-Ari starts awkwardly laughing and miyu joins along-
(M) sorry -blushes- welcome to Volkov Academy!
-Miyu looks at aris luggage-
(M) let’s go to the dorms first to get you settled in!
(M) don’t worry it will be just us, all the students are in class.
(A) Oh okay -relieved-
-Miyu slowly guides them through the maze of plants-
(M) this is resident housing -points to another gigantic island that was hiding behind the current gigantic island she’s on-
-The one difference is the residence housing was a huge island made up of islands. Each level is a circle of islands-
(M) the higher your rank is the higher up your residence is
-She points at the island that is level with the mana bridge. It was a very nice set of dorms. “This is our beginner class housing we will be staying there-
(M) The island above is your middle class and the one above it is the advanced. On the very top, is where the warriors and fighters are.
(A-inner mono) daddy's money?
-Ari and miyu cross the mana bridge to the beginner islands. It had very modest looking and comfortable dorms. Two islands are the girls dorm and the ones across it are the boys dorms. The mana bridges connect all the island together-
(A) how do people get up to the other islands?
(M) ah, Um most of them use their powers to go up, but the ones who don’t have them just us the portals
-Miyu points at the mini island with the same looking orb as the entrance-
(A) oooo
(A-inner mono) duh of course
-Miyu takes ari to the furthest island. Goes inside, nice looking common room,then on the first floor, the first room.-
(M) This is where we will be staying. Since I’m part of the council -smiles- I have to take the first room if anyone needs me. Sorry for the inconvenience
(A) no it’s totally cool. Anything is fine with me
-Miyu walks Ari to the dorm, smiling-
(M) the doors are connected to our school power system, so when you want to come in you can and it will be unlocked for you. This is so we prevent students from mixing genders and individual privacy
-Ari nods-
-Miyu hastily opens the door-
-Ari is hit with plants. Literal plants. They were everywhere. The room was a jungle, a jungle of plants. Different types of flowers and vines and just plants-
(A) (⊙_ʖ⊙)
(M) sorry about the mess! It’s hard to keep them under control, they are excited to meet you
(A) h-hi
(A-inner mono) they have feelings!? Well I did read somewhere plants had feelings but like… right. I’m at a school for powers
(M) this will be your half of the room. Sorry about all the plants again.. it’s just I’ve never had a roommate before so I let them take the space
(A) it’s totally fine, they’re good company..
(M) -beams- right! That’s what I say to everyone but they don’t believe me!”
-Ari walks over to her bed that is barely visible. Starts unpacking. While unpacking she talks to miyu cause miyu is loitering around behind her-
(A) miyu if you don’t mind me asking, what powers do you have?
(M) I’m from the line of Flores. All of us have gone to this school and it really depends on the person, but for me I like to focus on potions and brews. It’s a given that the Flores will have plant communication given so we can decide what to do after that
(A) whoa, that’s really cool. What type of potions do you make?
(M) -visibly excited- plant growth and strengthening potions. Healing potions too of course, and even though I don’t like it I have some potions to defend myself with
(A-inner mono) right. don’t mess with miyu
-After unpacking in the barely movable room, miyu took her to the main volkov academy island-
(A) Where is everyone?
(A-inner mono) not that i don't mind
(M) The school is currently taking a trip to Ormeadow for cultural experience.
(A) Oh no! I’m sorry I made you miss it :(
(M) -awkward smile its fine, it wouldn't have been much fun alone anyways
Ari: oh..okay
-They arrive at the front of the school and Miyu leads Ari into the building. The doors are magical like in the dorms-
-When ari stepped inside she was marveled. This definitely did not look like what she expected. She thought it was going to be super preppy and obnoxious but all she can see are doors. Like they are well spaced and there’s decor that looks too expensive to touch around here and there but it’s just doors-
(A-inner mono) what’s the need of the outrageously large building!?
-Miyu noticed aris confusion-
(M) Ah! This is the entrance. I know it looks intimidating with all the doors but it’s a way of organizing! The doors lead to different spatial rooms within the school. Just think of the school to be its own dimension. The principal did this so there wouldn’t be problems if someone’s power goes out of hand
(A) ooooh
(M) you can only enter the doors that are your rank. So you don’t have to worry about going to the wrong class.
(A) that is awesome
Inner monologue: I don’t have to go to the embarrassment of going to the wrong class. Phew
-Miyu smiles and shows Ari to her classes. The building is made up of levels and levels of doors. Different shapes and sizes-
(M) all your classes will be on the first floor except for scriptures and incantations
(A) scriptures and incantations!? I don’t have powers though..
