《Tale of Pathetic Prince》1.05-Hunting for Ears
In a dark forest, where everything is usally silent there was a rukus going on.
"I cannot eat this same stuff everyday!!....."
"You are a growing kid you need to eat healthy food."
Two men were arguing, no there was only one old man, and the other one was a small boy.
"I have been eating that stuff for more than 1yr... I don't even remember when I came here.... but it's more than 1 winter cycle"
It have already been 1yr and 2 months since Leowald got trapped in the forbidden zone, If his mother would see him now.
She may not able to identify him in any case, There was not a single fat protion on his body and Leo's hair, like his mother were turning silver.
"Then what do you suggest, we can't these dead trees..."
"Why can't you grow them in your gar....... huff!!"
Before Leo can complete his sentence Daikran instantly appeared behind him and gave him a tap on his head.
"Go!! I need 5 left ears of rotfiends... It doesn't matter if it's an animal or a human undead.... If it stinks, kill it"
After giving out his order he turned around and started to walk slowly towards his garden, but as remembering something.Without turning around, he said.
"Don't forget to take little foxy with you, it is immune to the spell but you are not, and may get lost and as it is your first time leaving this area... take that stone axe with you."
"Yeth!! ther!!" While the face still stuck in the ground replyed Leo.
When Daikran was no where to be seen, Leo got up and cleaned up his clothes with life magic.
"Come on foxy!! lets go hunt some corpses..."
Rotfiends were a peculiar kind of undeads, they were slow and were just newly born undead. they still have flesh on their bodies which continuosly rots, hence the name Rotfiends. There only attack in throwing acidic spit at there victim.
Leo had read them about in books and even heard about their movements from Daikran. But he has never truly been in a combat ever and fighting Rotfiends for the beginning was extreme too.
"I just wish this thing doesn't breaks up and betray me when fighting."
"kyun!!... kyu" as if telling that it will hold on the Little fox tilted it's head.
Then it climbed onto Leo's shoulder and tucked itself in his shirt with it's small head out.
"So!! In which direction should we go foxy!!.."
While proudly lifting it's head proudly he tilted it in north!!.
"Then north it is.... our journey begins."
While saying a cheesy line like that, Leo started to walk towards north with a Axe on his back.
"So little guy do that geezer names everyone with a lamely like me and you."
The fox cub got confused and tilted it's head and seemed to say'I don't understand what you are talking about.'
"HAAA!! as you see my real name is Leowald and that geezer still calls me Fatty..... then you probably used to have a name .... Right?"
Hearing this, the face of the fox got gloomy.
"Little guy!! you don't have a name..."
The little fox nodded slowly as a reply.
"So how about Maxie?" While thinking it to be a good idea, Leo suggested a name.
"Woof!! Woooof Wof!!..." getting angry the little Wolf barked for the first time.
"ok!! OK!! don't bark!! then what about Kyubi?"
As though the name sounded good to the little fox's years it stopped barking and started looking at Leo like a cute puppy.
"OH!! you liked that name....... So happy to meet you Kyubi"
As he was talking to the little fox , now Kyubi, he came close to the border of the 500m territory.
When he was just on the line.
"Well It's up to you Kyubi... once I get out you will need to act as my map!!"
When Leo stepped outside the border, he felt that he has entered a new world and he didn't felt the surrounding normal.
This was the same feeling that forced the bandits to end their hunt for Leo, at that time he was not trained to notice such changes in the atmosphere.... but after the old man's tortured training, Leo's 5 senses have all evolved.
Because of all the training he went through, his survival instinct as an animal has awakened.
"Well tarrying over here won't do any good... and that old man also said to come back before it gets dark."
Even though the undeads roamed in daylight too... in night, the most horrific kind of monsters get out and the power of dark beings multiplies, so it is not safe for him to be in the forest at night.
" well where should we go?"
"Kyu!!" while pointing the direction by it's small paws Kyubi said proudly.
Although it was his first time doing something like this.. he was not scared in the least. He had already faced life and death situations before he met the old man!!
It was 10 minutes later that he smelled something bad.
'I guess we are here.'
After looking towards the little fox.
"Well!! kyubi... I can't fight with you tagging along... but stay beside me."
He took the little fox and put it on the ground. Even though the little guy felt reluctance, it knew that it will only be a burden when Leo fights.
