《An Empires Rising》Prologue - An Empires Rising


``dafuq`` -> Thoughts

[dafuq] -> Dialog


Prologue - An Empires Rising

In the Throne Room of a giant palace, which was so magnificent that everyone who saw it could just stare at it with an open mouth, sat a man in is 20`s.

He wore an expensive looking suit and in his hand he held a staff completely made of Gold, with strangely glowing ornaments all over it and it was decorated with many small diamonds and a fist sized one on top of it.

The Throne on which he sat on was surrounded by hundreds of Gorgeous Women but at the moment he was entirely focused on a Holographic display which showed a Massive spaceship that was about to launch from a Shipyard on earth.

It`s destination was one of Jupiter’s Moons, Europa, where it would be building the first Colony of the Empire.

Thanks to the Hyper Drive, one of many technological advancements that where made since the founding of Empire, the Journey would take a little over 4 days.

And that was just the Interplanetary Drive. Plans existed to build an Intersystem Drive which could make the journey to the nearest Solar system in the same amount of days.

The man thought about how everything began. Not that long ago Earth was divided and most of the people thought it was impossible to Colonize Planets or moons. Hell, many countries stopped their space Program because it was too expensive. At that time he was just a normal person with a fable for Spaceships and Sci-Fi stories.


Drake Heisenberg was 18 years old, single and on his way home from his shift in the Factory he worked in. He would rather go on a party than work on a Friday night but all the inconvenient shifts would get pushed on him.


Drake turned the radio on and sighed. He said to himself that he would definitely make it to a party next week. If he knew how wrong he was we would have slapped himself.

Drake was nearly home, when a bright light appeared all around him and a high pitched, loud noise could be heard. He shrugged it off as a prank of his neighbors. Suddenly he fainted.




When Drake regained his consciousness he found himself in an unfamiliar room. As he tried to move he notices that he was strapped to some sort of Machine. He panicked but calmed down soon. Since Drake couldn`t determine neither the purpose nor the Origin of the Machine, he proceeded to look around the room he was in. Drake could see many unfamiliar objects and Machineries. Then he noticed that the door on the other side of the Room was suddenly glowing and slowly opening itself.

A Person in snake like Armor came into the Room. It was impossible to determine the gender because of the helmet that looked like a snake head with red glowing eyes. He called it Snake-Man until he could find out its real name. (And Gender because he suddenly had an uncontrollable urge to fuck a female regardless of her species.)

At that moment Drake gained the suspicion that he was no longer on earth. But there was something bugging him, why was he so calm about all that? Normally he would have freaked out and would have shouted like crazy but now he was unexpectedly calm. Had he been experimented on? He couldn’t feel any emotions except curiosity and lust. As he was thinking about that he heard the armored person speak to someone behind it.

[Los kommt her und gebt ihm die Injektion. Wir müssen hier weg sein bevor man uns entdeckt!] (Snake-Man?)


The Snake-Man? spoke in a language that he didn`t recognize. Suddenly he notices that the Snake-Man? held an oddly shaped cane in his right hand. The cane had an oval shaped tip and something like a button in height of the holder’s hand. The Snake-Man? pointed the tip of the cane at him and it opened in four pieces and sparks flew between the pieces. He asked himself how that device worked and guessed that it was a weapon.

He asked himself ``What is going on with me? I’m in a possible live and death situation and I find it more important to find out how that shit works than to think about a way to survive.``

Drake also noticed that he had an rifle like object strapped on his back and a pistol like object was placed on his waste in some sort of Holster. Suddenly four figures appeared from behind the Snake-Man?.

They were about half as tall as him and had all unknown equipment and weapons on their body and had nothing except pants on and equipment belts on. They went to one of the machines that he saw earlier and took some sort of quarantine container out of it and put it in the machine he was strapped to.

The Aliens than put injection Needles, with hoses that were connected to the quarantine container, in his body. Two in the chest area, one in each arm and leg, one in his neck, two in his back and the most painful one was the one in the area between his balls and dick. The aliens studied his reactions, took notes and in the end they spoke to the Snake-Man?.

[Die Ehre auf den konpf zu drücken gehöhrt ihnen Sir] (Small Alien)

[Also gut. Dokumentiert nur alles genau danach werde ich das andere Testsubjekt besuchen,

Wenn das Subjekt durchdreht Tötet es!]] (Snake-Man?)

The Snake-Man? went to some sort of control panel an pressed a big red button.

Immediately Drake could observe how an unhealthy looking substance through the hoses in his body flooded. As more and more of the fluid in his bloodstream was, he felt like his entire body was in flames and would simultaneously be ripped apart.


He screamed like a madman. Luckily he soon fell unconscious. But what he would see was probably more frightening than the torture by the aliens. Ok no, it wasn`t more frightening because strangely he didn`t feel any emotions at all.

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