(M) oh don’t worry, you will be observing the class sense it’s a low level magic class. They will give you runes created with magic within them to defend yourself against small things.
(A) really!?
(A-inner mono) okay now that’s cool!
-Miyu takes Ari to her different classes which include the history of magic. Power 101 a course to explain what different powers are. Last but not least the LOYO(living on your own class) and media-
-Miyu explains that this is training for after school if we come to deal with this. It’s a required class for beginners-
-Ari nodded-
-As they walk the hallways of doors miyu tells Ari that she doesn’t have to worry about high rank students since their classes are in separate islands. The only time I see them is either a assembly or grabbing a meal if the higher ranks choose not to have their catered food-
-Miyu leads Ari to the door across the main door. The only door that’s not the entrance in the first level-
(M) this is the dining hall.
-She opens the door and Ari is baffled. There are floating tables in front of her face. Miyu explains that they cater from different planets and switch weekly so it wouldn’t get boring-
(A) h-how do I get onto the tables..?
-Miyu takes Ari to a circle in the middle and explains that when the dining hall is in use, the circle glows and tables will fly down to the people on the platform-
(A) um… how do I get my food? Seeing that there is no staircase
(M) when the dining hall opens there will be stairs leading to the open booths to grab your food
-Ari nods but is overwhelmed-
-Cut scene to miyu taking Ari outside-
(M) the islands that are floating near us are for the specific ranks and their powers. Each students gets a teacher for a mentor. We will be under Dr. Geoffery(pronounced how it is spelled: Gee-off-ry)
-Looking out to the islands Ari holds in her laughter Geoffery…-
(M) yes! He is wonderful. A god of potions. So talented! You can see why I’m working under him. His potions are top quality and very rich! The amount of power Dr G has is amazing and so admirable..
-Ari looks at miyu vomiting out paragraphs in amazement-
(A-inner mono) she was so quiet before…
-Ari nods-
(M) he’s on the trip right now to gather some reagents for his weightless potion. He hopes that normal people can use it to get around more efficiently. If you don’t mind, can we try it on you? It will be fine and….
-Miyu keeps on talking-
-Ari zones out-
Ari and miyu are now back in their dorm room
-Miyu is explaining as much info she can spew out about the school-
(A-inner mono) she doesn’t stop talking
-But then miyu said something that grabbed Ari’s attention-
(M) the rank difference is crazy here..”
(A) wait what!? what do you mean?
(M) -happily explaining- The higher ranked students, especially warrior and fighter, are prospective students to become Demi’s or even gods. We even have legacies here, although, they don't stay here because they think -Miyu looks around and whispers- the lower ranks are not a great influence. -sitting back with a disappointed look talking normally- They just come here for principal Feodoras exclusive class of invisible magic
(A) invisible magic?
(M) -nods- It’s a very hard class that apparently teachers you how to enhance your powers by using the spacial mana around you
(A) -confused- Spacial mana?
(M) Oh yea, it’s the energy that is left over after someone utilizes their powers. You can’t exactly see it hence the name invisible magic. Feodora is a top god and a master of invisible magic so learning under the principal will give you a definite advantage
(A) wow that seems advanced. What about Legacies? What is that
(M) they are 5 dynasties that control universes
(A) ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
(A) there are dynasties that control the what!?
(M) yes. They are the most powerful beings. Titan level. Very rare but scary. They have much control over anything and everything
(A) -visibly baffled- This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this
(M) in the power committee they have a big standing because of their strength but usually they only deal with galaxy ending problems
(A) (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
(M) you don’t have to worry about them. We rarely see them.
(A) nods her head but her soul has left her body
(A-inner mono) what the hell, of course there is a group of impossibly strong beings. In every manga you’ve read there always has been one! Duh Ari!
(A-inner mono) I want to ask more questions…. -but she gets interrupted-0
(M) oh the thing is. There is this one student who recently arrived here that got into the invisible magic class. She’s one of the two warriors in that class. Feodora only puts students that they know will become god level in the class. The turn out rate is 100%
(A) new student?
(M) she just transferred a month ago. She’s super pretty and strong. She definitely has the goddess of luck on her side, literally! The goddess of luck apparently came down on her first day here to bestow her blessings! She also is already one of the top rank warriors. This school has never seen someone progress so fast! No wonder why the goddess of lu-
(A) ...by any chance is the student's name Sakura Nakamura?”