Leo equipped the stone axe and walk carefully towards the undeads. He was vigilant of his surroundings and following the pungent smell he heard some footsteps 10m away from him.
"Looks like we reached the place...you stay here" while ordering the little fox in a low voice, Leo moved towards the Rotfiends.
When he got close enough to see them, he couldn't believe his eyes. There were 12 corpses slowly walking in random directions with green liquid coming from there mouth.
Leo controlled his urge to vomit and got behind a tree.
'Well Leowald... this is your chance to become more than a fat prince....' taking the axe in his hand and stabilising his breath, Leo got out of the hiding and was going to charge in, but saw that the rotfiends were already looking at him.
Seeing the situation, he got a bit scared and thought of running away.
'If I ran from here today... I may never be able to have courage to face anything.'
While making up his mind and seeing that the corpses were closing in on him. He started running and shouted.."ICE CREAME!!!!"
Leo closed in on the closest undead and hacked the axe on it's head. Due to excessive force the axe cleaved the body of the undead till the stomach and after kicking away while taking out the axe he got in a defensive position as 3 of them have already colsed in on him when he was fighting the first undead.
'I am going to get out and eat ice creame.... I can't die here..'
While thinking that he casted a elementary spell.
"Forces of wind I beseech you to throw away my enemies.. Repulsion!!" following the spell, Leo punched on the ground.
A small blast was released from Leo's punch that forced undeads in the 10 m radius to fall down.
WIthout wasting anytime, Leo got close to the three udeads and hacked the axe on their skull with full force.. He cleanly killed of 2 of the fallen down undeads... but when he got close to the third one.
*Spit* the undead spitted a green substance from it's mouth on Leo..... he couldn't dodge it on time and the liquid fell on his stomach.
Leo didn't thought of it much.. but after feeling a burning sensation on his stomach, he hurriedly took of his only shirt and threw it on the ground.
As he forgot about the undeads in the surrounding, they had already surrounded Leo.
When he got his senses back.
'I seriously fucked this one up....' said Leo while seeing the kocked up undead getting up.
"You guys forced me."
Leo threw the axe on the closest undead. the axe only got stuck on the chest of the undead but the force of the throw made it fall down.
Seeing his chance Leo got out of the formation and while standing at a safe distance from them.
"Froces of wind I beseech you to cut down my foes...Wind Blade." following the spell, Leo gestured throwing something from this hands.
Although nothing can be seen getting out , but the slow undeads had their heads chopped off everytime he moved his hand.
After casting the spell a number of times and killing off all the undeads in the area.
'First time and already killed 12 of these things....I am awesome!!'
"Did you see Kyubi!! I killed the whole lot single handedly!" from his behind a white furball came into view.
"Kyu!! Ky....?"
Before the little fox could say anything more.
*puke* Seeing the scene of carnage for the first time made Leo uneasy and he puked.
"I....I am alright.... !! I killed them... hihihi!! I am t *Puke*" After getting a hold of his stomach he got close to the undead corpses and took out his axe from a half cut body.
Although he didn't feel well, being between all the dissected bodies, he still got down and started to cut the ears of his hunt.
WHat was more bad for him was that as soon as he touch the ear of an undead, it woould fall down on it's own as though it was never part of the bodies.
They were rotten so bad, that half of them didn't have ears.
'That old geezer knew about this..... If I wouldn't be this lucky... I would have wasted all my day hunting for these ears'
While cursing the old man, he forgot about the surrounding and even about the White furball.
"KYUN!!! KYU!!!.........KYU!!" The little guy suddenly got scared out of it's wits.
Seeing the abnormal behaviour of the little guy.
"You are acting like an abomination is coming here....."
Leo was not scared... as he knew here only low level undeads can be found, to his horror.
*Hnmg!!* *breathing heavily*.
Noticing the heavy breathing behind his back Leo turned his head around and what he saw made him scared witless.
Behind him was a 2 meter tall demon, it had heads dangling on it's waist and a black body. It had horns growing out of it's head with no jaw. It was wearing some ancient armour with a butcher knife in it's hand.
Watching the horrific thing from upclose made Leo pee his pants.
It should be noted that from young age he had learned everything in his library and though he couldn't speak properly until he got 5... he still had a lot of knowledge, impossible for children of his age.
That's why, from the look of the demon, he was able to know the identity of it. It was one of the most dangerous demons noted in the book. It hunted warriors and killed everyone who gets in it's way... it ravaged half of the city until an adventurer party stopped it.
