《Almighty Dung [Dropped]》Chapter 13


Restriction formations revolved constantly, not letting 9 chained figures escape from 9 thrones

Their figures were vague. Some of them looked like giants, others were humanoid, there were monsters and ones who were covered by force field, unable to be identified

Suddenly the painting in the hall turned dark and its surface rippled

Dark cloaked human walked out with a grin

- How are you doing, the fallen? Hahahaha~

His laughter was domineering and sinister. His authoritative voice brimmed with tryumph and mockery

- Aragon the dreamer, you've gone too far

The voice came from one of the humanoid figures who looked like mass of fire. The voice was without emotion. It belonged to female, but this voice would send chills down people's spine as it was filled with hatred and coldness

- Pyromania demon, you've got guts to have called yourself a god, look at you now

The cloaked figure disappeared and reappeared close to the throne, near pyromania demon and took out dead swine beast and started roasting it with its flames

- You...

Feeling humiliated, pyromania demon was about to explode, but restricting formation brightened up and held her down

- Human, your arrogance will be your end

Giant spoke calmly, but the hall shook from its deep voice

- Shut up, big guy, you can't do fart to this lord

- Human, I dare you repeat that!

The giant roared and the hall trembled, but cloaked figure humphed and chains appeared, wriggling around giant like snakes. The giant roared in pain and threatened

- Aaah, you'll regret this human

The chained figure who looked like human child sighed and said

- Your plan was indeed perfect, you are the second mortal to threaten us, the gods

Cloaked figure reappeared in the middle of the hall, spread his hands and laughed like a madman


- Hahahaha, isn't that right? Your world has been invaded by my people. With my ability, technology and astral projection their souls will never die in this realm as their bodies are kept intact in capsules. They will follow my guidance, get stronger and eliminate you all, then I'll become the god! HAHAHAHAHAA~

- Don't be this happy so early, Aragon. You overestimated yourself

The chained figure who looked like human child spoke once again. His golden eyes looked like clock mechanism. They spun and the air distorted

Cloaked figure's face twisted and he shouted

- Give it up, Chrono Alpha, you all are under my control

Chronos Alpha smiled sinisterly and spoke

- We aren't and never were

He broke free from restraints and appeared in front of cloaked figure, the developer of The Fallen Online

Hourglass materialized from thin air. Chrono Alpha spun in around and spoke sinisterly

- Your time is running out

Following that, his body started aging and turned into middle aged man

Cloaked figure flinched. He knew that spell of god of time. The more he aged himself, the stronger he became and more control he had over time

[ Warning: The realm is collapsing

The time line is being torn ]

Before Chrono Alpha could finish his sneaky spell, cloaked figure acted faster

The painting in the hall brightened up and swallowed the Chrono Alpha

The painting contained small dimension which was full of monsters. As soon as the god of time defeated these monsters, another painting in that realm would activate and swallow him again and again. It was Aragon's profound trap he had prepared. It was enough to delay Chrono Alpha for some time

- Ashes beyond ashes!

Cold voice sounded beside his ears and he saw flaming figure engulfing him

[ Warning: The restrictive formations are 45% collapsed. The force field is melting ]


- Fuck!

The game developer cursed and disappeared. The darkness enveloped the hall and space tearing slashes appeared on pyromania demon

- It's no use. Your control over this realm is broken. It's time we took over, ahuhuhu

Arachnid monster laughed. Suddenly countless webs appeared in the nihility where developer hid and two crimson eyes appeared in his vision

- Your life is hanging down a thread~ ahuhuhu~

Arkavine, the god of fate laughed sinisterly and spread its webs everywhere

Developer cursed in his mind and came out of his hiding, only to be greeted by two identical looking small figures, who slashed their scythes at his waist

[ Life ]

[ Death ]

They wore white and black tattered clothes and looked like female 12 year old twins

- Aaaah

The world turned dark as the energy was constantly being drawn from it to supply the developer. He barely managed to fend off life and death energies which spread on his body like white and black poison

Meanwhile titanic looking coarse fist started descending on him. It was from god of demons and beasts who he had angered earlier

- Evil eye of blasphemy!

Developer's eyes turned crimson and the hand of god of demons and beasts turned into bloody mash

- You!!!

The gods were shocked and increased their assault

The god of demons and beasts Lucifer had his forehead cracked open and sinister eye shone the domineering light on him

- All seeing eye!

Developer's eyes started bleeding as he was being suppressed, but he laughed instead


The paintings started squirming and countless horrifying demons started appearing

- Suppress!

Lucifer yelled but developer grinned

- Hehehehe, it's no use!

Suddenly, the empty paintings merged and created the figure of breath taking beauty

- Hehehehe, give me your shadow, for my lady's painting

Developer sinisterly smiled and drew Hades' darkness into the painting


Hades screamed

- You, let go!

Rainbow enveloped Developer. It was from god of hope. She intended to purify the evil mortal

Developer's figure slowly started turning into ash, but he just grinned in response

Meanwhile the game world was in uproar. Nobody could log out anymore. The control over the realm was obtained by the fallen gods

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