(M) -surprised- : I didn’t think the news would get out so quickly, but yes! That’s her, she is well loved here! Sakura is very friendly, I’ve even talked with her a few times during council meetings. She says hi to me everyday ....-switched whisper- No one has ever done that to me before -back to normal excitement- Oh! She also grabbed the attention of the legacies too. I mean no wonder, she does have an extremely rare elemental powers that, once she gets stronger, will definitely make her a top goddess when she can use all of them… blah blah
-Miyu goes on another splur-
(A-inner mono) of course… I’m jealous. I can’t stop myself from being jealous, I hate that I’m jealous. I should be happy for Sakura because she really does deserve it. I mean...it is her story after all
-Ari sighs audibly-
(M) -stops talking and starts panicking- are you alright? Sorry if I’m talking too much! I can stop and let you sleep
(A) oh no it’s nothing like that! I think the reality of my whole situation is starting to set in. I’m nervous.
(M) don’t worry, as your friend I’ll stick with you! I’ve never had a human friend before it’s super cool.
-Ari smiles and thumps on her bed. The plants around her are swirling around getting into their resting places. It smells good because of the flowers-
(M) if you can’t sleep just let me know, I can ask the lavenders to help you rest.
(A) you know… that would be nice thank you.
-Miyu smiles and whispers to the plants in a different language. It’s very soothing. The lavender plant start growing and entangles itself on aris night stand and bed frame and emits a very very soft purple glow that helps Ari fall asleep-
(A) I’m excited…
-Miyu checks on Ari who is ugly sleeping. Miyu smiles and gets on her bed. Miyu knows Ari is a good person because the plants trust Ari. These plants are sorta like a dog, it can sense a beings aura and find out if they are ill willed or simply okay. Miyu lays down. The vines take over her glasses and put them away and let her hair down. Then her plants entangle all near her and some one her like pets and fall asleep-
In the really early morning
-The plants, purposely might she add, tickled her nose. And… THEY’RE STILL TICKING HER-
-Ari is mad but holds a stone Buddha face-
(A) You guys are not gonna get me, I’m one with myself
-The plants give up and open a little pathway for Ari to get around. Ari sees miyu also getting up and yawning-
(A-inner mono) wow she’s really pretty. Of course it is volkov academy!
-The vines give miyu her glasses and help her tie her hair-
(M) sorry Ari if my plants woke you up. They are accustomed to getting up when the sun rises.
(A) no it’s fine. My phone doesn’t really work here. It's good to have a back up alarm. Thank you.
(M) -smiling, she whispers to her plants in her language- if you want, the plants can make us a barrier for privacy to change
(A) thank you!
(A-inner mono) thank god, she doesn’t have to see my flab’s. It’s so embarrassing!
-The vines make a privacy wall. Ari walks over to her dresser and on the top is her Volkov uniform with her cool metal pin-
-Ari is internally squealing. And puts it in as fast as she can-
-Few minutes later… close up on their faces, silence-
(A) ha…
(M) don’t worry Ari even though it might be a bit oversized it still looks good!
-Ari looked at herself in her mirror. The skirt fit nicely, the undershirt fit nicely, stocking nicely, and literally everything else. The only thing that’s oversized to the max is the sweater vest. It hangs off of her arms. You would think that this would look cute on many girls but not on Ari-
-Ari knew if Sakura wore something like this then she would be the eye candy but right now ari is currently in this situation. She look like eye-stabby-
(A-inner mono) great. I look like a mole.
-The plants, as if they were laughing, fiddled with aris hair and poked her-
-Ari swats it away but the plants just easily avoid it-
(M) -panicking- I apologize on behalf of the volkov academy! This mistake shouldn’t have happened.
(A) no worries, I can go with the flow. You don’t need to apologize anymore!
(M) -awkwardly- sorry
-Ari has water bullets and an awkward smile-
-Ari and miyu walk out of their dorm room. The walk to the entrance and the. Miyu pauses. Ari stops too-
(M) A-Ari.. sorry! -panics- I really didn’t know we forgot the shoes too!
-Ari and miyu look at aris socks and sandals combo-
-pointy nose chini- don’t worry it’s my choice!
(M) huh!?
