《New Life; New Hell》Prologue New Life


-Prologue 1- New Life

Do you know what the worst thing is? Well, you would first think it is dying. That is indeed pretty bad, but I know something worse. Dying, getting reincarnated and put together with the reincarnation of the person you hate the most. Sounds impossible? I would agree, if I weren't in my current situation. But let me tell you my story from the beginning.

My name is Marcus. My last name doesn't really matter, because you will forget it anyway, later on. I'm 18 years old, just finished high school and finally escaped from that person. Through my very short life I got along with every person, more or less. At least on the surface, but there was one, only one person, I couldn't get along with no matter what. It wouldn't have been a problem if I met that person in just one part of my life, like in kindergarten or grade school etc.

But that is not what happened. I was stuck with that person for as long as I can remember. We were in the same kindergarten, grade school, middle school and even high school. That person’s name is Kyle Johnson. Now for the reason I hate him. When you first meet him you would think he is the perfect guy, blond hair, blue eyes, tall, athletic, smart, gentlemanly, but that is just his facade. No, that is not me being butt hurt for being average compared to him. I wouldn't care less if that was just the only reason. If he was a genuinely nice guy then everything would be good.

I told you already, I was stuck with that guy for a damn long time and, of course, because of that, our mothers got to know each other. So they found out we lived in the same block and made us play together all the time. That was the time when I saw his real nature. At first I was blinded by that blond and blue eyed pretty boy too. He was nice as long as I didn't accomplish something he couldn't. Every time I got an expensive toy it would always disappear after we played. I even saw him throwing it out, into the garden, but no one would believe me, because “Kyle is such a nice kid and I shouldn't blame him for my mistakes“. Then he would “search“ for my toy and present it in front of them, saying he searched for a long time (he even put mud on his face to make it look convincing)and “found“ it.

When we got into grade school and it seemed like I would get a bit popular he would spread rumours about me. Things like I would like to hit animals and bullying kids. He faked the evidences of my “deeds” to be more convincing. All just to make him look good. The older we got the nastier the rumours got until I was isolated. He played the “nice guy“ and still talked to me. Or it seemed like that at least. He was mocking me with a smile. „Seems like you had a crush on Cassie~. You know, I thought about asking her out. I believe she is better off with me instead of someone like you. “, stuff like this.

I can't even say anything. 1.) Because of these bullshit rumours, which everyone believes just because some pretty boy spread them and 2.) Because as fast as my reputation sunk, his rose. So in the eyes of everyone else, Kyle was more creditable then me. Oh, there was even that one time he told the boyfriend of one of the girls he was “dating“, that I sexually harassed her aaaand as you may have guessed that guy believed Kyle. Well the girl was playing along so it's kind of obvious it would happen. That guy called me out and beat the shit out of me. I know, I know, I should have defended myself and stuff, but come on, that guy was like 2 meter something tall and looked like the hulk! You think an average guy like me can keep up with THAT? Even with my few martial arts lessons I was still not ready for something like that.... It was like a level one Priest fighting against a level 100 elite boss monster… See now why I hate him? If you still say I shouldn't hate him for that, then you must be some kind of saint, because I don't see anything likable about that guy. I am not the only victim by the way. Just the only one aware of the crime.


Okay, now that this is out of the way, let's start the story for real.

It was the last day of high school. I just had to survive that day and I would finally be able to escape that plague and live a normal, quiet and fulfilling life. I was sitting at my table, waiting for the time of our graduation ceremony and trying not to give Kyle ideas to make even our last day stuck together miserable as well. Guess what, didn't work. Kyle came up to me, put his hand on my shoulder and began mocking me again. „Don't worry. I made sure they won't hold you back, am I not nice? Though it would probably be better for you to graduate next year, because you won't get into any college with me around Marci. “, he said with a refreshing smile which didn't quite reach his eyes. You know, it's that kind of look you give disgusting things.

