《Abandoning All Hope》Episode 12- House of Hope
Time didn't seem to exist in Castle Dracula. Minutes easily ticked by into hours, hours turned into days, and before long, days melted into weeks.
I had lived with my siblings and father for so long; residing with another person seemed natural, but this experience, however, was new and awkward. I was living with a man, a man who I wasn't married to, and one I couldn't stop admiring. He was the epitome of beauty. Great artists could attempt to capture Adrian's ethereal loveliness, but their works would fall disgustingly short. The desire to immortalize his beauty was still there, though. I was no master of the arts; ink or brush, so settled for stealing glances at him from time to time in the hopes I could commit every detail of his face to memory. I still don't like to admit that he affects me, but he does. He's nothing like what I've ever encountered, and like a moth to a flame, I'm mesmerized.
The first few days, cohabiting were the worst. Every day we would eat together quietly. Our conversations usually consisted of very topical quires that would quickly lead us to a dead end. I was always at a loss for words with Adrian- rejection and anxiety constantly a driving force. His voice was like a drug- if I didn't get my fix, I'd go mad. Eventually, I began pondering the night before what we might discuss. Maybe art, stories of the world, music perhaps? Yet, no matter how many times I cataloged a list of conversations starters, whenever I sat down beside Adrian to share a meal, my mind would empty.
It did get easier; our conversation almost became second nature. Well, at least when he wasn't tending to my wound. Like the first time when he had helped, I'd clam up and feel my temperature rise. Every four days, like clockwork, Adrian would help remove the soiled bandages and place them into a pot of boiling water to sanitize them before hanging them to dry.
Most times, I couldn't bear to look at the vampire due to my embarrassment; after all, I remained shirtless. What point would there have been to don my undershirt, only to take it off again when the bandages dried? Little, honestly. Every time Adrian assisted in my wound care, he made it abundantly clear that moving about might cause adverse side effects, so I didn't. As much as I desired not to be partially undressed in front of a man I didn't know from Adam, I wasn't keen on disturbing the healing injury either. Taking the lesser of two evils, and muscling my way through my discomfort seemed the best course.
One late afternoon, while I sat beside my window, watching the snow still falling lazily, I let my mind wander. It had continued to snow these last few weeks, sometimes even despite the sun reflecting off the glittering flakes. Would it ever stop? Softly, I sigh and rest my head against the stones at my back, wondering about home, about my siblings and my father.
Father, I'm confident, was grief-stricken as he imagined the worst- that I had befallen the same fate as the hired hunters and Katherine. "I miss you," I whispered to the foggy glass, feeling my heartache in such a way that had me gasping. I wanted to go home, to hear the twins singing again, to feel father's warm hand encircle mine, but yet a part of me didn't want to leave. Not yet, at least- something kept me rooted here, something I still didn't understand.
I was content to daydream about my family for the remainder of the day, lounging on the windowsill like a cat, at least until a soft knock at my door caused me to shift. "Come in," I cooed, already feeling the corners of my mouth tug upwards, my body fully aware of who it was seeking entry. I quickly turn my gaze from the window to watch the door swing open, my heart already doing little somersaults in my chest when I drink in Adrian's stately visage.
He's dressed as he always is- in fitted breeches, a crisp white shirt, and fine leather boots. I resist the urge to sigh longingly, swallowing it down even as he speaks.
"Good afternoon, Anna," the deep baritone caresses my ears, and I stave off my urge to shiver, delighting only in the way my skin prickles at hearing my name spoken from his mouth.
"Good afternoon, Adrian," I reply effortlessly, unable to resist the aching tug on my lips that splits them into a welcoming grin, "Something I can help you with?"
I genuinely don't know what he wants- often, I am left to my own devices, which consists of very little. My mind already races with a hundred million possibilities, and my mouth goes suddenly dry- why would he come to see me?
I don't have to wonder long when Adrian steps just barely into the room, "No, nothing. I thought that a stroll through the castle might be advantageous to us both- you'll be more freely able to wander at your heart's leisure. After all, you're not a caged bird."
A part of me, the part that I try and keep locked away inside my mind wants to tell him I don't mind being a caged bird, at least so long as he's the only one I sing sweetly for. I nearly snort at the girlish way my mind begs me to repeat my innermost words. Quickly, I hoist myself up onto my booted feet and cross the room so that I'm standing beside Adrian, looking up into his handsome face "So, you're offering to give me the grand tour?"
Adrian barks with a dry chuckle before responding, "I would hardly say grand, but yes, would you like a tour?"
