the beaten Scolipede.
Roxie’s bottom lip quivered, and she turned to the back of the stage, where her Garbodor sat on the floor tiredly, looking miserable.
Most of its face was wrapped up in bandages, a black eye patch over one eye.
Roxie grabbed at her hair and tugged it hard, shrieking into the microphone in rage at the top of her lungs.
The unmerciful wind blew hard, Gary shivering miserably, tortured by his beloved low temperatures he was mostly fond of when he was dressed adequately. Despite wearing his black winter coat, black gloves, a black beanie, black boots and dark blue jeans, Gary was chilled almost as if he were naked. His serious eyes were focused on the same thing his companions were also eyeing silently, everyone frozen to the core, but everyone also willing to be there.
Very little dirt blew loose through the air, and the grass was bending wildly, but securely fastened to the ground underneath the gray sky.
Gary was the first to step up to the gray stone tablet sticking out from the ground.
Robin, dressed in a tighter fitting gray coat, the hood pulled down over his solemn face, his hands in his pockets, was the next to step up, stopping next to Gary.
June, in her red, puffy coat, her hands also in her pockets, stepped up after Robin in her red boots that stopped just short of the knees of her tight black jeans.
They all continued to stare at the short piece of stone.
Gary’s eyes watered from the cold, and he tried to blink it away, but the constant gusts of wind had other plans for him. He knew the wind was causing the least of his tears. The cold he was enduring, however brutal, meant nothing compared to the reason he was out here in the first place. He stood there patiently, sitting on words he wished he had, but didn’t.
The trio stood there patiently, not waiting for anything in particular, but knowing something was coming, one way or another.
After an untraceable period of time, Gary finally cleared his throat.
His two friends didn’t budge. They didn’t even react.
“In your name, it’ll never be over,” Gary spoke softly. He cleared his throat even louder, making June and Robin look up at him. This time, he spoke even louder. Stronger. “This all continues for you. For what you left us to allow us to continue to do. We do this for you. Our goal will never stop. You’re on this journey with us. We’re forever together. Everything is for you. The good…” Gary hesitated. “…the misguided…”
June swallowed hard, her eyes on Gary.
Robin stared firmly at Gary and sniffled as his nose ran with mucus.
“It’s all for the love of you,” Gary proceeded. “We love you. Me, Robin, June, Kiwi.” Gary placed his hand on the gravestone. “One.”
Robin’s eyes looked over at Gary’s hand, and he reached over and placed his hand on top of Gary’s. “Two.” He kept his eyes on his hand.
June stared at Robin’s hand as she placed her hand on top of Robin’s. “Three.”
The three turned to each other with stern faces.
Robin’s was the first to lighten up into a slight smile.
June saw this and turned hopefully to Gary, who followed Robin’s lead, smiling warmly at him, and then at June. June let out a light, joyful cry, tears flowing down her face.
They all nodded once, and, throwing their hands up in the air, in unison, they cried, “Four!”
The following yell that followed was: “KANTO!”
“That was genius!” Burgh shouted from his room.
“No, no, no. What you were doing was truly genius!” Kiwi insisted from her own private room. “You’re truly a mad man!” She laughed loudly.
“You, my lady, are truly the most creative mind this planet has locked away out of fear, not realizing how crucial you are to a truly better world,” Burgh complemented Kiwi, most of his face wrapped in gauze.
“They certainly can’t keep us here forever! These straitjackets have no restraint on our all-powerful minds!” Kiwi laughed, scars and bandages on her own face.
“I still have my formulas memorized in my head, and nobody will get them from me! NOBODY!! You and I, Kiwi! You and I! The world is ours!!” Burgh cackled evilly.
Both Kiwi and Burgh laughed maniacally, four guards standing outside of each of their individual padded rooms, shaking their heads sadly over the patients staying at Abete Mental Health Facility.
Gary smiled at Mrs. Tot, Ms. Say, Prof. Oak, Mr. and Mrs. Butters, Robin, his grandmother, his aunt, and his mom amongst the crowd of other residents of Pallet Town.
Gary’s mother was the only one not smiling.
Robin stepped up to Gary and extended his hand, smiling.
Gary took it with a daring smile and they both struggled to squeeze the life out of each other’s hand, keeping their eyes on each other’s.
“Good luck, Gary. You’re totally gonna rock things over there,” Robin told Gary.
“Good luck to you, too, Rob,” Gary said. “You’re going all the way this time. Train harder than ever.”
“As always, man.”
Both young men nodded before releasing hands.
Gary looked up at his mother, whose face held disapproval, but she was smirking at the two friends. Her minor smile faded when her son looked at her.
“I’ll be back in about a year, mom,” Gary said, his smile fading slightly. “I love you.”
She looked away from him and crossed her arms, glaring into the hot sun, and she huffed.
The crowd watched this conflict between parent and child uncomfortably.
