《Re: Transport to Another World as My Game Character!》Chapter 10


i already kill the doppelganger. the room scattered and my conscious back.

when i was about to open my eyes.. my back hurts, my body numb.. I can't move..suddenly my body become warm.. the pain weaker. i can move.. somehow my face wet.. rain? i think not.. so what happened?

then i opened my eyes. in front me, beautiful female elf. Blondie green hair, her eyes wet likes green crystal jade. she crying.. she hugged me, wrapped her arm to my neck "im glad.. I'm sorry.. 'hiks' I'm sorry.." she keeps saying sorry.


"it's okay"

"but- i.. i..."

"it's okay.. see i'm still alive"

her cry became louder.. crap.. that old man and blonde girl maybe hear it!.. they thinks i xxxx her!

"hey stop crying.. geez.."

"b-but i ..."

"I'm not enemy"

"i know"

"then.. can you move from me miss elf?"

"hiks' no desu"


"rejected desu.. 'hiks'"


"hiks' absolutely no desu!"

her hugs became tighter.. I can't breath..

"I c-can't bre-..ath.." my eyes became blurry..

"kyaaa.. don't die please" she loosened her arm..and get away from me..


"i'm sorry desu" she crying again..

"okay.. it's alright.."

approach her and pat her head.

"if I become you, i already do the same as you. so stop crying okay?"

she holding her tears, her expression and sounded very funny.. 'mumumumu'

she crying like small kitten I can't helped but laughing hard while pat her head..



she stopped crying and looked at me with shocked expression.

"you can laughing?!"

what? of course i can!


Somehow this elf, the ways she looks at me.. like towards pitiful creature.. when she looking at me.. her eyes immediately reddned and murmuring something like "how sad desu" "his life is very rough desu"..and etc.. please stop that!


"um ano.."

"Rena desu"


"Rena leleina, that's my name desu"

"then leleina-san" when i say that. she looked away.. ehh??

"leleina-san.. can i ask something?"

"no desu"

"oh okay" women is very strange and unreasonable creature..

that reminds me back at high school year one.

there's girl who popular in the class and me? I'm the opposite, I'm loner.. it's not that i wanted to being loner but, I can't following theirs conversation. their conversation like in another dimension! i only knows about anime manga and novel!

at that time the school already end only me in the classroom. then i take my phone and i playing smartphone game. when i focused on my smartphone i didn't realize someone approaching me.. sweet fragrant through my nose from behind..

i didn't even bother that smell.. and still focused on my game..

soon i realized the scents still there.. i immediately turning around and. "baam!" my head banging onto something..

"it's hurt"

"uuuuu why you turning so suddenly"

i gaze to the ground and saw.. A bear? [Author : lucky you damm it]

no it's not..she is.. ah she's Sayaka Miu. my classmates and the prettiest girl no 2 in the school.

she realized i looking at her(..) and immediately stood up.

she have long black hair, blue eyes. her oval face and small lips fits perfectly.

her body is slim. her breast B cup I guess?..

she asking while her face slightly flustered.

"you saw it did you?!"

"no i'm not"


"did my face seen lie to you?"

"then that good"

"wow there a bear flying in the sky"

"you actually saw it?!!"

this girl maybe not Sayaka. her calm and elegant aura young miss vanished..

"then why are here?"


"don't change topic!"

her expression immediately changed became she usually with other classmate.

"actually i was searching for you Eiji-kun" she said shyly her face slightly red..

"me? for?" I pointed myself. what is it? dont tell me?! a le-le-legendary c-c-onfesion?!

"here. i found this keychain this is Eiji-kun keychain right?" she handed a chibi 'Yin' keychain from anime Darker than Black!

haaa.. that no way prettiest girl in the school confessing to loner and otaku like me..

"ooh thanks.. i searching this for whole day.. thanks Sayaka bear-san. but i already buy new keychain.."

she immediately blushed and looked away..

"please forget that already!"

"well here. you can have it."

"this is okay?"


"then i gladly accept"

"I will leave first" i took my bag and ready to leave classroom.

"wait!" she calling me.

I turn around


"can I request two things?" she asked.


"i saw it.." she said with hesitated..

"saw what?"

"you playing those game. so.."


"can I request became friend in that game!" she bowed little.

"sure. my id is 19xxxx" she take out a small book..

"then 1 more"


"please forget what you saw before! i will do anything!"

smirking I walking slowly towards her.. and said..

"heh you sure will do anything?"


"hee.. then.. i want you kiss me" she immediately blushed and turn away her head.. this young miss can make that expression 'kawaii' haha I can't help but teasing her.

well is already late.. i need to go part-time job..

"its a jo-"



she rushed towards me and pressed her lips again mine!


"what are doing?! that my first time!"

"that was first time too! as promised don't talk to anyone about you saw"

"well you see. i didn't even have friend.. how the hell i talk to with?"

soon she realized and blushed. her face like tomatoes..

"b-baka!" she immediately running away.

from then I become in-game friend with her.

we always playing together at the end school.

a week passed we become closer and we call our name with first name.

she different when she with me. cheerful and shy person who like gamer and otaku like me.. when with her classmates mate.. she becomes Sayaka perfect young miss.

5 months we spent together.. I immediately realized something. i like her..

then i invite her in gymnastics building.

soon she came..

she standing front me. now what should i do?

"thanks for coming miu"

"what is it aronso?

"i like you! please go out with me!" i bowed lowered my head

i confessed to her


i froze in the spot..

"i see" I immediately running didn't even turn back..

at my apartments I cried very hard..


haaa.. well now i didn't have facing her anymore.. i can't face her after all.. she said me disgusting.. I wanna cry..

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