《The Altered, The Augmented, And The Ascended》Chapter 10


Nequiv peered through the transparent pane of glass, taking in the incredible phenomenon in stark display before him. He exhaled, letting out an exhilarating but measured breath that bordered on ecstasy.

How long has it been since I felt like this? Nequiv wondered as he quivered with excitement.

For the first time in a long while, Nequiv had to struggle to calm his nerves. The jittering of his nerves were taking a toll on his vast neural circuitry which was currently interconnected with an arsenal of at least several dozen mechanical limbs. Nequiv had long parted with most of his human body, and had since adapted to a multitude of mechanical limbs that required a mind capable of multi-managing several thought processes at once with ease.

How many years did it take him to reach the point that he was at now? All the resources and men he needed at his disposal, his name carrying a cumbersome weight among the Augmented society. His every whim indulged despite how ludicrous it was to the council of elders. And now the nascent Altered before him. Nequiv was glad he had requested to join this military campaign. Finding a Nascent Altered was rare, and even more rare was an Nascent altered on the verge of maturation. Now he could test his life-long hypothesis that he had harbored within the depths of his mind for so long.

Five centuries, or 493 years to be exact. That was how long Nequiv had lived. His fateful death was long overdue, endlessly delayed by repeated life extension surgeries and advancements in Aug-Tech—many of which engineered by himself.

In truth, Dr. Nequiv cared little for the war. The long harbored hatred between the two races, the cycle of violence and vengeance carried out by the two races over the past millennium. History of a feud that ran deep in their blood.

Dr. Nequiv was merely a man of science, nothing more.

He furrowed his brows, ruminating over the countless unanswered questions looming in the depths of his mind since his early days. There were so many questions he yearned to solve, and even more questions that he had yet to even conceptualize.

Why are their brains vulnerable?

They can physically transform their bodies to drastic degrees and yet they cannot evolve themselves beyond the limited capacities of a brain. Why?

If they can alter their bodies at will, why do still retain biological semblance with humanity?

Why can't we replicate the Altered biological phenomenon. What is the missing key?

‘The Altered. What makes them so different from us?’ Nequiv had asked his loyal ally, Captain Armstrung after he had awaken.

‘They are monsters,’ the ignorant Captain had replied.

Nequiv chuckled to himself, then steadied his mind as a mechanical limb veered off course, jerking sideways and cutting too deeply into flesh.

There was something far more sinister at play here than mere ‘monsters’.

Experiments and attempts to dissect, reverse engineer and eventually replicate the biological phenomena had all resulted in catastrophic disasters. The Altered body, every individual cell seemed to have a will of its own. Something crucial was missing in their technological understanding of Altered biology. Something that they could not perceive with their current technology and yet was very real. Nequiv suspected that solving this biological phenomenom required distancing oneself from the limited confines of the established laws of even physics itself, that it perhaps boiled down to something even below the quantum level.

The Genetic Alteration Matrix.

That was the term that Nequiv had publicized and effectively coined according to the Augmented Academia. That after numerous experiments and dissertations, the phenomonom of the Altered biology crystalized into a theory. A theory that the Genetic Alteration Matrix was the key to solving this biological mystery. Much of the general consensus had met Nequiv's work regarding the Altered with conflicting feelings. There was zealous piety and there was also outright repulsion. But in all of the centuries of investigation, contemplation, discourse, and dissection, none have ever found veritable proof of the physical existence of this 'Alteration Matrix'. Eventually even the Augmented Academia had come to shelve the theory, letting it eat dust along with the many others in the depths of the Archives.


Where was the Genetic Alteration Matrix located, and what exactly was it?

He believed that the 'key' was connected to the fables of the Ascended. That humanity had long departed from this realm of mortals. That they had ascended to a collective, all-encompassing entity which existed beyond reality.

Nequiv grinned. He had a feeling that today he would be unraveling the secrets of the Genetic Alteration matrix.

Suddenly he could hear Armstrung clear his throat. “—Hiro meet, Doctor Nequiv…”

Nequiv realized that he must have been ranting out loud again. He turned his neck slightly to address Helick and his companion.

Hiro couldn’t believe it.

The brain? No. It’s size was far too large to be a brain.

