《The Invincible Hero》Last Date?


The Longoaks currently lived in the small town of Fort Stockton, Texas. They moved there not long after Lorne left home for college. Truthfully, they had homes all over the world, the moon, Mars, and a satellite in orbit around Jupiter. Lorne phoned ahead to make sure they were on Earth and flew to their Fort Stockton home.

Walking into the living room, the Longoaks knew something grim was on Lorne's mind. Although he changed into regular clothes, he had traveled there by flying. Lorne didn't waste any time. After greeting his parents, he opened his tablet and loaded the memory onto the tablet to queue up the player.

"Please share your thoughts after you see this," Lorne said.

Lorne's parents watched the video and immediately took in a breath of cold air when they saw the warships from their homeworld. After the video finished the pair sat holding each other's hands solemnly looking at the screen.

Finally, Lorne's father spoke. “They found us. I didn't think they'd track us to such a small world, but they are here. It will probably take them another two years to reach the outer solar system at their current speed. It's strange they're moving so slow."

"They probably want to torment us. They know they have us and want to make us feel hopeless!" Lorne's mother cried.

"Who are they?" Lorne asked.

"The Usurpers," his father responded.

"The Usurpers?" asked Lorne.

"Yes, we haven't told you this, but the truth is on our planet we were members of the royal family. Before you were born our family was overthrown. We were forced to flee from our home. Those in our family who didn't leave were murdered. If we are found they'll kill us too!" said Lorne's Father.

"What happens if we left Earth? Would they pursue us?" asked Lorne.

"Yes, after they destroyed the Earth," said Lorne's mother.

"If you want to save Earth then we'll have to confront them. If we fight and we lose, they will leave the Earth alone. However, if we leave then they will destroy the Earth as punishment. They will continue destroying worlds that we go to until every planet we've ever crossed paths with is destroyed," said Lorne's father.


"Then we can only stand and fight." Lorne thought quietly for some time. After realizing there was no other choice, Lorne smiled broadly to his parents and said, "At least we have two years." After talking with his parents, Lorne called General Brady to tell him Earth would be safe so long as he and his parents faced the incoming force. Lorne promised to stay and fight.

Lorne thought for a while and realized he needed to spend the next two years tying up the loose ends in his life. He and his parents probably wouldn't survive the upcoming battle. Therefore, he needed to settle all the matters in his life. The first thing to settle was Mary. He just found her and now he would never know love. For the first time in his life, he truly felt the burden of a hero. A leader must sacrifice his own good for the good of others.


Lorne walked up to Mary's house with a single rose in hand. He knocked on the door and it was immediately opened. Mary came out of the house with a big smile on her face. Lorne presented the rose to Mary who ran inside and put it in a vase. Coming out once more she was ready to go.

"Lorne, I don't see a car...are we walking?" asked Mary.

"Yes, but not far," said Lorne.

Lorne lead Mary around the front gate of her house. Mary saw a two-seater bicycle proudly standing on the sidewalk.

"Our transportation." Lorne smiled, clearly pleased with himself.

Mary involuntarily let out a surprised snort and giggled at the novel transportation

"Now, don't underestimate my Centennial Eagle. I've put a lot of work into her and made some special modifications. She'll make any romantic restaurant in a ten-block radius within a parsec." Lorne joked.

"Oh, Star Wars jokes. I had no idea the esteemed Dr. Longoaks was a fan." Mary joked back.

"I was a fan...the new movies...don't get me started." Lorne moaned.

Mary laughed again, and the couple got on the bicycle riding away into the night.


They arrived at "The Blue Box," a themed restaurant. Here, the waiters dressed as characters from life and fiction. At one table, Sherlock Holmes took orders while joking with the Mad Hatter as he walked by. Supergirl was bringing a tray of food with the help of Little Red Riding Hood. The Cat in the Hat was the door greeter tonight.

The pair was led to a cozy table for two located in the interior of a large plastic tree stump. Ironically, their waiter tonight was the Cosmic Monkey. Lorne couldn't help but laugh at the young man portraying his quirky friend. He noticed his own alter ego, The Invincible Hero, was portrayed by the middle-aged portly manager. This made him laugh even more. What a humbling experience he thought. Mary was similarly entertained by the environment.

"What a wonderful place!" Mary exclaimed enjoying the colorful atmosphere.

"I used to come here as a child with my family. I always hoped to bring my own family here one day. You're the first date I've ever brought here," said Lorne as he smiled sweetly at his date.

Mary was touched by the comment turning slightly red and becoming a little bashful. Finally, she spoke. "Well, it's a wonderful place for you to bring me to. I wasn't sure what you had in mind when you asked me out. I half expected you might take me to an upscale Italian restaurant. I think this place is a much better choice. I like being surprised."

"The Italian restaurant is reserved for when our relationship is strong enough you can stand seeing noodles stuck in my teeth, marinara sauce on my face, and hearing intense slurping sounds as I eat the noodles," said Lorne.

Mary was extremely amused by Lorne's casualness and how comfortable he was joking with her.

"This is a really different side I'm seeing tonight. It's unexpected," said Mary.

"Disappointed?" Lorne asked.

"Not at all, I just thought of you as the impassioned archaeologist and historian. You've always been someone whose intense interest in the ancient past matched my own. Frankly, I never thought there was any more to you than that. I'm starting to find you as mysterious as a newly discovered artifact from an ancient hidden kingdom," said Mary.

"I am a man of mystery, internationally renowned as such. Get used to it, you may never know all my secrets." Lorne said in an overly dramatic way.

Mary laughed delightedly at Lorne's hijinks. The pair continued to chat and enjoy themselves. After dinner, the pair took the bicycle and wandered aimlessly until they found themselves at a walking park. Lorne chained up his bicycle and the pair walked down a path around the lake.

"It might sound strange, Mary, but in many ways, I feel a very natural connection with you. I felt it from the first time we met. It just took me a while to finally ask you out. I really feel like I've found someone special."

Mary smiled at Lorne, clearly pleased.

"I felt you were someone special from our first meeting as well. Everyone at the Museum thought of you as eccentric, but I always felt I got you somehow," said Mary.

"Mary, I don't know what your real feelings are, and this may be sudden, but I have something I wish to talk to you about. I hope you won't find it too sudden. I also hope you won't feel like I am burdening you." Lorne said with worry on his face.

Mary was a little unsure based on Lorne's sudden change in demeanor. What could make him so serious, she wondered.

"Mary, I need to take a chance, I wanted to take things very slow with you, but I no longer have that kind of time. I need to know, will you suspend your disbelief, and can you listen to me as I explain some unbelievable things? Will you come with me on the crazy train?"

As he was finishing his comments, Lorne extended his hand to Mary beckoning her to take it.

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