《Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An Autobiography》Close Encounters Of The Fifth & Sixth Kind
June held her Eevee in her arms, both of them screaming on their way to the nearing ground beneath them.
My arms flailed desperately as I screamed, the ground below rising to meet me.
We all were falling from the top of a high cliff, to our immediate death, June’s bag falling fast beneath me, dropping down heavily along with us. June and Eevee were far below me in our fall.
I took a last glance at the river that was several feet away from us, knowing we weren’t going to land in it, and I closed my eyes as I realized June and Eevee were mere inches from the ground, about to collide with it in the very next second. My mouth opened wide in a scream as I made an effort to block out the sound of them splattering. When I was out of breath from screaming, I kept my eyes shut tight, my teeth clenched shut like a bear trap, anticipating my painful landing.
There wasn’t a sound to be heard.
I suddenly realized that the feeling of falling had ended. A long period of time had passed without a sound being uttered, but I was still too terrified to open my eyes. Am I dead? I wondered. Is this it? Did I die so fast, it was just painless? It’s all over now? My face relaxed a little bit, but I still felt like I was hanging upside down. I counted my breaths. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. My eyes slowly opened.
The wall of the cliff we had fallen off of was in front of me, the ground beneath me just a couple of inches away from my face.
I was indeed suspended in the air, upside down. But how?
“Gary?” I heard June’s voice cry.
“June!” I said as I tried to turn around, but couldn’t move. “Are you alright?”
“I’m okay! Me and Eevee are fine, but what’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” I replied, looking around.
Something tiny and gray appeared from out of nowhere, right in front of my face, staring directly at me with its eyes glowing a light blue.
The creature’s sudden appearance made me cry out in surprise.
The little thing made a light sound and raised both of its hands in the air. Both hands had three dots, one the color red, the other green, and the third one was yellow. They all flashed in a strange pattern at me.
“Gary! What’s wrong?” June asked. “Who’s with you?”
I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn’t come up with any words.
The creature resembled some sort of a gray alien. It had a huge head with a deep depression on each side, a strange pattern of lines drawn on the front of it. Its body seemed to be a little bit shorter than its entire head. It floated quietly in front of me.
“What are you?” I asked the creature.
June and I were walking through the desert together.
June, me, and all of our Pokemon were eating lunch in the desert.
Cofagrigus wrapped June and I up in their bandages and pulled us down inside of their bodies.
I threw a Poke Ball at a weakened Darumaka.
Cacturne was chasing June and I through the desert.
Sigilyph fired its Hyper Beam at me right before I fell into Eevee’s hole.
June leaped over the edge of the cliff to catch her Eevee.
I leaped over the edge of the cliff, holding June’s bag, as Cacturne chased after me.
My breath came in a short gasp. “What was that?!”
The little alien cried out at me, the dots on its hands blinking again.
“Gary, what was that?” June gasped. “Did you just see that? Is there someone there with you? What’s going on?”
“Are you a Pokemon?” I asked it.
The thing nodded slowly, and then waved a hand down to the ground.
I was slowly lowered to the ground on my back, gently. Shakily, I got to my feet and shook my head, and then I looked around quickly.
June was sitting on the ground, holding her Eevee tightly, and staring at the alien in front of her, a stunned look on her face. “Wow! Look at that Pokemon! What is he?”
I turned back to it and slowly pulled out my Pokedex.
Elgyem. The Cerebral Pokemon. When it runs into an enemy, it squeezes their brain with its Psychic powers. It is typically a very friendly Pokemon, but caution should be exercised around it. It is known to be very protective of those it likes.
“Elgyem. It was you that saved us?” I asked, smiling. “You stopped our fall?”
“Elgyem! Elgyem!” he cried out, nodding, and the dots on his hands blinked rapidly. His eyes were no longer blue as he was no longer using his Psychic powers on us, and they were now glowing red.
“He was also following us, it seems,” June noted with a smile as she got closer to me, clutching her Eevee in her arms as she licked her face. “Based on those visions I just got from him. You sent those to me, right?”
“Elgyem!” Elgyem nodded.
“Why were you following us?” I asked him.
Elgyem’s dots flashed again.
I turned to June.
She looked back at me and shrugged. “I can understand him when he speaks, but that flashing thing also seems to be a means of communication for him, but it isn’t anything I can understand.”
“Well, who cares?” I smiled. “You saved our life! I’m sincerely grateful to you for this, Elgyem! Thank you so much!” I couldn’t hold back my tears or emotions, and I wrapped my arms around the floating alien.
“Elllllgyem!” he said softly.
As I released the alien from my arms and backed up, June walked up to him and set down Eevee. She reached out and rubbed Elgyem’s head, finally taking another step forward and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you for saving me and my baby. Is there anything we can do for you?”
“Veeeee!” Eevee called happily.
