《The Indestructible Invulnergirl》The Indestructible Invulnergirl - Chapter Four



One Day Ago

Katie’s parents had taken care of Hank as she knew they would. They hugged him, got him dinner and made sure he his bed in the guestroom was made up. They told him they would be there for him until the details were worked out where he would stay.

Katie was staring at the ceiling in her bedroom. She was trying to come to grips with what had just happened. Had she really become invulnerable? It sounded incredible but in a world where heroes like Johnny Bubblegum was running around the streets at superspeed, Godling flew through the air and Octo Boy was slinging around the city with octopus arms anything was possible. She just never thought she’d get superpowers herself. Well, powers… Just one. And probably not one with a lot of use as a superhero. Okay, maybe she couldn’t get hurt. That would be no real use in a fight. Although she had to hand it to herself, she took care of the Red Raider’s henchmen pretty well. Not that she had any urge to become a superhero. She was busy enough with cheerleader practice and homework. Still, she couldn’t help but feel she should use her power to make a difference somehow.

There was a knock on the door.

“Yeah?” Katie said.

“It’s me, Hank. I can’t sleep.”

“Come in,” Katie said, drawing the covers over her My Little Pony nightgown.

Hank walked in, wearing her dad's old pajamas, being a size too big. “Thanks.”

“Sit down,” Katie said, tapping a spot on her bed. Hank sat down.

“I really can’t sleep. I keep wondering what will happen to me now that I’m an orphan. I have no family left. And I just keep seeing Red Raider’s mask staring at me. I’m scared. So scared.”


Katie hugged Hank. “I’m indestructible now. That means I can protect you. You’ll be okay. We’ll work it out.”

Hank cried. “You have been so good to me. Me, just a stupid geek kid.”

Katie wiped his tears with her fingers. “You’re a nice guy, Hank. You deserve a good and loyal friend.”

“Thank you… That makes me feel a bit better. But not as much as seeing Red Raider in jail.”

“I’m sure the cops will do their best to catch him.”

“The cops in this place don’t have too good a record of catching supervillains. If we didn’t have Johnny Bubblegum this city would be ruled by them. Red Raider has been around for years now. And every heist he pulls he gets more technology making him more and more invincible.”

“They’ll get him eventually. Hasn’t Godling shown us all that good always overcomes evil?”

“Tell that to my dad.”

Katie didn’t know what to say to that. And it was true that Johnny Bubblegum and Godling seemed so busy these days fighting alien invaders, huge monsters and world conquering tyrants their time to go up against the slightly more B-list villains seemed lacking. The cops lacked the time and resources as well.

“You have to stay positive. If you don’t, the villains will win.”

“Maybe. You are always so positive! How do you manage that?”

Katie shrugged, “I’m a cheerleader, right? It’s my job to stay positive and spread the positive cheer.”

Hank chuckled. “I guess. You’re great, Katie. I really feel a bit better. I’m going to try and sleep again. Good night.”

Katie kissed Hank goodnight on his forehead. He blushed and left the room. Katie thought about the positive impact she seemed to have had on Hank. Maybe aside from being invulnerable she had another superpower. The power of positivity and good cheer.

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