《The Dyson Sphere Dungeon》Side Chapter 1


After I left to manage the factory, I realized I didn't know HOW to manage it, I decided to see if there was an interface.

Factory Assembly Line Interface

Drone's Available:1

Drone's Working:0

Current Focus: None

Energy Used: 0

Energy Production: 3.846×10^26 Energy per second.

Energy stored: 1.3*10^30 (Max 1*10^50 0% full)

So how to get my drone's working. Have the drone work on making more drone's?

Factory Assembly Line Interface

Drone's Available:0

Drone's Working:1

Current Focus: Drone's(1)

Rate of building: 1 drone per 30 seconds

Energy Used: 100 per second

Energy Production: 3.846×10^26 Energy per second.

Energy stored: 1.3009*10^30 (Max 1*10^50 0% full)

Ok so that worked, now is it possible to make it so that half of all my drone's work on making more drone's?

Factory Assembly Line Interface

Drone's Available:0

Drone's Working:1

Current Focus: Drone's(50%)

Rate of building: 1 drone per 30 seconds

Energy Used: 100 per second

Energy Production: 3.846×10^26 Energy per second.

Energy stored: 1.3014*10^30 (Max 1*10^50 0% full)

Huh, this seems fairly user friendly, well now whatever drone's not working on making more drone's work on making destroyers, cruisers, battleships and carriers at a rate of 15% 15% 10% 10% respectively.

Factory Assembaly Line Interface

Drone's Avaiable:0

Drone's Working:2

Current Focus: Drone's(50%) Destroyers(15%) cruiser(15%) Battleship(10%) carrier(10%)

Rate of building: 1 drone per 30 seconds. 1 destroyer per 3 hours. 1 cruiser per 18 hours. 1 battleship per day. 1 carrier per 1.5 days. rate is per 1 drone working on set project, can increase by having more drones working on same project, each additional drone reduces time by half the current time.

Energy Used: 100 per second

Energy Production: 3.846×10^26 Energy per second.

Energy stored: 1.3102*10^30 (Max 1*10^50 0% full)

Well early game not too powerful but with the increase production speed thing later on I might be able to produce a carrier in less than a hour and a destroyer in a few seconds, of course that is only if I set it like that, which of course I will, set it so that each drone will work on the same project.

Factory Assembly Line Interface

Drone's Available:0

Drone's Working:10

Current Focus: Drone's(50%) Destroyers(15%) cruisers(15%) Battleships(10%) carriers(10%)

Rate of building: 1 drone per 30 seconds. 1 destroyer per 3 hours. 1 cruiser per 18 hours. 1 battleship per day. 1 carrier per 1.5 days. rate is per 1 drone working on set project, can increase by having more drones working on same project, each additional drone reduces time by half the current time.


Energy Used: 15400 per second(Drone's 100 per project. destroyers 800 per project, cruisers 2000 per project, battleships 5000 per project, carriers 7,500 per project)

Energy Proudction: 3.846×10^26 Energy per second.

Energy stored: 1.3119*10^30 (Max 1*10^50 0% full)

Huh guess if it does not make too big of a difference the energy will not round down, makes sense.

Actually I should keep 10% of my drones for any additional projects I may need to build, just in case.

Factory Assembly Line Interface

Drone's Available:0

Drone's Working:23

Current Focus: Drone's(50%) Destroyers(10%) cruisers(10%) Battleships(10%) carriers(10%)

Rate of building: 1 drone per 30 seconds. 1 destroyer per 3 hours. 1 cruiser per 18 hours. 1 battleship per day. 1 carrier per 1.5 days. rate is per 1 drone working on set project, can increase by having more drones working on same project, each additional drone reduces time by half the current time.

Energy Used: 15400 per second(Drone's 100 per project. destroyers 800 per project, cruisers 2000 per project, battleships 5000 per project, carriers 7,500 per project)

Energy Production: 3.846×10^26 Energy per second.

Energy stored: 1.3123*10^30 (Max 1*10^50 0% full)

Well that was easy, hmm "Hey Celebi!" yells Celeba

"Yes?" celebi responds.

"Any chance I can either play some games from our old world, watch some tv or read and listen to some books?" Celeba asks.

"As long as their able to train our skills as a strategist, soldier or something like that and your ready to change something on the factory assembly line I don't care." Celebi answers.

"Figured you would say yes but I would rather be safe than sorry anyways I have to go build the programs for some games from scratch which may take a while but at least we're ai's so it shouldn't be too hard to build." celeba

"Good luck" Celebi sends.