“Ellll,” Elgyem stared at June for a moment, and then to me.
“We’ll do anything you’d like, Elgyem,” I nodded. “Let us know. We owe you!”
“Elygem…?” He continued to stare at me. “Elygem!”
My Drilbur attacked Darumaka with Dig attack.
Cottonee was taken out by Darumaka’s Flare Blitz.
Pidove met Darumaka’s Flare Blitz with his Quick Attack.
I threw my Poke Ball and captured Darumaka.
I shook my head hard. “Whoa! What was that?”
“Elgyem just showed me your battle with Darumaka,” June said.
“Eeeee!” Eevee shook her head.
“I don’t get it,” I said, turning to Elgyem. “Are you saying you want to battle me?”
Elgyem shook his head and his eyes turned blue.
I felt my pocket move, as if something were inside of it. “Yo!” I exclaimed as I looked down at my pocket, raising my arms in fright.
A Poke Ball came out of it, outlined in blue. It glided over to Elgyem’s hands and he pressed a button, making the Poke Ball bigger. He pressed the button again, and the Poke Ball opened, sucking him inside by the force of the red beam!
June and I gasped as the Poke Ball hit the ground and shook repeatedly, the red light on the middle.
The red light went back to its white color.
June and I exchanged glances of shock.
“I just caught an Elgyem!” I said happily, and stepped over to the Poke Ball. “This is awesome!”
“I guess he really wanted to come along with you,” June said. “He must like how you battle and raise your Pokemon or something. I guess he wanted to train under your care. That’s so cool!”
“This really is! Elgyem, come on out!” I held out the Poke Ball and sent him out of it.
“Elgyem!” he greeted us.
“Hey, buddy. I’m honored you want to be a member of my team! I’ll bet we’ll have a great time training together. I’ve never had a Pokemon so willingly join up with me like this!”
Elgyem raised his hands and the dots blinked rapidly for a short while.
“He sure is friendly,” June commented.
I nodded and an idea came to mind. “I choose you all!” I threw all four of my Poke Balls.
Darumaka appeared and started running around rapidly, circling all of us, and then running back and forth, far away one way, and then coming back and running far away in the opposite direction, repeatedly.
“Easy, easy, Darumaka!” I spoke loudly.
Darumaka didn’t listen as he ran about in all kind of directions and patterns, crying out excitedly, bursting with energy.
“I want everyone to say hi!” I called out, trying to grab Darumaka’s attention. “I need you to stop running for a bit! Please!”
Darumaka ignored me and continued running around excitedly.
“Darumaka, I said to stop it!” I was starting to get upset and impatient.
“Ellllll.” Elgyem stared at Darumaka.
Darumaka suddenly stopped running and grabbed his head, crying out as he fell to his knees.
“Darumaka! What’s wrong?” I knelt down next to him, concerned.
Darumaka shook his head and looked around in confusion, rubbing his head. He seemed confused.
“Are you alright?” I asked him.
He nodded and then looked up, and an angry look came over his face. He pointed up at started hopping up and down angrily, making noises.
“Huh?” I looked up where Darumaka was pointing and saw Elgyem, who had his eyes on Darumaka. “Darumaka, what’s wrong?”
Darumaka continued to angrily point and grunt at Elgyem.
“Darumaka says Elgyem gave him a headache on purpose,” June translated.
“What? My Elgyem?” I turned to him.
Elgyem turned to me silently.
“Elgyem, you didn’t do anything, did you?”
Elgyem’s hands blinked again constantly.
I sighed and turned to June. “I don’t know what that means, but why would Elgyem do such a thing?”
“I don’t know, but Darumaka sure thinks he did.” June returned to Darumaka.
“Darumaka, don’t be silly, okay? I don’t think Elgyem did it. Maybe all that running around has you dizzy.”
Darumaka continued to make a strange noise and point up at Elgyem. He crossed his arms and turned his back on us.
Elgyem just watched him quietly. His silent, unblinking stare was actually a little bit spooky.
“Come on, guys. This is supposed to be a happy time! I want everyone to greet everybody in a friendly manner. Cottonee, Drilbur, Pidove, say hi to Elgyem and Darumaka, the newest members of the team.”
Pidove, Cottonee and Drilbur walked over to Darumaka, but Darumaka grunted, turning his back to them, too. Pidove, Drilbur and Cottonee turned to me in confusion.
Darumaka wailed out again and grabbed his head.
“He’s really hurting, Gary! Something’s wrong!” June gasped.
“Darumaka!” I ran over to him and picked him up, holding his very warm body in my hands. “What’s wrong? Relax. Please, just breathe!”
Darumaka rubbed his temples and looked up at me, a weary look on his face. He furiously struggled out of my hold and landed on the ground before he started pointing up at Elgyem again, chattering in a rage.
