《Reincarnated, Now What? (ReWorked)》Chapter 15: Bday Presents And Even Soy Sauce Can’t Change A Man’s Heart


Finally, when the sun had fully set, Sura lit a big fire, and all the little rabbits dragged the carp near the fire. A massive pot of water was boiling, then filled with chopped carrots and cabbage. Little Yuuta drowsily came out of the house. He worriedly hopped around Haruto after seeing how injured he had become. Haruto smiled and patted his head, "Happy Birthday, Yuuta. I hope you enjoy these presents."

A wide array of meals was created with Haruto trying his hand to make sashimi with the carp, seaweed, and some sweet soy sauce. Shiki quickly cut the carp up to match Haruto's style, and all the little rabbits were treated to the meal. Only Haruto, Yuuta, and the high-level rabbits were able to eat with the sweet soy sauce. They happily scarfed it down, with Haruto and Yuuta eating the lion's share of the delicacy. The rabbits ran around the house in high spirits. Haruto used the sky breaker bow to mimic fireworks in Yuuta's honor.

The three stooges happily discussed their battles with each other through spiritual messages. The smug Bluey was quickly suppressed by the elk battle tale, as his tale of fighting two schools of carp fell short. Shiki pulled out his old reed and began playing a random melody. Haruto tried playing happy birthday to the best of his abilities on the reed. Still, it sounded a bit off-tune since the reed wasn't an actual instrument. I should try crafting a flute one of these days.

While Haruto played the song, Bluey started to do a weird body dance by shaking around erratically. Soon enough, a long line was formed as the rabbits mimicked his dance to the tee. Haruto heartily laughed at this scene, and even Shiki and Sura joined in on the dance. Haruto decided to just sit back and watch. Yuuta had begun mimicking Haruto a lot since his transformation. He also giggled at the sight and leaned back like Haruto, glancing at him to make sure he had the correct posture. Everything was lively now, and Haruto couldn't help but think he never had this much fun back on earth.

I was too busy shut in my room for every birthday of Aito. Hell, I even promised him one time when he excitedly told me that he wanted me to come to his birthday, so he could show his friends his older brother. I skipped that birthday so I could do a special raid in the original "Heroes Of Darkness." Am I a bad brother? I feel that even if I went back and could change it, I probably wouldn't. I always had the mentality that one should not change the past, for that is what makes you, you. I wouldn't be this version of me if I changed any action, and that scares me. But even though I accept my past, Aito deserved better.


Thinking up to this point, Haruto felt remorseful about how he treated his brother. Yuuta noticed Haruto wallowing in sorrow, so he rubbed his head against Haruto and offered him a large piece of carp dipped in sauce. Haruto smiled at the scene and happily took the offering though he still felt lousy reminiscing over the past. "I failed my last little brother, but I swear Yuuta, I won't fail you. Hopefully, future me will thank me for this decision," Haruto whispered with determination. Noticing Haruto perking up, Yuuta could no longer contain himself and gleefully jumped into the dance line.

Haruto smiled at Yuuta's innocence, putting his sad memories away, and joined in on the dance line. They danced for hours. To Haruto's surprise, the ones who got tired of dancing first were not the low-level rabbits but his three generals. Even the energetic Bluey began slowing down after a while until he rolled onto his stomach and entered a deep sleep. Shiki, after finishing the dance, pulled out the main event of the night. With the dance burning up a bunch of calories, the majestic elk was brought out by Shiki, who had skinned it. Then he poured a hefty helping of soy sauce on the body, and finally, Sura cooked it by burning the glaze to a perfect crisp.

The smell permeating from the cooked meal woke Bluey from his supposed deep slumber. Haruto shook his head in disbelief at this ridiculous croc. All the rabbits smelling this new meal stopped dancing and scurried around it, eagerly awaiting their turn. Yuuta had drool running down his mouth as he greedily snorted the air filling his stomach with the fragrance. Haruto pulled Yuuta's cheeks and pushed him towards Shiki to get the first piece. Grabbing the piece, Yuuta devoured it instantly, not even letting it cool down or moving to sit down.

