《Making of Paradise》Chapter 4 - Danger Zone


“Uhm, well, this is certainly not what I expected. This is way too ominous.” Ambros says, as he slowly advances further, his nose picks up a foul smell that is mixed with a very irony scent.

He keeps moving on until he arrives at a monkey corpse and green ooze-filled room. Ambros kneels down in front of one of the dead monkeys and looks at it closer, seeing the monkey's fur, covered in scorch marks. At a closer look, the rest of the monkey bodies are also covered in scorch marks.

“Seems like they died from a fire, that’s kinda lame,” he mumbles as he keeps following the corpse trail.

As he reaches the place the trail leads to, he lets out a gasp as he takes a step back. What he sees, shocks him to the core. Sweat starts trickling down his forehead as he takes another step back.

“Ha… ha. What the hell.” Ambros says with a slight cold laugh. “The thing is fucking huge, like 11ft tall!” he exclaims in astonishment when looking at the giant monkey.

The mighty black beast sat atop a bloody mountain of the burned, smashed corpses of the other zoo animals, like some barbarian warlord sitting on a macabre throne of skulls. He rose, revealing the full height and hulking mass of his imposing form, as a ball of fire started forming on his uplifted hand. The fireball gathered into a big ball, and he threw it right at Ambros.

Ambros being caught totally off guard, and not having time to dodge, quickly forms a barrier in front of him. As the fireball collides with Ambros’s barrier, the blue, transparent shield shatters.

“The hell?” He curses, starting to charge towards the ape, as another fireball is launched at him. Although this time, Ambros has enough time to dodge it. He smashes his sledgehammer into the ground as the surrounding concrete flies up in giant pieces.


Ambros, using the concrete as a distraction, gets a good angle from the monkey’s left side. He raises his sledgehammer once again, as he shields his body with a barrier and prepares to strike the monkey’s ribs with the very heavy sledgehammer.

Just as the strike was about to connect, though, Ambros was launched far away by a mysterious force that just suddenly appeared to protect the monkey’s body.

Ambros collided with a stone wall as he slightly coughed up blood, furrowing his brows and quickly standing up, only to see another fireball launching towards him.

He deflects the ball of fire with his sledgehammer, as he starts blitzing towards the monkey again. Ambros raised his sledgehammer once again and made it seem like he was about to strike the monkey’s stomach with it.

As the sledgehammer was about to hit, a red shield appeared to block the attack, but Ambros was already above the monkey’s head, which he was just about to kick with his heel.

The monkey roars in pain as he swats Ambros away, holding his paw over the spot Ambros kicked him at. His eyes turn crazed, as he stomps his feet on the ground and extends both his hands forth, chanting words that Ambros could not understand.

Ambros groans in pain as he watches a blue sphere form between the monkey’s hands, seemingly levitating in the air.

“Fuck, fuck. Gotta disrupt that,” Ambros convinces himself as he wonkily gets on his feet and slowly starts walking to the monkey, wincing in pain the moment he tried to start a run.

‘Ignore the pain, can’t feel pain when dead, remember?’ he reminds himself as he picks up a slow run until he gets close enough to attack the monkey, he prepares his sledgehammer and musters all the force he can to crush the monkey's head.


Before he could kill his opponent, though, the monkey finished the spell he was preparing and let Ambros experience the full force of it.

As a last-ditch effort, Ambros used all the essence force he could muster to make a barrier that could at least lessen the damage he will take.

When the barrier broke, system messages started to pop up, but he had no time to deal with them. Suddenly, his eyes glowed bright green as he turned his body. Then the spell hit him, and Ambros felt the force at which he was blown far back, he tried his best to keep his eyes open, but soon he was overcome, and he blacked out.

One final system message came up just as he closed his eyes, but he wasn’t in the condition to see what it wrote.

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