《Male Spy at an All-Girl's School》Chapter 5: Revelations
In a secluded area somewhere in Twilight City lies a place where illegal and unlawful activities are always taking place. This area is the hub where criminals and anyone of questionable nature partake in their daily activities. Drug dealing, smuggling, prostitution, assassination, anything as long as the Reis keeps constantly flowing in their pockets.
Simply put, it is the Black Market, a paradise for people who are not afraid to get their hands dirty even for a few Reis.
It is the place known as the Underworld.
A man wearing a black suit covered with a black cloak was seen walking around its streets leisurely like not caring about the world around. His face, obscured by the black fedora hat that he is also wearing.
His attention was caught by the sound of his phone ringing inside his pocket. He picked it up and answered the call.
"Hello, boss?" A man's voice was heard from the call.
"Yes? I hope this is good news, Bren." The boss answered, his voice showing not even an ounce of flippant.
"We captured the young girl and are on our way to the destination."
The boss smiled under his concealed face. "Good. Once you arrive at the location, you are to wait there for further instructions, and I don't want the girl harmed, understood?"
"Yes, boss."
"Alright." The boss then ended the call and discarded his phone back to his pocket.
'Hmm, I wonder how he will fare against this.' Was the boss's final thoughts as he eyed a particular tall establishment which looks to be a bar.
Kana Erendal's life is what you can somewhat describe as bothersome.
As the sole heiress to one of the largest business companies in all of Twilight and the daughter of the Headmaster of one of the most prestigious Academy in the same country, the girl is sure to be always in everyone's center of attention.
Blessed with both the looks and brains, she is indeed a prodigy, and many strive to get her to notice them by any means. Whether it is to befriend her, befriend her friends, or, in some cases, even court her. All in all, as a means to get closer to the Headmaster or her grandfather, the C.E.O. of Erendal Inc. The opposite can also be said as a means for people to gain some political advantage, and that is put, threaten or eliminate her as a means of putting both the Headmaster and C.E.O. in a very awkward situation.
The latter she is experiencing right now, Kana finally woke up from her forced slumber and surveyed her surroundings. She is currently in the backseat of a moving van and at the front seats are the culprits, the two 'janitors' who have abducted her. The girl tried to move her body, but it seemed to be tied up from her hands, legs, and her mouth is also gagged, which explains her inability to talk and the feeling of tightness on her mouth.
"Finally, woke up, princess?" One of the kidnappers, Bren, who was sitting, noticed her and smirked perversely.
Kana merely eyed at them with fury, trying to fight off the fear building upon her system.
"Hehe, what a feisty look you got their princess!! It seems we will enjoy breaking you tonight."
"Not yet, we must wait for the boss' instructions, and he said that she must not be harmed." The other man, Will, replied as he drove the van at a slightly high speed.
"Oh, come on, Will, I promise that I won't harm her," Bren said, and Will eyed him with a disapproving look. "Well, not that much. She looks rather tasty after all hehehe."
Will merely sighed but seemed to not disagree with his partner. "Maybe, it is rather tempting, and the boss seemed to want her in one piece but her mind though… I suppose we can play with her a bit once we arrive at the warehouse."
Bren smirked madly at Will's answer and hummed chirpily throughout the drive.
Kana's eyes widen, her tears threatening to fall but try her best to remain courageous as she does not want to give those two hideous perverted scums the satisfaction.
'Someone help me.' Kana thought in desperation.
After about an hour, the three have finally arrived at an abandoned Warehouse.
"This is the place. Looks rather creepy yikes." Bren shivered at the eerie place.
"Yes, and a perfect place too. It seems that the boss chose wisely." Will replied, and both of them got out of the car.
"Hope you are comfortable, princess. We will show you a night that you will never forget!!" Bren said and, together with Will, carried Kana as they entered the warehouse.
"Hmm, this place sure is big. Get us a chair, and we'll have a nice long chat with Ms. Erendal here." Will instructed his partner, and the latter complied, bringing two chairs for them to sit.
Kana was shoved into the floor, not even treating her even with humane respect.
"The boss sure is taking his time. I wonder why he did not meet us here in advance." Bren asked as he took his seat.