Hiro watched silently as Dr. Nequiv delicately maneuvered a mechanical arm with three prehensile fingers towards the dome encased in a membrane of translucent flesh.

The mechanical finger prodded the soft membrane.

As if it was alive, the dome responded with an audible ba-thump and an arterial spurt of blood.

“Gah!” Hiro yelped as the spurt of blood shot out towards him, smearing the pane of glass between them. After recollection his wits, Hiro stalked closer. On closer inspection, he realized that it wasn’t merely blood. He watched in horror, as the thick sludge of black-crimson uncoiled until it took on the shape of a worm-like tube.

“There!” Dr. Nequiv exclaimed excitedly. “You can see the budding material of the metastasizing, and metamorphosing cells. It’s almost as if the cells have a mind of their own.”

Then it began stretching, becoming thinner and longer, until it was finally more than two meters in length. The blood soaked tube, upon reaching its full length, went taut, making the pink fibers on its outer layer visible. Then it fell, slopping onto the table where it joined the web of interconnected organs.

Dr. Nequiv laughed. “Isn’t this fascinating?” the doctor asked with raw excitement in his voice.

“Affirmative doctor. This is very fascinating,” Helick answered with steadfast precision.

“What do you think Hiro?” Dr. Nequiv asked. “This is your first time seeing a ‘live’ dissection I presume?”

“Y-yes sir,” Hiro replied as he straightened himself. “Thi-this is a rare opportunity… to witness your work with my own eyes... it’s something that many would… kill for, I’m sure.”

Dr. Nequiv chuckled.

“I, myself,” Helick said, “have never seen a dissection progress to this degree…”

“Yes, this is an extremely rare occurrence” Nequiv said. “Nearly all of the Altered I have dissected before would either resort to aggressive and perpetual metamorphosis or simply enter a state of complete apoptosis where systematic cellular death would occur uniformly until the Altered had all but broken down into a mass of waste.”

For several minutes Nequiv continued his lecture, recounting the disasters that had taken place during his past dissections. Apparently all sorts of biohazards had taken place. There were times where Nequiv had to quarantine his lab, completely vacating the entire premise of personnel before incinerating everything to ashes. Hiro had no choice to but to simply listen quietly as Nequiv simultaneously dissected and spoke of his tales with fervor and nostalgia. Nequiv even laughed as he recounted a time where an Altered carcass had exploded in his face. Hiro didn’t find that part particularly funny but Helick did as he joined the doctor in their laughter.

“Nequiv,” Armstrung cleared his throat loudly, regaining his composure from his fit of laughter. “I must ask a favor of you if you would allow it.”

“Yes, yes, out with it Helick.”


“It is with these very hands that you have artfully crafted that I have seized this monster…" Helick flexed his massive chrome hands. "Yet, I must ask of you to bestow upon these hands, the spoils of this Altered creature.”

Hiro nearly snorted. He gave Captain Armstrung a skeptical glance. Really? Hiro was astounded that despite the visceral scene they were currently witnessing, all the Captain cared about was his 'Altered trophy'.

“Ah. Hmm,” Nequiv narrowed his eyes as he cleared his throat, which sounded like fluids being flushed down a pipe to Hiro. “Which parts of her do you desire?”

“The wings. And her claw. The one from her right arm.”

“O-of course,” Nequiv sighed a breath of relief, apparently content to part with those parts of Euna. “That shouldn’t be a problem. Her right arm?” Nequiv raised an eyebrow. “Why not the left? Or both?”

The Augmented captain cleared his throat awkwardly. “It was the claw from her right arm which I had received that grievous injury. If it were not for you Doctor, I would not be alive right now,” Helick solemnly placed his hand over his metallic barrel chest. “I would like it as a momento to remember this day, and to show my children and their children of the monstrosity that the Altered are.”

An image of miniature Armstrung kids playing with Euna's claws and wings surfaced in Hiro's mind. He had a feeling that Euna's body parts would serve more as a toy than an 'Altered Trophy.'

Nequiv didn’t quite understand the sentiments of the Augmented Captain but nevertheless, he complied. “Of course,” the doctor then turned to address Hiro. “And Hiro? Do you also have a desire for the spoils of this creature?”

“Huh?” Hiro intoned with surprise. “Um... I don't know if I deserve such a..."

