《Making of Paradise》Chapter 6 - Discoveries


“Anyway, got to get strong soon and get revenge on the monkey. It seems I did not sustain many injuries from this fight, but I do need a recovery skill or something like that at least. Vitality must do for now.”

“Very well, status.”

Status of Ambros Imperim Class: N/A Health: 504/990 New! Essence Force: 8/210 Vitality: 99 New! Strength: 70 Dexterity: 11 New! Focus: 42 Skill List Inventory EP: 98 Coins: 302

“Alright, I am going to need lots of points in focus now, so assign 58 of the points into focus, then the re-” as Ambros was about to continue talking, a new message appeared and interrupted his rambling.

The user has filled the conditions to evolve, please choose what you wish to evolve from the options listed. Body Mind Essence

“Wha- Finally!” Ambros exclaims as he stands from his chair.’ Alright, gotta be careful with my choice here.’ he thinks, “System, what do each of the different choices do?” Ambros inquires.

Body: Increases health by 250 and increases raw stamina by 25%. Mind: Gives photographic memory, a sixth sense, and earning skill levels becomes 25% faster. Essence: Increases Essence Force by 125 and decreases Essence Force consumption by 25%.

“Essence, yeah. Essence is the best option. Choose essence. Gosh, I am repeating myself a lot.”

Congratulations, you have evolved your Essence. Now increased the cost of putting essence points to stats under 100 by 5

“Well fuck, increase vitality to 100.”

The user has filled the conditions to evolve, please choose what you wish to evolve from the options listed. Body Mind

“Good, body is the only correct option here. Mind is too situational currently, and what use are skill levels when dead.”

Congratulations, you have evolved your Essence. Now increased the cost of putting essence points to stats under 100 by 5


“I don’t like you, system. Have I ever mentioned that? Cause, like I swear I should have at some point. Put all the points I have left into vitality.”

Status of Ambros Imperim Class: N/A Race: Human Evolution Count: 2 Health: 508/[990] 1600 New! Essence Force: 8/[210] 625 New! Vitality: [99][100] 135 New! Strength: 70 Dexterity: 11 New! Focus: [42]100 New! Skill List Inventory EP: 0 Coins: 302

“Ooh, new options. So evolutions are the way to change your race. Not sure if I want to become something other than a human, though.” as Ambros contemplates that, he suddenly shivers. “Ugh, what if I would get fur. Not appealing, I’m contempt with staying in my human body.”

“Now, if I remember correctly, my contribution was only ninety-nine percent. System, mind explaining that?” he asks, awaiting an answer, but none comes.

“Be like that then…” he grumbles under his breath, as he takes another look at his status. “Didn’t I get some kind of class quest? That was to kill evolved mutations, I think…” Ambros thinks out loud, seemingly thinking about something. “I first thought it would be quite easy to do as I was able to kill that giraffe with my highest stat being twenty, but the ape clearly outclassed me with two stats nearing the hundreds…”

“System, can you tell me how many one-star mutations there are in Washington. Ah, and if there are any mutations above the one star.”

Affirmative, there are currently 18 different evolved mutations roaming Washington. As of now, there are no mutations above the rating of one star. To answer the user’s previous inquiries, the mutated giraffe the user fought had evolved recently and had yet to increase its power substantially.

“There are eighteen evolved mutations? Wait, not even the big point here, can you read my mind system?!” he asks with disbelief in his voice, utterly clueless to him constantly thinking out loud and talking to himself.


“Should I actually even be surprised. From the things, you have done so far… I wouldn’t question it if you were omniscient. Anyway, no matter. I hope the other mutations aren’t as strong as the ape, because I kinda want to get my class and see the awesome benefits that it has. It seems like try two of exploring is in order.” he mulls over the topic as he stands up to take a second to come to a decision.

“If my memory serves me right, the White House is a couple of miles from here- Who knows, maybe the crowds there attracted some mutations,” he says as he locks up the building and starts his early afternoon hunt for a mutation.

Ambros walks down the wide, empty roads, the corpses of mutated animals here and there. The sun was shining brightly as the weather was nearing insufferable temperatures. Ambros turn right at the next passageway as he found himself in front of the run-down gates that are surrounding the White House. Looking further from the gates, he noticed many mutated insect corpses decorating the withered grass.

“There are politicians, that survived? Really?” he questions with a snort, voice full of incredulity. ‘Anything is possible, I guess.’ he mentally thought as he entered the courtyard and passing the now empty waterfall, finding himself straight outside the giant white house with pillars holding an extended roof over the entrance.

“So Ambros, you came all the way here looking for survivors. What's the play now.” Ambros asks himself as he hovers his hand over the door, then backing up and walking backward, looking upward where the windows are.

“HELLO!” he yelled out, looking at the windows, trying to catch any talking, movement or something of that kind.

Suddenly, a gun barrel, and another, and a few more pop out from each of the windows.

“Oi! I mean no harm, just thought that there are more survivors and talking with other humans is always great, right?” Ambros yells as one of the windows slightly opens.

“Identify yourself.” could be heard from the crack, as Ambros slightly frowned but complied.

“My name is Art!” Ambros shouted as the window closed and there was silence for a little bit, until the front door opens, with a man dressed in black and holding an assault rifle welcomes him by signaling the gun’s muzzle towards the door.

Ambros awkwardly smiles as he follows the guard through the wide hall, still in good shape, decorated by art, couches, or chairs at places that are wider than the halls. He smiles nostalgically as he follows the guard into an office, where an obese bald man is leaning on the desk, a guard on either of his sides.

“So, Mr.Art. It’s a pleasure to meet you, what can I do for you?” he asks with a showy grin.

“I’m here to talk, of course! And we can exchange information about the recent changes to… our world, you know? Maybe I caught something you don’t know, and vice versa. Could be beneficial for the both of us!” Ambros responds with a cheerful tone.

“Well, of course, Mr.Art . Would you like to, begin our exchange?” the man questions as his eye slightly glows light blue.

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