"Maybe he has some business to attend," Will said in response.
"I'm bored. The ride sure took long."
"You were not the one driving." Will eyed him with an annoyed look.
"Yeah, yeah," Bren replied, and he turned his attention to Kana. "Hey, since our boss is still here, maybe it's time to see what's under that dress finally!!"
Upon hearing this, Kana immediately struggled to break free, but the ropes that bind her freedom of movement prevented her from doing so. Her eyes with a look of despair as one of her captors attempt to defile her.
Will merely smirk sadistically from behind, finding the girl's actions rather amusing.
"It's futile, Ms. Erendal. My partner here is very attracted by your arousing features. How nice we get to see such a beautiful face to be utterly broken in a single moment." Will lick his lips in anticipation.
"Mpphhh!!!!!" The gag muffled Kana's voice, and her pleas muted as Bren gave in to his animalistic nature.
Bren was literally drooling in ecstasy, his face like a dog in heat as his hands perversely approach her breasts and then.
He felt pain…. Unbearable pain that promised unadulterated death.
His eyes widen as he saw a small gaping hole formed right in his chest, blood gushing violently, and in an instant, darkness took over, and he was no more.
Kana would have screamed if not for the gag on her mouth, but the sudden turn of events was too much for her to handle, and she immediately fainted.
Will shook in fear, immediately taking out his pistol and trying to figure out what the hell is even going on and why his partner just died a horrifying death like that.
"Show yourself!!!" Will's voice trembled, his hands desperately grasping his small handgun.
But before he could even react, a blade runs through his stomach, his vision turning darker as each second passed. The last thing he saw before his inevitable end is a figure clad in a suit of darkness with a sheath strap on his back.
"It is done."
The dark figure uttered as he pressed the earpiece in his head.
"Excellent work as always, Ant." A voice was heard from the communication device.
Rin turned off his earpiece and looked at the dead bodies.
One, a bullet shot right in the heart with utmost precision, and the other, stabbed at the stomach without any remorse.
Truth to be told, he was not proud of the deed, and he despised the act of killing, but if scum like those two is to be left alive, then more victims are just going to be assured, and in a way, it's all in his hands.
Thieves, or maybe murderers he can handle, but his blood boiled at the number one criminal he detested the second most, Rapist. Only Traitors go above that.
Sure he may be a pervert but not at that scale. He never once did something that goes against any women's will, and his code of honor strictly abides at such principles.
That is why he did not hesitate even at the slightest to shed blood when those animals attempted to rape the poor girl.
And he sure did not regret it.
"I'm glad I was able to realize it before the unacceptable thing happens," Rin muttered under his breath, thankful at the slightest bit of information indirectly he was provided even though it was not intended for this purpose.
"So..." Rin said and looked at the spaghetti that is supposed to be for Kana. "Is no one going to eat that?"
Keana and Meiko sweatdrop at Rin, who has finished his share rather quickly and is now eyeing at Kana's spaghetti like some sort of pig.
"S-sure, help yourself out." Meiko just smiled awkwardly, and Rin, without any hesitation, took the food and gobbled indiscriminately.
Keana giggled at Rin's action. "Wow, Rina, you sure eat like a pig!!"
Rin smiled in response while eating. "Hehe, I can't help it. This spaghetti sure is awesome like a gift bestowed by God himself to ease the pain that humanity has been suffering for years!!"
Meiko blushed once more at his compliment but tried to discipline the blue-haired beauty. "Thank you for the compliment but don't talk when your mouth is full!!"
After swallowing the last of his spaghetti, Rin grinned sheepishly. "Sorry."
"Meiko merely nodded and glanced at the wall clock. "Hmm, it's already 8 pm. Curfew dictates that we stay inside our dorms until 5 am. This school sure is rather strict."
Rin's attention perked at what Meiko just said. "8 pm?"
The latter nodded, and Rin frowned.
"So, what's next on our agenda?" Meiko asked as she turned to Keana.
The girl in question pondered for a bit and answered. "Well, we could watch a movie or something."
"That's not exactly the memorable Slumber party that we have in mind," Meiko said in response, and then an idea suddenly flashed in her mind. "I know!! how about a…."
