《Apocalypse? Paradise.》How useful people are born, POV: Kaitilyn


Kaitlyn Hall was scared. Scared of the situation she was in as well as the companionship she had in the situation. Of which she was afraid of more was hard for her to pin down.

A while ago her companion had guided her into an office of Doctor Martin Monroe. An office filled with corpses. Corpses of her former co-workers lying in bloodied floor, just left there to lie. She didn’t know most of them well, but she recognized them.

She was able to accept it what had happened to them, even if there would be a cure for this disease. Desperate times demanded desperate actions and it helped that the familiar faces were unfamiliar at the same time with their faces mangled and twisted in what resembled bestial savagery.

Yet all of that merely emphasized the corpse of a Man next to the window which didn’t fit with the others. The corpse of Doctor Martin who had been assigned to counsel Kaine Smith.

A body that had clearly been feasted on based on the ripped open stomach with the guts pulled out of him as well as deep gashes in its body, most likely caused by teeth ripping the flesh from his body. The doctors head had been twisted to the side to an unnatural angle and was missing a leg.

The Doctors face was not the on donned by the turned co-workers but one with confusion and fear. He had been human when he had died. And the murderer was now cheerfully pointing at the victim and introducing him to me as Doctor Jason.

Bewildered, confused I looked at the cheerful man who looked so normal ignoring the situation. It’s as if he’s introducing me to a close friend in a bar or something similar.

“Oh god” I mutter as I empty my stomach in the office floor, mixing the acrid with the gore on the floor.

On the next moment before I’m able to react the mans hand grabs me behind the neck and drags me deeper in the office. Causing me to paralyze from fear of what he’s going to do.

Past the grotesque imitations of my former colleges and next to the corpse of Doctor Martin, his hand finally leave my neck and I feel his piercing gaze on me. The office is silent except my muffled sobs as I stare before me, too afraid to meet the gaze that rests upon me.

A moment later the lingering gaze falls away from me and I see his legs move next to the corpse, which is followed by him grabbing the remaining leg and kicking the joints, causing the leg to make a wet popping sound causing me to sob once more.


Nailed to my place, I heave and sob but nevertheless I raise my gaze to watch what is happening.

The man is using the handcuffs on his cudgel to rip rather than saw trough the flesh to separate the bones, and it dawns on me what he’s working on it as I look at the leg that had been missing.

Kaine smith once more turns to me and looks at me but I avoid the gaze and keep looking at the corpse and the part he’s about to work on.

I feel his gaze wander over my body and face and I feel an electrifying sensation on the parts his gaze veils over. Leaving my body numb form the sensation. Eternity passes as I hold my breath while he scans me with his eyes. He finally lifts his gaze away from me and gets back to work and I move my eyes from the corpse and look at the back of that Man.

Half a day passes as he works on the leg. He’s take the scissors I forgot I held in my hands and is now using ripped clothing from the corpses to tie it to a bone. Once done he hands it to me.

I’d be against accepting it if I wouldn’t know that refusal wasn’t an option. Saying nothing, he motioned to follow, and we move once more into the hallway and head for the magnetic door at the beginning of this office block.

We’re probably heading for the elevators, with him walking briskly in front putting down the occasional straggler with an odd grace in his movements by first incapacitating his quarries before ruthlessly ending their unlife while I stand back and watch it unfold.

We arrive at the elevator after a fast paced but slow walk, which too us perhaps 15 minutes to half an hour we arrive at the lounge with the staff elevators.

I type the keycode and move back where he’s standing and wait for the elevator. It brought with it 4 more undead with it. Their faces stuffed with flesh and gore from a fifth one who had not turned. They turn to us, and I feel a breeze pass me as I see that man rush in the elevator and mercilessly bash one’s head in. He skips out of the elevator as it closes, seemingly due to the one Kaine bashed had hit the buttons as it went down.

I was about to recall the elevator but Kaine motioned me to stop. We stood there silently for awhile till he let me recall it.


It returned with the stragglers still inside. He let them get outside this time. I notice his gaze once more on me and I turn to him. We stare at each other for a moment before he smiled and retreated from me with a graceful bow.

Dread filled me, and I felt the betrayal fill me with fear.

I took a step back, and another and so forth, barely holding in my desperate sobs that had returned.

I can’t. I just can’t. Please, leave.

Before I notice Kaine is nowhere to be seen and I’m father and father away from the lounge the elevators, still retreating with two old co-workers shuffling to keep up with me staying a steady 5 meters away from me.

I’m not up for it. But. I don’t want to die. Or worse..

Become like them.

Desperately I fill my lungs with air and call out to the only one that can save me.


A moments later I see him casually walking into the view. He came! He’s going to save me!


He merely followed the parade from a distance away. He wasn’t going to save me. My helplessness and dread turned to wrath, boiling deep for the mans indifference. But.. I knew why he’s doing this. It’s merely desperation bellowing out, hoping to make the man to react. To do something, anything.

“Asshole! *sob* Coward! *sob* Liar! *sob* Monster!”

He responds as I expected he would. I’m useless. I knew it. I’m going to die. And the tough of it merely fuled my emotions taking me closer and closer to hysteria.

I told him off, telling him to fuck himself for his response. For reminding the obvious. Bastard probably memorized the access code to the elevator as well. Stripping me of any value to him.

“These were my co-workers you heartless monster! Just like Doctor Martin, whose legs you chopped off and made into weapons you deranged maniac!” Yet I kept berating him, to release all I’ve held in.

What fucking Jason. He probably doesn’t even know my name. Rather, he doesn’t care about my name.

“Oh! His name was Martin? By the way while we’re on the subject may I know your name?”

His response made me lose it. I had no hope. I tried multiple times to gather the courage to stab. But I couldn’t. I screamed, hoping that it’d ease the fear. It didin’t.

“You insane motherfucker!”

Yelling is all I can do. And I’ll clutch on to it.

He throws a sarcastic remark at me, merely tells me to stab them. As if it’d be that simple.

Suddenly my heels hit something, and I fall over. It’s all over they’re soon on me and I can’t even defend myself. I notice it’s a body from earlier. It’s skull collapsed to the inside due to the force of the impact.

This will be my fate as well. But not before getting bitten, and probably turn into one of the m as well. He’ll watch me turn out of curiosity and then merely bash my head in. Probably thanking for my service at the same time.

Probably will come up a name as well. Hope it’ll be something good. I’d like to have a pretty name like Sarah or Hannah.

Anger wells up in me again and desperation leaves me, I see my former co-workers creeping close, almost reaching me. I feel the adrenaline coursing through me and my muscles tense. I see their teeth clattering as they instinctively bite the air. The rank stench from their mouths reach me, and I snap and use the scissor spear to stab the one closest to me.

I think I heard Kaine say something but all I hear is static.

I desperately try to hold the Zombie away from me. I struggle and struggle while waiting for the second one reach me and finish me.

I look where it is only to see Kaine closer than before with the other one not in sight. I appeal to him desperately with my eyes.

Only to get his weapon thrown behind me. My rage once more bellows as I glare at him and use one of my hands to grab the weapon and proceed to hit the zombie.

I hit it till it collapsed.

I hit it till it was nothing more than a mix of bloated flesh.

I collapse as my knees give out.

The man comes over to pick up his weapon behind me, ignoring me once more.

“Kaitlyn” I hoarsely whisper the man my name. Something in me is demanding the man for recognition. No, only for that man to remember and know my name. That is enough.

Next moment a silent baritone voice caresses my ear.

“Welcome to the realm of people getting things done, Kaitlyn.”

Chills run through my sweat laced body as I hear his voice.

His voice, acknowledging me.

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