I ignored him for the most part though. A wonderful skill I developed. Then it was time for the graduation ceremony and every student in my grade was now in our schools' gym. I was sitting as far away from Kyle as I could. Didn't work again, to my dismay. We were placed next to each other... not that I expected something else. At least he ignored me for the most part. Seemed like he liked our placing as much as I did.

And then it happened. The principal was in the middle of his boring speech when a bright light filled the gym. I couldn't see anything, but I sure could feel my skin burning away or better said my whole body. It was going so fast I didn't even have time to feel pain. After the white everything turned black. It was comfortable. Like sleeping in the softest bed on earth. It wasn't too warm, it wasn't too cold. It was simply perfect. I wanted to stay in this state as long as I could.... which wasn't really long.

„H-Hey wake up. Ehm... Heeeeey! “, was what I heard after what could have been a few minutes in that realm. „Hmmng … just 5 more minutes, mum“, was my answer to the voice. I must say that person was a pretty violent one. Just asking for a bit of sleep and what do I get? A hit to my head and a direct kiss with the floor. Pissed, I opened my eyes and picked myself up from the ground to look at that monster, which separated me and that comfortable feeling.

What I saw was 1.) A completely white room …. White... I think I will hate that color now.... aaand 2.) A 16 something looking girl dressed in the same white with black hair, or maybe dark brown? Well, who cares. Not that important. She looked kind of annoyed at me. I didn't really know what I did to her, but I knew for sure it will be a pain in the ass to deal with her.

Most of the girls that acted like this without me having done anything are Kyle’s followers or should I call them devotees? They would just glare at me all the time and seem like they wanted to kill me. Girls are scary! Ahh, I became distracted again. Sorry, sorry, I should focus more, I know!

Well, back to the girl. „Took you long enough! You know, everyone else that died was already sent off! Haa… and now I am stuck with you. I wanted to send off that handsome prince … Not some peasant looking moron like you! Haa... Whatever! “, that is what that girl uttered.


’Hurray and another Kyle devotee...’ my face, which showed confusion and surprise at first now showed annoyance.

„Haa, okay, I want to make this as short as possible, sooo off you go.“ and with that the girl raised her hand and looked like she wanted to snap her fingers.

„HEEEY, wait a moment! First of all, where am I, why am I here and who are you? Oh, and what do you mean by 'sending off'? Explain things before you throw me somewhere! “This stopped her hand movement, and she gave me a look, which said 'How troublesome....' and clicked her tongue.

„Haaa... couldn't you have figured that out by yourself? You died, you know? I am a goddess and this is my realm. And before you ask, yes, there are more gods who live in separate realms. Well, and what happens now is you will be reincarnated. Be grateful, we usually don't do stuff like that, hmpf! “She answered everything in a fast manner and for some reason struck a proud pose. There was just one detail, which piqued my interest.

„Hmm. You don't do this reincarnation thing for everyone? Why do you do it for me then? Or better said for my whole grade? What exactly killed us anyway? “With these questions, the goddess' face paled and sweat began to form on her forehead. She avoided looking into my eyes.

„Tha-That is... ehm Hahaha....haha...” was all she could utter. Well, one could pretty much predict the reason based on her reaction anyway, so there was no need for her to spell it out.

„Ah! So you gods messed around and accidently killed my whole grade, now you feel guilty and want to reincarnate us, which is something you usually wouldn't do. I'm right, am I not? “My face had this kind of expression ê__ê and it obviously made her uncomfortable.

„Eh... ehm … y....es....“, she mumbled.

„What was that? You see, my ears are bad, could you repeat that? “, I said while holding one hand behind my ear still with the same face.

„I-I said Yes!!! “She answered again, looking embarrassed. There was nothing left of the girl who kicked me to wake me up. „T-that's why I wanted this to finish fast, tch...“, she muttered, turning a bright red with tears in her eyes.

„Oh, so the gods deal with their mistakes like that. Just shove them somewhere else without explaining anything or even giving one some advantage. Haa~ so not only earth was unfair but the god realm, too. I see a dark future ahead of us~“, I tried my best to make her feel even more guilty. It worked. She looked like a tomato with her puffed cheeks and the bright red colour in her face. She knitted her eyebrows and trembled.