Elgyem just stared at Darumaka silently.
“He’s certain that Elgyem did it, Gary,” June told me.
“This isn’t what I wanted at all,” I said with disappointment. “Darumaka, cut this out right now. I am not going to tolerate this kind of behavior. Let’s all relax and have some dinner or something. No need for all of this hostility. I’m really hungry and could use a good night’s sleep now that we’re out of that damn desert.”
“Speaking of which, where are we exactly?” June brought up.
“Hmm.” I pulled out my Town Map and scanned it. “It’s hard to tell. I mean, we’re not in the Desert Resort anymore, but I’m not sure exactly where we aren’t in the Desert Resort.”
June sighed in exasperation. “So we’re lost?”
I nodded. “Let’s just try and find our way-”
“Gary! No!” June snapped at me. “That’s about enough! I’ve been following you for several days and we’ve been lost all this time on the hope that we’ll just wind up at a city. Enough! We need a better plan than that. I’ve had it with wandering around!”
“So what’s your plan?” I said, crossing my arms.
“I dunno. I only know that if we had taken the damn train, we wouldn’t be lost right now, now would we?”
“I-” She was right, and I couldn’t think up a good enough response. “Well, fine!” I turned my back on her, unable to think up anything better to say.
“You know I’m right, and now I’m freaking pissed off at you. I want out of here, Gary! Immediately!”
I swiftly returned to facing her. “Then find the damn way! I gave a suggestion, now what’s yours?”
“I don’t have one because we’re lost due to you being stupid!”
“How was I stupid?”
“You were traveling blindly through a desert like an idiot!”
“And you were doing a fine job directing us, right? You knew where to go, right?”
“I wanted to take the train!”
“But you didn’t!”
“Because you-OOOWWWWWW!!!!!!” June dropped to her knees and grabbed her head, screaming in pain.
I heard Darumaka cry out, and I looked down to see him jumping around, pointing up at Elgyem.
Elygem had his eyes on June, his hand pointing out at her.
“Elgyem! What are you doing?” I shouted, running to him. “Stop that!” I grabbed him in my hands and held him close to my face. “NO!”
June moaned on the ground, holding her head.
Eevee cried out and run to her owner, placing her front paws on June’s lap and crying out to her repeatedly.
“June, are you okay?” I asked, running over to her.
She shook her head hard and kept her head down. “That was horrible…” she moaned. She looked up and her eyes squinted painfully at Elgyem. “Did Elgyem really do that?”
Eevee turned to Elgyem and growled angrily.
“June, I’m so sorry! I didn’t tell him to do that, honest!” I turned to Elgyem angrily. “Elgyem, that was bad! You never attack people like that, especially my friends. So it was you who attacked my Darumaka. You apologize to them right now and promise to never do that again!”
Elgyem floated into the air and looked down at June, and then turned to Darumaka. He held up his hands, and they blinked repeatedly for almost a minute.
Darumaka and June exchanged confused glances before turning to me helplessly.
“That better have been an apology,” I warned Elgyem.
Elgyem nodded quickly at me.
I sighed. “Good. Now, how’s about we all have us a nice meal and get some sleep? There’s this river right here, and some water sounds like a great idea right now. Hopefully, we’ll be in a city or something shortly.”
June didn’t say a word, her worried eyes on Elgyem, rubbing her head with her hands while Eevee continued to glare at Elgyem in silence.
“At least this isn’t a desert,” June sighed as we walked along the side of the river. “This is much nicer. I really needed that sleep, too.” She stretched her arms and groaned happily.
I looked away from her as she stretched her body.
It was the next morning, or perhaps afternoon would be a better word. We slept really good last night. There was no sand in our faces or Pokemon to look out for. Our dinner together with our Pokemon went well enough as Elgyem met all of June’s Pokemon, and he behaved himself.
Now, June and I were continuing along a path leading somewhere, but we weren’t sure where. We’d been walking for at least an hour by now.
June sighed and looked up into the sky.
“What’s up?” I asked, turning to her.
“Oh, just thinking about stuff,” June said, not looking at me.
“Well, obviously, but I mean, what?”
“I don’t think you really wanna know.”
“I asked, didn’t I?”
June looked at me. “I was thinking about what we’ve been through here in Unova. I mean, the whole journey, but that stuff in Castelia and in the Desert Resort was really scary. It’s still on my mind.”
“I don’t expect it’ll leave you anytime soon. I just really hope Kai and everyone else is doing alright.”
“Yeah,” June agreed, nodding.
“Is that a person over there?” My eyes focused ahead.
June glanced ahead, too. “Who’s that?”
“A man in some kind of motorboat, it seems.”
The man stood by his small boat, the path we were on ending into a wide stretch of sea before us.
“It’s a dead end here,” June spoke. “We could try the opposite direction, or maybe he can help.”
