《An Empires Rising》Chapter – 11 War to End all Wars


Chapter – 11

--Drake PoV—

Drake was sitting in his office in the Base and was thinking about the things that happened. On his way back from the UK his craft was attacked by a German Fighter wing. The Planes were outfitted with Laser weapons which surprised him and his crew.

The fight ended with three shot down German planes. Drake was angry that he was found so easily, now the Germans were warned that something is happening. Also some spy reports with better intel came in.

Like he heard from Thomas this timeline was much different than he had suspected. The Japanese had attacked the USA earlier, and had pushed them back to Hawaii. Australia, the Philippines and New Zealand had already capitulated and British India was occupied by Japanese Forces.

Italy had occupied the entirety of Africa, but was struggling to establish its rule in the occupied regions. The USA was secretly supporting African independence movements with training and weapons.

The Germans had pushed the Sovjets back to Siberia but were struggling to resupply their troops because of the harsh weather conditions and constant Guerrilla Warfare. On top of that the UK was resisting the Invasion attempts by the Germans.

To all that came that Drake was 90% Shure that some LEGION soldiers were caught in the time-rift. Most likely they had taken over or influenced the German leadership. Also there were suspicious German and Italian Troop movements in the Vicinity of the Base.

Just as he made up his mind to order the attack on Germany and Italy, Tara came storming into the office.

[Master! It seems there is something happening in France! The Germans are shifting their troops from here to there. I would advise you to order the attack now.](Tara)

[OK, make it so!](Drake)


With this said Tara turned around and walked out of the office. Drake walked back to his chair and watched on his view screen as thousands of clone soldiers and Mechs´s began marching out of the Base.

In the initial months of the campaign the Empires forces had great success and occupied all of Europe. During the Sige of Berlin, Special Forces found an LEGION soldier which blew itself up and destroyed half the City.

With their Capital half destroyed and most of their leadership dead the Germans capitulated. After a search of the city various destroyed LEGION labs were found.

This prompted Drake to order a thorough search of the occupied territory and just weeks later more destroyed and abandoned labs were found, which opened the question just how long the LEGION was already in this timeline.

While the search was going on, the war came to a halt. In Siberia the front came to a standstill because of Japanese and Chinese troops that came to support the remnants of the German Army that was still fighting in Russia regardless of the surrender by their Government.

An attempted invasion of India by the empire was pushed back and came to a still stand near the Iranian border. To relive the population and to boost the production of troops and Equipment, Drake needed more resources. Also he wanted to start the production of Replicators to decrease the unrest in the population.

´´An invasion of the now Japanese occupied Africa should end that problem.´´, was what Drake thought. So while the Army prepared for an invasion of Africa, Drake implemented his plan to integrate the UK into the Empire.

On 22.April 1941 the news reached Drake that the King was assassinated and that Alice was recalled to the UK. Two weeks later Alice was crowned as Queen of England. Again two weeks later the result of the investigation into the killing of Thomas was announced. It listed an Agent of the CIA to be the perpetrator.


In the following months, while the invasion of Africa was in its peak, the anti-American sentiment in the UK was the highest ever. Alice used this chance to influence the British government to apply for Integration into the Empire.

As Africa was occupied, the Empires troops began to garrison the UK.

While all that was going on Japan invaded Pearl Harbor. Two weeks later the USA started a counter offensive which ended in the Battle of Hawaii where both sides lost big parts of their fleets.

Drake used this chance to invade the USA and start an offensive against Japan. On the 02.09.1941 the invasion of the USA began. Two weeks later on 15.09.1941 the Garrison of New York capitulates. During the battle a stray artillery round destroyed the Statue of Liberty. In the course of the next weeks, Boston, Portland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Miami and other big Cities were occupied. On 01.10.1941 the USA capitulate unconditionally.

The offence against Japan was a much harder operation, but in mid-1943 the Last Japanese troops in Siberia, India and, after a naval invasion into China, Chinese troops Capitulated. After several Attacks with experimental wide area EMP bombs, which were Zara´s newest invention. And the occupation of Tokyo, which crushed the confused Imperial Army units, the Japanese signed their unconditional surrender in December of 1943.

Shortly before the Empires Special Forces could reach it, a spacecraft lifted off of the newly constructed spaceport in Osaka. It was tracked until it left the boundaries of the solar system where it disappeared in a massive Energy emission. No traces of LEGOIN where found except the spaceport.

After the Japanese capitulation Mara`s Industry and Construction Department moved to Rebuild the devastated occupied Areas. By 1945 the reconstruction was finished and the ICD began to hand out Replicators to every Family in the Empires territory. Money was abolished and every person was now receiving a fixed amount of replicator rations to meet their basic needs. People who wanted more Rations had to work for the Government. All the Public services were free and Power was to be provided by Fusion Plants in the Homes.

By 1950 the system was implemented and every home had a Fusion Plant installed. Construction of several new space ports was ongoing and the last Nation on earth was integrated into the Empire.

In late 1960 the construction of a Colony ship was finished. The ship would Colonize Europa a moon of Jupiter. Two other ships were under construction, which would colonize Mars and Venus. While that was going on, Zara was working on Teleportation and was nearing the Experimental stage.

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