„W-What do you want...“, she looked to the floor as she mumbled that.

„Hmm. How about you actually tell me a bit more about the place I am getting reincarnated into? “With my arms folded, I waited for her to fulfill my request.

„....It-It's a fantasy world as you would call it. There is magic and different races living in that world: elves, humans, demi-humans, demons and their sub species. It was decided that two people from your grade will be reincarnated together, in pairs......“ She stopped there, as if she was finished. This goddess knew how to make someone pissed.

„And what does that mean, oh great, almighty, unnamed goddess? “ At that point my thoughts slipped through my mouth, the sarcasm clearly audible. I'm lucky she didn't decide to kill me... Oh wait, I was already dead. Hmm~ then I am glad that she didn't send me all the way to hell instead of reincarnating me. Would have been a shame if I didn't get to see real life magic, maybe getting a cat-eared little sister, or a busty elven big sister, and... All that without Kyle destroying everything! …... Wait, I'm getting distracted again. Anyway, she answered me even if she didn't like it. At least her face looked like she would explode at any moment.

„I-It means one of your classmates will be reborn close to you, so that you will have an easier time to adjust. *mumble* though you won't really remember anything fufufu *mumble* “The last part was kind of hard to understand, but I knew it wasn't something nice.

„Could it be you are an evil god and you just planned the best way to make me suffer? “ I held my hand in front of my upper body like a girl would when naked.

„N-N-NO! Y-Y-YOU IMPUDENT HUMAN!!! GO ALREADY!“ she finally snapped.

„He-HEY WAIT!! DON'T PUT ME TOGETHER WITH-“ She snapped her fingers and the ground I was sitting on disappeared.


„What did I do to deserve this, I, the great Esere? Why couldn't I get the prince! Umumumu SOME DAY I WILL MAKE HIM PAY!!! “ This goddess, named Esere, was a prideful goddess. Never had someone talked to her like this, let alone a human. Her head was still red and she was fuming. You could see the steam rise from her head to the ceiling. At that moment another god entered Esere's realm.

„You must hear this, Esere! You know the people who got caught up in our little quarrel? You know what? There was this suuuper hot guy with them! It was kind of cute how he was all flustered and kind of freaked out! Haaa~ I think I even forgot to delete his memory. I was too entranced by these blue eyes~“ The goddess who was talking to Esere was Ione. She was the goddess responsible for Kyle’s reincarnation. Ione continued talking about Kyle and his reaction, which wasn't as composed as Marcus'. Well, no person in their right mind would be that composed.

„So~ How was your subject, Esere? “ Ione had come to a stop and began questioning Esere.

„He-He was a disaster! He slept when he appeared in my realm and wouldn't wake up! He glared at me when I woke him! He insulted me! He threatened me! HE CALLED ME AN EVIL GOD!!! And he probably had only dirty thoughts when I told him about the fantasy world! .... He is trash! He doesn't deserve a second chance at all! I hope he falls on his head at birth and dies again, so that I can make him suffer!“ If one didn't know better they might think Esere was a demon, ready to reap souls... she looked the part at least, here and now. Ione just stood there, unable to think off a method to sooth Esere.

„We-well, he doesn't have his memory so he will be pure again, right? “ She finally managed to utter some words, but these words made Esere realize something.

„.............Eh.....“ She remembered, all too late, that she didn't delete his memory.

“Y-you didn't delete it? Well, I'm not one to talk, but..... Could it be you got too emotional again? “ Ione was spot on. Esere avoided Ione’s gaze, blushed a little and uttered a nervous laugh, then sighed.

„Well, it can't be that bad, right? As long as Boss doesn't know about it, everything is fine...“ Ione looked into the distance and finally realized that both of them will be punished if this came to their boss' ears. Esere wouldn't fall alone.


