《Apocalypse? Paradise.》Intro, the world before paradise


The world seems so, so different from the other side of the television that it makes one wonder if we’re living in complacent ignorance. An innocent lie we tell ourselves, whisper to ourselves that everything is fine. We’re at peace. Safe. That the only fears we have is that if we have enough toilet paper left or if the milk hasn’t gone bad. Mundane fears and issues.

It’s honestly not that different if something happens. We merely crawl in ourselves and try our best to ignore. Because living and acknowledging the fact that ones life is not so mundane and safe is scary. It’s fine to admit it. Normality is the thing that keeps us going most of the time. It’s what we cling to like a drowning man clutching a straw.

As they say ignorance is a bliss. And we’re living in a blissful society.

“Good morning Americans, it’s the seven o’clock news. It’s 7 am on June the 5th and this is Daniel from channel 4.” A refreshing looking man can be seen on channel 4 like every other morning. Like every other morning he’s going to give this morning’s news on channel 4.

“Today is the day of the ending day of the serial killer Kane Smith’s trial, a man whose kind has never before seen in the history of the separated America. Later on today we have invited a series of experts to join us here to follow the trial live and discuss the case.”

The reporter after reporting on the serial killer trial the camera unfocuses quickly and the feed switches to a different camera and the reporter moves to forward.

“Next news is about the still growing tensions on the border between us and the Confederacy. With more armaments and men deploying on the border area from both sides. As you all know this started after a series of incidents on our border led to suspect the Confederates had been using biological weapons against our populace near the border in secret despite the non-aggression clause apart of the indefinite peace treaty signed in the 1867 after a gruesome and lengthy war. While the tension between our nations have been high since then the agreement has held to this day.


While the CSA has denied this accusation. This is has been the biggest escalation between our two nations since the world war between the allies and the axis countries. “The feed switches on to a different camera again and the reporter shifts to look towards it.

“The scandal involving the pharmacy giant UmbCo has escalated further, as law enforcement has raided several lab’s across the country. No official statement on the reason of these raids but a source has informed us this might involve unlawful human testing that might involve unwilling subjects. We’ll report on this further on noon’s broadcast.”

The reporter straightens up and smiles at the camera.

“Up next we have the weather with Jace, let’s see if the beautiful weather straight out of paradise for the past few days holds up so let’s see what she has in store for us. This has been Daniel from channel 4 giving you the quick update on morning news. On to you Jace.”

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