Who wouldn't?!
"I would adore one, thank you."
His response is a quick nod. I want more, a smile or even a chuckle, something, but the simple reply is better than nothing. I'm content.
Our tour begins, and I learn quickly there are already a handful of rooms that I'm never permitted to enter under any circumstances. I don't need to inquire as Adrian states that the rooms have become too dilapidated to be safe. We move past them, eventually coming to a room deeper in the heart of the castle, a place that looks as if it's made of melting wax. Everywhere I look, every surface appears warped- I stand in awe.
What's happened here?
"It didn't always look like this," Adrian remarks behind me, making me aware that I've moved away from his side. I root myself and watch over my shoulder, waiting patiently until the beautiful man stops at my side. I force myself to look around, to take in every broken wall, melted trace of metal, and shimmering piece of shattered glass.
"It looks like a battle was fought here."
Adrian doesn't reply immediately; his golden eyes observe the room in a colder, more clinical way.
"That's because there was."
I sputter for a moment and then shake my surprise away, feeling the emotion too coarse for this moment. I need to tread carefully.
"Between who?"
"Between my father and I."
"Why?" I finally manage after moving away from Adrian, away from the intoxicating hint of sweet vanilla, musky sandalwood, and cedar.
"Because my father intended to not just punish Wallachia for my mother's death but all of humankind. He said there was no more innocence left. I could not allow the blind genocide of humankind."
I had never known the reason why Dracula's hordes of night creatures came, at least not until now. Despite the twisted motive, I could imagine how the mad Count felt he had been justified- not a single soul had stood up for his wife. Dracula had been hurting, and while I had never lost someone I loved in even a similar fashion, I understood his pain or, I thought, I did.
The conversation had taken on a far heavier note than I would have liked, but this was just the nature of the castle. Everywhere I looked, in darkened corners and in hidden rooms, everything was steeped in ageless sorrow. It existed, tangible and breathing like a wailing beast that lamented for pain both new and timeless.
I wanted to say something, anything to lighten the mood, but it felt wrong. No matter how I wanted to behold the light I'd seen Adrian capable of radiating, I wasn't selfish enough to try and draw him away from his suffering. Anything other than silence would have seemed inappropriate.
The rest of the day passed by uneventfully, and before I knew, I found myself looking up into the heavy draping canopy above my head, wondering where the hours had gone. Time slipped through the hourglass so easily that I questioned if it was just this castle, or maybe, Adrian was the source? I didn't ponder long before sleep claimed me, and I fell into another dreamless night of rest.
Morning came again, and it followed along the same path that the previous day had- I awoke, I washed myself and then dressed quickly. Adrian would be in the kitchen, and despite having only seen him a few hours ago, my skin itched to be in his presence. My heart thumped wildly as I drew ever closer until I walked through the doorway and into the familiar kitchen. Just as I knew I would, I found Adrian, standing motionless at the stove, quietly cooking. I could have stared at his profile until the end of time.
"Good morrow, Adrian," I sigh groggily, finally willing myself to speak as I move about the kitchen to collect our place settings and mugs.
"Good morrow, Anna. I trust you slept undisturbed?" It was always the same question- this was our routine. I liked it.
"I didn't dream, no."
Adrian nodded once before he continued, "I thought after breakfast, we might continue our tour of the castle. If you have nothing planned for today?"
There was a hint of something in the vampire's voice that had me tingling all over; had that been excitement in his voice? I didn't let myself ruminate long. Of course, I had nothing to do! Even if I had, whatever Adrian had planned took immediate precedence.
"Nothing that I'm aware of," I feign indifference, "What part of the castle will I be privy to today?"
"I thought we'd begin in the dungeons. I think it would be beneficial if you saw what you narrowly avoided. Not many mortals can boast that they've seen the inner machinations of said room and lived to tell about it."
"T-the dungeon?!" I squeaked, my heart having leapt into my throat, hands already trembling at the horrors that likely await me.
Why the bloody dungeon?! I want to ask why we had to begin there of all places! As I steel myself and drum up every bit of courage I posses, my lips snap shut the moment a soft chortle of laughter fills my ears.
"You're far too easy to rile up, Anna. It's almost fun."
I'm going to kill him!
"You think you're so clever, don't you?" I hiss in mock annoyance, marching to stand at his side, glaring challengingly up into his eyes- preparing for another bout of verbal jousting.
"Just wait! You won't be the one laughing when I put ink in your porridge, and your teeth turn as black as your sense of humor!"
