《Heavenly Goddess》Chapter 11:The Feast.


Song Qing felt a shiver running all through her body. Her fantasies suddenly broke down into pieces and she woke up in the real world only to encounter, faces filled with tremendous rage and killing intent. ‘What are they looking at me like that for?’, a thought came to her mind, ‘Have they found out that I was the one who ran away with that bastard’s clothes?’, a deep anxiety clutched her mind. Before she could think anything else when she felt that someone had clutched her hands. Before she could take any action, two maids made her stand up and bow. She felt greatly confused.

“There is no need to be so angry and strict, I think that she was just unaware. Right?”

‘This voice…have I heard it before?’, Song Qing lifts her head to find out Niang Jun looking at her in a questioning attitude. She involuntarily just nodded. Soon everything became calm, and everyone seated themselves. “Oi, did I just do something wrong?”, Song Qing leaned towards Yong Meng and asked him. “Ask yourself…”, he paused and spoke no more. ‘Ask what? Did they really find out it was me?’, while Song Qing was struggling with herself, Liu Ji Lie asked Yong Meng to come over his table. Soon Song Qing was forced to come out of her thoughts. She followed Yong Meng to find out a whole group sitting with Liu Ji Lie. She seated herself and turned her gaze around her, on her one side was Yong Meng then next to him was a man she didn’t know, in front of her was Liu Ji Lie and next to him was Ke Qin! Seeing him, she instantly withdrew her gaze, covering her face with her sleeve she looked sideways only to encounter Niang Jun sitting next to her. She looked at him vaguely in surprise and recalled he was also the one who just questioned her a bit ago, she couldn’t help but think, ‘Why is he here?’ While she was lost, oh! She is so lost today. Encountring unimaginable events one by one. At length she was just stupefied and Liu Ji Lie broke the silence, “These young men here have attained the 50th level in immortality and have just summoned their subordinates some days ago. This is the heavenly prince Wang Ke Qin.” Wang Ke Qin bows and greets Niang Jun.


“This, the prince of the water realm Chen Daquan and the younger heavenly prince Wang Yong Meng.” Bot of them also bow while sitting and greet him.

“And who could this maiden be sitting beside me?”, Niang Jun asks with an interest-full expression on his face.

“She is Song Qing, my subordinate”, answered Yong Meng.

“Song Qing?”, Niang Jun stared at Song Qing, while a tornado was blowing in her head.

‘If I just knew, I would see him again, I would’ve never lied to him about name or made that stinky promise. If I just knew…’, a pitiful and helpless expression covered her face while her cheeks became completely pink. She bowed and greeted.

Niang Jun just smiled. He already knew everything and that dub expression on her face was just killer! Soon, the atmosphere became quite boring as they all started talking about spiritualism, politics and drank alcohol. Song Qing just yawned the whole time. Niang Jun was calm and talked less. While everyone was busy in their gossip, she secretly slipped out from there. Everyone had become illusioned by alcohol now, what heavy drinkers! People had started to leave their places and wander in the courtyard. Song Qing was sitting in the garden on a wooden chair, when Niang Jun reached there. “Looks like, you are enjoying it quite well.”, saying this he sat beside her. Song Qing gulped, though she hadn’t been eating or drinking anything. But her mind was still unrestful, she was totally confused about today’s events. At length she turned her face towards Niang Jun and asked, “Who are you? How come you are here?”

Niang Jun smiled, he had already expected this question, “I am Rui Niang Jun. And I m here to attend the feast.”

“So Niang Jun”, she was calling him by his name. Well, no one dared to do that in all the realms. He was highly esteemed and powerful.


But nonetheless, she continued, “…are you someone important or powerful? They all were behaving so deadly respectful in front of you?”

“You guess.”, Niang Jun supported his head by his hand and smiled faintly. Before Song Qing could guess, Yong Meng appeared there and said, “Sorry to interrupt you, but we must take our leave.”, saying this he bowed to Niang Jun and then turned to Song Qing, “Qing Qing, let’s go. Song Qing got up and followed him. Soon, they were out of sight. Niang Jun cupped his face in his hands and faintly murmured, “Qing Qing, huh? Are they that intimate already?”

Next day arrived, as quickly as possible! The morning was quite beautiful. The plants and flowers covered in morning dew, it felt so fresh and good. A beautiful bird with a crown of jade on its head, called the jade bird, quite small in size, but exquisitely beautiful, was just trilling on his chirpy note, sitting at the branch of a tree in the Moon River courtyard. Suddenly, it was shaken to death when it heard such noise burst out of the courtyard. Well, poor bird, it chose the wrong place to spend the morning, how could Moon River courtyard, housing Song Qing, be calm? Yong Meng was sipping his tea, sitting in his study and enjoying the beautiful garden view when certain noises broke his calmness. The cook came running to him dragging Song Qing by the hand, “Master, look at her, she ate all the pastries that I had prepared as evening snack.”, the cook looked angry.

“No, I didn’t!”, Song Qing tuned to Yong Meng and tried to defend herself, then she turned to the cook and continued, “I told you, it was a cat and not me. I had just entered the kitchen when I saw the cat eating all the pastries and I tried to drive it away, just when you came up and alleged me. Why would I eat them!”

“Cat? What is that? I’ve never heard of such a creature. Look, master she is lying, there is even some bits of pastry on the corners of her lips.”

Yong Meng raised his head only to find Song Qing wiping her face with her sleeve in a hurry. She went near the cook and brought her face near him saying, “Where? Look my face is all clean!”

“Both of you—“, Yong Meng was suddenly interrupted by a servant who told him that he was summoned by Liu Ji Lie and he should hurry.

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