《RETURN, A Dark Lord story.》Chapter Fourteen. Jenna and Ilisa


Jenna was unhappy, she was certain that Ilisa was involved somehow with the artifact but no matter how she tried to nail her down, Ilisa slipped away.

“You say that you have never spoken to Denner Venkriller, our wonderful Professor before now, or even seen him before?”

“Indeed, I don’t follow the galactic snobs, they bore me.”

“Yet you have heard of him?” Jenna pressed.

“In my leisure, I watch the comm’s and the vids, read and exercise.” With a dramatic gesture, that was part seduction and part comedic, Ilisa laid back on her bed in her well-appointed cabin, it was once an officers quarters, and slid her hands down her body. “I do exercise. A women has to take care of herself.” Her eyes stroked Jenna in a half-lidded coquettish manner. Her hands slid up and under her head which had the no doubt intended effect of stretching her body in the best manner for viewing. For a moment Jenna stood still her mouth half open as she gazed at the beautiful women. She shook her head as if to clear it from a mist.

“You know more than you say, I have watched you.” Jenna paused. “What about the artifact, the carving, whatever you want to call it?”

“Who hasn’t?” Came with another seductive smile. ”Would you like to know me better?” Another smile followed the purring words. “As for the carving, I cannot say.” The smile grew.

Jenna smiled, this was something she had dealt with before. She leaned forward, placing a knee on the bed. “Play this game you will, but be careful, I recall long ago, other young women, and I remember ...” Her hand went out to touch but stalled and pulled back. “Yes I remember very well. You have travelled well. It is clear that you have known some of us from Christos, have you felt the touch before? Did you think I would forget my lessons?”


The yellow haired women nodded, not at all put out by the revelation. “Yes, you were younger then and that was a different me.” Again a smile, “I am pleased, we must explore this but I fear that we are about to be interrupted.”

The two moved apart, Jenna had a look of consternation mixed with uncertainty and a little fear. Had she met this woman previously?

“Do not fear little one. You have much to do and you were picked for this time of trial long ago.” A gentle finger floated out and touched Jenna’s forehead. Jenna started. Her dark locks swirled as she shook her head again.


“What is must be, and what sleeps, will awake. You have been asleep and now you must prepare. The time for your trial approaches as was inoculated in you at the Temple of Dawn. The temple to which you were lead as a child.”

Jenna gaped, none but initiates from her home planet of Christos knew of the rituals alluded to. But this could be no member long lost from her planet, she knew that.

“Ask me no more at this time. Your captain approaches.”

There was time for a deep breath, then the unmistakable sound of someone requesting entrance demanded their attention. This was immediately followed by a bang of a fist on the door.

Going to the door, Ilisa opened it, “Yes, you want to speak to us?” She smiled sweetly.

“What is going on? Why are you here Jenna?” Thurgod swung his gaze between the two of them as he stepped into the room, his deep frown encompassed them both.

“Jenna? She was making certain that I was not a threat to the ship.”

Jenna nodded, well that was true enough, she thought. “Ilisa knows nothing about our business. At least nothing anyone could work out on their own.”

Thurgod frown deepened, “What do you mean by that?” Came softly. He never took chances if they could be avoided.


“People have eyes and ears,” Jenna shrugged. “Your interest, even fascination with treasure is well known. The Professor is a stranger. People will put two and two together and come up with twenty nine.” The old saying came easily to them all.

Uncertain but somewhat mollified, Thurgod nodded then gave his usual glare at Ilisa, “Don’t cause trouble. Understand.” She smiled and nodded.

“Have no fear, I just wish for a quiet trip, there has been much too much excitement lately.” Gesturing to her bed, “Now if a lady could get a little rest, alone.” The last word came with a raised eyebrow.

“Better lock and alarm your door.” Jenna advised as she went to the door.

“Do not worry about me.” The usual smile. “I do not wish for any company.”

“Really, I mean really?” Thurgod leered.

“Really!” The door slid shut and they hear the beep as the door locked.

Outside the door, the captain and the pilot looked at each other. Together they moved towards the bridge.

“I may need a better reason than that to not kill her,” the statement came matter of factually.

“I will watch her. You should be able to trust me with that by now.’ Janna looked at the ship’s captain steadily.

“Get six periods rest then relieve Amard. I want him rested as well when we arrive.” Thurgod stalked away.

While Fastos had called the crew quarters Spartan, they were in actuality well-appointed and reasonably comfortable. After securing her cabin door, Jenna turned on her privacy screen, stripped naked, carried out her usual stretching and relaxing exercises then ate. After setting her console for the time to awake, for the first time in a long time, Jenna fell into a deep sleep.

Others also ate and slept. Taking the time to gather their strength for possible coming events. The personal on the ship counted themselves fortunate to be away from the pirate base. Even the most uninterested, and those aboard this ship were all of higher than normal intelligence for the companions, were aware of the attack and the deadly thrust of the Legion. They all hoped to find somewhere to hide until things quieted down.

Fastos, Lista and Thurgod had as well, all gone to their respective cabins to rest. Lista still fuming from her perceived insult. She had returned to her thoughts on Ilisa, but decided that it would be better to take that issue up with Thurgod another time. Tyrone had retired to his specially designed and somewhat remote cabin which it had a heavy gravity generator installed to simulate his world’s environment. There he carried out his exercises to retain his strength and agility before retiring. Thurgod had a vague sense of discomfort following his encounter with Jenna and Ilisa, but had still as much trust in Jenna as he would ever be able to extrude.

Fastos however had some thinking to do. Jenna’s reaction to the carving disturbed him at a deep level. He had observed Jenna, just as he had observed all the bridge crew and the other officers. The reaction that Jenna had to the artifact was out of character for her and he could see no obvious reason for it. After eating, he laid in his bed for a long time running things over in his mind. No ready answer came to his mind. I must confront Jenna over this, there is no other choice. Having made his decision, Fastos rolled over and went to sleep.

Quintas the engineer was resting with his beloved engines. They were thrumming along nicely so he had left the assistants with the normal instruction to awaken him if there was ANYTHING unusual!

Amard was sitting in the pilots chair, blast shields up, imagining himself master of his own ship.

Everything was normal aboard.

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