《Supervillains aren't all bad!》Chapter Three


Ok, this was just getting ridiculous, the greatest superhero on Earth was calling for the death of an innocent, simply to get me off the streets. What was that all about? If I didn’t know better, I would have to say that that wasn’t MegaJustice at all but some evil version of him, possibly from an alternate universe. I did know better though because I already knew that version of him. He was a really good friend and we had got on well together. He should have shaved off the goatee though. I had told him at the time, it’s a dead giveaway. Nobody ever listens to me though, which is why he’s currently residing in a Super Max facility somewhere very hush hush and not ruling the planet.

I decided that all this calling for the woman’s death nonsense had gone on long enough.

“Oi! You’re supposed to be the good guys, yes? Do you really want the death of a good person on your conscience just for the privilege of having me locked up? How about the deaths of two people? Did I also forget to mention that she’s pregnant?”

There was a shocked pause at my pronouncement before a veritable riot of noise erupted. I caught snatches of conversation as everyone attempted to talk over one another.

“… But, if she’s pregnan …”

“… I’m telling you, he’s a lying twa …”

“… I like knives, Mr. How …”

“She’s an innocent! It’s our duty, she should be helpe ...”

“Why would he lie thou …”

“… Come on! He broke my arms, and legs!”

Finally, a powerful voice roared out, “Enough! I was wrong to say it was worth someone’s life to get this degenerate piece of filth off the streets. As much as I believe that it might have been justified, I won’t allow a pregnant woman to be murdered by this scum. We must save her, them, and if that means letting him go, then so be it. Now that Artemis has found a way to neutralise him, we can pick him up whenever we want.”

Hmm, the smug prick had a point there and I resolved to get that sorted out as soon as I got back to base.

“Good, I’m glad that’s all settled. Now, if someone will kindly release my bonds and give me my clothes, I’ll be on my way”

“And you will release Ms. Dwindle?”

“Of course! My word is my bond, as you know” I said with as much sincerity as I could muster, which, since five minutes earlier I had nearly been unjustly imprisoned for life, was quite a lot.

Mega gestured to Decker. “Captain, if you would, please.” He still didn’t look happy as he gave the order to release me but hey, them’s the breaks kids.


Decker strode towards me out of the group, glowering at me as if I had kicked his favourite puppy, before reluctantly standing in front of me and sketching a quick sigil in the air over the restraints holding me to the chair. The sigil flamed briefly, causing the bonds restraining me to curl open with a soft sigh.

I stood with an audible cracking of my back. I rubbed my wrists where they had been attached to the chair, a bit of theatre really as they didn’t hurt.

“Oh, that’s better. Thanks, Decker, I can tell you’re happy about it”

He leaned in towards me. “You won’t be so glib when we have the woman. We’ll be coming for you, and next time, we won’t be so gentle”

“There won’t be a next time, Decker. I know you’re coming now.” I smirked at him. I knew that particular smile infuriated him and I was rewarded by the sight of him flushing red with rage.

“Clothes?” I held out my hands expectantly.

He was silently passed my shadow cloak by one of the other heroes and threw it at my feet in a, frankly, childish gesture of defiance. I leaned down, picked it up and shrugged it on. I could feel the psychic hum as it re-established its connection with me with a physical warmth that spread throughout my body.

Without warning, I turned to Decker and gave him a swift kick in the balls. He crumpled to the floor, tearing spurting from eyes, face red in agony. It was very satisfying to watch.

“That’s for being a dick, Decker!” I looked at each of the silently judging faces in turn, defying them to do something about my little lesson. Nothing.

Deciding that I should probably leave before I goaded someone into lynching me or Decker had a chance to get up, I turned on my heel and walked quickly out of the crowded room, through the exit and into a deserted hall. I paused for a moment to make sure no one followed me out or tried to tackle me and tried to figure out just where the hell I was. A hand fell on my right shoulder with a thump. I jumped a little in reaction as I hadn’t seen anyone a second ago and attempted to disguise it as a smooth turn towards the owner of the hand


Her eyes were calculating as she took in my attempt to appear cool.

“Going somewhere?”

I thought fast. This could work to my advantage.

“Yes, no thanks to you. I do have a home to get to you know; I can’t be standing around chit chatting with kidnappers.”