I was falling. Yes, falling. I didn't just wake up in a new body. No, I was falling from the sky. Head first at an insane speed. This experience is something you don't want to have. Well, there are those adrenaline junkies who would love to do this, but I wasn't one of them. If it were possible, I would have pissed my pants. I had seriously doubted I would get reincarnated and started to think that goddess was really some evil goddess, who just wanted to make me suffer and I am not actually dead. I screamed like some little school girl and some teardrops appeared in the edges of my eyes. The ground came closer and closer. Now I could see houses. I didn't really care for them, because I kiiiind of had other worries to contend with, like for example, my head exploding like a watermelon on the ground or my body getting impaled by some fence.

The only thing I still remember of that scenery was that it was kind of dark, and the city shone in a red neon like light. I know, not much, but come on. If one of you were to fall out of an airplane, falling head first with the final destination being the ground, would you admire the beautiful mountains in the background or the village next to them? I doubt it. I closed my eyes, without stopping to scream, when I saw my final destination. A wonderful rooftop of some kind of tower. It had a huge iron spike on the peak. I imagined myself being screwed on that thing, serving birds as easy food, but I never felt that spike piercing through my immobile body.

That didn't happen, but I heard my own screams change all of a sudden. It was more high-pitched and kind of annoying so I stopped, opened my eyes and noticed I wasn't falling anymore. I just saw a ceiling and felt really dirty and slimy. I tried to move or to sit up, but all I could do was move my arms and legs a little bit and that not for a long time before getting tired. I first thought I had hit the roof, fell through it and became crippled... like I said before, when I fell I gave up on the thought of being reincarnated, but I slowly figured it out when some person picked me up as if I wouldn't weight anything.

I was kind of small and not really that heavy, but not to such an extent that one could lift me with such ease. Well, and that person was gigantic from my point of view. Taller than that hulk who beat me bloody. So I just put 2 and 2 together after my mind had cleared and came to the conclusion that I was indeed reincarnated. If I told some priests and philosophers about this getting reincarnated after birth thing, I think this would have sparked some new discussions of various levels. Things like what happens after death, though I think I am a special case when I believe what that Kyle devotee goddess said... when human life begins, though I don't really know if everyone has the same experience......... I should stop, otherwise we won't move forward with the story, instead fighting over who is right and who is wrong.

Okay, I shall now describe the people who seemed to be my parents. The person who lifted me, is male and most likely my father. I couldn't really see that well at that time so I can only describe him roughly. He had silver grey hair, his face looked pretty strict and his eyes seemed pretty fierce. The colour was some shade of yellow, I think. There were other things, that seemed weird on him but I couldn't really make them out. Now to the other person, that was probably my mother. She had very, veeeeeeery long blackish hair. I first thought it was some kind of blanket or jacket or something, but no, it was just daaamn long hair. Her face looked exhausted. Well, seemed like she DID just give birth to little old me at that time, so that should explain it. Otherwise her face looked gentle, like she couldn't harm anyone. Her eyes were turquoise.

That's all I could make out. Well, I noticed that something was really different, but I just couldn't see it clearly. I would later know what it was. Anyway, the man handed me over to the woman, who gently smiled at me and slowly rocked me in her arms. It made me sleepier than I already was. I heard them talk, but don't even think I understood a word they said. It sounded to me like "ghahe jsjajke ghhsbw? “ from the man, and "haie hsheik > hshw ajk! “ from the woman. After that the woman smiled happily and the man had a kind of annoyed face, I think? It looked like he wasn't happy with whatever they were talking about. The woman kept saying the same word over and over, looking like she found the answer to all her problems.>, >. And it didn't seem to end soon.

I nearly drifted back into that warm and comfortable feeling I had in that goddess’s realm, but my moment of absolute peace was disturbed by the sudden opening of the door. The person who opened it slammed it so hard that it reached the wall next to it. That person seemed hectic and afraid of something, but I didn't really care. I just wanted to sleep and try to process what happened up until now, but it looked like I wouldn't get any sleep. The person shouted something, which made my possible parents move pretty fast. My possible father put black blankets around me, gave me to the man who disturbed my peace and then picked up my possible mother. He then said something to the man while pointing to a nearby table with his chin. The man picked up some things from there and then ran out.

