《The Invincible Hero》Decisions


"Would I like to be immortal?" General Brady asked as if he hadn't heard correctly.

"Yes, how would you feel about living for millions of years and yet still being powerful, more powerful than these little warriors you've been babysitting for years. Powerful, like my people," Zug Crisos said.

"Who wouldn't want that? What I wouldn't want is to sell my soul to the devil," the General said.

"Your world is insignificant in the great scheme of things. The Emperor thought about taking the place over, conquering it and adding it to the collection. Make it a vacation spot or something. Suddenly he changed his mind," Zug Crisos said.

General Brady's eyes narrowed. This is what he feared. Earth was merely a backdrop to a war which meant nothing to humans. However, these aliens weren't so good natured. The victor, no matter which side, would still come to Earth. Earth didn't have the power to stop these forces, they were just too powerful. General Brady wasn't a man coming from a place of strength, but he was the man standing between Earth and these aliens.

"Why'd he change his mind?" General Brady asked.

"You humans surprised him. You displayed absolute loyalty to the Emperor's youngest son. I'm sure it can be argued this was all because of you. I saw the videos and your stirring speeches. There is no doubt you strengthened those human warriors, but if the humans didn't support you, heh! You and I have both served in militaries. We've seen things. World's don't get behind anyone. They betray even their most sacred beliefs in the face of the unknown. Fear eats away at them until they treat the hero of their hearts like an epidemic.

Humans didn't abandon the prince. Instead, they chose to support the Prince in an unwinnable situation. You were warned by supporting the prince you risked your world. Your people General, they are an honorable people. You are the leader at the front waving the sword. You led the charge, but the humans, your masters, they put you on that battlefield to wave your sword.

You don't enslave or conquer loyal subjects. You lift them up and make them an example for others to see. We want to lift up Earth as an example to the rest of the Empire. We want to lift you up to show the humans of Earth how we reward fierce loyalty," Zug Crisos said.

"Everything you just said sounds really good to me. I like hearing the Emperor of the most powerful military power I've ever heard of took a liking to my home. I'm humbled he was so impressed with us. There's only one problem," General Brady said.

Just as Zug Crisos was about to ask what the problem was, he received a voice transmission from Zug Impendia. Zug Crisos was surprised and realized what General Brady, a very loyal man was about to say. If Zug Crisos let him say it, Earth would lose its chance to become something magnificent.


"He's alive," Zug Crisos said.

"What?" General Brady was startled by the sudden change of the conversation.

"The Prince, Dr. Lorne Longoak is still alive. I know it looked like he was disintegrated. However, he wasn't. The Prince was heavily injured, but he's being taken care of and is about to begin his training," said Zug Crisos.

"I don't understand," said General Brady.

"I'm sure you've seen by now we are adept at using technology to do various things with the soul," Zug Crisos said.

"Yes, it's a very shocking technology," General Brady replied.

"The young Prince was set up at the battle by his majesty the Emperor to be tested. He had to see if the Prince was worth grooming or not. If the Prince didn't stand out to protect Earth in the face of certain doom, then the Prince wouldn't be worthy. A true ruler gives everything for the sake of protecting what is precious to him. But of course, you already know that. This is why we're having this talk," Zug Crisos said.

"When will the Prince return to us? When will he complete his training?" General Brady asked.

"I don't know. He'll return when he's done. It could be one minute from now, one thousand years, or he could finish his training ten million years ago." Zug Crisos said.

"What?!" exclaimed General Brady.

"General Brady, your concept of time needs to loosen up if you are going to step into this broader world. I won't give you an explanation of how all of this works for now. If you are interested in my proposal, then you will be sent to do training of your own. If you survive the training, you will become an immortal." Zug Crisos said.

"Why me?" General Brady asked.

"Didn't I already tell you? It is because the Emperor has recognized your loyalty. If the Prince survives his training, he'll undoubtedly return to Earth. In that scenario, the Prince will be crowned King. Earth would most likely become his Throneworld. A Throneworld is the central power of the King's domain," Zug Crisos said.

"You want to turn Earth into a central power of Lorne's Kingdom?" General Brady asked.

"Yes," Zug Crisos said.

"How big would his kingdom be?" General Brady asked.

"Kingdoms under the Empire always span the breadth of at least one universe. A Kingdom that controls between one and nine universes is called a lesser kingdom; while a kingdom with territories of ten universes or more is called the Greater Kingdom," said Zug Crisos.