A man stood tall on thick legs, wearing black boots, blue pants, and a white, collared shirt. On his head sat a white and blue sailor’s cap covering his hair. The man turned to us and smiled with a full set of teeth. “Ahoy!”
We stopped in front of him. “Um, ahoy…” I stared at him uncertainly.
“I’m Captain Billy! What brings you young kids to this part of the planet?” he greeted us with a loud, strong voice and a large, open palm.
I shook his hand and his tight grip took me by surprise as I tried to match it, his strong shake rocking my whole body helplessly. “My name is Gary,” I stated as I took my hand back, shaking away the light pain I was feeling from it. “This is June, and to be honest, we kind of… stumbled down here due to a set of events, and now we’re lost,” I hesitantly explained.
Captain Billy took June’s hand and shook it strongly, but lighter than he had shaken mine.
June cried out before releasing his hand, smiling.
“Basically, we were trying to get to Nimbasa City, and ended up getting lost in the Desert Resort. Now, we’re here,” I finished.
Captain Billy rubbed his chin. “Hmmm. I see…”
“Do you know where we are, and how we can get to an actual city?” June asked.
Captain Billy nodded slowly, a stern look on his face as he eyed me up and down, and then June. “As a matter of fact, young ones, I do…”
“Ok…?” I asked cautiously.
He laughed in a booming voice, making June and I both jump. “The closest island is Cenumerus Island. There’s a place there to relax, eat, make some phone calls, heal your Pokemon…” He nodded at my belt containing my Poke Balls. “There’s even a Gym there!”
“A Pokemon Gym? Really?” I asked eagerly. “That’s our next destination, then. Cenumerus Island.”
“Well, in that case, let us be off!” Captain Billy walked to the edge of the land, stepping onto his boat as it rocked slightly underneath him. “Climb aboard, kids! We’ll be there in a quick spit.”
A quick what? I asked myself before shaking my head. “Alright.”
June and I climbed into his boat and took a seat next to each other on one of the benches carved into both sides of the little boat.
Captain Billy was eagerly setting things into motion as June and I looked ahead at the sea.
I couldn’t see Cenumerus Island from here, but I trusted Captain Billy’s words about it not being too far, and before long, the rev of the engine grabbed my attention, and the boat was on its way, tearing through the water, Captain Billy at the wheel at the front of the boat in a large white chair, guiding us.
“Wow!” June grabbed my arm tightly in her hands. “This is my first time on motorboat! Or a boat at all! This is so romantic, isn’t it?”
“No!” I exclaimed, looking at her as if she were crazy as I pulled my arm away from her and then looked out to the sea.
She punched my shoulder hard and mumbled something.
I ignored her and watched as the boat glided smoothly through the wide open sea.
It was definitely a beautiful sight, the water a sparkling blue beneath us, the sun shining high ahead of us. This was the way to travel.
I was so relieved that June and I weren’t in the desert anymore. That was finally over and we’d be arriving at a new place soon to obtain a Badge. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my Town Map, deciding that I should try and find Cenumerus Island on it.
June looked over my shoulder as I scanned it. “There it is! Cenumerus Island!” June touched a spot on the map.
“Yeah! Interesting. So it’s a girl named Dana, and she raises Normal type Pokemon?”
“Oooo! Normal types are unpredictable. You never know what kind of moves they have.”
“You’re right. This should be a fun battle.”
“Look! Cenumerus Island isn’t far from Nimbasa City, either! Oh, my gosh! We can go there right after we leave Cenumerus Island!”
Captain Billy laughed heartily. “That’s right, young ones! Nimbasa can be our next stop if you so wish after your trip to Cenumerus Island.”
“You wouldn’t mind that, sir?” I asked, shocked.
“Please, call me Captain Billy!” he laughed. “I can’t just leave you kids on Cenumerus Island. You have to places to go as Pokemon Trainers! The ships only sail to and from there once every two weeks! You’ll be stranded for another thirteen days.”
“Oh! Well, we really appreciate this, Captain Billy,” I said gratefully.
“Yes, thank you, Captain Billy!” June chimed in. “You’re kind to do this for us.”
“Well, you two look like you’ve been to Hell and back, and the-”
Something leaped from the waters and snapped its sharp teeth at my face!
“AAAAAHHH!!” I screamed as I fell off of the bench, landing on the floor.
It was a fish that was snapping at me, and it landed on the floor of the boat!
June gasped. “What’s that?”
Captain Billy laughed once again. “Why, that’s just a little Basculin! A common sight in many waters in Unova.”
The fish flopped around on the floor, snapping its large, deadly sharp teeth as Captain Billy calmly strolled over to it. He picked it up by the tail and held it high in the air as it struggled in his hand.
