《An Empires Rising》Chapter 4 – Humble beginnings


´´Lol´´ -> Thoughts

[Lol] -> Speech

{Lol} ->Mind control


Chapter 4 – Humble beginnings

The landing had proceeded well and the ship landed in a forest near the town were Drake was living. He was wondering what happened to his car and reviewed the alien logs again. The logs showed that the aliens just left his car in orbit around earth after the abduction.

Drake decided that he first had to go home and quit his job in the factory.

Than he could start building his own company and make real money to take over the planet. His first product would be a compound that was as light as Styrofoam and as hard as steel. He discovered it in the databanks of the ship and called it Styrosteel (What great naming sense!) for better understanding since the alien Name couldn´t be understood by normal people.

Drake went with Tara to the house he inherited and it was getting darker by the minute.

The house was fair sized with two floors; the ground floor was the living area with Livingroom, dining room and kitchen, the second floor was were his bedroom, his office and a bathroom was. He immediately turned on his Pc and found out, that it was late Sunday.

After he gave Tara a quick pounding and she had blacked out again, he went to the Livingroom and set his smartphone timer to 6am and got into his meditation state. The time around him was accelerating and the next thing he knew was that he heard his Smartphone timer and stopped the time acceleration.

Drake went and looked for Tara who was still unconscious in his bedroom. He woke her up and gave her orders to stay at the house and clean up, while he would go and quit his job and maybe get some Starting capital out of it. Drake went directly to the owner of the factory he worked in.


[Hello Mr. Heisenberg what can I do for you today?] (Owner)

{You will terminate my contract of employment} (Drake)

[I’m sorry to tell you that with this notice the termination of your contract of employment is valid](Owner)

{Propose you will give me 500.000€ as termination fee}(Drake)

[For your efforts in this company I will award you with a onetime termination fee of 500.000€](Owner)

[Thank you Sir. I understand if you have to rescale your operation, just make sure to transfer the money to my bank account](Drake)

[It was a pleasure to work with you Mr. Heisenberg](Owner)

After the meeting Drake went home, were Tara was waiting for him.

[Master I have finished my tasks. What should I do next?](Tara)

[Well, you could go to the ship and find out how the replicator works and replicate you some casual cloths and a suit for business meetings in the future. I will come with you and check out the clone lab.](Drake)

[Yes, Master](Tara)

So Drake and Tara walked back to the ship. While Tara tried to figure out the Replicator, Drake looked through the logs and find out how to operate the clone lab and the genetics lab. After what seemed hours Tara came in with a new Top, still her old Hotpants and new High heels. She had a bag of new clothes in her hand and curiously looked around.

[Master, I ended my examination of the replicator and got it to replicate me some new clothes like you commanded.](Tara)

[Great timing. I just wanted to get you for some experiments. Now leave the cloths at the entrance and stand on top of that gray platform.](Drake)

Tara bowed slightly and did as she was told. Drake Pushed a button and Tara got scanned by some sensors above her and a exact replica of her materialized in one of the test tubes.


[Oh, Master you found out how the clone lab works! Yay, now there is a second me!] (Tara)

[Well, not quite. I tempered a bit with her genetic memory, her personality and her looks.](Drake)

[What do you mean?](Tara)

[Look at her; she has blond hair and normal colored skin, so that other people won’t get suspicious of her. I will use her for Business, so I filled her Brain how to run a company, how to invest in stocks and do all the other stuff.](Drake)

[Can we get her out of there, Master?](Tara)

[I suppose so; she is fully matured so it should be safe.](Drake)

Drake pushed another button, the nutritious fluid in the tank was pumped out and it opened for the clone to be extracted. The clone stepped out and knelt instantly.

[Master, your faithful Servant awaits your orders.](???)

[Huh, how should I call you? Hmmmmmm, ok my naming sense is totally crappy so I will call you Mara because you´re something like Tara’s sister. Tara make her some casual clothes and a suit, Mara follow her and wait there.] (Drake)


[Yes, Master] (Tara&Mara)

Half an hour later everything was set and the three of them went home and Drake talked about his future plans.

[Ok you two; here are your tasks for the next few months. You will work together Mara is pretty good with Business and Tara is good in controlling persons. Just brainwash people to give you money. Then buy a ten square kilometer piece of land out in the country and build a complex for housing minimum 5000 people. The complex must have a 500 by 500 meter underground hangar and an Underground Factory and Labs under the whole complex, build all that very spacious. Build a few training rooms and shooting ranges too, in preparation for the army we a going to establish. Everything has to be powered by our own fusion Reactor. Also research how to build Industrial grade replicators and set them up. After you are finished change everyone’s memories of what they actually have built. If you need help or are finished wake me up. Far the time you need to build the complex I will in time acceleration and won´t need anything so go and do your job!](Drake)


[Yes, Master](Tara&Mara)

The two woman left and Drake went into meditation. A few minutes later, time sped up around him and he wondered if they actually could pull it off.

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