《Only Human》Chapter Five


The first thing I noticed when I regained consciousness was that I was lying on a bed, I can hear someone moving around next to me. I don't open my eyes right away instead I do a mental check of my body to make sure I'm okay. Thankfully besides a few aches and what I'm sure to be bruises I seem to be okay, except there's this weird humming sensation running through my body. As if a chill was constantly running down my spine, I quickly start thinking of any drugs they could have given me to cause it, but I can't think of anything.

"You can open your eyes; I know your awake."

At the sound of her smooth husky voice my eyes snapped opened, Goddess she sounded like...well a Goddess. I slowly raise my upper body with my elbows feeling some aches from the hit earlier. I look around to see that I'm in a small room in I'm assuming the Bloodfang pack's main house. Judging by the room's small size and simple furnishing it must be a guest room, the bed is up against a wall to my right and I spot a door a little bit past the foot of the bed. Looking to my left my jaw literally drops at the sight in front of me. Before I blacked out I thought I imagined that girl, but there's nothing imaginary about the girl in front of me right now.

She was facing away from me combing her hair in front of a mirror on top of a dresser. Her hair was pale blonde, reaching just below her shoulders. I can imagine under the light the moon it glowing white. I notice the tips of her hair seem to be damp, that's when I spot the door farther left that leads to a bathroom and a towel on the floor next to her bare feet. Just thinking of this beautiful creature naked and showering only moments earlier made my mouth go dry. She was wearing a long-sleeved black crop top that showed off her midriff with tight blue jeans that hugged every inch of her long legs. The outfit was simple enough, but on her it looked downright decadent. Her body looked like it came straight out of Sports Illustrated, and I'm not just referring to her curves which she most certainly has. I mean she's FIT, from the reflection in the mirror I can see her stomach is flat, smooth, and as hard as steel. Her whole body seemed to radiate power and that's without her aura, she was calm and collected just brushing her hair. Focusing now on her face in the mirror I still can't believe she's real, she's gorgeous. Smooth pale skin, soft features, but it was her eyes that captivated me. Long dark lashes surrounded the most beautiful light blue eyes I had ever seen, and they were looking right at me.

She turned to face me, quirked one eyebrow and gave me a mischievous smile, as if asking if I had finished with my appraisal. My mouth snapped close and I couldn't stop myself letting out a loud gulp.

Focus and say something you idiot! I chastise myself.

I open my mouth to say something but right then the girl saunters over to the bed and slowly climbs on. Her sensual movements, like a wolf cornering prey, leaves me speechless. She slowly climbs on top of me and sits on my lap straddling me. The humming sensation from before seems to intensify and my body lets out an involuntary shudder of pleasure. Seeing my reaction, the girl just looks at me with a wolfish grin, I try in vain to compose myself.


Goddess, this is insane, what is happening right now? I need to focus and find out who she is, what she wants, and what the hell is going on.

I open my mouth to ask her, but at that same moment she decides to lean forward, her face at the crook of my neck and breathes in deeply. The sensation of which sends a shiver down my spine and straight to my groin. My whole-body shudders so hard I have to clutch the bed sheets just to steady myself, but she didn't stop there. Next, she scrapes her elongated canines across the skin at the base of my neck sending another shiver down my spine and straight to my groin. If she didn't feel anything sitting on my lap before she most definitely feels it now, because I can perfectly feel her tight firm rump.

"You liked that?" Her tone was pure sex.

Goddess, even her voice was giving me chills, I can feel my face go beet red, I look away embarrassed. Her hand gently grabs my chin and slowly forces me to look at her. Her eyes captivate me and everything around us just seems to melt away, every fiber of my being now focused on this beautiful creature in front of me. The humming sensation from before was now roaring throughout my body, I'm not sure how but I know she's feeling it too. Her light blues eyes were cloudy with desire and I can only assume mine were as well. Her eyes look down to my lips, I can feel myself struggling to breathe as she slowly begins to move her lips towards mine.

Knock, Knock

The knocking on the door breaks us both out of whatever trance we were just in.

"WHAT!!!" The girl snarls at the door.

"Forgive me alpha, but the pup wants to speak to you." The voice on the other side of the door sounded scared.

The girl rolls her eyes sits up and lets out an agitated huff. The pup the other wolf was referring to has be Cole, he's the only person I know that can cause that look on someone's face. Wait second, did that other wolf just refer to her as alpha!? Female alphas aren't rare but they're not common. In fact, this is my first-time meeting one, if you can consider this whole crazy situation a meeting. But first things first I need to get out of here, I need to contact someone at home to come get me before either Cole tries something or I end up doing something stupid with this female alpha. I reach into my pocket for my phone, but it's gone, confused I check my other pocket but still nothing.

"Uh, uh." The girl lets out in a playful tone.