I watched in fright, still on the ground, and scuttled in the corner as he laughed at the fish and flung it back into the water.
June let out a sigh of relief.
“Gary, young man, you can’t look like such a wimp in front of your girlfriend!” Captain Billy smiled, shaking his head.
I let out a tired sigh and lowered my head. “She’s not my girlfriend…” I mumbled.
“Oh! Well, I guess you’re both young. Anyway, if you’re gonna be traveling with me, you should know there’s a lot worse out there than a wee little Basculin, Gary.”
Shakily, I got up from the floor and took a seat, this time on the other side of the boat, away from June.
Captain Billy took his seat.
“What else is out there?” I asked him.
“Things that would make a Basculin shake like a wet dog. Things that would make any less of a man drop dead once looked in the eyes. Terrors and wonders of all sorts, Gary. Basculin is your friend out here by comparison.”
I shivered as I stared at June, who was already staring back. What could he be talking about? I wondered as I pulled out my Pokedex.
Basculin. The Hostile Pokemon. There are Red-Striped Basculin and Blue-Striped Basculin. When they come into contact with one another, they almost always end up fighting, though records show that some schools of Basculin mingle with other schools.
Something more dangerous than that, I thought to myself as I put my Pokedex away. Let’s just get to Cenumerus Island, fast. And then, to Nimbasa City so I can finally be on real land and just continue traveling. Maybe I’ll even consider taking the train around Unova, instead. I closed my eyes, leaning against the side of the boat, letting out my breath. The sound of the motor was loud, but it was pleasant to hear some sign of civilization, humanity, technology. The water splashing against the back of my head was relaxing, refreshing. The sun beamed on my face, and I inhaled fresh air that wasn’t humid, or thick, or dry. A smile spread across my face as I exhaled, appreciating my good fortune.
June’s terrified scream made my eyes pop open, and I was immediately wrapped by something behind me! In the next instant, I was pulled out of the boat, and submerged underwater! The instant I started to feel myself before forced overboard, I inhaled as much air as I could and closed my eyes. The cold water splashed on my face first, shocking me, but I struggled not to gasp as my entire body was taken under. June screamed and her shocked face was the last thing I saw before my eyes closed as I went underwater.
NO!! NO!!! NOOOOOO!!!! I screamed in my head. Anything but this! Not water! Please!! Don’t put me underwater!! Pleeease!! I could feel my nostrils fill with water as I held my breath, and I struggled hard not to choke or cough as I felt my body begin to panic. I struggled in the arms of my capturer, trying to kick myself free, trying to stretch my arms out, but it was no use. I closed my eyes even tighter, afraid to open them. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOO!! I knew I was crying by this time as the air in my lungs started to run out, my body panicking, kicking. I felt like my head might explode. I knew the water was in every hole it could fit through in my head. I was absolutely terrified.
I hated swimming, or even being wet at all. I was afraid of water almost as much as bugs. If it wasn’t a shower, or a bath, or cleaning dishes, or just having a drink, I refused to associate myself with water. That included being sprayed with water guns, hoses, swimming in pools, or anything else like that. I hated it badly, and it caused a bad panic inside of me when I came into contact with water in those situations. This was the absolute worst encounter with water I’d ever had.
My mind flashed of a memory of me when I was maybe seven or eight, at summer camp. That day, me and the other kids were taken to a swimming pool by the camp counselors. I didn’t know how to swim, but I decided to give it a shot and tried to get into the water with my friends.
One of the kids splashed water in my face.
I got angry and yelled at them to stop as I stumbled away from the pool, and a few minutes later, after they encouraged me to join them, I tried to get in again, soaking my ankles first as I walked down the steps in the pool. As I got deeper, the water reaching my knees, a kid splashed me again, and I ran out, coughing and spitting up water. I yelled that I give up and stormed away as the camp counselors yelled at the boys who had splashed me, and I played cards with another friend of mine by a table instead.
The kids all called out to me and apologized, begging for me to join them in the water.
I really wanted to try swimming, so, after a while, I cautiously went back over to them, making them promise not to splash me. They promised with sinister looks on their faces, and I warned them once more not to splash me anymore, or I was never going back in. They laughed, but swore that they wouldn’t splash me, so I walked into the water once again.
I was floating in the water, up to my chest, smiling and sort of enjoying the moment, sort of, when suddenly, something brushed against my stomach, making me gasp. Before I could see what it was, I was pulled under! I had been taken by surprise and inhaled as I went under, suffocating on the water as it filled my lungs. I kicked and screamed underwater, struggling for the surface, and I finally was freed, bursting to the top, gasping for air. The instant I got that first gulp of air, fear gripped my body as I was taken by surprise when I went back under once again, this time holding my breath as I felt myself go down once more, but I didn’t get a good gulp of air. I struggled desperately to the surface, reaching it a few seconds later, and I made a desperate swim out of the pool, scrambling out, and, tears running down my face, I ran into the bathroom.