"That would imply you'd be able to sneak out of your room, making it downstairs and cook without making so much as a whisper. If memory serves, that last time you tried, it didn't end quite the way you had anticipated. Did it?"
While I certainly didn't hate the man, I could say that I didn't like him at present.
"I will have my revenge Adrian, just you wait!" Again, the vampire laughs, and while I try and conceal my amusement, I find that I'm smiling- his laughter is infectious.
When the laughter dies down, I sigh and flick my hair over my shoulder, finally moving away from Adrian, filling the mugs with chilly water, "So, since you aren't going to take me into the infamous dungeon, where do you plan on taking us?"
Adrian says nothing as he moves over to the table where he fills our plates before retreating to the basin, where he deposits the soiled cookware. He sits down, looks to me, and waits.
Is he deaf or playing dumb- either option isn't flattering.
"Do you intend to keep me in suspense, or did you not hear me? What are you going to show me?"
He sighs heavily, the corners of his lips still turned up into a mischievous grin, "Are you going to come sit, or would you prefer to stand while you eat? I don't recommend the latter, but that is your choice."
Stubbornness tells me to remain standing where I am in a show of unbridled defiance. I absolutely refuse to let him win this bout!
"Are you going to divulge where you plan on taking me?"
"No, you'll have to wait until after breakfast to see."
Wait, was he being serious?
"You're joking," I quip annoyed, feeling my curiosity scratching at the inside of my skull like a rabid beast.
Adrian shakes his head slowly, his golden eyes never leaving me as I stand stupefied, "You will simply have to remain patient and wait."
Yep, I'm going to put ink in his food the next time I get the opportunity!
Defiantly, I remain rooted in place, watching Adrian as he watches me- both of us waiting to see who breaks first. I tell myself that I'm strong enough to resist the urge to sit, to eat my breakfast and agree through my actions that he's won.
I'm stronger than he gives me credit for!
However, as the heavenly scent of warm food fills my nose, I feel my will beginning to crumble.
No, I can't give up! I have to remain strong!
Clenching my fists, I glare down the spoiled little vampire until my stomach alerts us both that it's empty and that it has made the utilitarian decision to concede defeat. Immediately, my ears ignite with invisible fire that slowly bleeds down into my face and chest- damn that man!
With a grumble beneath my breath, I slide the chair out beside Adrian and plop down with a huff. "I hope you realize that if not for my stomach lobbying for food, I would have remained fixed in place, and I would have won."
Adrian laughs and shakes his head, "We both know that that wouldn't have happened, Anna. It isn't very becoming of you to lie."
"Lie?!" I yelp, jabbing a finger at him, "I'll have you know I have not lied to you once, thank you very much!"
Reluctantly, I spoon some of the food into my mouth, peeking up to see that my host is grinning to himself impishly.
He's so proud of himself.
After swallowing the bit of food in my mouth, I decide that if I can't win by my force of will, I'll make him divulge the answer through his actions.
I can do this!
"Are you taking me to a study?" Adrian stops chewing to quirk one of his manicured brows at me, perhaps blindsided by my question.
He swallows first before he replies, "No, Anna," he returns just as quickly, tearing from me a grumble.
"Then, the armory?" A snort of laughter but no reply. Damn it!
"Some secret garden you've got tucked away under the castle? O-Or maybe a ballroom?" Still, nothing!
"For the love of God, Adrian! Where are you taking me?!
Finally, Adrian ceases eating and locks eyes with me, and I feel myself wither beneath his gaze. God in heaven, the man is going to give me heart failure.
"You will have to wait and see. Anticipation never killed anyone, Anna. I'm certain you can reign in your curiosity and be patient."
I'm irritated, desperately curious, but I'm hungry, and that beats out everything. Damn it all! I grumble for a third time and begin eating, resigning that none of my tactics are going to work. If I want to find out where Adrian intends on taking us, then the sooner I finish breakfast, the sooner I can learn firsthand.
We continue our breakfast in silence, me stewing, and my companion so pleased with himself the room feels like it's on fire while he grins devilishly. Cheeky bastard.
When we finally finish a small eternity later, and much to neither of our surprise, I'm the first to jump to my feet. I'm ready to find out this mysterious room- come hell or high water! I start speedily collecting the dirty dishes and move quickly over to the basin, which I fill up. I dare not look back over my shoulder at Adrian- I can already imagine the look that he's giving me, but I don't care. I want to know what surprise he has waiting in the wing! I hate surprises!
