《Re: Transport to Another World as My Game Character!》Chapter 1 [Vol.2]


I'll first apologize to Addanc but I'm kinda a grammar nazi and I couldn't stand the format... So

Again I'm sorry don't be angry plz

Anyways keep up the good work Author-san


It has already been 5 days since I first came to this town and the last day before we leave for the capital of the Red Rose Kingdom. (ED: if I'm wrong correct me)

Rena and I have accepted a request from the guild, to eliminate a group of bandits. They say that this group is well-known. Even a rank B party can't beat them. The ones that have tried died miserably. Nobles and merchants have also been robbed a lot. This request is Rank A+ furthermore they said that the bandit leader is level 60 or 70.

Shortly after we left town, we found a bonfire surrounded by tents. There were about 20 bandits near the campfire. They were drinking and eating meat. (ED: I think they were feasting but I'm not sure so I went with the original)

After I checked the mini map, it turned out that there were 30 bandits in total. 1 bandit was sitting alone in the biggest tent, most likely he was there leader.

There was an iron cage on the right of the tents, in which there were many women and children.

"...?" Rena glances at me.

"Wait here. when i give the signal, use [rain arrow] towards them." (ED: I'll be putting skills in brackets)

"yes .."

I activated [Stealth] and approached the bandits.

"Ahahaha I can't wait to sell 'these' to the slavers."

"Me too! I want to sleep with that nee-san from that motel! She is too hot!"

"haaa? What a bunch of trash.. they are all old hags! Come on! Young children are far more attractive!"


"Shut up you damn lolicon!"


'.....' what the heck.

Because I don't have AoE skills, I have to kill these bandits one by one. It's not that i'm scared or anything. But I'm in an unfamiliar world and even though their level is low they can be a threat to my life if I'm careless.

First I entered the tent where I thought the bandit leader to be.

When I entered the tent, there was a man in his 40s with a black aura on top of his head. He was sitting on the chair like it was a throne. He was wearing a blindfold on his right eye and a suit of green armor made from wyvern skin. He was also carrying a red [Claymore] type sword.

[Ju Leader]

Age : 38

Class : Barbarian

Level : 67

Race : Half - ???


Half what?! The system doesn't know?

I don't care either way though...

Approaching him with light steps. I immediately use [Blink of Darkness] and appread behind the chair. I pull my katana from my back and slash the throne.

I clapped my hand and suddenly...




"Ru- aghhh"

"Boss save us!"

"boss uaaagghhyahhh"


Then the outside became quite...


I took all valuables from the tent, there was only some gold coins and jewelry which I put in my inventory.

I approached the corpse of the bandit leader and took the armor and sword from his body. This armor and sword are only level 30, RARE grade. These also go into the inventory.

I look around and it seems like there's nothing else here. But when I was about to get out the tent, I saw a small red object lying near the head of the bandit leader. I approached the object and picked it up.


[???? PILL]




Pill? ... This bandit leader became a half-??? ... because of this pill ...?

It's better if I keep this, if I gave this to the guild, things will be troublesome ...

When I got out of the tent, Rena was waiting outside. with a pile of corpses of course.

I approached Rena and rubbed her head.

"Good work. Are you hurt?"

Rena shook her head.

"Good then, let's finish this job and go back."


I turned around and looked towards iron cage. When I was in front of the cage, the women and children inside were frightened and retreated but there was one 5 year-old girl who wasn't scared and only looked at me with a curious expression. She has red eyes, blonde hair and her face was a bit pale.

"Noneed to be afraid, we're adventures."


"Thank god"

"We're saved"

They immediately burst into tears.


The carriage was already waiting for us. The women and children got onto the carriage, except for the little girl with blonde hair. (ED:I have no idea what a "3 unit goods-carriage" is but I think it's a carriage so...)

I approach her .

"what's the matter?" I asked her. Immediately she turns around and looks at me.

"Papa!" she immediately jumps at me and hugs my neck.


"papa papa!" she cries a loudly while clinging on my neck..

"....adventure-sama.." the coachman approaches us.

"you all can go first."


the carriage left the three of us.

Rena approaches us and pats the little girls head..

"I didn't know that you could speak vampiric speech." rena said with a curious expression.

"ha? Vampiric Speech what do you me-" immediately a transparent status screen appears above the little girl head.


Age : 5

Class : Swordsman, Mage.

Level : 10

Race : Vampire




She's right. This little girl is vampire.. but the weirdest one is me... i can speak vampiric speech. But from the start, i can understand them because they use Japanese... wait... so that means...

"yup. Alonso always talks with elvan speech when you're talking with me."

"really? "


"Then.. with this girl... i use vampiric speech?"


"what the..."

My head spinning.. I can't understand a single thing..


"eh, ah ... uh.. yes?"

"papa! papa! papa!" she rubbed her against my chest..

"What do you mean papa?"

"Because papa is papa!" she giggle and kept rubbing her head..


"Let's go back and explain everything.. shall we?" Rena patted my shoulder with murderous intent...

"y-es ma'am!"


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