It turned out that someone’s Lombre had escaped and dived into the pool. Lombre was what had pulled me under.
Either way, I had been emotionally scarred and promised I’d never go swimming again.
And now, here I was, in the sea, being dragged underwater against my will by some kind of unknown monster. My lungs were burning. I could see white flashes in front of my eyes. I can’t, I thought desperately. I need to breathe. My body was lurching, desperate for air. I could feel the air in me dying to burst out. But I couldn’t. I had to hold it in. A sharp pain shot through my body, and I screamed out, the air releasing itself from inside of me as I continued to be dragged further down.
The monster that held so tightly onto me had finally released me, and my body was now suspended in the freezing cold water. As the last of my breath left my body, I tried to figure out a way out of this.
But I couldn’t think anymore.
I couldn’t see.
I couldn’t do anything.
I couldn’t go on.
I choked and bent over, and I felt the sour sting of vomit rise out of my throat, along with what felt like all of my insides, the sickening taste flowing from my mouth as I puked.
“Gary! You’re alive!”
I coughed and choked repeatedly as I threw up water and white chunks onto the floor.
“Oy! I guess I have some cleaning to do,” I heard a voice mutter.
I coughed constantly, spitting and hacking up junk from inside of me.
“Gary, you’re really okay. I’m so grateful! Oh, Gary!”
I sat down on a solid surface and gazed at my surroundings, breathing heavily, my face twisted in disgust at the taste still in my mouth.
June was smiling at me.
Eevee was next to me, wagging her tail as she smiled.
Captain Billy was in his chair, which was facing me, and he gave me a wink while smiling.
Tympole looked up at me, happily shivering on the ground.
A Tympole bounced on the floor of the boat, gushing out joyfully.
“This is one of a whole family of Tympole that saved you, Gary,” June explained. “When that Frillish grabbed you and pulled you under-”
“Wait,” I gasped, still struggling to breathe a little bit, wishing the grotesque taste of vomit would leave my throat and tongue. “What grabbed me?”
“It was a Frillish,” Captain Billy said, standing up and giving me a stern look.
“Frillish,” I repeated, taking out my Pokedex.
Frillish. The Floating Pokemon. This hadalpelagic Pokemon lives in dens several miles under the sea. They are known to float gently among waves, waiting to strike their prey. They immobilize foes with their tentacles and poison them before dragging them underwater forever.
I was staring at two images of Frillish from my Pokedex. A smiling pink one, and a serious looking blue one.
“You never know when you’re gonna run into a Frillish, especially when you’re a captain,” Captain Billy smiled widely. “You’re lucky you weren’t poisoned or anything, but I have plenty of medicine for situations like that, anyway. If it weren’t for that Tympole family who came aboard with your body, you very well could have been a carcass.”
“Tympole saved me…” I muttered, pointing my Pokedex at it.
Tympole. The Tadpole Pokemon. They communicate by vibrating, which creates a high-pitched melody that humans cannot hear. They often travel in packs and are sometimes governed by their evolved forms, Palpitoad and Seismitoad.
“Tympole, thank you!” I exclaimed, dropping to my knees in front of the tadpole. I reached out and pet its head.
It cried out happily, leaping around on the floor.
I smiled at it. “I was a complete goner if not for you. I’m eternally grateful for this. I’m beyond words of appreciation for you and all of your little friends.”
Tympole bounced around with joy again.
“Aww! He’s just so cute!” June gushed. “In fact…” She walked over to the other side of the boat where I realized that her bag was emptied out on the floor, all of her belongings strewn about. She picked up a Poke Ball and pressed the button, making it larger. “How would you like to come along with me, Tympole?” she asked him.
“Really, June?” I turned to her. “I thought you only collected Electric Pokemon.”
“I like many different types of Pokemon,” June said, keeping her eyes on Tympole. “And Tympole is just too adorable! I want one. Poke Ball, go!” She threw her Poke Ball at Tympole.
Tympole bounced on the ground once, twice, three times, and on the fourth bounce, flew high into the air and used his tail to slap away the Poke Ball.
“Hey!” June said sadly as she caught the Poke Ball. “What’s wrong?”
“Leave him alone, June,” I said, petting Tympole’s head. “Let him go back to his family. He saved my life. Let him go back to his own life, now.”
June lowered her hand and sighed. “I guess. I just thought it’d be nice to be friends with the Pokemon that saved your life.”
“You just wanted a really cute Pokemon,” I corrected her.
June grumbled and crossed her arms.
Tympole cried out excitedly and bounced on the ground, looking at me.
June gasped and stared at Tympole in shock. “What?? That’s not… Awww!” She looked on the verge of tears.
“What?” I asked her.
