《Summoning India: Bhaarat Samman》Chapter 7- The Calm before The Storm
15th June 1639
Conference Room,
Embassy of the United States of America.
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.
Dick Celeste, the Ambassador of the United States of America to India just finished off his third cup of coffee of the day. While he was aware that he had to limit the scarce resources of even items like coffee, the teleportation event saw him spending every waking moment trying to allay the fears of the American citizens who had been stranded with him, his staff and United States Forces-India. All that, while still trying to maintain the influence the US wielded with the Indian Government before the teleportation event. Suffice to say, the Ambassador’s workload didn’t seem to be letting up.
After finishing his coffee, Celeste quickly made his way to the conference room for the meeting he had been scheduled to attend. As he entered, he noticed that he was the last person. Already present was Milton Bearden, the New Delhi Station Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Admiral Howard Steward, the military attache attached to the US Embassy. The two men were equally as tired as him, something that Celeste could clearly see as he took his seat. Of course, there was no place like home, and the loss of it reminded them all of what really mattered. While it was easier to maintain discipline within the US military personnel, the same could not be said for the American civilians themselves.
As he took his seat, he noticed all looking equally as tired and stressed. Everyone wants to go home, however, that home is no longer around. It has taken everyone leadership and influence to prevent a panic within the ranks. Easier said within the military. However, the US citizen population has no such discipline.
“So gentlemen, what’s the news today?” Celeste asked the two men.
After a beat, it was Bearden who answered first. “We finally have managed to take full stock of all our military assets in India. You already know about our drone and U2 program here.”
“I’ll get to that in a second. Do we have a final count on American Citizens trapped here?” Celeste asked.
“Forty-five thousand.” Bearden said. “Depending on where they are, they are either coming here, or are going to the Consulates at Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai.”
“The Indian Ministry of External Affairs is being overwhelmed. Not only us, but every country that has a Diplomatic Mission over here is constantly contacting them and trying to secure their citizens.” Admiral Steward said. “Other Departments of the Indian Government are also stepping in to assist the MEA, but it's clear that at least for a few months there is going to be a communication bottleneck.”
“Then there was the issue with the Soviet snipers as well.” Celeste remembered. “I believe we have another meeting with the Indians.”
“We do?” Admiral Stewart asked, and the Ambassador nodded.
“But I have no idea what it’s about.” Celeste admitted. “Only thing they were stressing on, was that it was urgent.”
A meeting the ambassador is not looking forward to. He is not used to negotiating from a position of weakness. Hell, more he thought about it weakness still means you have a position to negotiate from. He literally has nothing but the good graces of a foreign power. Something no ambassador has had to worry about since the birth of the nation.
Up to this point, the Indian government has agreed to provide food and other resources, but only in limited amounts, as they are going through their own economic crisis. Celeste has heard rumours from some contacts that some in the government and media just want to storm the US position and take everything to beef up security during this crisis. What kept any negative citation from developing has been Prime Minister Vajpayee, who reached out to him.
“Sir, the military?” Bearden broached.
“Ah yes. What about the military?” Celeste asked.
Admiral Steward grumbled as he leaned back in his seat, laying down a laptop tablet on the table. “We have elements from the 5th Fleet here as part of that joint exercise with the Indian Navy that was supposed to happen before the teleportation event. It includes the USS John F. Kennedy Battlegroup, comprising the carrier itself, as well as two Ticonderoga-class cruisers, two Spruance-class and one Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. They also got a screen group of three Perry-class frigates along with two Los Angeles-class submarines.”
“Truly a terrifying invasion fleet.” Celeste dryly said.
“That’s just the carrier fleet sir. We even have the fleet attached with the marines, two Austin-class and two Tarawa-class ships, along with a few logistics ships and one Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship. And before we forget, even the USS Mount Whitney is trapped with us.”
“Jesus, why is this massive fleet even here? Our last memo never mentioned any deployment.” Celeste pondered.