(A) -chibi annoying face- it will stop people from thinking I’m normal. Also they are quite stylish
(A) o-oh
-Ari blabs about her love of socks and Sandals as they head out. They walk out and it’s chaos outside. There’s students flying everywhere. lol legit flying. Speed flying. Lazily flying. All sorts of flying-
(A) :0
(M) oh looks like everyone finished their trip!
(A) -sweating bullets- oh no.. actual students in Volkov!
(M) let’s go to the port. We can get to the academy island with it.
-Ari nods and looks around nervously-
(A-inner mono) ahh this is so embarrassing! I wanted to be that cool transfer student but I’m just a wuss.
-As the walk something hurtles from the sky landing with a huge thump in front of ari. Another figure comes down lightly-
- In Serial33 Chapters
My Little Abomination
The My Little Abomination books are a series of grimoires designed to contain the any insanity-inducingly cute creatures called as Baby Eldritch Abominations. Nobody knows where the books come from but DAMN, THOSE THINGS ARE CUTE. And for some reason, once it had sealed something in it, a complete care manual is magically written... But why? Because, plot! I dont really care about my readers so I'm pasting this unedited. Well, have fun eating my shit~! I colored the illustration on my cover but the drawing was picked up by OutOfThis. I LOVE YOU, WEEEEIII!!! I WOULD LOVE IF YOU LAY MY EGGS FOR ME! And who is this Wei? Some person from Inked. Ah, don't get triggered on this novel because besides from posting them unedited, I did the chapters in 30 mins! I spend the other 30 min being distracted as I write author's notes. This series also parodies many things, mainly Pokémon and has tentacle rape undertones, viewer discretion is adviced...
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The Persephone Variant
Twenty-year-old Kore's got her whole life ahead of her. All she has to do now is die. Finally of age for exposure to the pseudovirus, she's soon to be transformed and reborn as a Variant--one of those who can live freely outside of the carefully-controlled living habitat dome known as Gaia. Only then will she be able to follow through with her betrothal to King Aidoneus Hades--a man she's met just once but who makes her blood run hot. Only then may she attend the prestigious university for the newly transformed she's been daydreaming about for years. But as her symptoms start to manifest and preparations for the wedding begin, tragedy strikes, threatening the life of Gaia dome itself. Luckily, Kore's become a Variant the likes of which her world hasn't seen in hundreds of years...and the only one with the power to save Gaia and everyone living within it. If she can survive her new life long enough to learn to control it, that is.
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Space Age
Three years after the release of Royal Road, a up and coming company in America creates it's own Virtual Reality game, Space Age! Set on a multitude of futuristic planets it boasts the largest open world that can be provided. Come along with a group of dynamic Adventures aiming to be the best in the galaxy as they run from a multitude of stranger pursuers.
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Never heard of that god? Well, wanna convert?
I died and reincarnated like any other good little protagonist, let's just hope I don't have their troubles. What do you mean I'm your god? No, no, no that sounds too troublesome. Go worship someone else. Hey, what are you guys doing down there? What! Promoting my religion?! No, no, no. No thanks. Don't expect too much of me! and constructive criticism is always good!
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Dungeon Tale
A young man dies, a new core arises. Kyle Branson after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, wakes up in a strange place instead of his bedroom. In a strange body that is not human he tries to make sense of his existence, but also enjoying the trip. With his new powers he posseses he can get almost everything he wants and if can't get it, he will take it. Money is good to have, power to.... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.
8 131 - In Serial41 Chapters
Fixing Each Other
They both have broken pasts that used to shine with the love they felt, now though now it is different the only thing they feel is pain, sadness, and the torment of lost love. Bridget the only existing female alpha haunted by the ghosts of her past tries to move on from the death of her mate all hope she had to restore the love she had lost had been shoved down deep inside her buried with the fragments of her broken heart. Her continuing fling with her Beta leaves him screaming with jealousy when Jerome Morton transfers to their pack only to discover Bridget is his second chance at love and he hers.Jerome Morton. He had been betrayed by the two people who were supposed to love him like no other; his mate and his brother. Three years he watched them fall deeper and deeper in love with each other whilst he was feeling the pain of his mate's rejection. He finally gives up hope of winning back her heart when they announce they are expecting.So when Bridget meets Jerome and the sparks fly both of them are thrown into confusion whilst figuring out how to defeat a new breed of hunters together and along the way feelings are developed between the two broken souls.Will these two push aside their egos and let themselves be happy or will their pasts prove to difficult to DISCLAIMER: THIS STORY IS UNEDITED!
8 169