"Onimusha!!" while slowly making some distance between himself and the demon , he took the axe and got ready.
The demon didn't attack Leo... it just kept staring at him and as soon as Leo put his hands on the axe.
The demon attacked at Leos head, wanting to cut it from his neck.
Due to training of the old man Leo tried to parry the butcher knife with his stone axe, but the knife easily cleaved the axe in 2.
He was able to save his neck, as he got time and dodged in the last second. He wasn't left with a weapon and the little fox was not to be seen too.
Getting up, he started casting all the spells he can think of and started throwing it at the demon.
"Oh great fire, help me blast my enemies in lave.. Magma blast"
"Oh great wind spirit ........................."
He tried every spell he was taught by Daikran, but nothing worked on the demon... It didn't attacked and let all the attackes to fall on it's body to make fun of Leo and his desperate attempts..
After no spells came out of Leo's hand and drained of mana he fell on his knees, the demon got close while lifting up his blade.
"Old man!! save me... I want to eat Ice creame before I die!!"
Ignoring the words of Leo the Deomn slashed at Leo's shest... it wasn't deep to kill him but he is going to be scarred for life.
The demon, as he was having fun, got close to the body of Leo and again slashed on his shest making an x mark.
Leo understood that the Onimusha was just having fun torturing him..... he eyes were getting heavy... till the end he didn't cry
As the light was going out of his eyes. The onimusha lifted up his knife and aiming at Leo's neck slashed with a lot of strrength.
'This is the end!!.'
He waited, but the blade never came.
'Just like that time!!'
Leo opened his eyes to see an old man standing in front of him, for some reason thunder was dancing on the old man's body with tatoos shining on all over his face... when he noticed the hand of the old man, he was stupifyed.
Old man Daikran was easily holding the blade in a single hand. He looked toward Leo.
"Stupid fatty...!! Run when your life is in danger."
He totally ignored the demon standing in front of him and started giving advices to Leo. Getting annoyed by being ignored by the old man, the demon started to concentrate energy in his broken mouth.
*hung!!hngh!!* He was charging magic and going to release it on the old man at close range, but it didn't know the old man completely.
"Shut up you ugly bastart!!" Daikran took his other hand and tightly grasped the neck of the demon. the energy that was concentrating on his mouth got cut off.
"Well!! let's see how do you feel about this" following that , the old man discharged electricity on the demon, which started to spasm and shake. Green liquid was starting to come out of it's mouth. The old man stopped before the shock can kill the demon.
Then lifting the demon in one hand, he threw it straight towards the forest. The force of the throw was so strong that the demon rammed in multiple trees breaking them and leaving some of it's flesh on the broken splinters.
"Old man!! teach me that!!" saying this Leo got overwhelmed by fatigue and lost conciousness.
The old man looked towards side."Thank you little friend!"
A small figure came from behind the tree and replied."Kyu!!
Taking up the body of Leo the old man disappeared from their with the fox turning into a mist.
It has been one year after the banquet.... It was the 4 meeting concerning the ambush on the caravan, the prince was going to.
"According to our intelligence..... it was the work of Neifelhiem Empire." In a hall filled with old people, a old man said.
"But why? they were our neighbours..."
"Can't be possible!! how can they enter our borders that easily?"
"Aren't you going senille because of the death of your son?"
The old men were scared, they didn't wanted to become enemies of the Empire that had a dragon as a protector. ALthough their small aliance had a great army, but when compared to the power Neifelhien Empire, They were lacking a lot.
"No!! we were able to confirm the news!!... a Baron of the Roland state helped to smuggle soldiers of the empire in our country."
Hearing that, a man got annoyed and while punching the table he said.
"Do you think I am a traitor?....."
"Master Roland!! we all know that he didn't mean that!!..."
"Yeah!! what I want to say is... one of your confidant sold himself to the Empire and is helping them to create disturbance in the Alliance."
"This news....... it shouldn't go out to the public in any case" suggested a very old man in the group... he knew that a information like this can make the public scared and to maintain stability, they shouldn't spread it outside the room.
"Yes Sir Rosewald!!" Said a man sittling in the side writing notes.
"So what about the Baron?.... what should we do with him?
"Kill him!!" Said the king with a murderous face while looking at the fellow alliance menbers.
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