After that my possible father and mother ran into some kind of secret passage behind a book shelve. I know, classic, but still effective. The man who was holding me, well, and me, left though what looked like the main entrance. Then I saw what happened. Everything around the tower was colored in shades of red. Cause of that was the fire which spread everywhere. Then there were people fighting and too busy to notice a guy with a baby in his arm, walking out of the main entrance and in the most noticeable way. This guy wasn't some sort of spy, that's for sure. But the, well, let's call them enemies, were just as incompetent to not notice us. Whatever.

The man ran along a wall and looked around frantically. Oh yeah, by the way, if you think I was quiet, forget it. I was confused and kind of nervous about what was going on here, but, well... I was a baby, so I couldn't really say what I want. I let out random noises, like a baby would do right before it would cry.... I didn't cry, if you want to know! I do have my pride too, even if it doesn't look like it! Well, anyway, after a while spent looking around he seemed to have found what he was searching for. He said something I didn't get, put some necklace around my neck and a paper with one word on it in the towel I was wrapped up in and then placed me on some stone pedestal. He started looking around again, and after he confirmed that we were alone he fiddled with some device. It was glowing blue, like a neon lamp, but he couldn't finish what he was doing.

Because, oh wonder oh wonder, someone did follow us. The man who brought me here noticed the intruder though and could block the sword, which was going to slice his neck. But he couldn't avoid getting pushed back a bit. He bumped into the device and the floor under me began to glow. That glow slowly began to envelope me. The last thing I saw was that man being impaled by a sword. A bit of his blood dripped onto me. I was shocked and helpless. I think I would have run away even if I was still in my old body, and don't you people tell me that you would have acted differently. Speaking for myself, this was the first time I'd ever seen a dead body, or even better, said someone being killed. I always heard about that stuff on TV and read about it in newspapers, but never had anything like that happened before my very eyes.

After I saw that scene I felt the same as when I died. The feeling of my skin burning wasn't as strong though, it was more of a tickling, which was a bit annoying. Everything was white in front of my eyes. That was the moment when I began to cry. It was more some kind of shout. I didn't know what was going on. There was so much that happened in such a short time. I didn’t even have enough time to accept the fact that I died. All of this felt like it happened in an instant. I died, met a goddess, pissed her off, was reincarnated and then I saw someone die. I wonder if everyone else had similar experiences.

The light broke my body in little parts, but it didn’t hurt. It felt like my body normally would. I could see millions of white light particles rising to the ceiling. I saw myself rising into the sky. Then all of my body shot forward into some direction. I wasn’t in control obviously. I didn’t really care for anything I could have seen on the way to my still unknown destination. I was too shocked for that. I wondered if I would get killed too. Without seeing this world. After losing my life in such a ridiculous way. Without enjoying life without that bastard Kyle. I thought about my former life. I compared it already to my few minutes’ long second life. I thought things like, „It wasn’t such a bad life.“ or „If these shitty gods wouldn’t have interfered I could have enjoyed a normal life, without people dying.“, among other things.

Well, these kind of thoughts didn’t help my current condition, neither mentally nor physically. But I continued until the light particles, which were parts of my body, slowly formed my normal body again. I was lying in front of a big double door. That was all before I finally fell asleep. I could finally stay in this peaceful state with no white, the color, which indicates my misery; in sight. This is the best way to calm down in any situation. And I would need all the rest in the world to be able to cope with what this second life would have in store for me next.

Authors note

If you find any mistakes or awkward formulations please do tell me. It will help me a lot to improve my English. If you have suggestions please comment them ^^. If you liked my story please leave a comment, too XD

That’s it from me. Thanks for reading this story ^^ …or the beginning of it hahaha >w>

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