《The Indestructible Invulnergirl》The Indestructible Invulnergirl - Chapter Twenty-Seven



Sitting next to Johnny Bubblegum’s body so many thoughts went through Invulnergirl’s head. Was she really going to be the witness of the death of one of the world’s biggest heroes? Could anyone stop these villains if the pink champion was unable to? How was she going to get out of there when she had nowhere near the amount of powers Johnny has.

“I still have a bone to pick with you,” Speed Demon told her. His right, metal arm morphed into a blade.

Invulnergirl raised her hands in defense. The blade slashed at her. She grabbed onto it, her invulnerability defending her against the sharp weapon. How it worked she still didn’t understand, but the blade did not pierce her skin. She moved closer to Speed Metal. She could read the surprise in his face.

“Ditto. This one’s for Johnny!” Invulnergirl said and with those words she kneed the villain between the legs with all the strength she could muster.

Speed Metal went down on his knees, wheezing. He curled up into a little ball. Then she kicked him in the face like she was playing soccer and the bad guy’s lights went out.

“I’m done playing nice, you bastards!” Invulnergirl yelled, fists clenched.

“Who’s playing?” Queen Neanderthal said. “I’m going to rip your head off!”

The Amazonian villain came running at Invulnergirl. The teen heroine wondered if her head could indeed be ripped off. She knew punches, fire or blades could not pierce her skin. But what about that? She decided not to chance it.

She grabbed the arm of Speed Metal, still lying unconscious next to her. She held it up as Queen Neanderthal came running at her. She winced as the bladed arm pierced Queen Neanderthal’s leg. Queen Neanderthal screamed as she tried to dislodge her leg from the blade.


The wet sucking sound and the screams made Invulnergirl a bit nauseous. She really was starting to wonder if she was cut out for this. It felt good to save people, do good… She was starting to feel bad about all the blood and violence that seemed to go along with it was well.

She saw Queen Neanderthal get angrier and angrier as she slid the blade from her leg. She understood she wouldn’t have much time before the villain would attack her again. Time to suck it up and take action. She hated the violence, but she seemed to have no other choice than to apply some of it again. Well, a lot, actually.

She lifted a chair and slammed into Queen Neanderthal’s face with so much force it spun her around. The chair broke down on the villain’s face. Queen Neanderthal was looking a bit woozy after that, but still standing. Time for another attack. Another chair was lifted and smashed into the villain. This time, Invulnergirl jumped up into the air before she had it come down on Queen Neanderthal’s head, adding some more force to it. The chair broke again, leaving Invulnergirl holding only the chair’s legs. She jumped on the villain’s back and started to pummel her with the chair’s legs. Queen Neanderthal was so disoriented from the pain of the earlier attacks and her bleeding leg she hardly fought back. After what seemed to be thousand hits her knees buckled and she fell down.

Wheezing Invulnergirl fell down on top of the villain, exhausted. How she longed for a warm, comforting and safe bed. But she knew she had to get up. She could still hear Johnny breathing. She had to help him before he she was too late.

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