“Tympole said he wants to go with you!” June exclaimed in dismay. “That is just so… grrrrr!”
My eyes bulged out of my head. “Really, Tympole? You want to travel with me?”
Tympole was bouncing all over the place.
June gasped and growled. “He says he was really worried about you, and stayed behind to meet you when his friends and family left,” June said, disgruntled. “He said he was ready to go when you woke up, but you were kind, and weren’t being greedy or desperate to capture him and were willing to let him go. He says he wants to be your friend.”
My eyes began to tear up. “That’s so sweet,” I smiled as I looked down at Tympole.
Tympole bounced about in excitement and then leaped towards me.
I caught him in my hands. “My… friend,” I said as I held him carefully.
Tympole’s tail slapped against my arms happily as he vibrated.
“It’s my pleasure to call you my friend, Tympole,” I said as I stood up. I grabbed a Poke Ball and glanced at June quickly.
She had a sad look on her face, watching me as I made the Poke Ball larger.
“Tympole, it’s my pleasure to allow you to journey with us. Thanks for choosing me, my friend.”
The Poke Ball opened in my hand and a red beam pulled in Tympole. It shook in my hands for a few seconds, the center glowing red.
I raised the Poke Ball in the air excitedly once the light faded to white. “Me and Tympole! My new friend! Yes!”
June grunted, but when I turned to look at her, she was smiling, her arms still crossed. “As usual, you continue to remind me why I travel with you, Gary. Nice catch.”
I smiled back. “Thanks! This is amazing!”
“Here’s some more good news, kids! We’ve got Cenumerus Island, dead ahead!” Captain Billy shouted excitedly, hooting and cheering, facing the sea.
June and I both turned to see an island not far away, filled with a mixture of trees and buildings from what I could see.
I sighed happily and sat down on the bench.
June knelt down next to her bag and started putting her stuff back inside of it.
“Hey, June?”
“Yeah?” She looked up at me.
“Why is your stuff all over the floor?”
June’s face turned red. “Oh, well, when you went under, I…” She hesitated. “I thought I’d use my Lanturn! But, I forgot that she’s still recovering in Gringey City!” She smiled and turned away, continuing to scoop up her items into her bag.
Poor June, I thought. I hope her Pokemon are alright.
June called back home every chance that she could to check on her Pokemon. She always told me that not much had changed and that they were still in poor condition, recovering.
I wished I could do the same and call home. Mom, Prof. Oak, I thought sadly, keeping my eyes on June. What have I done? You guys must hate my guts right now, and I deserve it. I really hope you’re all okay. Honest. Please know that. The only thing that would cause me to drop dead from an emotional pain in my heart right now would be to find out that you two think I don’t love you with all of my heart and am not thinking of you both every single day. Charizard, Porygon-Z, I hope you guys are with the Professor and are alright, too. Kingdra, Noctowl, Drifloon, take time to recover. I hope you’re both back home by now. Primeape, Weepinbell, I know you two are back home with the Professor, but take it easy. Butterfree, Dugtrio, Baltoy, I miss you guys so much. All of you. I love you all. I’ll see you all someday. I promise that. Sighing, I looked down at the Poke Ball containing my new Pokemon, Tympole. Pidove, Cottonee, Drilbur, Darumaka, Elgyem, and Tympole, I counted. Six Pokemon. If I catch anymore, they’ll go to Prof. Oak. Will that give away my location? Everything I own is from Unova right now. Will he put out a search for me if he gets a Pokemon from Unova sent to him? Is there already a search for me by the police? I remembered the time when I was arrested back in Celadon City during my first Pokemon journey, and a shiver ran through my body as I was reminded of Saffron City.
The boat sped on through the water as we neared Cenumerus Island, Dana, and a number of problems June and I would never see coming.
- In Serial23 Chapters
Ethereal Space
Sophie is blissfully oblivious of the darkness and intrigue that is gradually closing in on her. In this litRPG full of bloodshed, sketchy figures and secrecy she makes the most out of a hard situation. Hoping for corresponding rewards as her decisions regularly draw her to breathtaking places and passed awe inspiring creatures. As she plays Nsquared latest VR game, Ethereal Space, others crawl through the shadows of civilization to keep it that, a game. How long is she able to stay uninvolved if she is not already? Will Jason grow into what he is doomed to be? Does John realize how far he is prepared to go? and is Sophie willing to wander a lonely road for the purpose of truth? _________ This is the first story I have ever written, so please be gentle with my poor soul. Any feedback is more than welcome, grammatical errors (English is not my native language), broken plot devices, plot holes, those pesky forgotten characters, you name it. Any feedback is good feedback at this point! Leave a review, follow, rate. It’s just a click for you, for me its minutes of excitement. Story is still in first draft, so I might change some stuff, edit some stuff, and just have some fun with you all about the difference between "where" and "were" (my fingers type "where" automatically, fun stuff). but the major plot points will stay in place. If you are curious about what size underwear I wear or want to become my number one fan (there is a list) and join my mailing list (I will send an email whenever I post a new chapter), just let me know or ask me at [email protected] Alright enough blabbering, go on then, go have some fun reading my stuff!
