《Ari》Goodluck doesn't last chap 3


Ari’s Bedroom

(A) -laying on bed- How am I supposed to tell sakura about this? She really wanted it so bad.

-ari massages her temples-

(A) When the fucking one good thing happens to me, i cant even enjoy it without the bad thing happening”

(A) she did say that no matter who got in she will be happy… Ugh I just feel so uncomfortable” -sigh-

(A) well… I am kinda excited... It's what I have been dreaming about ever since I was a child. But what doesn’t make sense is ‘why me’, I'm not the main protagonist. I am not some super genius and have a wealthy family…”

(A) -staring at the ceiling- “I have more questions than answers, im meeting the principal right? I'll ask then what the purpose of this is. I should be careful, they can do anything to a powerless girl”

(A-inner mono) Like human testing!

(A) a bead of sweat rolls down her face- “i'm thinking too much”

(A) but seriously, Sakura wanted to get in so badly, on behalf of her parents.”

(A-inner mono) this hurts me but I might have to be the bigger person(pained expression on ari)

(A-inner mono) -look of realization- your parents already signed u off



days later- the day when ari is gonna meet with Sakura

(A) nervously fidgeting around whispering “you can do it” over and over again.

(A-inner mono) you invited her saying that you have something to tell her and now look at you. Pansy...I know, but for some reason I don’t feel very good about this(two ari’s talking to herself above her head maybe)

(S) ARI!” -sakura waving from a distance-

-Transition to Both girls are at the mall, getting some drinks- (ari is nervous behind sakura, preparing herself to tell sakura about her adventures with the suit man and how her horrible luck somehow lifted for this one moment)-

(A) “So Ari, what's up?”

(A) “the sky….(pause her awkwardly laughing(really over the top laughing)... Well um sakura I have to tell you something”

(S) “oh? Did you get a boyfriend!?”

Ari: (⊙_ʖ⊙)

“No no no, it’s completely different from that”

-Sakura tilts her head question marks (chibi look)-

(A) um.. Sakura remember last time when we went to the market? And… you saw that ad?”

(S) “yes, what about it?”

-Ari visibly sweating-

(A)Well you see.. I go-“


-Something crashed in the middle of the mall. The mall is like the ones that have shops in a circle and the middle you can see all the levels. -

(A)”what the f-.. Sakura are you alright?”

-Ari spots Sakura standing still in a cloud of smoke. Her face is wide eyed and it’s dramatic. She’s the center of attention. Her eyes are contrasted with surprise. Staring at something in the cloud of dense smoke-

(A) -runs to sakura- ”Hey Sakura, we have to leave. It’s too dangerous for us. The safety bunker is right below the mall. Come on”


(S) Ari dramatic(she looks like super serious not even looking at ari but like at the goop of smoke)

(A) Come on Sakura!(pullin on her clothes in a comedic way)

(S) Ari..

-Ari tries pulling Sakura away-

-Somehow Sakura is set in stone and doesn’t budge and aris like (⊙_ʖ⊙)-

(S) Ari… it’s him

(A) him, wha-

-Rumbling sounds cut Ari off-

-Ari’s attention is grabbed by the figure coming out of the black smoke. -

(A) what the heck is that!!!

-The figure coming out is the Oculus, Eyes everywhere. Covering his body. When you stare at them u go in a trance. Ari looks horrified.-

(A) Sakura come on! This isn’t safe, this really isn’t. I know I’m ugly but I’m too ugly to die right now!

-Sakura looks like she’s in a trance. The figure is slowly stepping towards them and stops directly looking at Sakura with his main eye-


-Ari has a shocked face looking back and forth from Sakura and eye man.-

(A-inner mono) you’ve got to be kidding me -a pale ari (not quite ghosty)-

-Now all the eyeballs are slowly turning to look at Sakura. Ari is completely ignored.-

(S) -taking step forward- GIVE THEM BACK! -Tears coming out of her eyes. Making a fist-

(Oculus) -mystic voice cause he be eyes- Ah… the little girl I managed to miss. Oh, my poor eyes are getting old

(Oculus)”well you see, my eyes have been itching to finish the job. You know, I can’t smudge my record of leaving no one alive. Hmm…, oh! how about this, because you are the one that got away, let’s make u my minion, seeeee you don’t have to die”

(A) (⊙_ʖ⊙)

(A-inner mono) what in the hell is he saying. Imma poke all his eyes.

(S) -now trembling with anger- You! I WILL NEVER BE YOUR SLAVE

(Oculus) -laughs- Says you, your nothing but a normal helpless girl. What’s better is that you don’t have any means of protecting yourself to a Demi(god?) class like me!”

-Sakura realizes that. And her pupils constrict. She makes a clenching fist in anger-

(S-inner mono) why me, why! If only I had super powers. My family would be here and this piece of scum would be wiped out.


(Oculus) Don’t worry your family is here watching you, my my what beautiful eyes your brother has

-you can now see the black cloud starting to surround the girls. Ari is still forgotten in the background-

-Sakuras face is struck with the realization that some of they eyes facing her are made of her family-

(A-inner mono) what kind of main story plot is this shit. Wait. Ewww are those eyes from his victims? -comedic looks of disgust)

-Ari tries to move but she can’t-


-Sweat started dribbling down her face.

