《Reincarnated, Now What? (ReWorked)》Chapter 17: The Virgin and The Hot Elf


After following the tracks for an hour, Haruto heard the familiar sound of an earthquake, and a herd of elk ran ahead of him. The tracking skill came in clutch only Remsama knows how long it would have taken me without it. For a moment, Haruto saw a mirage, remembering the proud elk who proudly led the rear. The image of the proud elk was slowly replaced by a young elk who was hurrying the herd forward.

The young elk made eye contact with Haruto but quickly focused back on fleeing. Some elk were bleeding profusely, and the young one who looked at Haruto had a limp.

Becoming infuriated, Haruto wondered who had the balls to attack these elk. Amid his anger, an arrow zoomed by striking a fleeing elk in the head, killing it on the spot. Hmph, I don’t know who this is, but imma take em to pound…

Before Haruto could finish his thought, a gorgeous elven maiden elegantly sprinted by him.

His jaw dropped in astonishment. I didn’t expect this. I was prepared for a grizzly hunter, not a hottie. Well, I guess I wouldn’t mind taking them to town either. Cough* Be still my beating heart. “Uh hi hi hi how’s it... it going” stuttering out a line the beauty stopped her pursuit of the elks and stared at Haruto in a panic.

Smiling, Haruto forced out, “I mean you no harm hehehe,” He couldn’t stop himself from letting out a perverted laugh as he took in the full view. The elf maiden stood at 6 ‘0 and had a slender frame, with an elegant face chiseled by the gods. As a true connoisseur, I am a fan of the itty-bitty type. Hell, I shall host this world’s first convention.

While Haruto molested the elf maiden with his eyes, a group of three more elves caught up. I must say the two men of the group are most definitely traps, thank the heavens for them wearing pants and the females wearing skirts or I would definitely be fooled. Everyone stared quietly at each other for a good 5 mins, until one of the males said something in a weird tongue.

Haruto tilted his head, not understanding what the elf said. Is my comprehension not working, where are the bloody subtitles?

A popup appeared. New Quest: follow the elves back to their village.

Haruto became excited seeing the missing popup. I haven’t seen this bad boy since the tutorial. I have finally made it to the story mode.


The elves didn't wait for Haruto to reply and began dashing in a hurry with the hottie throwing a dead elk on her shoulders like it was weightless.

Haruto scurried after them, not knowing what was going on. Whenever he said anything, they ignored him, and none of them ever said anything to him. The group headed deeper into the forest, and then broke hard left heading northwest of Haruto’s home.

After traveling, they arrived at a giant level 300 ancient cedar tree that had houses made of leaves throughout its branches. None of the villagers were out and about which Haruto found strange. He didn’t have time to investigate, as he quickly followed the elves who brought him to a large leaf house. Inside he found a level 150 elder elf chieftain. This elf looks quite young to be an elder. I wonder what’s his secret, my mom would kill to know it. Not knowing what to do, Haruto tried to communicate, “Uh, hey, how’s it going, bro. Mind telling me what you want.”

The elf didn't reply, and looking into the elf's eyes, Haruto found a lack of life as if he were looking at a husk. Startled, he looked at the four elves, and all of their eyes seemed somewhat dim. A ding occurred, and a little light was restored in the elves’ eyes.

The chieftain looked at Haruto intently and spoke in the bizarre language again. Quest added: defeat the ancient beast of the forest to earn the elven princess as a bride.

“What the hell. Wait, wait, are you telling me that this beauty is the prize of the quest? Come on, chieftain-sama, do you have no shame. I mean, I certainly do not, but one of us should. Right?”

The elves continued blankly, staring at Haruto. He got the feeling that none of them had the concept of shame, let alone any other emotion.

