《Reincarnated, Now What? (ReWorked)》Chapter 11- Down With The Level Up Flu


Haruto woke up to find the three lovable goofs wrapped around him, even though there was more than enough space for them to sleep in their own corners. Haruto leaned up and absentmindedly began rubbing Bluey's stomach as he memorized yesterday's proceedings. From the 100 trees I knocked down plus the little bit of exp from the rabbit, I have made it to level 30. Toad general has made significant progress of the three making it up to 20 after knocking down 15 trees and killing 5 rabbits. Slime general only went up 3 levels becoming level 17. Bluey came in second for level growth but only became level 28 after knocking down 40 trees and killing 16 rabbits. I've finally cemented my position as the guild leader. For skills, I gained a real useless one called "lumberjack," which gave me plus 10% dmg when facing a tree. Slime general gained "foot warmer," which sounds stupid but gave him a nifty fire attribute adding 5% fire affinity. Toad general gained extra poison production, most likely from me milking him dry for that sweet soy sauce. Bluey gained a bonus for walking on dry land, which really helps as he is pretty slow when not in the swamp. The idiots are still asleep even though I'm awake, it feels weird being the first person to wake up for once.

At first, Haruto wanted to wake everyone up, but seeing how drowsy they were, he allowed them some extra sleep. Grinding wasn't for everyone. Instead, he tried to meditate as the last time he did, the level up he gained was scrumptious. For an hour, Haruto attempted to go into a meditative state, finally, he started showing signs of it. His mind eased, and his body began circulating blood, gathering up the impurities in his body.

His skill "basic comprehension" activated, showing a better way for him to use his katana. This proved his belief that his current techniques were missing a little something, something. He also learned that his followers could understand his emotions and thoughts to a certain degree. This explains why the toad general was so helpful without me having to really say anything. This will come handy in battles against bosses. Finally, he gained a 5% increase in agility from the encounter with the rabbit. After a few mins, Haruto felt his level rise by one, and some impurities were making their way towards his mouth. Nice, nice if I keep this up, my gains will be on par with last time.

Unfortunately for Haruto, things quickly went awry. Without warning, he felt a powerful slap that flung him across the home. Shakily pulling himself up, he spat out a mixture of blood and some impurities. But a large amount of impurities went back down his throat, making him feel queasy and pissed. Haruto gagged from anger and disgust. His eyes darted around to see who had the balls to hit him while meditating. Only to see that idiot Bluey happily swinging his tail having a great dream. A dastardly smile appeared on Haruto's face, and he crept towards the ingrate. Bluey, noticing the blood lust drowsily half-opened his eyes. Not bad for a fool like you, if only your instincts were good enough to stop you from hitting me.


The two locked eyes.

Seeing it was just Haruto, Bluey began to close his eyes.

Haruto shot him a loving smile, one a mother hen would show its favorite chick. He then began mercilessly stomping on Bluely and roared, "you reject dog I should make croc boots out of you, they would be more useful. I was nice earlier to let you sleep, but since you have so much energy, how about going out and chopping 200 trees down by the end of the day." Bluey curled up into a ball and whimpered in his demonic tone, but Haruto was not having it and began lifting him up. Haruto threw Bluely out the door and hissed, "don't come back until 2 no 400 trees are chopped down, even then think twice before re-entering this home." Haruto looked back over and noticed the generals were still asleep even after all the yelling. I really overdid it with that grinding sesh.

Haruto placed a hand upon their respective heads, both were hot to the touch, but the general toad was burning hot. Worriedly Haruto ran outside and began searching for the water source the toad had found. Running in the general direction he went, his ears picked up the sound of rapidly moving water. After heading in the direction for 10 mins, a giant roaring river met his eye. The river appeared to run in both directions, seemingly forever. The width stretched on for miles. Any other time seeing such a grand river would overtake Haruto's mind. But the thought of the two generals being sick overwhelmed the sight. Haruto quickly filled the water pouch up with the cold river water.

He noticed giant fish swimming downstream, leaping feet into the air, then crashing back down in the river. Making a mental note to return here and do some exp fishing, Haruto finished filling up the pouches. While putting up the pouches, a giant level 35 mullet leaped towards him. Using his quick reflexes, Haruto jumped into the air, grabbed the fish, and stomped down on air itself to fling himself back onto land. Haruto's heart was thumping like crazy as he didn't know if he could actually do that or not. I suppose anything is possible if you're me.

