《The Indestructible Invulnergirl》The Indestructible Invulnergirl - Chapter Seventeen



The Red Raider was happy with how the plan was going so far. After blowing up one of the walls with some explosives it was easy to enter the police station. Entering like that shook up the place nicely, surprising the cops enough to fall victim to the bullets of his henchmen easily. The henchmen dispersed around the building while he, flanked by King Winter walked to his main destination, the holding cells.

Queen Neanderthal, Balloon Clown and Maximizer each had been assigned a different part of the station. Their task was to do as much damage to the police station and take out as many cops as possible. Speed Metal’s turf was pretty much the whole station, being able to be almost everywhere at the same time with his superspeed.

All King Winter had to do was point his fingers at the cops and hit them with his freeze rays to take them out. The Red Raider didn’t even need to use his gun with the master of the cold walking by his side.

“This is turning out to be quite a walk in the park,” King Winter told The Raider.

“I don’t know why no villain tried this before,” The Raider said. “The cops are no match for us when we surprise them like this. When they show up at our crimes they come prepared, carrying weapons and bulletproof vests. Now it is like shooting fish in a barrel. When we’ve defeated the cops and destroyed their resources the city is ours. The superheroes can’t be everywhere at once. We start building my army here and take over the city.”

“I like it,” King Winter said and threw an ice ball in the face of a policeman who went down like a bowling pin.


Two cops had managed to find shelter behind an overturned cabinet, firing their guns at the two villains. King Winter build a wall of thick ice around him and The Red Raider.

“This one’s for you,” King Winter told his fellow bad guy.

“Thanks,” The Red Raider said and threw a futuristic looking grenade with blinking lights over the wall of ice. It landed behind the cabinet and with a loud bang blew up right in the policemen’s faces.

When they arrived at the holding cells The Raider took a few small devices from his belt. He put the devices against the cell doors. He then told King Winter to stand back. He grabbed a small device that looked like a remote control from his belt and pushed a button. The devices exploded, blasting out the doors. Immediately the prisoners were free again. Excited, they left their cells.

“Listen to me,” The Red Raider addressed them. “I have given you freedom. Join me and I will be able to give you riches. I can provide you with the weapons to take over the city.”

“I don’t need to join anyone,” one of the prisoners said. He was a muscular looking dude with a shaved head an goatee. “Step aside.”

“You are with me or against me,” The Red Raider said. He drew his sidearm and shot the prisoner in the face without blinking an eye. The prisoner sank to the floor, dead before he hit it.

That shocked the prisoners. They seemed unsure how to react. The Red Raider decided for them.

“That was a nice example what happens if you think you can be an ungrateful jerk. Follow me to freedom or stay here, dead or imprisoned. Your choice,” The Red Raider said.

“Freedom! Freedom!” the prisoners shouted.

The Raider held up a fist in the air. “Good. Follow me then, we have a city to take over!”

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