“This was going to be ‘PASSEX 2000’. We would have gotten more information if only the incident happened after one month rather than on the new year. Also the training exercise was about coordinating a blockade of the Strait of Malacca, the Persian Gulf and the Pakistan coastline.” Admiral Steward said. “This also includes the bulk of the 31st and elements of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit. Plus, the Army and Air Force elements already present for joint exercises.”
All Celeste heard was deleting resources. That is a lot of mouths to feed, shelter for everyone. Just on the military side, what will happen when all the fuel and ammunition runs out. The issue is all this military hardware is meaningless. It wouldn’t be able to stop an Indian assault and is just a resource drain.
“So, what is the recommended plan?” Celeste asked the people sitting in front of him.
Bearden took a moment to think before he gave his opinion. “We wait, for now. The Indians have been treating everyone well, and have forced nothing on us, for now. I will have people keep an eye on what they are doing, and in case I get information, they are planning something against us, we will be forced to counter.”
“Hopefully we do not have to deal with that.” Celeste muttered to himself as he waited for the Indians to arrive.
After waiting for a bit, the Indian delegation arrived at the conference room to meet the American establishment. The most notable individuals were the Indian Defence Secretary Brajesh Mishra and the Chief of R&AW, A.S. Dulat.
“It’s good to you again, Mister Mishra and Mister Dulat. How can we help you today?” President Celeste asked as everyone got settled in the room.
“It is good to meet you again, Mister Ambassador-, my apologies, Mister President and may I say congratulations on your Presidency.”
Celeste rolled his eyes upon being congratulated. Being the highest representative of the United States of America in India post the teleportation event, it was procedure to make his the representative of his nation, or whatever remained of it in the Asian nation.
“Definitely not a prize position at the moment, Mishra, you definitely would not like to be in my place.”
“No one would like to, Mister President. In fact, no one would want to be stuck in a teleportation event in the first place.”
“You are right, Mishra. Now, how may I help you today?” Celeste asked. “You only insisted that it was urgent.
“Well, Mister President, it's regarding the American assets stationed in India.” Brajesh replied to the American ambassador.
“Say again?” Celeste asked, expecting the dreaded question which would be asked.
“I don’t wish to insult you, Mr. President, but with no funding, no supplies and as we speak, no home to return to at the moment, we are concerned about what would happen to our allies' military in this new world.”
Celeste thought on what the Indians were saying, it did not seem like a veiled threat, but at the same time, it did, “Well I do appreciate your concern, Mister Mishra, but unless you are suggesting something which could change the situation on ground, this would remain the status quo.”
“We have a proposal, something which would benefit both of us.”
“Go on.” Celeste said, interested about what the Indians were trying to propose.
“We provide you with a semi-autonomous zone, enough land for your citizens to set up a new home. We will try to support you for at least a decade, but it would be hard for us to instantly construct a society for your people as we are struggling as well.”
“I get what you mean.” Celeste agreed. “But what’s the catch?”
“That most of your military assets merge with our military, in a separate branch, obviously. We would handle the funding, supplies, pay and everything else. You can keep your army units for protection of your people, but we request the remainder to assist us, as we are overstretched as well.”
Celeste understood what was being asked. The Indians have asked for the Americans to work for them. The points from what his Admiral told him resonated in his mind when he thought about it.
“And will it be done on paper and guaranteed?” He asked, awaiting a response.
“Happily so, your nation supported ours in the past, in our times of need. We have to repay the favour, it is our moral obligation.”
16th June 1639
5th Recon Squadron (9th Recon Wing) BlackcatsJamnagar Air Force Station,
Gujarat, India.
The airbase was bustling with activity as airmen and technicians were preparing for an important mission. While to the normal bystander, everything would look like business as usual. The doors of a massive hangar were opened and a black aircraft was towed out.
What looked completely out of place, was an individual walking towards the aircraft, looking more like an astronaut than a pilot. Dressed in a pressurised yellow space suit with the helmet attached.
Captain Huber was the astronaut looking pilot. As a U-2 pilot, he has flown missions even during the Kargil war, supporting Indian Canberras in providing photo intelligence for the Indian military. While India was considered to be a good posting for people in the Air force, the location of their Air Base ensured that they would be restricted on base unless provided authorization. He had family back home, and ever since the teleportation event, was mentally hit hard, and had taken a lot of time off because of this. The only thing which mitigated this was his wife and child who were living with him on base as well.