“What? Kidnappers? Are you seriously suggesting I kidnapped you?”


“Well, what else do you call it? You assaulted me and brought me somewhere against my wishes. Frankly, I’m disgusted.”

“But ... but … you were going to rob that place!”

I gave her a look of injured innocence. “Was I? How do you know?”

“Well, you opened the gate and … I … just do.” She faltered, looking confused.

“Yeah, that’ll stand up in court; ‘Honest, your Honour, I just knew it. You might as well throw away the key on my say so while you’re at it, please.’”

“You tried to blind me! You threw the first punch!” Her voice started to lose the confident edge it had earlier and was starting to sound slightly panicked. Poor kid. I shouldn’t be messing with a newbie like this, but damn if it wasn’t fun.

“I had an unknown Enhanced in front of me, I was scared for my life, young lady.” I had to twist the knife a little, didn’t I?

“No, but, you attacked me first.” She looked on the verge of tears.

This was great!

“I was terrified; my powers had stopped and you were threatening me, what did you expect? Listen, I’m prepared to just let all this go and not prosecute you for kidnapping, assault, false imprisonment and anything else I can think of, if you’ll just unlock my abilities, tell me how you did it and then take me home.”

“Prosecute me? Are you serious? You’re the bad guy, not me.” She was definitely cracking.

“Oh, I’m very serious, why do you think they let me go?”

She sighed, apparently unable to refute my logic.

“Fine. I’ll unlock your abilities.” She frowned in concentration and made an odd, twisting gesture with her left hand.


“Are you sure? I don’t feel any different.” I mentally assessed my abilities. They seemed to be in order, but then, they did earlier too.

“Yes, I’m sure. It was a simple binding spell and I’ve released it.”

A fuc ... A binding spell? Was she serious? That shouldn’t have had any effect on my abilities. Unless … No, that wasn’t possible. Still, it wouldn’t do any harm to check. I only really needed the answer to one question, “Erm, just out of interest, what’s your actual name, you know, for legal reasons?”

She gazed at me for a moment, chewing her bottom lip before answering, “I don’t think I should say; you’ve got a bit of a rep for revenge and I don’t want anyone close to me getting hurt.”

“What if I promise I won’t lay a finger on them, will that do?”

“Erm, well, you’ve not got the best reputation for honesty. I don’t know.” She seemed hesitant for some reason. I couldn’t think why. “They let you go? As you’re innocent?”

“Yes?” I put on a look of impatience, just to hurry her up a little.

“You promise not to hurt anyone, yes?”

“Of course! My word is my bond, Artemis.” I gave her a wide smile to show how sincere I was, before realising I was showing perhaps a little too much tooth and eased it back a bit.

“I suppose I can always remove your abilities again if you’re lying. OK, my name …” She took a deep breath and tensed herself as if she was about to dive into freezing water. “My name is Sam Shaw.”

I fucking knew it! I hid my reaction as well as I could but even so, a low growl escaped me before I could gain a small measure of control over myself.

“Are you alright?” Her voice sounded slightly worried. Maybe because I had turned away from her and was busily punching the wall, which resounded with low booms with each strike. I did say a small measure of control.

I stopped having fun smashing the wall for a moment, sighed heavily and turned to her.

“Do you happen to know a Robert or Mary Shaw?”

“What? How do you know that name?” Her face reflected her worry and confusion.

“Which one?”


“You do know him then.” It was a statement, rather than a question. “Is he your dad, Sam?”

“Look, you promised you wouldn’t hurt anyone if I told you m…”

I spoke over her whining, a bit rude I admit, but this was important.

“I’m not going to hurt anyone Sam, this is really important … He’s your father, isn’t he?”

She spoke quietly. One word.


OK, so unless you’re all idiots, you’ve probably figured out what this means. Yep, she’s my hitherto unknown and entirely unsuspected half-sister descended from my long presumed dead father. The simple proof was her ability to use magic to bind me; I’m protected against everyone except blood, which should not have been an issue as I was under the impression they were all supposed to be safely in the ground. I mean, sadly in the ground; sadly, not safely.

Until now.


This was going to be a bit awkward. I thought back to our fight and the flirting and, oh no, the kiss and shuddered. Luke and Leia, they’d call us if anyone ever found out about that, and as for you, reading this…

Go ahead.

I dare you.

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