As he enjoyed the greatness that was his ego, the fish began going bananas, so he hurriedly sliced off its head with his katana. Wrapping the fish up in some leaves, Haruto headed back to make fish soup. After he made it back to the house, he prepared a new fire. Am I supposed to peel the scales off? Oh well, I'm sure those two won't be picky. If I remember correctly, fish bones have some medicinal properties. Haruto chopped the fish up whole and threw it into the boiling river water. Going back in, he found the two generals still down for the count, so he poured some freshwater down each of their mouths and put damp leaves on their heads. After 10 mins the soup was about done. So Haruto went back and grabbed it. Then he mixed a health potion in. To think I'm using a potion when we aren't even in a boss battle. Haruto poured the hot soup concoction down the toad's mouth and shoved it in the slime general.


After that, he sat back down to meditate as there was nothing more to do but let them sweat it out. His stomach never calmed down after that idiot knocked him across the house, so he figured the only way to fix it was to remove the toxins. Not wanting to be distracted, he went back outside and sat crisscrossed in front of the fire and watched as the fire sparked and crackled. He observed the fire for what felt like hours until a single piece of fire floated in front of him and consumed his vision without warning. His body began to heat up like a fire was raging inside of it. He could feel the heat moving across his muscles, strengthening them and causing them to become numb.

He could feel his bones being tempered, which was the most excruciating experience he had ever felt. No matter how much it hurt, his mind continuously grew clearer. It felt as if his bones were burnt to ash, then piece by piece reassembled, only to be reduced to ashes once again. Finally, the heat made its way towards his brain, and he retracted his earlier statement. The pain he was feeling now made the other feel like a light massage. Every receptor in his brain was set on fire. Just thinking caused intense pain, but it was impossible to not think. It felt like a million heated needles were pricking his mind. His very soul was on fire. On the verge of insanity from all the pain, Haruto failed to notice an unending stream of magma black, impurities pouring out of his mouth.

Finally, after what felt like eons, Haruto's eyes regained clarity. The sun had long since set. To his left asleep was a half-dead Bluey. Haruto couldn't help but grin, seeing Bluey's tongue sticking out as if to signify how exhausted the croc was. Haruto stood up, and a loud popping sound came from within his body. A twinkle appeared in his eyes like a primordial flame, burning a path wherever he gazed. Slowly the twinkle resided into a deep slumber. The fire was covered in a black substance, yet the flames were still raging as if being fed coal.

Haruto's mind was still empty, but as he turned towards the house in a daze, he remembered the dangerous situation the generals were in. He ran inside full of worry, but that worry turned into surprise. The toad general had miraculously sprouted white hair tied into a bun, his height had increased, leveling him at 5'6. The toad general had gained the poison affinity at a 15% ratio. The reed in his mouth had turned into a smoking pipe. His toad katana had turned into an oak katana that exuded an ancient beauty as if it was an old living tree. His level had increased to 25 even though he had fought no trees today. His eyes showed a hint of intelligence, and he appeared to be in a daze. Upon seeing Haruto, he snapped out of the trance. Happiness was etched across his face.

I can almost feel how happy he is. Wait, no, I can literally feel how happy he is. What is this? Curious Haruto looked at the toad's skills and noticed he had gained the skill "soul bond" he could now express his feelings spiritually.

On the other hand, the slime had not gone through such drastic changes but had increased to level 19. The slime's red hue was darkening, likely after reaching level 20, he would have a major transformation.

Haruto smirked, happy with their progress, then he remembered that Bluey had not returned. Heading back outside, Haruto found him still asleep. Haruto checked Bluey's level. After knocking down 400 trees, Bluey had reached level 35. Haruto dragged him back inside so he could safely transform. Checking his own level, he saw after meditation he had topped out at 39. Just one more level, and I get another boost. Five more and Bluey gets his second, the gap between my faithful generals and this usurper is only increasing. Tsk, how dare a mutt be better than my chosen generals.

Stats at Level 39:

Strength- 45

Dexterity- 45

Energy- 162

Mana- 39

Intelligence- 43

Luck- 43

Charisma- 43

Health: 4800

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