Today, his mission was different. It was no longer flying over dangerous skies, with Pakistani Air Defence locking on, or any potential intercepts by Chinese fighters. It was a rather simple and routine mission for him. Fly to a certain location, begin photographing his area of responsibility and then return home. To him, landing his aircraft seemed harder compared to his mission.
“Huber, can you hear me clearly in this?” Huber’s headset in his helmet came alive, as the voice of one of his fellow pilots could be heard.
“Ah, Masterson, I can hear you loud and clear.” He responded back, confident that his mic was picking up his voice.
“That is good, sometimes the headsets die at the worst time, all hail our military grade equipment.” Masterson complained and was about to start ranting about how his own personally purchased one was better.
“What do you expect? You do know whoever makes these things usually does it with the cheapest materials right? Anyway, we can talk about it when I am back, and after you are done with your mission.” Huber started to inspect his aircraft, doing a final check, with one of the airmen pushing the cart which provided him with oxygen to his flight suit.
“A flight down south, to his weird ‘Louria’ nation. Be it two months ago, I would not believe a thing, but now, I would not be surprised by some fantasy bullshit at this point.”
“We are definitely not going to get vacation any time soon, I have a feeling that the Indians will continue sending us to the air, and we will continue to discover more fantasy bullshit. At least it would be interesting for us, I suppose?”
“You have a point, and with the rumours going on, I would not be surprised.”
“What rumour? You have to be specific here.”
“Apparently the Indians are going to integrate us into their armed forces, and in exchange, would ensure we and the civilians do not have to worry about money and other stuff.”
“So, basically, more curry?”
“Seems like it.” Masterson seemed to enter deep thought, imagining what could happen with more curry. “Though I would say that the Indian curry is more rich in flavour than the Japanese one.”
“Make sure Kuwahara never hears you say that. That bastard scared the living daylights out of the crayon eaters when someone insulted his cooking back in Okinawa.” Huber climbed up his ladder and was seated in his U-2. The Airmen connected his suit and systems to the aircraft, to allow him to use the U-2’s systems to continue providing him with breathable air and ability to communicate using his comm system.
“Alright gentlemen. Let’s earn our keep. Based on the reports of the Indian Air Force, the skies should be completely clear for you boys, unless a dragon could match our Dragonladies.” A member of the ground crew informed.
“Ha! As if.”
“Stay safe up there.”
“You know me! I am always safe.”
Huber closed the canopy of his U-2S, and soon the airmen moved away, he waved at them before pulling up his clipboard of pre-flight checks, referring to it as he instinctively reached towards the instruments and adjusted them, connecting his comms to the Air Traffic Control.
“Control, this is Eagle-1. How do you read?”
“Eagle-1, control, we hear you loud and clear. How me?”
“Loud and clear.”
Huber began his flight pre-checks, ensuring his flaps, breaks and other components were working just fine before he could inform, “Control, Pre-flight checks complete, ready for APU start.”
Huber flipped the APU switch on the systems of his aircraft coming to life. Continuing with this, he flipped the switches for his engines, which purred to life. A few lights flicked in his cockpit, as he continued with the start-up, waiting for his engines to warm up.
“Left engine is good, right engine is good, control, permission to taxi to runway L3.”
“Eagle-1, control, permission granted”
Huber pushed the throttle from idle just enough for his aircraft to begin a taxi. While a pressure suit looked cool from the outside, it was sometimes a hassle, with the usual assortment of troubles, and the itch being one of his worst enemies in the suit.
“Eagle-1, permission to line up and take off is granted.”
“Control, Understood, Lining up to take off.” Captain Huber said as he lined up. Once he was in position, he slowly pushed the throttle further, allowing his U-2S to pick up speed. Huber kept one eye on the speedometer, and the second it passed 100 knots, he pulled on the control stick, smoothly taking off from the airport.