I look to see her pull my phone out of her back pocket, I reach for it, but she pulls it away tucking it back into her pocket. She swiftly grabs my wrists and pins them over my head, her eyes become serious and I can feel her release some of her aura.

Oh, oh this could be bad.

"STAY." Her tone was commanding, and she used her aura to enforce it.

If I was a normal human that would've been enough to stop me flat. Still, I decide to play along for now, so I make my body go limp to show her I'm complying. She eyes me carefully for a moment before smiling, seemingly satisfied that I wasn't going anywhere. She quickly jumps off the bed and checks herself in the mirror one last time before opening the door to go out.


"No one enters or leaves this room but me." Her tone was hard and commanding.

I couldn't see the other wolf, but I heard him respond.

"Yes, alpha."

She looks over to me longingly one last time before leaving and closing the door behind her. I wait a few minutes to be sure she's gone before I slowly get up off the bed. I still need to be quite with a guard outside the door.

The head of the bed is up against a wall with a window, I look through it and see its still night time. Looks like I'm on the second floor of the main house and I'm looking out to what I assume is the backyard. A small incline from the main house leads to the backyard which is currently filled with people who seem to be celebrating. I recognize them as people from the Bloodfang pack. They're eating, drinking and dancing around a small round stage where at the center I see Cole alone.

This must still be the party, that's good that means I've only been out for a little while. Okay, our territory is only a few miles west of here. If I'm quick and careful I can get there with no problems, because staying here is too risky. I don't trust Cole and I don't know what to make of that female alpha.

With my mind set I open the small compartments in my shoes and take out the syringe and vial. The vial contains a powerful anesthesia, strong enough to knockout a wolf, James uses it when doing surgery. I carefully fill the syringe and make my way the door, I lay down to look the through the crack and see the guard is right outside with his back to the door.

Perfect, he's in reach. I quickly jab the syringe through his shoe and into his foot and inject the anesthesia.

"Ow." The guard says jumping away from the door.

I open the door to see the guard already swaying on his feet trying to stay upright, but after another few seconds he begins to fall. Not wanting him to get needlessly hurt I move to catch him.

"Jesus, this guy weighs a ton."

He was about the same size as Lucas, it took almost everything I had just to keep him from knocking me over. After setting him down gently I drag his body into the room and start searching through his pockets for a phone. He was wearing jeans, a white t-shirt and a black jacket.


I find a touchscreen phone in his inside jacket pocket. I swipe the screen to unlock the phone but it asks for a password.


I should still take it just in case. I need to hurry, someone might try to call him through a mental link and when he doesn't respond they're going to want to find out why. I take off my suit jacket and put on his, it's a little too big for me but that's fine. This should help mask my scent for a while and throw them off in case they try to track me. I leave the room and start looking for the stairs down, I move as quickly and quietly as I can, making sure to check my corners. Everyone from the Bloodfang pack should be outside at the celebration, but I can't be too careful especially with this new pack in the area. I finally find the stairs and make my way to the ground floor, I see the front entrance but then I remember the two guards from before. I make my way to the west side of the house and spot a bathroom with a window leading outside.

That's my way out, from there if I keep heading west, I should reach our territory and if I'm really lucky whosever on patrol tonight. As I head toward the bathroom, I hear a loud cheer erupt from outside. Further down the hall from the bathroom there's a window with a view of the backyard. I tell myself to just forget it, but my curiosity gets the better of me and I make my way to the window. Careful not to be seen I look out and see everyone was now focused on the stage and Cole seemed to be talking but I couldn't make it out. Whatever it is it's not good, it has a lot of his pack members looking wary and scared. Against my better judgement I crack the window open, so I can hear what he's saying.

"For far too long this pack has been too compliant, and not working to its full potential. We should be leading this region not the council. They have grown weak, letting strangers cross our borders."

This is bad, looks like Cole is about to do something stupid even by his standards. I pull out the cellphone I grabbed earlier and see if it has the option to use the camera without the password. Luckily it does, I flip the camera to landscape mode and start recording Cole's tirade.

"It's time for us to take control."

"Cole stop this foolishness at once!" An older man calls out, I recognize him as Cole's father Demetri.

"Can it old man you had your chance. You prostrate yourself in front the council in the hopes that they'll accept you, but not me. I'm going to take my seat on the council and deal with anyone that says otherwise. Let me show you how."

At that moment the female alpha walks up on stage and stands in front of Cole, her back to me.

"You wanted to speak to me?" Her tone was hard and uncaring.

"You will submit and hand over your pack to me." Cole declared.

Everything became dead quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

"What did you say?" The female alpha's tone in disbelief.

"You heard me, you will submit and hand your pack over to me." Cole boldly declared again.