8 172 - In Serial9 Chapters
Asger awakes after being shot full of arrows in an unknown, frozen world. Hundreds of decaying bodies completely cover the ground around him. Cursing the gods, Asger begins searching for answers, until he stumbles upon companions. They soon uncover that they have found themselves in Nifflheim, a place where many go to face the crimes of their past lives. Refusing to take their eternal punishment lying down, the party begins searching for the three keys that are said to open the gates of Nifflheim and allow them into Valhalla. Will they make it out before they join the corpses around them? Or does the party have secrets that could lead to their downfall?
8 123 - In Serial6 Chapters
Pocket Dungeon Lite
Based on the Pocket Dungeon original novel made by Stuckin (I asked for his permission beforehand). I do not know if this could count as a fanfiction as I made up many elements on the go so, for now, I will list this as an original but if Stuckin-sama would like me to change it I will be fine with doing so. This is somewhat of a self-insert but I made sure not to make the MC to OP. Also, the creator of the cover is Vurguy I tried to contact him to ask for permission but couldn't due to technical issues please go support him on Deviant Art and I don't own the picture so if he wants me to take it down than I am completely okay with doing so. As I am an improving author, I am glad to receive any constructive criticism or critical review I just hope that everyone will give me a chance before they yell at me for something or at least tell me what made them angry so I know what the issue is and can figure out how to deal with it. For now, my schedule is 1-2 chapters a week and if I am busy with either work or school 1-3 chapters every 2 weeks. I expect a bunch of chapters at the beginning around 5 or so and for me to continue from there. I will try my best to keep some chapters in storage for any time where I can't write for whatever reason. I will continue to change this part of the synopsis if anything changes in my update schedule. - From a thoughtful Author Pocket Dungeon is a widespread interstellar game that has captivated the attention of many races and civilizations. Nowadays in the 2300s anyone not living under a rock would grow up with a dungeon and learn to manage it over time as they make mistakes along the way. But as all things go there is always an exception and this exception can be found in Nadezhda Ledopad who had an overprotective family that didn't let him interact with anything but those they deemed worthy and safe. This overprotectiveness caused them to forbid him from gaining a pocket dungeon as they knew with his intelligence and specialties in certain fields he would become a strong dungeon master, quickly. This was something his family was very much against as they knew that his competitiveness and duty to maintain the Ledopad family's reputation would push him to win in the competitions that he would inevitably get invited too. This all changed when Nadezh graduated high school and moved to the Celestial Plane capital star as a Prodigal student in planetary conservation (major) and revival of species through DNA transferal (minor). His brother in all but blood Tet schemed to get him into Pocket Dungeons when they got there as no one would keep Nadezh from playing. Nadezh excited to join his peers in this famous game looked forward to doing so. But with this one decision, many futures changed and the Fates laughed as people of strong destinies meet together on this plane. Warning - This will probably contain LGBT+ relationships. You have been warned, I will not tolerate stupidity to the ninth degree in the comment section and I hope that people can be logical enough to GO AWAY if they don't like this kind of thing. If you don't feel comfortable with mature or explicit scenes I will put a warning in the chapters or parts with such and I just wanted all of you to know that this will be a long novel as with most novel I will write in the future so don't expect a deep romantic relationship anytime soon.
8 58 - In Serial18 Chapters
The Creator
My name is Lixon Rayver, and I am a published young author.I came to a point where I struggled to proceed to the second volume of my novel [The Legends of Udeville]. One night, I made an unintentional wish: "Rather than just imagining things, I think it would be better if I just live with my created characters and places so it would be easy for me to think of how my story would develop." Well...I think you can guess what happened next.----- God? I'm not sure. I don't think that I am either. But one thing that I can tell you, in this world, I have absolute authority. -Lixon Rayver
8 186 - In Serial12 Chapters
Is this some kind of joke, God?
Main character wakes up in different world, with fantasy elements in it. After examining himself, he learns that he has a special ability that allows him to raise an army, but with some restriction gave by God...
8 91 - In Serial4 Chapters
first love.. (Child tord X reader) Part 1/3 (discontinued)
(discontinued) I'm no good with descriptions... but the Title says it all.This is a child reader x child Tord.⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙1/3 books𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠fighting (gasp.)Minor cussing.𝕯𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗I do not own any of the eddsworld charactersall eddsworld themed rightfully owned by eddsworldcredits to the person who owns the art on the cover.I do not own any of the art in the story credits to the owner.
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