Gary’s smile broadened and he nodded. “Bye, everyone!” He waved at the crowd before giving one last glance at his mom, and he ran, leaving Pallet Town.
Tears fell from his mother’s eyes as she turned her head in the direction her son took off and painfully watched him leave, the anger on her face vanishing instantly and being replaced with a mournful look. She didn’t say a word.
“You’re sure about this, right?” June asked Pikachu as she sat on her knees in her room.
“Pika! Chuuuuu!” Pikachu nodded eagerly.
“This is really a big deal, Pikachu. I don’t want you to have any regrets about this or anything.” June twirled the stone in her hand nervously, her eyes on her Pikachu as her heart slammed into her stomach nonstop. “Maybe you should have a talk with Electivire about this, first. I mean, it might be scary, or hurt, or feel weird, or change everything about you and make-”
“Pikachu!” Pikachu leaped at June’s hand and wrapped himself around it, his body pressing against the Thunder Stone.
June gasped. “Pikachu! No!”
Pikachu’s body flashed white and he fell to the ground.
June’s fist tightened around nothing, though just a second ago, the Thunder Stone had been there.
Pikachu grew taller, his tail stretched longer, and his body grew wider. The light around his body flashed even brighter before vanishing. “Raichu!”
June’s eyes watered as she stared at her new Pokemon. “Raichu!” she gushed. “You’re a Raichu, now! I can’t believe it! This is wonderful! I could just-!”
“Chuuuuuuu!!” Raichu closed his eyes and hit June with a Thunderbolt.
June shrieked and collapsed to the floor weakly, shivering uncontrollably. “R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-Raich-ch-ch-ch-chu-u-u-u?”
“Raaaaiii…” Raichu glared at June, his cheeks sparking scarily, and he took a step towards his Trainer.
June regained some control over her body and sat up, still twitching, surprised by just how much of a boost in power Raichu now had. She crawled backwards on the floor until she bumped into her bed. Her body let off sparks, her hair reaching out into the air at all angles. “R-Rai-Raichu! Wait a minute! Please! It’s me! June!! Don’t do this!”
“Raaaaaaaiii…” Raichu’s cheeks sparked even stronger.
“Can’t we talk about this?” June begged frightfully.
“CHUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!” Raichu zapped June again.
June’s scream turned quickly into laughter as she rolled on her back on the floor.
“Chuuuuu!” Raichu leaped on top of June.
She grunted under Raichu’s new weight but wrapped her arms around him. “Raichu! Don’t you scare me like that again!”
She continued to laugh as Raichu sent another friendly jolt that surrounded their bodies as they laughed together. They were laughing so hard and loud, they didn’t even hear the door open.
June’s parents’ concerns when they heard their daughter’s screams faded away instantly to smiles and sighs of relief as they saw her and Raichu laughing on the floor in the middle of a bright yellow bolt of electricity.
The Oak Pokemon Research Laboratory wasn’t what it used to be, but construction workers were hard at work alongside scientists as its rebuilding took place.
A small building stood several feet from where the old lab building once was. It had a few computers and other machines hooked up inside so the professor could continue his research while the destroyed mansion was being rebuilt.
Renovations on the land of the Oak Corral were also underway.
There were several different kinds of Pokemon flying, swimming, running, and napping outside.
Prof. Oak and Tracey looked over the landscape at all that was happening.
Snover was making friends with a Growlithe who was wagging its tail cheerfully while eating a Snoverberry that Snover had given it.
Whimsicott and Weepinbell were playing with a variety of other Grass and Bug types in the woods.
Unfezant, Noctowl, Butterfree, a large group of Ledyba, a Braviery, and a Pidgeot were flying through the sky together.
Sawk was training by himself, destroying boulders far off in an area Prof. Oak and Tracey had built a long time ago just for Pokemon like Sawk that require solitude and were creating loud explosive noises while training that echoed throughout the lab, even at late hours.
Primeape, upset that he couldn’t train with the private Sawk, trained by himself, letting out his rage as he attacked trees, boulders, and sometimes other Pokemon or people.
Kingdra was in the pond with the other Water types like Poliwrath, Seaking, Seismitoad, and even the Ekans and Arbok who came by on occasion to swim with the others.
Elgyem kept to himself, always watching what was going on, and creeping out many of the Pokemon. He slept very rarely, too. He would have been a good security camera, except he was very uncooperative with anyone, but Prof. Oak believed he would come around in time.
Dugtrio was a shy Pokemon, but he seemed to find a place amongst the other Diglett and Dugtrio that lived in the woods.
Baltoy spun throughout the plains freely, choosing no place to call its own, but instead utilizing the entire lab to roam daily.
Darmanitan loved to test his strength with the other muscle-bound Pokemon like Machoke , Throh, Nidoking, Conkeldurr, and weighty Pokemon like Snorlax.
Excadrill was extremely helpful in assisting the workers rebuild the lab and the land with his digging and great strength.
