《Pokemon Untold》Berry Burger?!


Sadly, Arthur didn't remember anything about the house. It looked like a normal small yellow coloured house in the suburbs of a city. In the backyard was a small gardening area and the house had two floors and a basement. When he stepped into the building a warm and delicious scent entered his nose and made him hungry again. Suddenly something brushed against his legs and he sharply moved down his head. What he found was a ... a fluffy grey cat with a long ringed tail?


"Oh, Mr.Nyao is greeting you Arthur, he has missed you a lot, right Mr.Nyao? ", his mother spoke with a cute tone and petted the creature.

Something in Arthur's pocket vibrated and Arthur found that the bulb of the Pokedex was blinking rapidly. He looked at the screen and found a new row of texts as well as a picture from the creature before him. The text said:

[System detected higher density of Infinity Particles, Pokemon discovered, scanning Pokemon, ..., scanning completed, probability of detected Pokemon being Glameow 77,56%, Purugly 11,44%, Whimsicott 2,00%, Jumpl... etc., hostility level very low, status: friendly!" ]

"Glameow?!", he exclaimed under his breath. Now that he took a second look at the Pokemon, he instantly found the similarities between the one from his memories and the one before him. He had already realized that the Pokemon he saw at the hospital or in the city looked a little different than what he remembered them to be like. It felt like his memories were based on fictional information and now he experienced the real stuff firsthand.

The main difference was maybe the dynamic movements of the Pokemon. Its swinging long tail, shacking and breathing body and sharp scrutinizing looking eyes, the small details. It felt like being confronted with an intelligent creature instead of the simple and uncomplicated pictures he had in mind. It reminded him again of his naive view on how Pokemon were like.

Of course, the super fluffy fur it had also differed starkly from the standard Glameow. Maybe a different breed or a special hairstyle?

"Oh, are you back already?!", asked a shouting high pitched voice from the kitchen area,

"I will come right away!"

A big elderly woman came to light from the hallway. Her hair was ashgrey and her face clearly marked by the passages of time. Still, a sort of energy and power was emitted by her presence, something you wouldn't usually find on elderly but young people instead.

Under a white apron lilac clothes could be seen underneath and her hands were still covered in cooking gloves, she must have directly come from the kitchen after hearing of their arrival.

She approached Arthur slowly, took out a pair of glasses and scrutinized Arthur's face for some time. Her eyes widening she exclaimed loudly:

"Arthur it's you! Where have you been all this time?!"


Before he could form an answer, Aunty Latia had already hugged him with an inescapable fast move. Arthur had to fight to get fresh air and tried telling her:

"A-Aunty! I don't get enough ..."

"You don't get enough food?! Obviously, look at you! You have been away for two weeks and your body looks like a bag of skin already! But don't worry, your aunty knows what you need! I have already prepared your favourite snacks!"

When his aunty finally released her grips on him Arthur felt like he might faint any moment. His mother made a wryly smile and sympathetically patted her son on his back a little.

The table in the living room was laid already and showed him a variety of different dishes. But what caught his eyes were ... Burgers lying on a plate. Finally! He couldn't hold himself back and grabbed one and devoured it literally. It tasted like in his memories and in a matter of seconds, half the burger was already gone.

"Hahaha, it makes me happy to see you eat them like that! How do they taste, the Umami Burgers?"

"It tastes great!", he wanted to tell her excitedly but what came out was,

"Isch taschte gweaf!"

"Arthur, where are your manners! Have you already forgotten them after such a long time?", complained his mom unsatisfied and with pursed lips.

Arthur gulped down the rest and apologized for his rash behaviour.

"Let him be, Cathelyn. He is a young man already, so he needs those proteins the most!"

When he had eaten two of the Burgers he asked Aunty Latia:

"Aunty, did you say Umami Burgers? Why is it called like that?"

"Well, obviously because it's made of Umami Berries! Arthur, have you hit your head somewhere? These are your favourites, so you should know the best!"

Arthur didn't know how to respond to that but asked curiously:

"Umami berries? Not meat?"

"What meat? What are you talking about?"