“Control, Eagle-1, adjusting to bearing 1-9-7, gaining to Angels 10, how copy.” Captain Huber said as he turned his plane around, before beginning to the ascent to 10,000 feet.
“Clear copy, Have a safe flight.”
Huber got as comfortable as he could in his seat and suit. It was no first class position, as it felt more cramped than ever, however with all of his experience, and slight seat cushion modifications for comfort, it was something relatively better than the others.
After making it to his way to his first waypoint, he adjusted the course of his aircraft and began to climb altitude further. After another waypoint adjustment by the onboard navigation system, his U-2 was at its optimum altitude.
While he still had some more time before reaching his AOR, Huber decided to enjoy the sights a little, seeing that he was near the edge of space and all that. As he enjoyed the serenity and apparent peaceful sights outside, uninterrupted by any RWR warnings, one thing just felt off for him, it felt as if the horizon was just not right, in an indescribable way.
However, he dismissed his suspicions and wrote it off as another abnormality in this new world. Being this peaceful did not help him either, as his mind began to race with a lot of thoughts. While not exactly being devout christian, he did believe in God and the higher beings.
However the recent incident did dent his belief into all this. He prefered not to have his mind as free as it was now, and tried distracting himself with checking the readings and seeing how long he had till he reached his AOR, yet this was not enough for him. How was this possible if God truly existed, would God just do this to his own creations? And why only one nation, why not the entirety of Earth?
How was his family back home? His county? His people? How were the people back home reacting with the sudden disappearance of something this massive? Were NATO and CSTO blaming each other for the disappearance? Did World War Three and nuclear war burst out over misunderstandings? Huber could not answer all of his thoughts, and started to wonder what was next.
However, before he could, a small sound notified him of his arrival to the final waypoint. He had now arrived at the location of what his mission was for. ‘No time for these thoughts now.’ he thought, knowing that he would be otherwise distracted from his work.
Turning the screen in front of him on, he could now see whatever his camera was observing as well. With this, he began his mission, and turned the image capture mode on as he flew in a straight line, capturing images spanning a large amount of land. While not trained for pinpointing details himself, experience and repetition had allowed him to somewhat make out what was what on his screen.
The only thing that concerned him was a possibly raging fire on a decent scale, with burnt out land visible from where he was. Nothing more was really noteworthy from the vast distance he could see on his screen, other than what looked like a historic port city. It was not him to wonder what it was.
With his mission complete, he turned the screen off after capturing enough images of the region, and began the long flight back home. At Least he would get to see his wife and kids when he turns, and that was what made him motivated to ensure he keeps returning back to his own home safely.
18th June 1639
Integrated Defence Headquarters,
New Delhi, India.
The Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Sushil Kumar, was seated at the head of the table, and oversaw the young officers and Ministry of Defence bureaucrats who were poring through the image the US Air Force had obtained for them and which was then developed by RAW and the CIA. One thing was true, the Qua-Toynian claim of the Gim atrocities was proven, and despite the grainy quality of the images, even the Americans felt sick as they went through the images themselves. Admiral Kumar knew that the CIA Station Chief had already briefed the US Ambassador/President, as suddenly all US Navy vessels were at India’s disposal to use against Louria.
While all of that was well and good, the issue still remained that India still did not have any justifiable excuse to get involved in this conflict. The Kargil war had ended only six months ago, and while it was an undeniable victory, it was still a defensive war. Furthermore, Qua-Toyne and Quila were not exactly that high on the relationship scale for the Ministries of External Affairs or Defence to justify even a police action. After all, one could easily argue that India just cut a deal with Louria.
Furthermore, the last offensive excursion of India, under a UN Mandate no less, was in Somalia back in 1993. Unfortunately, the Indian people still remember what had happened and the amount of Indian soldiers that had been unnecessarily killed in action. Furthermore, just before the teleportation event, it seemed like CSTO forces led by the Soviet Union were about to stabilise Somalia much quicker than the NATO/SEATO/EATO coalition that had been there and were then forced to retreat.
“Why not a Freedom of Navigation exercise?” A naval officer asked a MoD bureaucrat.
Before the latter could reply, Admiral Kumar’s ears had already perked up. “What did you say?”