“You deserve it Hiro,” Helick nudged him with his elbow nearly toppling him over. “But I’m afraid I’ve got dibs on the the wings and claw.”

“Hiro, is there any part of this creature that you desire?” Nequiv asked again, this time with less patience.

He turned his attention back to Nequiv. The doctor observed Hiro curiously, one eye trained on him as the other focused on Euna. Hiro quickly felt a sense of urgency swell within him, as if the doctor would realize that something was amiss here. That he was not who Helick had portrayed him to be. A courageous Augmented soldier who risked his life to capture the 'nascent' Altered currently on the table. It was far from that in fact. Hiro was not here to admire his courageous efforts or gloat about his success in capturing Euna. For a moment Hiro wondered why he was even here. He had stormed his way Nequiv's lab to see if Euna was okay. When he had arrived he was devastated to discover that Euna was dead. Remorse and guilt had wracked him, but he had quickly accepted it as his punishment. But now things were different. Euna was alive, and her unconscious body was struggling to put itself back together. Nequiv was practically toying with Euna's body and all he could do was watch. Now he was in even greater turmoil than before he had thought that Euna was dead.

What do I desire? Hiro asked himself. Should I ask for Euna's other claw? Or her leg? And be done with it?

He shook his head slowly. That was what the coward in him wanted. But that would simply not do.

"No? Are you sure?" Nequiv asked.

"Hiro," Helick placed a heavy hand on his shoulder. "Allow me to propose a suitable trophy to collect."

Hiro nodded as Helick proceeded to suggest specific body parts and bones to him.

"Yes," Hiro answered. "I want-"

Suddenly a ping interrupted the trio. Both Nequiv and Helick perked up.

"It seems General Corax requires my presence," Helick announced. "I have strayed from the battlefield for far too long. I presume it is time for me to return to the front lines."

"This military excursion is taking longer than I anticipated," Nequiv noted. "This battle should be nearing its final stages by now. Once I return to the Capital I will be able utilize the full resources and equipment back in my personal Labs. This lab is too cramped for my taste."

"I'm sure the end of the battle is approaching," Helick nodded. "I must be there when the time comes."

Helick turned to address Hiro.

"Hiro, do you want to meet General Corax?" Helick asked. "I can put in a good word for you."

Hiro looked up at Helick with wide eyes. A chance to meet the General? This was an opportunity that many Officers of his rank would kill for. It would potentially further his military career, allowing him to climb the ranks with the backing of a Captain and the acquaintanceship of A General.

"I-I don't think I'm ready Helick. It is not my place to claim such a prestigious opportunity. It would be unprecedented for someone of my... upbringing."

"Hm," Helick grunted affirmatively as he placed his hand on Hiro's shoulder. "Very humble words. I see that I have not erred in promoting your rank to Officer. Very well. You will stay here and pick out your Altered Trophy. I'm sure you will need the rest. However, be mindful that you may be called upon to return to the front lines as we approach the final stages of our assault. Be prepared Hiro."

With a brief salute to Nequiv, Armstrung was dismissed.

Hiro felt his pulse quicken as he watched Captain Armstrung leave the room. He watched the doors close as Helick disappeared from sight before turning his attention back to Nequiv and then Euna.

Nequiv had already returned to his dissection. His shoulders hunched over as he fully devoted his attention to his work.

Suddenly, Hiro felt very alone in Nequiv's lab. A mad scientist who was obsessed with his work and a desecrated body that could at any moment become volatile. He knew that this was very likely the only opportunity he would ever get to save Euna. He would likely never be this close to her again. He would be sent to the front lines again and he would either die as mere fodder to the Altered force or eventually--after the Altered from this village are exterminated--be returned to his proper place within the chain of command and be deployed elsewhere. He would never set foot in one of Nequiv's lab again unless he was a highly distinguished Captain himself.

"Hiro," Nequiv beckoned with his voice. "Have you decided?"

Suddenly, before Hiro could even consider anymore he found himself punching in commands on his wrist display modular. His hand snapped open as intricate machinery reformed, before revealing a metallic silver barrel at the wrist.

"Her name is Euna and I want her back," Hiro said. "All of her."

Hiro pointed his Auxiliary wrist-cannon at Nequiv and fired.

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