Now, where to start?And maybe I can make the games harder for me?


Now that I got what I wanted I can begin building the dungeon, Open dungeon interface.

Dungeon Interface


Special effects:None(5 max per floor)

Theme: None selected.

Huh, that seems relatively easy to do, maybe its designed that way for ease of use? well time to design the invasion of Poland, for my purposes this will be the only part not changeable as events need to happen a certain way so that world war 2 can happen. I should also design the special effects and theme.

Dungeon Interface

Floors:1(German Invasion of poland)


Special Effects: Floor 1: False death(death is not permanent and upon death you will be put to the start of the floor.), No skills/magic. DM interference(Dungeon master can appear at any time on a floor), Dungeon provided weapons only(If the dungeon did not provide the weapons they will not work),Dungeon weapon and vehicle training(Dungeon will train adventurers to be able to use its weapons and vehicles), (5 max per floor)

Theme: World War 2(DM's world).

Well that was easy, The German invasion will always end with the Germans winning, no matter what the adventurers do, after that the invasion of France and other countries will be influnced by the adventurers. I also want to see how adventurers react to such weapons, after all from what I can gather they should be only medieval in terms of technology. Now to wait for the dungeon to open. "How much longer till dungeon will open?


Dungeon will open in either 1 day or when you want it to.

Hmm I should probably ask Celebi if I can open the dungeon early. "Hey celebi, is it possible for me to open the dungeon early? I have the invasion of poland done all in one floor. It also gives the potion. of doing it early." Celebe asks.

'After you make Barbarossa then you can. Or if the dungeon opens automatically. Celebi responds

"Ok let me activate AI thinking speed on my side and then I will begin on making the rest."Celebe confirms.

'Bye' celebi says.


AI thinking speed activated.

Ok let's get to work!

Dungeon Interface

Floors: 6(German Invasion of Poland, Battle of the Atlantic, German Invasion of Norway, German Invasion of France, Battle of Britain, Operation Barbarossa)

Special Effects: Floor 1-6: False death(death is not permanent and upon death you will be put to the start of the floor.), No skills/magic. DM interference(Dungeon master can appear at any time on a floor), Dungeon provided weapons only(If the dungeon did not provide the weapons they will not work),Dungeon weapon and vehicle training(Dungeon will train adventurers to be able to use its weapons and vehicles), (5 max per floor)

Theme: World War 2(DM's world).

Wow, that took a lot out of me, specifically the battle of the atlantic and operation barbarossa as those were pretty much active the entirety of the war. How I did it was I made an ai for each of the higher ranked soldiers a separate AI capable of learning and adapting to the adventurers will have to also adapt and can't keep using the same tactics, it also makes is easier to build the floors as I only have to script the terrain, the original armies, and the first battles, after that it's all up to the adventurers and the ai's, I also made it so that each time the floor is cleared the ai's reset their memories and tactics.

Now to open the dungeon, stop my thinking speed and prepare to have some fun messing with some people, I will also set an alarm for when someone gets to barbarossa for me to begin starting on the other main campaigns.

Deactivate Ai thinking speed and open the dungeon.


Ai thinking speed deactivated

Dungeon opening, May World war 2 begin again.

"Well this will be fun." I say as I begin smiling creepily.


After receiving my orders to go manage the research section I left to go do just that. As me and the other sub processes are interconnected I can see that they have figured out how to make an easy to use and nagavaite interface, seems like it should also hold true to me right? Well let's try and see what happens.

Open Research Interface

Research Interface.





Dyson Sphere modules.


Ship Models


Well that's a lot. Although I am confused as to the Dyson sphere modules.

Open Dyson Sphere Modules

Dyson Sphere modules.

Nikoli Dyson Beam- A beam of focused sunlight that can range from being able to push a starship to destroying planets, using will slow power production from solar energy as some light will be reflected into the beam, the more powerful the beam the more light used.

Kardashev Thruster-A modification designed to move the star and the solar system.

Starlifter- a way to lift materials off a star,

Numbers 1 and 3 are definitely useful but i'm not certain about 2. Oh well If we need it we can get it later. Now what do we need to research the Nikli Dyson Beam?

Requirements: Dyson Sphere, Mirror's that won't melt, ability to configure the shell, 1*10^30 energy.

Research? Time estimated 14 days

Uh wow that is a lot of energy needed, but considering what it can do it is understandable well research it.


Please go to labs to begin research, when there you may begin.

Wait, I actually have to do it myself? ok then that was a surprise. Guess I will look at the rest later.

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