"This is not what we were promised by your council we were told-" Before she could finish Cole backhands her across the face. Multiple gasps erupt from the crowd. The blow across the female alpha's face caused her head to snap to the side but her body didn't move an inch and I can see Cole rubbing the back of his hand having hurt himself. But what really took me by surprise was my body's reaction to her getting hit. Every inch of me wanted run out there and kill Cole. It took all of my self-control and rational thought, to stop myself running out there and trying to rip Cole's his head off. The female alpha makes a small stop gesture, I can only assume it was her telling her pack to hold and not attack.

"I don't care about the council or any deal you had with them. You will do as I say!" Cole yelled.

From where I stood I can see the female alpha was shaking with rage barely containing herself.

"If you wish to make a formal declaration of combat for control of my pack then I will accept." Her voice seemingly calm but her tone was menacing.

Cole slapped her again, and again I had to force myself not to do anything stupid and just keep recording.

"There will be no combat, you will do what I tell you, you stupid bit-"

Cole suddenly went silent and I couldn't tell why until I noticed half of his throat was missing, the only thing holding his head up was the back half of his neck. Cole tries to talk, spurting out blood, not even realizing what had just happened. The female alpha had ripped out his throat with her bare human hands, after another moment Cole clutches his throat and falls back dead. No one made a sound, everyone just stood there in shock including me, I couldn't believe what just happened. A scream rings out bringing people back to their senses.

That's when I notice three wolves charging toward the stage, one small wolf followed by two larger ones. I don't know who the smaller wolf is, but I'm pretty sure the two larger wolves are Cole's parents. The female alpha doesn't run, shift, or call for help she just stands there holding her ground. The smaller wolf reaches the stage first and lunges at the alpha, who proceeds to kick the wolf away knocking it off the stage and into a tree rendering it unconscious in one hit. When Cole's parents reach the stage, they lunge for her together, but faster than I thought possible in human form the female alpha moves to intercept them and grabs them both by the throat slamming them down to the stage on their backs. With their backs on the floor and her hands on their throats, Cole's parents knew they couldn't do anything but whimper in surrender.

"Holy shit."

While still holding down the two wolves with what looked like little effort, her heads snaps in my direction. Realizing I had spoken out loud I run towards the bathroom, open the window, and climb out breaking into a run the second my feet hit the ground.

I zig zag through the trees while trying to maintain a steady pace. It'll buy me some time if they start tracking me, not much but better than nothing.


It was her, not sure how I knew, but I just know that was her. I stop zig zagging through the tree and break into a run again. If she was that powerful in human form, she must be a total monster in wolf form. After about 5 minutes I come across a small shallow river, without thinking too long I take off the guard's jacket and my shirt. I toss the guard's jacket as far as I can into some bushes and throw my shirt up into a tree, hopefully that will keep them busy for a while. I run across the river making sure to keep the phone dry, I have to show my father this recording. After running for about 15 more minutes, I stop to catch my breath, I was covered from head to toe in sweat, dirt, and grime. I can see a clearing just a few feet in front of me, I've gotta be close to our territory by now.

That's when I felt it, a chill running up my spine, it was her! I looked around, but couldn't see her, but I knew she was here. Should I try calling out to her? Explain who I am? No, at best she could try holding me for ransom, and at worst she might not believe me and just execute me for knowing about werewolves.

"You can feel it can't you?" Her voice seemed to emanate from all around me.

"Feel what?" I ask, knowing exactly what she was talking about. I slowly back towards the clearing to try and make a break for it. She lets out a chuckle, seemingly amused by what I was trying to do.

Her tone turns husky. "The connection, it's proof."

"Proof of what?" This time genuinely interested in what it means.

"That you belong to me." Her voice whispers in my ear.

I jerk away and turn but still don't see her, I look all round me and still nothing. Her tone was sensual, but those words scared me. All the while I can hear her laughter all around me.


Her laughter stops, but I begin to smile because I recognize that howl.

"Mom!" I shout looking towards the clearing.


From the other side of the clearing, I see my mother's wolf form and she's not alone the whole pack is with her. I run to her, meeting me halfway I hug her as soon as she's close enough and she uses her giant wolf head to hug me back. Everyone else circles around me nudging me with their noses and letting out grunts and huffs to let me know they were worried. There was one wolf in the group I didn't recognize standing next to Lucas. The biggest wolf my father comes close and lets out a low growl in his chest and my mother does the same. They're way of letting me know I was in big trouble; I nod letting them know I understand. My dad then puts his forehead to mine letting me know he's glad I'm okay. Everyone snaps their heads toward the other end of the clearing. That's when I see her, standing at the edge of the clearing on the other side, still wearing the same outfit from earlier. She just stands there looking at me curiously. My father begins to let out a growl.

"No dad it's okay."

My dad stares at me for a second before letting out a huff, everyone turns to head home. My father uses his head to help lift me up onto mom's back, as my parents turn to head home I look back towards the clearing, but she's gone.

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