In a sudden turn of event, Meiko grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it right at Keana's face.
"Pillow fight!!!"
Keana's grin suddenly turned feral, her face showing that she won't back out from the challenge being issued by her. "Oh, you're on, girl!!!"
Rin smiled sheepishly as the duo fought each other using his pillows, striking clumsily.
"You join too, Rina!! this is one of the most important events being held in a Slumber party, perhaps even the most sacred if one wishes to fulfill her rites in completing the Slumber party and a definite path towards Womanhood!!!" Keana said as she threw Rina a pillow, the latter happily doing so and joining the fray.
'So this is what a normal teenage life is like. Well, a teenage girl's life, to be precise, despite not being one, hahaha. I guess this is nice.' Rin thought, sweat starting to pour from his skin, and the girls share the same predicament as pillows hit their faces and bodies and also laughed wholeheartedly at the same time.
'Sweaty girls hehehe… What a sight.'
After the pillow fight, the three are now on the floor panting profusely, well in Rin's case, he was not even tired at all, but he needed to keep the act of having the stamina of a normal teenage girl.
"Hahaha, that was fun. Let's do this again sometime!!" Keana grinned despite being exhausted.
Both both of them nodded in agreement, smiles still retaining on their pretty faces.
"Poor Kana missing out on the fun."
"True, this sure is a rather refreshing experience," Rina said and got up. "I'll get some drinks for us.
The girls nodded with gratitude, and a few seconds later, Rin returned with three cola drinks and gave each to them.
"Ahh, now, this is a Slumber Party!!!" Keana drank her cola with Meiko doing the same.
"Yep, now next on the agenda is…." Meiko did not even get to finish what she was about to say as she suddenly felt lightheaded, her vision turning blurry. "I don't feel so good."
"Me too, crap, was the pillow fight that exhausting?" Keana shared the same condition with her classmate; her view of the world eventually betraying her sense of sight.
In a few seconds, both of them submit to the eventual slumber, their consciousness no more.
Rin looks at them, feeling sorry to resort to such things.
"Sorry, girls, but I have a job to do, and if I remain here any longer, then I'm afraid that something dire will about to happen if I leave Kana even a second unguarded. I just have a pretty bad feeling tonight, and my gut never betrayed me in my years as an Agent." Rin said and carried them to his bed.
Bowing to show his most sincere apologies, Rin then equipped his black shoulder bag and left the dorm without wasting a single moment.
In the B.S.S., secrecy is everything. It is one of the cores that an agent must strictly adhere to as long he is affiliated in the Brotherhood. To reveal oneself is to deny everything that the Brotherhood has fought for. It is also for the safety and security of the Organization and, of course, the Agent him or herself and everyone that he or she knows.
This is why in every mission, An Agent must never reveal his identity to his or her enemies, especially the persona behind the Code name.
As such, every Agent is issued with a Covert Suit. It is a black catsuit covering everything, including his face, that emphasizes mobility, stealth, and combat in one go. It is fitted with an earpiece for communication purposes, and it has a belt strap that uses multiple types of equipment as relevant to the mission. Of course, every Agent may modify it as they seem fit to their liking, and Rin has a blade sheath strap behind to accommodate his signature weapon, a Dai-katana with a blue handle, a golden guard, a red pommel, and the blade, polished carbon steel that can cut flesh like paper.
Of course, he also has secondary weapons like his trusty handgun strap on his belt, A Glock 19 9mm Compact Semi-Automatic pistol fitted with a suppressor, perfect for concealing, stealthy kills, and quick drawing.
And let's not forget his set of hand grenades, both explosive and non-explosive, that can be used as the situation permits.
Finally equipped and ready, Rin decided that his first course of action is to ask some Brotherhood assistance. Tapping the earpiece, Rin called the Dawn HQ.
"Koala, do you copy?" Rin begun communication.
A few seconds later, the voice of a girl was heard, and he heard…. Yawning.
"Hello, Ant." The girl's voice was rather unmotivated, as depicted by her code name. "I hope this is urgent. You disturb my good night's sleep, after all."
