《RETURN, A Dark Lord story.》Chapter Twenty. Lista Surprises Devano.


Lista was in her own little world, lying back on Devano’s bed she relaxed as much as she ever could, Devano was easy company for her but now she also had a problem that worried her. A frown creased her smooth forehead

“Something worries you?” Laughed Devano catching the look. He reached to his bedside table and picked up a container. “Want something special?” Came with a raised eyebrow, “Just relax and try a mouthful of this.”

“What is it?” Having used drugs in the past, they held no mystery for her, but she disliked the loss of control.

“Nothing much, you know what Thurgod, Jenna and Tyrone are like. I am not going to cross any of them.” There had been a problem sometime earlier, a soldier had brought some drugs onboard and almost caused the loss of the starship when he went psychotic. That individual had been put into a small access hatch and ejected into space naked and alive. The three leaders aboard had made it plain that similar fates would await anyone who did this again, whether they were under the influence or not. “It is just some hooch from my home planet.” When Lista looked askew, he continued “Come on, Tyrone ok’d it!” And took a swig.

Not completely reassured, but following Devano’s lead, Lista took the container and swallowed a mouthful. “Arrgh, that is vile.” She took another swig and coughed. Devano laughed at the face Lista made.

Smacking his broad chest, Lista launched herself over the virile sergeant. “Laugh at me will you!” she said as she smacked him on his head.

He laughed and made a grab for her, which she avoided, twisting away.

“Is it the professor?” Devano asked, laying back and looking at Lista, admiring her as she stood, dressed in her usual tight single suit.


“You are still going to kill him?” He finished.

“Not just kill, I will slice him slowly to pieces. I will make sure that he lives for as long as possible. At least if I can.” The twisted smile on Lista’s face showed clearly how much she was looking forward to avenging her humiliation. “Who knows what’s going to happen when we get to Trilla!”

“Better wait for the signal from Thurgod, you would not want to breathe space, would you.”

“I can wait. The waiting will make it better and I won’t have to rush things then.”

“You like taking your time?”

“When I can.” Stretching herself out, even dressed she showed her body off in an unconsciously sultry manner. Propped up on his elbow, Devano admired her sleek and curvy lines. “What do you think of where we are going?” Came suddenly from Lista.

Clearly surprised, a question like this was unlike Lista, Devano shrugged. “Who knows, so long as I get my cut I don’t care.” He was silent for a moment. “Did not really pay any attention, except to that stuff about the Dark Lord. That is one warrior I do not want to go up against. Good thing He won’t be there.”

“You sure?” Lista’s mouth quirked in a small smile, teasing someone like Devano could be dangerous. She liked danger.

“Well, that is what the professor said, he should know.”

“Then what has killed all those fools who went into the tunnels, a snoot?” The last referred to a ridiculous imaginary animal. Lista made a snarly face, then laughed. She was also getting her laughs out!

Devano frowned, not an intellectual man, he was not a fool either and had survived in a hard school. Standing up, his hand floated out and his fingers curled around Lista’s slender throat. “You would not be making fun of me now would you?” Came out quietly. Lista smiled, this was sweet. Reaching out herself, she entangled her hands in Devano’s gold chains.


“Of course not, but the professor said the he believes that the Dark Lord was dead. Not that He is dead.” Again she smiled. “And what caused the injuries to that last one, whatever his name was.” The story of what had happened recently on Trilla had been well advertised, the legion and the empire hoping to discourage further visits. “Also, while I hate her, she is no fool and not a coward. Jenna is afraid and I want to know why.” Devano started. This was a new Lista to him, he looked at her narrowly.

“Yes I pay attention.” Lista looked at her current stud lover. “People underestimate me, and that is the way I like it, but I don’t like going in with all these unknown’s. We had a lot of stories about the Dark Lord on my planet and I bet that you have heard a few. Like you said, I don’t want to go up against Him, even if He is weak. Also, there is Ilisa, she is an absolute mystery. I don’t like mysteries and will have a word with her. I want to see what she has to say for herself.” She paused, raised her eyebrows and spoke calmly. “Now let me go.”

Still silent Devano released Lista he stood with his back to Lista for a fraction before turning back to her. Lista smiled as she sat back on the rumpled sheets.

“Look none of those treasure seekers went in wearing battle armour, carrying plasma rifles and swords. Anything that is in the tunnels we should be able to deal with so don’t worry, and if the Dark Lord is there...” He shrugged, and began to unzip his own single suit, smiling. “I need to wash and rest, want to join me in the shower?”

With a laugh, they both headed off to Devano’s private shower.

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