《The Invincible Hero》I'll Have the Eggs


It took a few more weeks of travel to finally reach the Dragon Clan's home territory. When Kal and his wards arrived with their dragon eggs, they were greeted by the most prestigious leaders of the Clan. Only the Dragon Ancestors did not come. The Elders, Grand Elders, and Clan chief waited for the arrival of the eggs.

Once they disembarked, Kal N'Dar was treated like a hero! He bravely protected the precious cargo in the face of death. Dragons were extremely defensive of their young anyway. However, for twin eggs such as these, the Dragons were nearly insane with protectiveness.

Before the transport arrived Colonel Gelt was arrested and lost his military ranking. He was sent to a prison planet somewhere. No one knew where. Captain Harso was promoted to Major for his decisive actions leading to saving the precious dragon eggs.

The Elders took the Dragon Eggs to the hatchery. There, they were able to determine the exact hatching day of the eggs. It was decided hatching day would be a big celebration in the Dragon Clan. Kal was invited to stay to enjoy the festivities.

While waiting for hatching day, Kal received a communication from General Long. General Long thanked Kal for a job well done and promised a replacement for his Astral Palace was on the way. Two weeks after receiving the message, Kal’s magnificent new ship arrived. Kal named the ship immediately calling it 'Lady Grace.' He examined the ship and was very impressed. It was far more advanced than his Astral Palace.

The ship had a meditation chamber, training room, library, and large kitchen. The library was filled with cultivation techniques, array, and pill refining techniques. The meditation chamber was next to a separate storage room containing a wide variety of cultivation resources. This ship also had a spirit chamber for refining one's soul through essence arts.

The ship even had its own forge and armament assembly room, crew and captain's quarters, and general bunks. There was a common room with a stage. A shuttle room contained the ship’s three shuttles. The ship was far bigger than Kal's previous ship, but with so much room Kal thought about taking on more crew members and possibly some specialists.


Kal didn't fail to notice the subtle tracking formations and spyware throughout the ship. ‘I guess the old General still has his doubts. Not many in this Empire would trust a mutt like me. Probably wise since I'm a double agent.’ Kal thought with a smirk.

The formations were not hard for Kal to handle. He could either choose to feed false information into the arrays or deactivate them if he wanted. The Dragon Empire's array technology used to be superior to the Zimwarn Empire's. However, the Zimwarn's Samsara technology and their genius Emperor drove the technological abilities of the Zimwar Empire to make shocking progress.

Kal had a few items from BS42 he wanted to install in the ship. He also had his own Warbox which was disguised as a puppet. On Earth, such a thing might be called a robot. Although puppets and especially Warboxes were far more advanced than robots, the three were similar except a puppet was artificial and a Warbox had a real soul. A puppet had a limited AI whereas the Warbox was a living soul. Puppets were still more advanced than robots because they could utilize things like spirit energy.

Kal's Warbox would maintain the ship and guard it in his absence. It would also record and catalog all the materials and techniques on the ship, and start making ship alterations. The soul core of the AI of Kal's Warbox was a Master of runes, arrays and pill refining. Once the dragons were hatched he would receive new orders from BS42. The Young Lord's dragon egg would hatch in the next thousand years and there was still a lot of work needing to be completed.

Hatching day finally arrived and the Dragon Clan held their big celebration. The Clan was open to everyone and the most distinguished guests of their Empire and other Allied Empires made an appearance. People were anxious to learn the kind of dragons being born.

The people here would be astonished if they learned how these two precious children were 'born.' BS42 began the embryo creation and gestation period seventy-five hundred years ago.

A male silver Dragon and a female Golden Dragon were adventuring on the Beast planet that BS42 and Lorne were on. BS42 saw the two were a couple of young Dragon kids out for kicks. BS42 sampled their genetics to create his twin dragon eggs. He also marked both of the kids. The two seemed like childhood sweethearts and the well-experienced BS42 believed they would probably wind up together later.


The first mission BS42 sent Kal N'Dar on was to find the dragon couple and place the eggs in the mother so that she could give birth to the baby dragons resulting from his sample fifteen hundred years before. The eggs were placed in Kal's Samsara pod as he looked for this couple among the stars.

Kal found the parents on the run. The Silver Dragon and Gold Dragon fell in love, but the parents of the Gold Dragon had already chosen another Gold Dragon for her to marry. Instead of being separated, the pair chose to flee. When Kal found them, they were about to be captured and sent back to their families. The Silver Dragon would be severely punished, and the Gold Dragon would be forced to marry the prearranged partner.

It was a good thing Kal was a smuggler. He hid the pair on the Astral Palace and the three escaped. Kal found a small planet and deposited the family in a mountainous beast forest where no one ever visited. Not long after arriving, the Golden Dragon gave birth to the two eggs. For the last six thousand years, the Golden Dragon was incubating her young. The eggs were actually 'born' seventy-five hundred years ago, but the parents never suspected anything when the mother gave birth.

Kal kept track of the couple and made routine stops to see how the pair was doing. Mother dragons have a pretty good sense of when their young are about to hatch. Sensing her children were near hatching and it would only be a few months until the big day, she contacted Kal and informed him she wanted to return to her family to have the babies.

Both of the parents felt the babies were special enough they would be forgiven and taken back in their families. Kal agreed with them and set to work with his contacts to set up the family's reabsorption into the Dragon Clan.

Kal contacted General Long who gave his orders to aid the couple to arrive safely. Eventually, they made it back and today the entire Dragon Clan happily awaited the hatching.

Even General Long was able to attend the hatching. He was thrilled! He received a special commendation from The Dragon Emperor himself! At this moment Kal was his favorite sentient being. He promised himself he would make something out of Kal as thanks for all he had done. Just imagine if he hadn't found the pair and saved them from their families? In the General eyes, Kal was his lucky charm.

The twins were finally hatched. The audience waited anxiously and the first thing they saw were two little golden horn buds! The children finally came out of the eggs. They were Four-Clawed Golden Dragon babies! The last time twins appeared they were Copper Dragons, but their power greatly exceeded even the power of Gold Dragons. That pair of twins served as elders in the Imperial Dragon Academy.

The souls chosen for the dragon babies were twins in their previous life. The pair were elite Zimwarn warriors who were plotted against and wound up going against the Empire. The Emperor realized the pair was wronged and didn't intentionally go against the Empire. Therefore, their sentence was pretty light. Once their mission in the Dragon Empire was complete, they could return to the Zimwarn Empire and even request customized bodies for their next life. If they wanted to go on a training pilgrimage through the multiverse, that would also be fine as well and they could create customized bodies later.

The new dragon babies looked around the hatching arena and finally spotted their new parents. The pair flew to their parents and hugged them. It was a very touching event and everyone felt deeply touched.

After the celebration, Kal departed the Dragon Clan readying for the day when the young Lord Lorne would also hatch.

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