“A Freedom of Navigation exercise, sir.” The young officer said.
“I’m listening.” Admiral Kumar said, and now everyone in the room were paying attention.
25th June 1639
Rodenius continentNorthern Shore
‘What a glorious sight.’ Vice Admiral Sharkun marvelled at the massive fleet of warships arrayed before his eyes.
As far as his eyes could see were only filled with ships, not even the ocean couldn’t be seen, the pride of the Lourian Navy sailing for their target port city of Mihark.
It took six years, six whole years along with the secret military assistance from the Papardia Empire. This massive fleet was completed. Now the Lourian Navy dominated Rodenuis waters. None of their rivals in the continents could field even 1/3rd of the ships Louria now possessed.
Sharkun couldn’t keep himself from smiling
Ages ago during the days of his great grandfather, the Lourian navy was nothing but a mismatched group of ships trying their best to curtail the growing piracy in the region. They were being outmatched, outgunned and outmanoeuvred not only by the pirates but also by the navies of the Principality and Quila kingdom.
They were in such a bad state that even during a massive pirate raid on one of Louria’s port cities the navy could only stand aside and watch. It was not until his grandfather became the Admiral did the navy see reforms and its prestige grew. He led several successful campaigns by personally taking command of the growing fleet until the final battle eradicated the Pirates. Soon the Human kingdoms bordering Louria were brought into the fold. It happened only through the laborious campaigns of the Navy who fought and blockaded the ports. Halting them from resupplying and even going toe to toe against a large combined fleet, his ancestor using his wits and his martial supremacy was able sink the aspirations of the combined fleet in a single day.
Now he was at the helm of a similar glorious campaign his ancestor embarked on. He has a duty to not only maintain the name of his house as the pioneers of the Lourian navy but also of the Kingdom and his King’s faith in him.
“Our time has come.” He said to himself in a self satisfactory tone as he gazed upon the white sails of his fleet, and more importantly, his personal standard on the flagship of the whole fleet
It would not be long before Louria would be able to challenge even the Papardians in the blue seas. With this massive fleet and soon the resources and manpower of the entire continent, the neighbouring nations in the uncivilised area would be forced to bow before them and soon even the Papardians would give them the respect they deserve and not treat them like their lackeys in a criminal conspiracy.
Sharkun hoped the war would end sooner than the war council predicted. He was sure as soon as the Port city of Maihark would fall to them the Qua-Toyne Principality would have no choice but to definitely surrender. Resisting would only bring more misery for them.
Also, Maihark was too beautiful to be burned down to the ground, Sharkun believed as he reminisced the days of his youth when he visited the city as a captain of a ship. He would give them a chance to surrender, after he destroyed their meagre navy in front of their eyes and blockade the port as a show of force.
If even then they do not come to their senses then alas, he would be forced to storm it and take it by force.
A few hours later, as the Lourian fleet continued towards its destination, Vice Admiral Sharkun, who was in the officers’ quarters, was requested at the helm by a young sailor. The sense of urgency in that young man’s voice hastened the naval veteran’s steps as well.
“Captain.” Sharkun called as he approached the helm that was now filled with the officers of the ship and the helmsman himself. “What seems to be the problem?”
“That’s the thing sir.” The Captain of the flagship replied. “We’re not exactly sure.”
“What?!” Vice Admiral Sharkun asked in surprise and a bit of anger as well. “You sent a young sailor to fetch me and you don’t even know why?!”
“Sir, we have been receiving flag messages from the advance vessels that they have come across something strange.”
“Does this strange object pose a threat to us?” Vice Admiral Sharkun asked.
“We don’t know.” The captain firmly replied. “Because we still haven’t seen it.”
Just at that moment, the crows nest alerted the ship of a strange object in the distance. The captain took his spyglass telescope and peered through the glass. A few minutes later, he lowered it with a frown on his face. “I believe sir, we have just spotted our strange object.”
“If you would be so kind, Captain.” Sharkun said as he held his hand out, and the captain gave the spyglass telescope.
