《The Indestructible Invulnergirl》The Indestructible Invulnergirl - Chapter Seven



Katie parked her scooter with squealing breaks. She had to really hurry to be in time for class. Her spandex outfit went into her backpack, no time to put on some make-up. It had been quite some time she’d ever arrived at school without it. She hopped off the scooter and ran inside the school. The halls, she noticed were already empty. She was afraid to get into trouble, but figured saving that young boy in the fire was worth it.

She stumbled into the classroom, English class already in session. Mister Parker didn’t appreciate here coming in late. And he was one of the younger, cooler teachers. Parker was a thin man wearing Ramones and Anthrax shirts underneath his blazers. His glasses managed to give him that teacher look though.

“If it isn’t young Miss Gleason,” Parker said and glanced at his watch. “We went ahead and started without you since you’re ten minutes late.”

“I’m so sorry,” Katie said. “I ran into to some trouble on the way.”

“Some kind of trouble involving fire and smoke?” Parker asked.

Katie’s heart skipped a beat. How could he know that? Was her secret identity in danger the first day of her superhero career? “Huh? Why?”

Parker put a finger on his left cheek. “There’s some soot on your cheek there.”

Katie wiped her cheek and had a look at her hand. It carried a black smudge. “Oh, this. Yeah, well. It’s just some dirt from my scooter. Engine problem.”

“Have a quick seat. For this one time, since you’re never late I will allow it.”

“Thank you so much,” Katie said and had a seat next to Akiro. She was dressed perfectly as always, tight jeans, pink top and some jewelry.


“No make-up? Did you sleep over at a guy’s place?” Akiro whispered to Katie.

“What? No!” Katie answered a little too loud.

“I would appreciate it if you would keep it down now, Katie. You interrupted my class once already. I won’t accept a third time,” Parker warned.

Katie made a locking motion with her hand in front of her mouth to show she would be quiet. Parker smiled and continued his lecture.

Katie was unable to concentrate on what Parker said, though. She couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen to Hank now he was an orphan. Where would he live? Aside from those thoughts she was also full of adrenaline still from her adventure in the burning building. It had been a bit scary to go in there, but it also had felt so amazingly good to save that kid. She could kind of understand why folks like Johnny Bubblegum and The Athlete did what they did. The rush, the feeling to do something good were so intoxicating.

“…so where did the saying about something being rotten in Denmark come from, Katie?”

“Huh?” Katie only barely registered the question from Mr. Parker.

“Katie, I know you went through some stuff with Hank. I think it would be good if you went to the school nurse and see if you can get some professional help learning to cope with it,” Parker told her. “Maybe you should just go over there now.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Katie said and left her desk. She could hear whispers behind her. It sounded like not everyone had heard the news about Red Raider’s attack yet. She really didn’t want to be treated differently in class. Best to go with the flow, though.

The school nurse, Betty Taylor, was a stout, red-haired woman in her fifties. Usually when Katie visited her it was to get patched up from some kind of bruise or scrape after falling down during some kind of cheerleader maneuver.


“I heard about what happened. That must have been quite traumatizing,” Betty said.

“A bit, I guess. But nowhere as much for me as for Hank,” Katie said.

“I can help you get some professional help, dear.”

“I really think I’ll be okay. I just need some time to think.”

“Maybe you should stay home a few days to start with, just like Hank did. You may not have lost your parents but it can be quite upsetting to be a murder witness I figure.”

“Yeah. Some days away from school would be good,” Katie agreed.

“If that doesn’t help, let me know. We’ll get you the help you need,” nurse Taylor promised her.

“Thank you so very much. Will you arrange things with the principal?”

“I will, sweetie. Don’t worry.”

After getting a hug from the nurse Katie left the office. She figured a few days away from school, getting to figure out how her powers worked and what to do with them would be a good idea. Walking out of the school building she noticed something in the air. Someone. Godling, flying by. What a hunk, with his long black hair and muscular body. She couldn’t really see herself as one of the heroes like Godling. She was just an average high school kid who’d just happened to get some superpower. Right?

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