《My (Secret) Life as a Teenage Assassin》My (Secret) Life as a Teenage Assassin Character List


My (Secret) Life as a Teenage Assassin character list:

Sebastian Cady: Main character. “Mistaken” for an “Account Manager”.16 years old. Currently attending Mapleton Central Prep private school. Stands at 5’7” with an athletic build. Has sandy blonde hair, hazel eyes, and inherited father’s cocky grin. Described by family as a “carbon copy” of his father. Wants to graduate with honors and pursue a degree in Electrical engineering.

Jack Cady: Sebastian Cady’s father. Stands at 6’2” with an athletic build. Sandy Blonde hair and hazel eyes. Known for his “cocky” grin. Missing for 3 years.

Elizabeth Cady: Sebastian’s mother. Stands at 5’9” with a slim build. Blonde hair styled in a bun with glasses and blue eyes. Constantly works for her son to have a good life. Teasing personality and is very protective of Sebastian.

Uncle Rory: Family friend, worked with Sebastian’s father in the past and promised to look after Sebastian and his mother. Runs a self-defense studio called, “Rory’s Defense”. Stands at 6’0” with salt and pepper flat top and blue eyes. Muscular build with a bit of a gut. Gruff but friendly personality and likes cigars.

The Supervisor: In charge of all “Account Managers”. Usually cloaked in shadows. Gravelly voice and a gruff personality. Loves cigars, not much else known at this time.

Mr. Mister: Sebastian Cady’s handler, (named by Sebastian) reports directly to the Supervisor. Stands at 6’4” with a muscular build. Bald and always wears sunglasses. Wears black suits and has a stern demeanor.

Kristy Landing: Sebastian Cady’s childhood friend, also has a crush on him. Stands at 5’4” with a slim build. Honey colored long hair styled into ringlets and has bright brown eyes. Smattering of freckles across a slightly upturned nose. Cheerful personality but can be deceptively sharp at times.

Tommy Lancastle: Sebastian’s male best friend. Stands at 5’5” and a slim build. Short and closely trimmed brown hair and brown eyes. Parents are wealthy but Tommy is still friendly and down to earth. Tommy does have a problem with being a little girl crazy though.


Marie Townley: Sebastian’s friend but mostly hangs out with Kristy. “Annoying Little Sister” of the group. Red hair styled into two pigtails and blue eyes. Stands at 5’1” with a petite build. Has a knack of causing trouble and somehow not get blamed.

Victoria Van Hasten: New girl. Started attending Sebastian’s school. Moved with father to the area due to his work. Platinum hair styled into two drills with sky blue eyes and a button nose. Stands at 5’5” with a slim build. Rarely shows emotion. Sebastian has been tasked by his homeroom teacher to get her caught up with the rest of the class.

James Weatherton: Sebastian’s bane. Stands at 5’9” with a muscular build with short black hair and black eyes. Not too bright with a rotten personality and always tries to antagonize Sebastian. Also has 2 dumb minions follow him around.

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