《The Dyson Sphere Dungeon》Plans and a surprise


'Well, I suppose we should begin our explorations of the nearby star systems, after all who knows what rare minerals, planets, and creatures there are.' Celebi says.

'Always true, well what ships should we take? inquires Mewtwo.

' I was thinking only a few destroyers, after all this is a scouting mission, we can afford to lose a few destroyers with how much we are making too' Celebi states.

'Speaking of ship production can i see it?' Mewtwo asks.

'i guess, not like i can hide anything anyways,'

'here it is!'

Ship production,

Drones: 1000(max)

Production: 600(idle) 100(destroyers) 100(cruisers) 100(Battleships) 100(carriers)

Production speed 1 destroyer per minute, 1 cruiser per 3 minutes, 1 battleship per 20 minutes, 1 carrier per hour

Fleet size Corvettes(200) destroyers(800)(max) cruisers(300)(max) Battleships(50)(max) Carriers(25)(max) Dreadnaughts(10)(max) Planet crackers(1) (max)

'Uh why does it say max for most things?' asks Mewtwo.


Phi: The (max) is an indicator that you can't make any more of the item in question.

'Seems kinda odd that I have a max amount, eh guess it kinda makes sense, if everyone could build infinite ships and it would be too hard on our logistics, of course I can always research better logistics ships,' Celebi says

Meanwhile, Mewtwo is in shock over the sheer numbers and power Celebi has.

'You...you could destroy the entire council by yourself, and that's no easy feat, they have been power since before i was reincarnated, and before you ask the council is the main political entity of the tech dungeons, although if you ask me it's full of corrupt and petty dungeons, although there are a few who are good overall it's a horrible place.' Mewtwo says.

'So, you have no qualms if I destroy the council eventually if they attack me?' asks Celebi


'Nope!' replies Mewtwo.

'Good, now, let's explore the local stars, according to my sensor suite the closest star is 2.958 light years away, it has 5 planets with 2 potentially habitable planets, one is actually a moon of the other which is odd... upon closer observation the moon is inhabited by at least some sentient and sapient life, most civilizations at about medieval ages and some in the early to mid renaissance ages, wow soom are even using gunpowder in crude muskets, swords and bows are still the preferred choice of weapons due to the inaccuracy with the muskets, no surprise there, and that's as much info as I can gleam, hurray for ftle's' Says Celebi.

'Jeez your sensor suite is good, much better than mine.' Says Mewtwo jealousy, 'Anyways i believe we should begin preparing to explore the system, assuming there are no tech dungeons we can build a outpost there to claim it, if they have, well just bring a dreadnaught or two and "kindly ask" they relinquish control of the system to you, but if they haven't gotten off the planet no worries, they won't be able to do anything.'

'Why do we need to build an outpost there?' Celebi asks confused,

'Because it's the only way to prevent someone from taking it from you and the council enforcing the claim, the council only recognizes the person who owns a outpost or higher as the rightful owner, of course you don't need to worry about that but for now its better to play by their rules' Mewtwo explains, she made a few mistakes by forgetting to do that to some of her key systems, causing her to be suspicious of a lot of people who claimed those systems,

'how do i build outposts? I don't know how, I'm only a few hours old,' says Celebi.


'Simply order one of your ships to do it, they are all able to build simple structures such as mining, research, observation, defensive structures, and outposts, its convenient and something that can change battles if used right actually.'

'Got it, so shall we go?'

'Sure' mewtwo says

"Yay! let's begin our adventures into the unknown!' Celebi exclaims

Meanwhile on the planet Zepher...


Unknown entity has scanned your planet, attempting to hide dungeon...Hiding successful

Do you wish to do a counter scan?




Scanning in progress, Scan complete, unknown scan was caused by the megastructure type dungeon Celebi, Chance of victory if entity celebi goes hostile...calculating...chances calculated at 0%


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