《The one above all》Prologue


Somewhere in Marsa...

I wake up after what seems to be centuries. I feel sluggish, like after drinking so much. The weirdest part, it seems that I can't move or in fact, see anything, just complete darkness. But how is this even possible, I think to myself. I died on my bed, with my wife and children surrounding me. I was a King, an Emperor in fact, since; and I am proud to say, that I ruled an entire Continent, the Continent of Marsa. But back on track here, where... am I exactly?

I try to move as fiercely as possible, maybe I'll be able to get out of one situation, but it was to no avail. Tssskkk... Fine, I was hoping to get out of this without having to use my powers but it seems I won't be getting anywhere in that situation. I activate my "Emperor's Command", which allows me to control every living thing in a 2 mile radius. Yes I know, OP right? Well, what more do you expect from someone who mostly alone combined an entire continent the size of Earth's Land mass altogether. Of course I'm not immortal either, I'm like any other human being, I can die from an arrow in the right spot or blast from a Fire Ball, I just have one power that makes me different from the others.

Back to the situation, Of course I didn't control everything, just a couple, what seems to be wild dogs in the area. I command them to release me from my current situation, and sure enough they gather to my area in a blink of an eye. Although I can't see, I am able to somewhat check my surroundings from the wild dogs point of view. They gather to my area which is just a plain field in what seems to be surrounded by trees all around. Wait...What? Where the hell am I exactly? Don't tell me I'm under...fucking ground. I swear on...tchh whatever, what more do you expect from a person whose suppose to be dead. Well I should wait, it'll probably take them a while to reach me anyways.


After a while..."Ruff, RuffRuffRuff!!!" Its time, I think to myself. Although I still can't move, I can feel that the 'pressure' around me has lessened. I Commanded the dogs to free me so they should still be under effect, but they're close to doing so. A couple seconds later, a light shines through to what seems to be a crack on a wooden cover of sorts. All my senses have been extremely dulled where I'm literally relying on my powers to function as a somewhat normal being, so I can't really hear, feel, smell and taste for that matter. Slowly the light increases, and soon enough a bunch of Wild dogs stare at me in the face with drool coming out of there mouths and landing on my face and neck. Oh god, why is everything going from bad to worse? But with the light giving me somewhat of a relief, I come to the conclusion of where I am. I'm in a wooden coffin...wait wooden coffin? I'm a fucking Emperor! Shouldn't I be in a Coffin made of Gold and Diamonds? I also figure out why I couldn't move, it seems my whole body was wrapped in "Dulling string", where it dulls and if left in contact for a long time, can extremely affect someone's senses. Something used by Assassins and such.That's probably why I was feeling sluggish.

The dogs bite the strings off and I try standing up, but immediately fall down. Ok, take it easy Vale, Slow and easy. I really want to get out of here, so I immediately command my senses to come back, Wish I could of done it before but the string was also affecting my Powers to a certain degree. I was able to command the dogs since they use up less of my power but commanding myself, would require much more. As I slowly walk out of the huge hole in the ground they made, my senses slowly come back and something catches my surprise. I'm YOUNG AGAIN!!? Ok, someone's got a whole lot of explaining to do! I can't believe it! My old Black hair is back! Oh how much I missed my black hair. I regained my prime height of 6'3, which is pretty tall in my Empire and I also gain back my average physique as well. Believe it or not, I was also a pretty good looking guy. Of course out of everything, the most likely to catch attention would be my Golden eyes which symbolize Royalty. I should probably change them to black for now since I don't really know my situation, or how long I've been asleep.


After getting over my sudden young reappearance, I finally come back to what I should really be worried about, having an idea of where I am. The sun in the sky is young, which means I have a whole day in front of me. I start walking towards the tree line that I felt, during my 'Emperor's Command', had a much larger amount of power condensed in that area than any other, which means some sort of civilization exists. "Ohh, I should probably release the dogs before I head anywhere. Wait...their wild dogs so I should probably kill them instead or else they'll attack me as soon as I release them. Emperor's Command! Kill Yourselves!" I say, loud enough for the dogs to hear. Soon after, the dogs start sprinting towards the treeline. Ohh I love giving broad commands because the random possibilities excite M-CRACK! I stay their speechless. To think that they would run at a tree full speed, and kill themselves by cracking their necks. " Hahaha, That's a first." I laugh to myself while muttering those words. I start walking towards the treelines thinking of my next moves, "First, gather Information about what year and area I'm in, then I should probably head towards my Capital, wait no, low profile first. I guess earn money, since I didn't die with money on me. Then I should probably go to an all you can eat inn and stuff myself to the max! Ohh how much I love food. Then I should-----

Town of Winslow, Country of Trianta

While sitting in my seat, and giving the all-famous Death stare at the students, they all stay still and calm soon after.

"Ha, works every time." I mutter to myself.

I work at the only school this town has, ever since I was kicked from the Royal Palace. "A defective product they called me, Unbelievable." I think to myself. So what, I'm a little interested in Dark Necromancy, it's not like I'm gonna try it.

"Mr. Serin, are we still learning about the War? Its super boring!" One of the students say across the room, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Of Course Janice, it's essential for all of us t-." I stop mid sentence. I suddenly feel a strong, I mean extremely strong, probably stronger than anyone in the Royal Army's Presence. The white hairs on my body stand up straight, and my eyes widen over this sudden surge of power. A couple seconds later, the power disappears without a trace. The students can't feel it since they all can't use magic, but those who can, will be in for a wild tale to tell.

"Who on Irena has their power strong enough to make their presence, seem like the end of the world?" I say to myself while shuddering over the thought.

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