Sharkun took the scope and peered into it, trying to look for this strange object. When he inevitably found it, he didn’t know what to make of it. It was a ship, no doubt of that. But if he had to equate it with any vessel he has seen, it would have to be ironclad battleships of the Imperial Parpaldian Navy. But the vessel he could see was definitely not Parpaldian. It was much more advanced than any ship in possession of Parpaldia.
“Captain.” Vice Admiral Sharkun said.
“Contact the advance ships.Tell them to intercept that ship and have it ready for inspection. We will ask whoever is in charge of that vessel what they’re doing and why they are in our waters.”
“And if that ship doesn’t stop?” The Captain asked.
“We will crush them.”
INS Rajput
Off the Coast of the Rodenius Continent
“Contact with Lourian flagship confirmed.” A sailor on the bridge of the INS Rajput, guided missile destroyer of the Indian Navy said.
“Good.” The Captain replied. “Maintain heading and speed.”
“Sir.” The communications officer called. “We’re getting flag messages from the Lourian advanced ships.”
“Thank God that at least naval communications still mean the same thing in both worlds.” The Captain said. “What are they saying?”
“Same thing as before. “Who we are? Where do we come from? What are we doing here?” The comms officer said.
“Then reply is the same as before.” The Captain said. “This is the INS Rajput of the Indian Navy and we are conducting a Freedom of Navigation exercise in international waters. The Lourian Navy is advised to make way and turn back before they enter the exclusion zone established around the Qua-Toyne Principality.”
Once the message was given, the bridge waited for the reply. Soon, they got one. “The Royal Lourian Navy does not recognise the legality of any exclusion zone not set up by us. These are not international waters but rightful Lourian naval territory. INS Rajput is advised to halt and await an inspection team.”
“Now that’s an interesting reply.” The Captain said as he got off his chair and made his way to the Qua-Toynian Naval Attache who was being hosted by the Rajput. “Care to explain, Lieutenant?”
“It's usually done to ships of unknown origin.” The man nervously replied. His initial awe of the ship had quickly evaporated when he saw the Lourian fleet. The only thing he was told by his host was that there was a plan afoot, and refused to divulge further. While the Indian ship was impressive in its own right, he knew that it would not survive constant bombardment by the Lourian canons.
“I’m aware of why inspections are done.” The Captain dryly said. “I want to know what they are playing at and what will they do if we don’t comply?”
“They will try to physically block you, sir.” The attache said.
“Will they now?” The Captain murmured as he turned to his men who were awaiting his response to the Lourians. “Send this to the Lourians. The INS Rajput refuses permission for the boarding of the inspection team. It shall maintain its current heading and speed. This is a Freedom of Navigation exercise in international waters. The Royal Lourian Navy is advised to make way.”
As the Qua-Toynian Naval Attache had predicted, the Lourian ships moved to physically block the INS Rajput, the sailor at the helm turned towards the Captain in askance, clearly requesting orders. “All hands brace for impact.” The Captain ordered, and the same order was put through the ship’s PA system.
With baited breath, the sailors and officers in the bridge of the Rajput watched as the distance between them and the Lourian ships kept on becoming smaller and smaller until a series of snaps were heard and was quickly followed by a low groan from the bow of the destroyer. Once the INS Rajput began moving forward again, the sailors saw the damage they left in their wake. One schooner was cut in half, and the bow of a gunboat was horribly mangled and quickly sinking.
“What’s the damage?” The Captain asked.
“Some of our boys were knocked around, nothing an ice pack won’t fix.” The second-in-command replied. “As for the ship, all systems are still working at full capacity, but we’re expecting the paint to be messed up.”
“The hull?” The Captain asked with a raised eyebrow.
“We’ll have to send a proper team to inspect it.” Came the reply.
“Very well.” The Captain said. “Now we wait for the Lourian response.”
They did not have to wait long, as the larger ships of the Lourian Navy began positioning themselves around the INS Rajput. “Looks like we’re going to be receiving broadsides sir.” A sailor pointed out.
“Indeed.” The Captain agreed. “Take defensive positions.”