Bluey seeing this no longer waited and rammed through the horde of rabbits, Shiki glared him down, bringing him to a stop. Shiki cut a giant piece off and threw it into the air, causing Bluey to jump after it. The scene was half incredible, and the other half ridiculous, Bluey easily caught the meat mid-air. An even bigger piece was cut off and handed to Yuuta, who hurriedly carried it to Haruto.


Haruto could smell the tantalizing air, but to him, the smell was not appealing. He remembered the gaze of the elk. He spoke somberly, "A real man is not held back by his body, even if this was the most delicious meal in the world. I would still not have any. Remember this well, Yuuta, when honoring someone never half-ass it. Because that would bring dishonor to their name. You may lose control over your body or your mind, but there is one thing you will always have, and that is your pride." After his speech, Haruto laid back onto the ground and silently stared into the stars.

Seeing Haruto like this, Yuuta lost his appetite and returned the meat back to Shiki. But Shiki was also depressed because he was there for the hard-fought battle, how could he have ignored his Shogun's feelings. He began to think about getting rid of the whole meal. Before he came to a decision, Bluey slapped him out of the way and began consuming the meat. Shiki, Yuuta, and Sura were furious and were about to teach Bluey a lesson he'd never forget. Seeing the sparks, Haruto interjected, "do not mind me. It would be wasteful to kill and not eat what you have killed. That in itself would be a dishonor."

Yuuta wasn't convinced by his words, but Bluey smugly looked at them and returned to being a croc pig. The other rabbits hearing the ok also began devouring the elk. Haruto closed his eyes and drifted into a slumber, having personally ruined the mood he knew the party was basically over.

Haruto Level Up to 78: Side Mission Cleared (Pro Hunter!)- Hunt A prey that is higher level than yourself Rewards- 2 small health potions, New Title, New Skill. Title: Veteran Hunter (+5 attack when hunting prey. Tracking Skills Gained (ability to notice prints and scents left by prey).

Special Mission Completed: (Breath of Fresh Air!)- use your own breath to strengthen a wind arrow. Rewards: (+5% wind affinity, ability to use breathing to create an arrow of wind without a bow, ability to shorten the time it takes to form a wind arrow.

Special Mission Completed: (Birthday Surprise)- throw a birthday party. rewards: free present (traditional yukata +5 agility, 10% heat and cold resistance), magic cake candles (candles for a cake that never melt) magic balloons (balloons that never pop)

Skill earned "Barings Of A True Man" (understands what it means to be a true man. On your journey to becoming one, just follow your heart and trust your feelings. A true man does not regret his decisions or opinions. A true man shows them to all and guards them safely. When taking a stand to protect your way of life and those you care about 150% attack increase 200% agility increase)

Shiki level up to 65: Title earned Toad General II (+5 attack when in battle with the Shogun.) Title Earned "Master Swordsman" (Proficiency when using a sword. +15 attack when using a sword). Ancient Oak Katana III (+8 attack, +6 agility, +20 attack when in place of dense forestry) Increase Poison affinity to 40%. Increase in Fire Affinity 3%.

Shura level up to 65: Title earned Slime General II (+5 attack when in battle with the Shogun.) Skill earned concussive punch (+10 attack when using slime parts to hit foe.) Fire affinity increased to 60%.

Bluey level up 70: Title earned "Relentless Predator" (+20 agility when hunting prey) Title earned Croc General II (+5 attack when in battle with the Shogun) Affinity with Water increased to 50%.

Yuuta level up to 45.

Stats at Level 78:

Strength- 84

Dexterity- 84

Energy- 292

Mana- 78

Intelligence- 82

Luck- 82

Charisma- 82

Health: 8700

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