Rin chuckled at Koala's lazy antics. "Hehe, sorry, but this is rather important. Can you hack into the security feeds of Rosemary Academy and show them to me?"
"An easy task. I'll send them into your phone in a few seconds." Koala instantly replied, and true to her words, multiple video feeds were sent at Rin's phone.
Rin began to scan every single video, and in the end, what he found caused his fist to clench tightly in rage.
"Bastards, it seems that they took Kana away." Rin gritted his teeth. "I should be more vigilant, and my laxness caused her safety."
"Regrets later, Agent." Koala's voice begun to take a severe turn. "I have taken the liberty to scout and pinpoint the most probable areas where they could have taken her, and the most recent driving activity suggests that a white van was seen driving going at an abandoned warehouse not that far from here. I suggest that you go there."
"Thank you, Koala. Where would I be without you?" Rin said with gratitude.
"Maybe in that damn orphanage where they pick you off. Just doing my job, Ant, no matter how troublesome it is." Koala answered and yawned once more. "I guess it's up to you now. Good luck, Agent."
"For the Kingdom!!" Both of them uttered at the same time.
Rin shook his head back to the current events and turned his worried gaze at the state of unconsciousness that Kana is. As he was about to carry her away from the scene and drop her off at the Academy, Rin's reflexes immediately kick in, striking a dagger that was thrown in his direction.
Gazing upon the culprit, the man was wearing a black suit with the black cloak, black fedora hat, black gloves, black… everything.
"Bravo, it seems that you are indeed the right man for the job!! Although a slight mishap, you did not panic in the slightest, which led us to here!!!" The man's voice was rather cheerful… too cheerful much to Rin's unliking.
"Who are you?" Rin did not expect someone like him to appear, and it seems that the man is skilled in combat as Rin deflected a solid throw after all.
The man ignored the Agent's question and looked at the dead bodies. "Hmm, so those two are already dead? Well, they are disposable after all and not of importance."
Then the man decided to humor Rin.
"Oh, right, you want to know who I am? I'm simply known as the Boss, but in your case, I'm sure you already know..."
The man removed his fedora hat, revealing his quite handsome face. Rin's eyes widen in astonishment; the figure in front would never have thought that it will be him.
"Jonathan Erendal." Was Rin's only unexpected response.
- In Serial47 Chapters
Joie de Vivre
A modern man chased immortality and found it. In a mixture of good and bad luck, he was re-born as part of the Uzumaki clan from the Naruto-verse, some few years before their scheduled destruction. But if Daichi were the sort to allow a little thing like fate to get in his way, he'd never have survived in the first place. Dedicated, intelligent, chock full of ideas from a technologically advanced society, and perfectly willing to scorch the earth, he sets out to avert history. Can he avert canon, save the Uzumaki, and forge his people into a mighty nation? Or will he fail, dooming his clan to extinction? At the end of the day, all he wants is a good life. And considering even Death itself didn't stop him, he pities whoever gets in his way. ================== Tags: Naruto, Reincarnation, OC, eventual multi-cross. ================== Author's (Brief) Note: Back by popular demand. This was my first significant fanfic (and fic in general). I wasn't happy with the writing as time went on, and took it down, but years later am still getting requests to put it back up so I guess some people liked it. Newly re-released as I finish some minor editing, there are about 100,000 words (~360 RRL pages) already written, so releases should be fast until I catch up with the backlog. That said, it may languish in hiatus at that point if the interest isn't high enough to merit continuing, so if you're the type to only read finished stories (or ones where the author promises to do so), I am very specifically not promising that. On the other hand, if enough people read, like, review, comment, rate, etc. then it will get added to my writing schedule. Generally, the character is based on a “how badass could someone who hasn't done ridiculously crazy shit be? Or, how does someone with the potential, in another setting, with a lot of luck, to be a badass act and develop as a modern, productive member of society? And then how would they deal with the Naruto-verse?” Please, please do not judge my writing by this. Unless you really like it, in which case fine, do, but recognize my other writing is likely better (unless it’s that one MTG/ASoIaF/SW fic I did over on SB as a speed-writing experiment, which is also pretty terrible).
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