As the INS Rajput began to change its position, the Captain called the Qua-Toynian representative and asked him a question. “You had mentioned canons, didn’t you?”
“Yes sir.” The Qua-Toynian officer replied.
“Do all of those ships have it?” The Captain asked as he gestured to the sail ships that looked like they came from the 15th Century.
“We believe so.” The young Lieutenant replied. “Especially since we have reason to believe that they have been armed by the Parpaldian Empire.”
“What else did they use?” The Captain asked.
“Bloody brilliant.” The Captain sarcastically muttered.
“One of the ship’s is opening their weapon ports!” An officer alerted as he watched the largest Lourian ship with his binoculars.
“Sir, I don’t think we can take consistent rounds of Ballistae or canon balls.” The second-in-command of the INS Rajput remembered.
“Of course not.” The Captain agreed. “Prepare anti-projectile defences! Tell everybody to brace! Then alert the fleet we are about to be attacked!”
Just after that, the Lourian ship fired its weapons, a combination of canons and ballistae, one at a time, putting the INS Rajput under consistent bombardment for a few minutes. Despite the INS Rajput firing its defences, many of the projectiles still made it through the defence net.
“Give me a damage report!” The Captain ordered once the Lourian ship ceased firing.
The INS Rajput had suffered some damage, not enough to put it out of commission as many projectiles had missed the Indian destroyer, but those that did, did leave an impact. Chief among them being the fire that had broken out in the kitchen and the three ballistae that had embedded themselves at various points across the ship, one of which was just under the bridge.
“Orders, sir?”
“Send this to the INS Chakravartin and Navy HQ. The Lourians have placed the wickets. It’s time to play.” The Captain of the INS Rajput replied once he checked all his men on the bridge. “And while we wait for them, it's only fair we bowl the first over.”
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8 165 - In Serial14 Chapters
What can a Wisp do?
An unknown guy was gifted by his friends a Virtual Reality console on his birthday, lacking on cash he purchases the least expensive game, or rather got it for free. Through his journey into the RPG Virtual Reality game, he ""MANAGE"" to kill the Demon Lord and by chance was transported into the game world. However, the ""Hero of the Game"" was unfortunate, directly after he was transported into the new world, he was killed. As a wondering soul lost in endlessness,by one means or another got another opportunity and was reborn, but not as a Hero, but rather a monster, one of the weakest creature in the game, a simple Wisp.?I'm not a good writer or a ""Professional"" one, or good at making sentence, or sometimes my grammar will be bad, and have a lot of mistakes and misspelled words or typo. But I would like to continue writing, for fun, and to pass some time. As some of the reader and writers say ""Escaping from Reality"".??But please enjoy and thank you for reading, and wasting your precious time??I'm just writing this on my empty time, sorry if the further chapters will be posted late or super late as I'm occupied. (or just lazy, or tired)?
8 180 - In Serial20 Chapters
Mianite: Septic
Understandably given the title 'portal' the crew from the old world is sent to another. An even older and familiar world. They meet the other world's heroes, and our heroes are welcome back to Mianite learning that their home has grown as much as them. The Dianites have a new leader, to Tom's dismay. Mianite has given new light to new creatures - good or bad -, and Ianite has worked hard to restore peace, justice, and balance.Well there is mostly balance.Two kingdoms run head to head. One leaning more to the traditional side, and the other wanting a change.When the New Kingdom of Aura takes the heroes in, they have no choice but to ally themselves with the Kingdom's leaders, Faith and Liberty. They meet Oracles and Elves and learn that their own simplistic home isn't so simple. They also learn that the other Kingdom may have a more sinister plan, and that they may have an operative on the inside.
8 196 - In Serial36 Chapters
the case study ~ camren
Lauren Jauregui is a top psychologist with a specialised interest in criminal psychology. She has worked with various violent criminals from many walks of life. She thought she'd seen all the darkness the world had to offer; then she's assigned to a Cabello.disclaimer: I'm not a psychologist, lawyer, or anything of the like. Information in this story may not be entirely accurate, but I do my best to research before I publish.Proudest Ranks:#1 in #camilacabello#7 in #camren
8 88