《Reincarnated, Now What? (ReWorked)》Chapter 8: Taming the swamp


Haruto could hear a loud sloshing noise quickly approaching where he was. In a panic, he stopped wiping the sweat away, gritted his teeth, and opened his eyes to understand the incoming danger. "Bloody hell" in his accidental British impression Haruto's eyes were treated to the sight of four super crocs charging to shred him apart. Not prepared to fight these beasts, Haruto rolled back into the fog and hightailed it from that position, hoping they would not chase. But today of all days, these cretins decided to give pursuit and leave the swamp's boundary. Haruto's heart tightened to the extreme with no beats present. The lack of blood circulation muddled his judgment. In his delirium, he commanded, "creatures of the swamp save your shogun."

I ridicule the idiocy of that yell as one these creatures don't know what the fuck I am talking about. Two, the level disparity would be akin to them committing suicide for the guy who eats them frequently. While running, Haruto turned around and jumped back, throwing two one-inch punches. The punches made Haruto fly back rapidly. One of the blows missed crashing into the swamp, creating a whirlpool that sucked a croc into it. The second one hit a croc head on crushing its head into a fine jam. Haruto's face became pale after throwing the punches. I feel if I throw any more punches, I will faint on the spot.

Haruto slid across the swamp, like a skipping stone. Haruto panicked as his body hurtled through the air. Instead of the pain of slamming into a tree that he expected, a soft landing greeted him instead. To his astonishment, a giant slime had cushioned his fall. The slime was instantly crushed and divided into two new slimes. "Aw slime-san, you sacrificed yourself for your shogun. How could I ever repay you?" Haruto whispered in a sob with tears running down his face. To think I planned on using them as cannon-fodder but cried on the very first casualty. Guess I'm no man of steel.


In front of him, hordes of slimes and toads had gathered relentlessly charging into their assured destruction. One croc one-shotted over 50 toads, but they persevered as if nothing had happened. Haruto watched in awe as 1000s of toads leaped onto the croc, seemingly doing no damage. 100 were killed, but more joined the fray, and slowly a purpleness spread over the croc’s body. Though the croc became lethargic under the toxins, their numbers would not hold long enough to kill it.

Haruto tried to stand, but the earlier toss rendered him dazed. Haruto swallowed hard, imagining the damage he would have sustained if not for that slime. In a ferocious kamikaze attack, the toads feared no death. The croc opened its mouth to snap them apart, only for a large number of toads to willingly hop into its mouth, choking it with their toxins. Honestly, I am unworthy to be shogun. Just yesterday, I gladly consumed these brave toads with no remorse. I'm ashamed to admit that my mouth watered from seeing so many delicacies gathered in one spot even now. Proud toads, you may not escape my hunger, but at this moment, you have filled my heart instead.

In a joint strike, the toads and slimes charged the third croc, but this one was more resilient and roared, causing all the toads, slimes, and Haruto to be frozen in a cold sweat. Damnit. Of course, the high-level monster has a stun, rookie mistake to overlook this. Haruto clicked his tongue and watched as the force of 500 slimes and 100 toads were obliterated by the crocs tail swipe. For a few minutes, a one-sided massacre ensued even higher than the previous battle as all creatures were frozen. Luckily the final croc was still stuck in the whirlpool, or we would be in deep shit. How long does this stun bloody last?

After a full five minutes, feeling returned to Haruto's body and a blood lust oozed from his very core. He watched the croc mercilessly kill all the swamp's inhabitants. Kill his inhabitants. Even I don't know why I'm so attached, but regardless I can stand it no longer. Haruto stood oozing, killing intent hissing, "whose inhabitants do you think you are killing? Who are you killing them in front of? This daddy is the shogun, nay this daddy is your killer. Repent in the deepest parts of hell you lackluster cretin for having the unfortunate fate to bore my rage."


Forming a fist, Haruto's blood vessels expanded to the point of exploding, and an intense hot blood flowed through his body. The skill warrior's soul activated. In a blur, Haruto appeared in front of the croc. In this moment of unadulterated rage, he paid no heed to his speed. Pulling his fist back, the croc saw Haruto but did not retreat. Instead, it charged full speed ahead, convinced of its victory. Haruto's muscles bulged, ripping themselves apart. These were the very same muscles that had been refined after every level-up. They ripped like tissue paper as Haruto had transcended his limits.

A cold glint flashed through Haruto's eyes, and he launched the punch towards the croc's opened mouth. A shame for this croc if this were an actual videogame Haruto a level 15, would have no right to face these monsters. Even if he did encounter them, the 5-level discrepancy would make it a fierce battle to win. However, this was no video game, and even if it was, and even if Haruto had no right to challenge them. He would gladly slug it out to the death with this trash. No one and I mean no one hurts my companions.

Like a watermelon being hit by a hammer, the croc's head exploded into nothingness, splattering bits randomly around. The ensuing shockwave exploded the croc's body. Haruto stood in place unmoved. With blood dripping from his lips, he walked calmly towards the last croc, "usually in video games. I would never fight barehanded even when my character outranked the opponent. I held the ideology to use full strength even when hunting a slime. But for you friend. I'll make an exception this is in honor of all those who threw their lives away for me. I want my fists to remind me that this isn't some game with unfeeling AI. These are real creatures with feelings and loyalty."

Finishing a huge burden was lifted off Haruto's shoulders. He began pounding into the croc with his bare fists. The act went on for a good three mins as he used his normal punches to lengthen out the beating. Each punch was for a slime or toad that died. After 5 mins, the croc collapsed. Exhausted, Haruto popped a squat on the dead croc's body and took deep breaths. A hot sensation filled his throat, signifying the end of his adrenaline rush. Haruto emptied his stomach as the burning sensation overflowed. Calming down, he pulled out his container of swamp water and greedily chugged it down. "Woo banzai, I shall name this swamp, "the land of the rising swamp," and we shall conquer this world, comrades," Haruto drunkenly yelled with the last bit of his energy. Then he slumped into a coma.

A ding resounded. New Title Unforgiving- The battle isn't over when the enemy is on the ground, it is over when I kick his teeth out. New title Conqueror Of Swamps- (Can conquer new swamp territories across worlds). Level Up to lvl 25. Congrats on leveling up. Thirty unassigned skill points added. 20 free points for every skill.

Mission beat Starting Map subjugation- Toad and Slime army added. Slime general added. Toad general added. croc gloves (+5 melee attack), croc armor full set (+4 defense, +2 mobility in water, cold-blooded- ability to mask body heat) New perk for "Shogun of the Swamp" ruler of all swamp dwellers added. Secret mission beat- "this isn't even my final form!" (defeat more than one higher-level monster in a row) bonuses: 2 small hp vials, no luck all skill katana (+10 attack when fighting a higher-level enemy. +3 agility

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