《Welcome To Terminus》Chapter 24 - Giant Wrath. Terrifying Sam.


Both Sam and Ashton hurriedly get within 100m of 5m awaken and Sam cried "BATTLE CRY: COME AT ME ASSHOLE!!!" at the same time he slammed his hammer with full power on the ground and used 'Tremor Slam.'

On the other hand, Ashton's hands turned into two grenade launchers and he pointed it directly at the awakened face.

Battle Cry: Yell with ferocity and pull aggro from all the enemies. Enemies won't be able to ignore the user and come running towards him to fight. Suppress all enemies in the surrounding with the might of the Battle cry, reducing their Attack power by 40%, Attack Speed by 40%, and Movement speed by 40% for 1 minute. Cooldown: 3 Minutes.

Tremor Slam: A powerful hammer slam that has both physical and magical damage. Will dealing 500% damage and trigger tremor effect, quake the 100*100 yard for five seconds. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Battle Cry nearly halved the Awakened stats and Tremor Slam itself was such a ruthless powerful slam that it could nearly ruin the awakened state to the terrifying state.

Not to say Ashton's grenade launcher. It may be humanity's best weapon at a time which can humans use against monsters. Destroying a lot of them together.

Both of their strategies were perfect and their coordination was too.

But what happened next nearly made their jaw hit the ground. Awakened with its full power raised its leg and slammed it down on the floor.

A terrifying shockwave passed and met with their attack 'Tremor Slam' and 'Ten grenades' and with a loud boom.


The shockwave hit Ashton and Sam after ruthlessly penetrating the attack and slammed into them. Both of them flew and with a loud boom after destroying five walls they fell.

Awakened itself wasn't in any good shape. Quake energy ruined its left hand and now he was just left with his right hand. While the hot burning fire which was mixed in the quake because of grenades nearly scorched its head.


Now its face was terrifying black. It looked badly hurt. But in reality, its head was completely safe. And it does not matter how much awakens body gets hurt. They do not feel pain and die until their brains won't blast.

Awakened looked at the state it was and enraged growled "GARRRRRRRRRRR….."

How dare these humans to hurt him?

How dare they?

Now it will kill them, crush them, ruin them, and hung their heads in the city entrance.

Ashton coughed blood. Shockwave that blasted him, hit him good. But his ironed body took most of the shock. So, he could still stand up but when he heard the awakened angerful yell.

He looked forward and saw the awakened raising its baseball bat and ready to slam it directly on Sam.

In front of that bat, Sam's body looked nothing. One hit and forget about Sam, he himself will die.

Sam also saw what was happening. He took the most hit of the shockwave as he used battle cry on the awakened.

And awakened when slammed its leg. Its direction was directed towards him. Which blast him so powerfully that now he nearly couldn't feel his legs.

"SAM! USE GIANT WRATH!!" Ashton cried as he raised his legs turned into spring and he pressed the spring as furiously as he could and with a terrifying speed, he flew towards the leg of the awakened.

Sam didn't need to tell twice and with an echoing voice he yelled "GIANT WRATH!!!" And felt a terrifying awakening inside of him.

He felt maddening power which he has never felt before. His eyes turned red. His height grew to 8 feet. His muscles bulged.

In his back, a terrifying red tattoo was carved in the shape of the giant face which was holding a golden hammer. And without thinking, he raised his hammer and used 'Tremor Uppercut' and slammed it towards the upcoming bat.


Giants Wrath: For 5 minutes, the user will become 2x powerful. Incoming damage either physical or magical will decrease by 70%, Body regeneration rate will increase by 70%, Attack power by 70%, and Movement Speed by 70%. After that, the user will be weakened. Stats will be halved for 5 hours. Cooldown: 5 hours.

Awakened felt its already halved stats halving once more. He felt immense anger rising inside of him. Why the hell can't these humans just die? Dying from its hand will be their honor.

Both of their attacks slammed. And with a loud terrifying boom both took three steps back.

Sam single-handedly stopped the 5m awakened ruthless attack which could pummel this mall itself into ruin.

Ashton himself wasn't lazy. With a terrifying speed he went behind the awaken and shot ten more grenades but this time his target wasn't awakened head.

He knew it was impossible. Awakened must be hiding its ace in the sleeve. It can use powers just like them. And he would be a moron to believe that it can only use it once.

So, he targeted Awakened left leg and when awakened took the third step back an intense hot scorching fire hit him and with a loud boom, its left leg was gone.

Awakened was confused. It didn't feel any pain. But it just wanted to know where the hell did the attack came from. And then it saw the second puny human which instead of standing in front, fighting him with his friend, was standing behind.

His hand was turned into two holes which were now throwing ten more tiny balls directly towards its face.

It immediately knew if those tiny balls hit him again. His head itself will blast. In anger and panic, it opened its mouth and threw terrifying lava towards the human.

Ashton was scared shitless. He could feel the heat while standing on the ground. He forgot about everything else and sprang towards Sam and with an amazing speed, he slammed directly into a pillar.

But he just thanked God that he was alive. If he was hit by any chance with that scorching lava. He would have melted without leaving a single speck of hair.

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