《Godefiance: Audun》Chapter 7: Memories, pt 2


Audun awoke, his eyes blurry and crusted from a deep sleep. Rubbing his eyes clean, and then blinking away the blurriness, he got a good look of the room around him. Confusion filled him, it was his own room. The last he recalled… Something to do with a trial.

“I must have had a crazy dream.” Stretching, he got up. It was only now it hit him, his parents had died in the dream. Running out in his night clothes, he jumped down the narrow wooden stairwell of the house, not paying mind to the small kitchen or the tiny living room. He dashed straight out the front door, and looked left. He gasped. Right there was his beautiful mother, with her raven hair and dark eyes. Her face radiated with an attentiveness as she knitted, but her face was still calm and sweet. Everything about her was warm and gentle.

“Audun, you lazy child you, you were asleep for so long. It’s okay anyway, your father just went with some local friends to sell of our excess harvest. But tell me honey, why do you look so distressed? Like I said, we let you sleep in, you earned it, our hardworking boy.” Tears welled up in his eyes the more she spoke. His mother was here, and she was being more kind and caring than ever. He ran into her arms and held her there, making sure with his own two hands that she was real.

“Oh, little Aladdin, did you have a nightmare? Tell me about it.” Little Aladdin, the nickname his mother gave him, because of his love for the story of that immortal cultivator. He smiled for the first time that day, and told his mother of the horrible dream he had.

“Well shh my child, mother is here, well and okay. And even if I were to go, I would just want you to know how proud I am to have you, and how much I love you.” That’s when her voice cracked too, as if she was holding an unbearable amount of sorrow. He looked up, and she was crying too.

“Why are you crying? There’s no need for you to cry, everything's okay now, mother.” She wiped away her tears and smiled at her precious son, nodding in agreement.


“I hate to send you away after this, but we still do need you to prepare the land for next spring. The spirit water that will renourish the fields is already at the side of the house, our strong boy just needs to get them.” Almost out of instinct, Audun tried to reach out with his divine sense, but to his horror, he discovered only that knotted dantian. He truly could not cultivate. It stung, knowing that he never was able to overcome tribulation, and become stronger, but having his life back was enough.

And so went Audun’s life, moving week by week working to fields with his father, learning from him. His father was a stern man, and a man who had great expectations to meet. He was also kind and loving, and he knew how his son felt because of his disabilities. He did everything in his power to help his son overcome them, but to no avail. So instead, the caring father helped the boy train his body.

When Audun’s 18th birthday came around, he enlisted in the Baste Clan army, as the Joka and Baste’s were at war, and it would bring honor if he could help push the war effort. Trying out, and pushing his body to the max, he was put on as a mere infantry man. His mother was ecstatic, and his father, as usual, was silent yet supportive. It felt wrong to Audun.

But to battle he went, serving three years of service, and working his way up to captain, before having his arm removed in a vicious battle, but one that pushed the Baste clan into the borders of the Joka’s. He was quietly honored for his services, and he went back home to care for his aging parents.

On a seemingly normal trip to the town, he bumped into a beautiful maiden. They both apologized tens of times, and both ended up walking away blushing like fools. This was not the last they saw of each other, as he frequently made trips back to the market. The two talked more and more, and he eventually had the courage to try and court her.

She ran away at the request however, and he was devastated. His trips to the town were nonexistent, and he sulked for hours. After months of rest, he allowed himself to return to the town. He saw her with another man, and his heart fell. To his surprise, she came over to talk!


“Audun, I’m sorry for running that day. I was unsure of how to respond, how to act. I’m sorry Audun, but my parents want more for me than to be stuck in life with a cripple. I hope you understand that I did love you, but fate was against us.” She then snuck Audun a kiss before running off.

He was angry, angry at his arm, and angry at his weakness. Once again, things in his life were taken from him. His mind went back to that dream, and he found the hatred burning harder. Yet, as life does, time flowed ever on, and unrequited love was relegated to a sour memory.

His father was the first to take ill. They were out on the fields, as usual, although now they only did light work, as an example for the servants the army sent. His sickly father, with his gray hair but strong frame, threw up twice and passed out. Audun carried him home, and held his hand through his final words.

His father laid in bed, exhausted, but with a light in his strong face. “Son, all I wished for in this life, and all I will in the next, is for you to live the life you wanted. I had hoped that everything I had done, allowed for you to be the man you wanted to be. But I always saw it in your eyes. You wanted more, so much more. Son, I would have given my life had it meant you could have what it is you desired so. I’ve always been proud of you, Audun.”

Audun and his mother cried and cried, weeks had passed before the tears had dried. Audun and his mother then lived quietly for a few more years, and she too, had taken ill. Audun’s heart felt as if it couldn’t take it, as she slowly lay there, dying.

“Audun, my sweet, only child. After I gave birth to you, I could never again nurture a child. You were everything I could have wanted, we could have wanted, however. We never once felt regret for not being able to bear another child. Audun, we always wanted you to be happy, no matter what. All I and your father ask, is you stop trying to forget, Audun. Live your life, free of regret and worry, and never let us leave your thoughts for good. I love you sweetie.” Her tears slid past her wrinkly smile. Even with her gray hair and old physique, she still gave off a motherly charm, her warmth that let him know she was genuine.

Audun closed his eyes. The world he was in slipt away, replaced by a void that stretched endlessly. No matter what, he couldn’t move. Opening his eyes, two scenes appeared. One was of his parents, watching with sad smiles as he lived his life, full of regret and sorrow. In the other, it was just him, struggling, unsure of reality and life. Thousands of possibilities all manifested at once, but all throughout, there was only one difference. He had no family.

Audun realized, deep in his heart, that his parents had truly loved him. Their love was so true and deep, that even if they were to pass, it would be okay if it meant he could fulfill his dreams. In another world, in another time, he could have both, but in the world he was in, they would make him choose the one where his dreams would come true. Where he could be strong and protect others, and where he could love and marry. One where he was no longer bound to anything.

Audun smiled, and paid his parents one last bow. One last I love you. This was a journey that required him to be strong, and resilient. To be caring and kind. To be accepting and open. Yet one that require he be stern in his way. He would be the hero he always dreamt of being, but he would take vengeance on those who harmed his family. He would be strong enough to beat back the heavens. His dao-heart was firm, and he was finally able to move. Slowly, he made his way towards the image that showed him on the immortal's path.

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