By the time I finish washing the dishes, the front of my tunic is soaked. Who needs dry clothes?! Certainly not me!
"Okay," I yelp, rushing towards the kitchen door, wiping my wet hands across the front of my breeches, nearly slipping a handful of times, "let's go!"
Adrian snorts as I see his eyes looking over my damp clothes and the soap bubbles that still cling to my cheek and in my hair. Thankfully, he says nothing but, "Follow me."
I practically skip after him, eyes wide with excitement as we pass doorway after doorway and down endless corridors. I'm starting to get antsy- maybe we were going to go to the dungeon! My curiosity has grown so ravenous that I worry I'll go mad.
By the time we stop before a set of heavy double doors, I'm practically panting and foaming at the mouth. What could be behind those doors? A treasure room? A parlor filled with instruments- all of which Adrian can play to produce haunting melodies he knows by heart? I can't take it anymore!
My pulse is racing so fast that I wonder if its going to stop mid beat! God in heaven, just open the door!
As if hearing my silent plea, Adrian takes the brass doorknobs and turns them, giving them a soft push. They swing open, and I am nearly blinded by warm sunlight filling every space.
Painfully, I blink my eyes until they adjust to the startling brightness, focusing until I realize the room to be a library.
My breath is stolen from between my lips as I step past Adrian and into the warmth- allowing myself to be swept up by all of the sensations assaulting me. The air is sweet and crisp- like fresh paper, clean linens, and sunlight. There is a peacefulness that blankets the room in a serenity I didn't think could exist. Most of all, there is light. Every corner, every inch, is bathed in this brilliance. It's like a spirit exists only in this room- it's warm, and it's beautiful, and it reminds me of my mother.
"This," Adrian breathes as he moves past me, illuminated by the soft glow from the tall windows, igniting his golden hair into a flaming halo "is my favorite room in the castle."
I spin around in a slow circle, drinking in everything. Since the moment I had arrived, Castle Dracula had been naught but darkness with a cold loneliness that crept into my bones and made me feel numb. This place, this room filled with hundreds of thousands of books, it's like the only living part of this castle. Silently I wander over to one of the many shelves and run my fingers along a long leather spine, shivering in pure euphoric bliss.
"Why this room?" I question, studying the golden letters, trying to understand the words written, already hoping that the feelings the room invokes in me are mirrored in Adrian.
"It's the peace and quiet," he comments softly, coming to stand beside me, his fingers running along the spine of another book. "I come here often when I needed to think. This room is filled with memories-" Adrian pauses, his voice growing distant before he continues, "memories of my mother. Days filled with her reading to me her favorite stories and spinning fantastical tales that any child could envision being apart of."
I could imagine the fair-haired boy running up to his mother and tugging on her skirts, begging her to read him the book he has clutched in his arms. My reverie is quieted when I realize that I'm almost wheezing. There, in the pit of my heart, is a pain that I know. It clenches and tears at the tender flesh- almost agonizing enough to rend a sob from my lips.
It's loss. It's the memory of something precious lost to death. It's remembering what it's like to have taken a moment for granted and wishing to live in that dream again- even for just a second.
It takes every ounce of strength I posses to resist the urge to cry. I don't, despite the burning in my eyes or the tightness of my throat- tears won't help.
"Some of my fondest memories," Adrian begins again, extracting a book from beside my hand, "is of her reading this." Carefully, he hands the book over to me, and I run my palm over the smooth cover, wishing I could read the printed title.
"The Divine Comedy has always been my favorite. I can recall sitting beside her, begging her to read it to me before I even knew how. I didn't understand the story when I was a child, but hearing my mother's voice always lulled me to sleep."
A snicker slips past my lips as a memory of the twins fills my head. "Something amusing?"
I shake my head slowly, "No, just a memory of mine that I was recalling."
Adrian gives me a sidelong glance, and I sigh, relenting.
"When my twin brothers were littler, they would often have me tell them stories before bed. They loved hearing about a fair princess trapped in tall towers and brave knights coming to whisk her away on his gallant steed. Or of a mischievous boy who climbed a bean-stock to steal a goose who laid golden eggs. Their favorite story, however, was always about the scorpion and the swan." I pause only long enough to turn and regard Adrian, admiring the way his eyes glitter with intrigue.
"They usually never made it past the moral of the story before they slept, but it was always the one story that I remember telling them the most."
"And what's the moral, Anna?"
"My mother always said that it was to trust your instincts. I've heard others say the story teaches that vicious people often can't resist hurting others, even when it might be within their interest not to."