General Brady knew this was not the time to be shocked by everything. There were too many astonishing things being said. If he was amazed by every little thing this fellow said, then all he could do was sit here stupidly with his mouth open. He needed to focus. He was dealing with an Empire spanning an unknown number of universes and they were going to conquer this one. Earth could either serve as the Throneworld for their Invincible Hero if he survived his training, or they would wind up another conquered world of no consequence.


The Emperor seemed to value General Brady a great deal and he had become the decision maker for Earth. However, General Brady wouldn't let the temptation of riches blind him. He knew all of these promises required he and the Earth remain loyal to this Empire. Earth wasn't loyal to this Empire; they were loyal to Lorne. However, General Brady was troubled by what place Lorne had in all of this. Did he know he was being groomed as a King? Did he know Earth might be his someday? If so, then Lorne's protection of Earth was no longer selfless it was a matter of protecting what was his. General Brady had to bravely move forward and understand how things were.

"Zug Crisos, please forgive me for talking roughly. I'm not a trained diplomat, I'm just an old dog, so if I say anything rude or improper please forgive my crudeness. It isn't intentional," General Brady said.

"Fine, we'll take it as two old soldiers talking. I won't take offense this time to what you say as long as you don't go too far overboard. However, in the future, you will be taught how to speak properly. You have stepped into a much bigger world and your country bumpkin excuses won't hold any sway when you say the wrong thing in the future," said Zug Crisos.

General Brady gulped audibly and nodded his head in acceptance. Taking a deep breath, he began his questions.

"I wonder if you are aware the loyalty Earth expressed was towards the Prince only and not towards his father's Empire. What I mean is we never knew anything about the Emperor's Empire only he suffered from a coup. If you are expecting us to be loyal to the Empire I don't know if that's a realistic expectation.

The Prince served Earth for many years, selflessly. We all knew he was strong enough to conquer the planet by himself if he wanted, but instead, he took on the role of the humble protector. That's what touched our hearts," said General Brady.

"The Emperor only expects Earth to continue to be loyal to Lorne for the time being. He understands what the human loyalty is built," Zug Crisos responded.

"Did the Prince know he was being groomed to be king and Earth was his intended Throneworld?" General Brady asked.

"Haha, no. You've misunderstood something General Brady. The only reason Earth has been designated as the Throneworld is Earth sincerely expressed their loyalty to the young Prince. If not for that, there are a limitless number of worlds in this universe many folds better as a Throneworld. The Emperor desires loyalty beyond any utilitarian value. It also helps that the Prince seems to really like the Earth. He views it as his home," Zug Crisos said.

"What becomes of us and Earth when we move forward?" asked General Brady. He was sure to say "when" we move forward and not 'if' since there was no ‘if.’ He understood an Empire didn't care if others wanted to be ruled. They would be ruled. Earth needed to proactively become the Throneworld.

"There is certain necessary personnel every King needs. He needs a trusty general, a guard for himself and his Queen and he requires other types of followers who can help him with the day to day affairs of a kingdom. You have been chosen as his military advisor, for now, whether you can retain that post depends on your abilities. The Prince will also need his Zug. Big Time and Pretty Pugilist will be trained as Zugs. Big Time will be the direct Lesser Zug of the King; while the Pretty Pugilist will be the direct Lesser Zug of the Empress. They will be known as Lesser Zugs since they serve the Lesser Kingdom." said Zug Crisos.

Big Time quietly listened the whole time and suddenly perked up when he heard the big plans they had for him. He was excited. He always wanted to serve Lorne in some fashion whether a sidekick or guardian it didn't matter to him. Big Time immediately stood up and bowed.

"It would be my honor to serve the Prince in this manner, sir. I owe my life to the Prince and I am willing to use my life to pay that debt," Big Time said.

"Well, you have to survive the training first. I'll be training you personally," Zug Crisos said. He didn't mind this little fellow so much.

"Sir, Earth would be honored to serve the Prince, or is it King? I will do my best to advise him and make Earth's transition into a Throneworld as smooth as possible," said General Brady. He knew he needed to shelve his questions for now and demonstrate a resolute stance in support of Lorne given Big Time's sudden emotional outburst. This was a deal that only benefitted Earth.

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