Drifblim was like the other Ghost Pokemon at the lab, appearing when she wanted and vanishing into thin air at will, scaring the daylights out of both people and Pokemon and enjoying it delightfully. She fit right in with her Ghost type friends.
“Hm?” Prof. Oak looked down as something bumped into his cane. “Ah! Persian!”
The sassy cat meowed and rubbed her body against Prof. Oak’s legs carefully before sitting down.
“Oh! Hey, there!” Tracey greeted the Persian cheerfully.
Persian turned to Tracey and stood up startlingly fast. Her back arched and her fur stood on end as she hissed, raising her right paw in the air and clawing towards Tracey warningly.
Tracey cried out and backed away. With a sigh, he asked, “Why do you hate me so much…?”
The three cried out in surprise at a loud barking.
They all turned to see Stoutland yapping, chasing after a smiling, laughing Rotom.
Gary, surrounded by other passengers, beamed thrillingly at the sight ahead.
A city was in view, the ship still a good distance away from it.
“There it is, mommy!” a little girl cried from her father’s shoulders, pointing ahead. “We’re almost on land again!”
There it is, indeed, Gary agreed, nodding his head. The location for my new life.
My new adventure.
My new quest.
All alone, this time.
Just me.
His fists tightened at his sides and his arms shook with excitement.
Gary thought of his mom.
Prof. Oak.
His dad…
This one’s for all of you, Gary thought.
He grabbed the only Poke Ball attached to his belt. I’m not alone, he smiled, looking down at the Poke Ball. I still have you with me, buddy. He looked up at the approaching city.
You and me, Charizard. You and me. Traveling together like we did back in Kanto when we first began our journey.
On our way to compete in another Pokemon League competition.
Gary smiled even broader, his eyes glued to the city.
On our way to win.
The Hoenn League.
- In Serial416 Chapters
Tomb Raider King
The tombs of the gods have appeared in the world!People who were able to collect the artifacts inside these tombs could use the abilities of heroes of lore, granting them wealth and power.Then, an unknown Tomb Raider who started to loot those artifacts suddenly appeared.He is known as the Tomb Raider King."Damn it, this is driving me nuts! That damn bastard looted everything here too!"What's yours is mine. What's mine is obviously mine.The Tomb Raider who revived in the past after his death will start to take every tomb in the world for himself!
8 639 - In Serial21 Chapters
One Piece's Messenger of the Sea
When Adam Bailley gets recommended to read One Piece by one of his customers, he enjoyed it's absurdity more than he thought he would. Unfortunately God seems to have played a prank on him as before he could finish it he woke up in the body of a young fishman in East Blue. What's a guy to do in this situation? OC + Strawhat fic. No devil fruit or plans for shipping with Nami or Robin, sorry. I want to keep the spirit of the original.
8 125 - In Serial14 Chapters
Walks in the Dark
John is an alcoholic, misanthropic, down-on-his-luck private detective. Join him on his struggles to solve a newly accepted case all while struggling with himself in this noir-inspired crime/comedy.
8 75 - In Serial32 Chapters
Annihilation System
Mark, Who was the Most Wanted and Greatest Criminal on Earth suddenly died in his cell. But Mark, Who suddenly realized that he was not on earth.Got pissed off at the world and yelled "WORLD!! I DIE IN MY CELL AND I DON'T GET ANY SPECIAL ABILITIES?" Mark who finished yelling, Suddenly heard a voice in his mind Initiating System Launch Scanning The Hosts Soul Scanning Complete Host Received -(Annihilation System)- Message from "??? "I'm Sorry for letting you die Mark, But someone destroyed the Life&Death System on our part, So we gave you a chance to Reincarnate and gave you a System to Annihilate Gods/Devils on your World. Please be warned, Mark this system can help you strive to survive in your world, but you can't kill us for this is a new system that we just made And we are not Gods we are Eternal Beings, So Have Fun!" Mark who received the message got mad and said:"The One who let me die, I'll find you and give you a punch to the face." Mark's Journey just started to Fight, Live, Kill, Rule to the Everlasting World of Gods! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Guys! First Time making a story or second time? I don't remember. My grammar is somewhat crappy sometimes so; please don't criticise :)
8 222 - In Serial25 Chapters
The Leader
She transferred to Dauntless from Amity to toughen up. Her plan didn't include making friends, nor did she plan to catch the eyes of a certain blue eyed leader.But here we are.**Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the characters or ideas except for the ones not originally in the Divergent books or movies.**I do not own the images for the cover.
8 125 - In Serial20 Chapters
Arctic love
{completed}They were forced to be to be friends when their best friends starting dating and now with a wedding come up they would spend even more time together. They couldn't help but flirt and bicker between each other but when something other than a wedding brings the two together, they are forced to work and trust each other. Penny Valentine was known for having her hands with dry paint and spit facts out about any fine art piece in Virginia. Alexander Phillips was known for kicking down doors and holding a gun, he loved his job as an FBI agent in Virginia.
8 188