(A-Inner Mono) of course something bad happens right after a good thing -V-school daydream behind her-

-Ari hears a weird attention grabbing sound. She looks over to see the Oculus is closer.-

-Ari almost lets out a scream (@&$!)-

-Sakura also can’t move, she grits her teeth.-

-Oculus’s eyes starting growing, enlarging and multiplying. He looks like a vine of eyes and his big cyclops eye is in the middle bigger than others. -

-Ari can’t look away. She’s never seen something like this before. Slowly it starts morphing. Morphing into a gigantic eye above the cyclops one eye. The pressure in the room feels heavy. Really heavy. Ari could barely breathe and she wasn’t even the center of the attack. The attack was all directed to Sakura-

-Sakura is staring at the eye like she’s hypnotized-

-Ari is in panic-

-Then Oculus starts chanting some words and it is around the room like speakers. Flowing with a beat. Chanting-

-Ari is trying to breathe but she feels like she’s losing her consciousness. She looked at Sakura and saw something that shocked her. Sakura doesn’t look affected. Even though she is still held in place. Her face went back to normal of her glaring at the cyclops man-

(A-inner mono) man. If I’m thinking correctly something happens to the main protagonist now.”

-Oculus slowly reaches out his hand to touch Sakura's eyes-

(S) -gritting teeth- Don’t touch me you monster!

-He places a hand on Sakura's eyes. Covering them. Sakura's screaming self hushes down-

-In the scene where a cyclops man is touching Sakura. The drawing should be of a translucent hand and Sakura's eyes being tampered with. But something happens and the cyclops man realizes he cant break through to her consciousness.-

(Oculus) What's this?

-The floor beneath Sakura shakes. Ari widens her eye in shock-

-Cut scene to Sakura. Her hair starts levitating. Cyclops man steps back-

(Oculus) “oops… that’s not how it’s supposed to go..”

-Sakura is enveloped in the colors of red, blue, green, and gray. Sakura's hair turns a vibrant pink, as pretty as the cherry blossoms outside. The colors of light slowly form into orbs. 4 orbs, that circle around Sakura. Sakura opens her eyes, Her eyes are split into multi colors, the colors of the orbs. (She looks epic)-

-Ari notices that not only did her friend get powers but also 10x more beautiful. She looked like a goddess, a princess, a.. I don't know!-

-Ari gulped-

(A-inner mono) I should get a job in fortune telling

(S) “you”

-Ari was shocked all over, Sakura's voice wasn’t her nosy self but instead a song like voice-

(ari’s ghost slapping forehead)

(S) you… you deserve punishment for all the atrocities you have made!

-Sakura's orbs start modeling together and go into her chest. The temp in the room changes. She lets out a scream and huge ice shards start flying towards Oculus. It seems to be no limit, the ice shards keep coming. They are not small. It’s gigantic.-

-Ari is still stuck and foam is coming out of her mouth cause she’s so scared-

(S)“I will get justice for my family!”

-Out of Sakura's other hand, inferno flames engulf her delicate hands. She brings the hand up slowly, orbs start materializing behind her. Fireballs. She launches them not with the ice but directs them to go behind cyclops and double attack.-

-A fireball comes close to ari. It singes the top of her head. Ari wants to cry.-

(oculus) -smile- Little girl, at this stage you are too weak to fight me, I am a god. You are just a hatchling”.

-Though some fireballs hit oculus stinging his eyes and a big shard breaks into his eye of eyes. He started laughing.

(Oculus) When you become god, any powers below cannot affect you, wonderful right?” -Oculus’ dead eyes fall off and in place of them more eyes grow. The eyes start covering him like a shield. Cyclops starts chanting. The eyes turn from normal looking into scriptures. Eyes behind the scripture eyes fly out of cyclops. And attack Sakura. They look like flying monster eyes and some of them have power beams ready to shoot-

(A) shivers in fright of eyes

-Sakura is ready. The ground rumbles and earth explodes out, creating a very sturdy barrier from the eyes. The eyes are stunned but start flying up and around the blockade. Sakura eyes turn light, eyes start shooting put behind the blockade. It was wind, Sakura made them fly away. The ones witch passed the wind got singed with fire or ice-

-Oculus eyes widen-

(S) “I might be new, but that doesn’t mean I can’t defeat you! I’ll become god one day and give you what you deserve you monster” she screams

-Oculus laughs but knows that it’s not time for battle. The HAF was coming. Oculus makes a bow-

(Oculus) “I’m so sorry but it looks like we have company, I have to go!”

(S) no you can’t!

-The last thing ari sees is a huge cloud of black spreading like fire. The black smoke was for cyclops to get away. Aris little human body however couldn’t take anymore. She was at her limit barely surviving Sakura's attacks. Sakura tried her best to clear out the smoke with her wind but her powers have been over spent. The wind holds up for a bit then it withers away.-


A: God..why?

-Ari passes out-


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