"Which do you believe?" Adrian's voice seems to have dropped the light-hearted tone- worry begins to set in.
"I believe the story's moral is about trusting your instinct. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have believed you weren't a monster."
Neither one of us speaks for some time. Quietly, I begin to fret if I've said something to upset the ethereal man. Anxiously I chew on the inside of my cheek as Adrian allows his gaze to shift to the book in my hands.
I don't like this silence, it's suffocating, and my fingers itch to reach out and touch him, to feel the silken locks of his hair. I want to drown in his cologne and grow drunk off of the taste of his lips. I turn away from him, feeling my cheeks blaze with heat.
I have to change the subject; I have to distract Adrian from the way my heart thunders in my ears, the way my skin feels feverish to the touch, and the way my head spins.
Quickly, I clear my throat, feeling like the silence has gone on for far too long, "S-So tell me about this book," I finally muster, flipping through a handful of the pages, "I-I've never heard about it."
Adrian seems to wake from his pondering, stepping closer into me so that he can flip through a few of the pages.
He's too close again! I didn't anticipate that he'd actually hear my unspoken desire. God, I can't think!
"The entire book is something to behold. It is a poem about a man's trip through the afterlife, which is told in three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. It's something everyone should read at least once- I've read it so many times I've lost count."
I forget briefly Adrian's proximity as I look down at the black text beneath his fingers, wondering idly what the words say. "Do you have a favorite part?"
Adrian nods with a gentle smile cresting his provocative lips, "There are many, but my favorite is this one," he purrs as he thumbs through the book before placing his slender finger beneath a sentence.
We stand there in silence again, but this time, because of me. Anxiously I glare at the words, willing them to form into something I can understand. Nothing ever comes, and it takes but a breath for Adrian to question my silence.
"Something the matter?" He asks, and I feel myself crumbling from my shame. I don't want to answer, but if I don't, he'll assume the worst of me.
"I-" stammering, clenching my fist tightly, willing myself to say the next words, "I can't read."
Another long pause blooms between us. I move away from where I stand- I can't be that close to Adrian. I'm not worthy to stand beside someone who is my better a hundred times over.
The room remains a cemetery for a long time before the golden-haired man clears his throat, "Then, perhaps I might teach you."
Shame ignites in my blood so hot that I feel like I'm melting- I hate it, and I start to shake my head on instinct, "I don't think that's a wise decision."
"And why is that Anna?"
Why does he have to pry? Why can't he just accept that I'm hiding my shame?
"Because," I stammer, gritting my teeth before answering, "there isn't enough time before I leave. It would take a lifetime for me to learn to even read one sentence."
The expression Adrian gives me instantly has me withering, "What is that look for?" I yelp, straightening my spine in defiance.
"Yes, you won't be a proficient reader by the time the snow stops, but I believe I can teach you the basics. What harm is there in trying?"
I open my mouth to spit some belittling comment but immediately snap my lips shut when Adrian quips, "There isn't any harm."
I grumble beneath my breath, reluctant to accept his help- I could do it on my own if I wanted to!
"It's strange though," Adrian remarks as he steps closer, his arms folding across his chest easily, "it seems strange that a woman who adamantly insisted that she'd be 'fine' out in the cold is suddenly deterred by learning to read. Where, I wonder, has her fire gone?"
"I still have it!" I bark furiously, "I just-"
"Just what? Are you saying you can't learn or that you won't?" He challenges, and I bristle instinctively; no one, not even this beautiful, infuriating man, is going to tell me what I can and can not do!
"If it will shut you up and prove you wrong, fine! I'll accept your help! Once I'm reading circles around you, I plan on gloating until I'm blue in the face!"
Adrian chuckles softly beneath his breath, stepping away from me, my eyes following his lithesome figure as he walks, "Then, let us begin, shall we?"
- In Serial219 Chapters
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A school getting summoned. A young man being left out and his cheat ability.The tale of a mere human rising from the bottom, to the throne of the strongest demon country of this fantasy world. What hardships will he encounter along the way?Tagged [18+] for Strong Language, Sex, Violence.There's also brother-sister incest. If you dislike that sort of thing, please refrain from reading this.More Information: I didn't put Comedy in the tag because I don't know if my humor would amuse readers. Though I said "hardship" it won't hurt your heart as much as Tate no Yuusha manga. Also, I'm not too used to western novels, resulting in me only being familiar to Japanese WN/LN. That's why please don't diss me for using 'honorifics' and Japanese things in my story.
8 115