I accept the quest, but I am reluctant. No, semi-reluctant to take this mindless robot as a bride, even if she looks really good. Well, maybe I can take her in as a bride. I mean, I just won’t do anything with her, yeah, that’ll definitely work. Haruto greedily stared at the princess elf, who still had the elk on her shoulders. Hm, this may be my only chance to lose my virginity, but where would me Saiyan pride be if I had relations with this husk. My mind is telling me no. But my body! My body is telling me, yes!!! Thinking up to this point, Haruto decided to figure it out later and left the elven village.


The mission details said to start this mission, I have to be in the center of the forest and challenge the ancient beast. So, before I do that, I should head back and collect my faithful party companions. Haruto ran back as quickly as he could. Lest his mind wandered too far with thoughts of the elven maiden. Making it back home, Haruto found most of the rabbits had taken up residence in his house. Shaking his head, Haruto didn't bother about that issue right now. Far greater things were afoot. “Bluey, Shiki, and Sura come on. We have a battle to win.”

The three generals became ecstatic, hearing that they were about to head into battle, and got ready to head out. Yuuta happily hopped from inside the house after hearing they were going to head out.

Haruto looked at him and suggested, “How about staying here with your siblings instead? I’d hate to see you get hurt.”

Yuuta puffed out his cheeks, and opening his mouth, whispered, “I go.”

Haruto's jaw dropped for the second time today. Oh, Remsama, he can talk. I don't know what to say. Him being able to speak had never crossed my mind, I just assumed he’d do spiritual messages like the three stooges.

In his stupor, Haruto was bombarded by the three idiots pleading with him to take Yuuta, promising they would protect him with their lives. The smug croc Bluey was even looking extra smug as if asking, "who on this planet could get through me?"

Haruto relaxed a bit “fine, you can come, but here take this bow, and if we run into anything dangerous, don’t hesitate to run away, ok?”

Yuuta nodded his head in compliance, and after receiving the sky breaker bow, he began hopping around in glee. Seeing these four goofs rampaging around like this, a thought arose in Haruto's mind. Why are these guys so filled with emotion, but the elves weren’t? I’m sure I’ll figure this out sooner or later and then hehehe wait for me, my elven bride.

With this in mind, they began their journey into the forest. Hmm, no reason to rush. Might as well grind a bit before we get there. That'll give Yuuta a chance to figure out his bow. Along the way, Haruto saw a murk rat darting around, so he had Yuuta shoot at it. It took Yuuta four shots to hit the murk rat, but Yuuta's quick reflexes gave Haruto a surprise. Haruto took his time with their stroll through the forest, having Yuuta try to shoot the hummingbirds. After failing ten times, Yuuta finally shot one down. A group of level 15 ants attacked them, so Haruto had Yuuta snipe them in quick succession to get used to reloading the bow.

Again, Haruto was greeted by the sight of a level 60 bald eagle swooping down for a murk rat. By chance, Yuuta was aiming for the rat and hit the eagle instead. In a rage, the eagle flew high into the trees and plummeted down towards Yuuta like a missile.

Haruto decided to sit back and watch how Yuuta handled the situation. If things get too rough, I'll have the perfect excuse to send him home. Call me over-protective, but I feel this is how a good big brother would act.

Letting loose a volley of arrows, Yuuta began hopping back and forth between trees darting around with ease. The eagle got pelted by the continuous barrage and tried to retreat. But Yuuta didn't give it a chance as he took a deep breath that imbued the arrow with extra strength and mid-jump unleashes a gigantic arrow that ripped a chunk through the eagle.

“Huh, I didn’t know the bow could do that. Good Job, Yuuta.” Haruto cheered Yuuta on, even if he couldn't send him home to safety. What's important is he doesn't get hurt.

Yuuta happily hopped to Haruto, so Haruto patted his head as a reward. After killing 10 level 15 ants, 2 level 40 murk rats, and the level 60 bald eagle Yuuta leveled up to 55. He also earned the title “novice bowman,” Which increased proficiency with the bow and added a plus 5% chance of arrow hitting.

Haruto decided to camp out for the night so Yuuta could go through his transformation before the boss battle.

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