"Well, eh, beef? Or mutton?"

"Häh, what is that supposed to be? Are you trying to make a joke or a fool of these old bones? Listen, less talking and more eating. You better savour them while they are still warm."

"Arthur, sweety, why don't you go and eat upstairs in your room. I will explain your aunty what ... what you were up to in the meantime."

When Arthur went up the stairs, he already had a feeling which one of the doors led to his room. It had a big window inside, a bed and a desk with a computer and some bookshelves. When he was inspecting the books in his possession, he heard a really loud shout from downstairs:


He flinched a little, and could imagine his Aunty Latia to go wild the next time he saw her. He gulped down in fright, remembering her bear like hug before.


Shaking off these thoughts he tried to concentrate on the books before him. Luckily he found a general book about berries found all over the world . He directly went to the table of contents and found the page describing the Umami Berries:


"The Umami Berry originated from the tropical rainforest areas in the world. But over time when Pokemon and people expanded into the world, the Umami Berry spread its region of influence as well.

It's able to survive under harsh conditions, and thrives especially well in forests as well as under water. It's growing on the Umami tree, and is remarkable for its high composition of edible proteins. The Umami tree is a carnivorous plant and feasts on weak Pokemon. For this endeavour, it also possesses a strong resistance towards elemental and physical attacks compared to other trees.

The unique biological organs enable this tree to transform the flesh from those Pokemon and use it in multiple ways to ensure its survival.

It can use it as simple nutrition, spread a seducing delicious scent to lure its prey and it can create its fruits as a medium for reproduction similiar to other trees. Because of its carnivorous nature and ability to transform the barely edible Pokemon meat into a source of proteins, it has been one of the most sought after berries since primal times.

Researchers also speculate that the genetical lineage of the Umami tree could be one of the closest to the lineage of ancient Pokemon, due to it's ability.

The Umami berry looks like a fleshy pink looking fruit, with wet juice on its skin, probably the secrets for the seducing scents.

The tree growing the berries doesn't have any distinctive features from the outside perspective but there are hidden roots underground actually that are sensitive towards light movements on the surface. At the right moment they would shoot up and drag their prey back down to suffocate and suck them dry.

A very gruesome fact is that the ground near those trees is especially well-nourished and creates a beautiful scenery on the surface similar to a great garden. And sometimes not only Pokemon get caught in its traps ..."

- Berries of the World, the orgin of our food; G.R.R. Martin; 1970, Food Freaks


Depending on the type of Pokemon they devoured, different effects and tastes were introduced to the fruits. Arthur wondered, if the Umami Burgers just now that tasted like beef probably came from a field, how did underwater Umami Berries taste like then? Fish? Or Oysters?

When he was still stuck in his thoughts, a piercing sound came from the house door downstairs.

"Arthur! You have visitors!", shouted his mother up in a happy tone.

"Visitors?", he wondered.

After taking the steps down he saw two people waiting for him in the entrance. He quickly recognized them as the people the doctor had showed in the pictures. They were both stunned and delighted when seeing he was fine.

"Alola Buddy, I see that you're back to full health!", the chubby dark-skinned boy said to him vigorously.

"Are you really ok?", asked the purple haired girl with a concerned look in her eyes.

"I am sorry, but who are you exactly?", Arthur had to ask.

"I have to apologize, but as you see, Arthur still hasn't recovered fully and his memories are slightly weakened. Please give him some time, and I am sure he will remember you.", his mother explained to the baffled children.

The girl was shocked a little and a disappointed look escaped her eyes. Yet she covered it up and put up a smile and said:

"Ah, is that so. I guess I was a little too early here haha. Well, I just wanted to say hi and see if you are fine, so I still have some things left to do and I don't want to disturb you any longer, bye!", after which she quickly left through the door. Arthur's mother had a sympathetic expression on her face and the boy looked confused and asked:

"Hey man, was that your girlfriend?"


"Just kidding hahaha! I guess you don't even remember her name anymore, as well as mine haha. So, it's a little weird but nice to meet you! My name is Khali!"

"Nice to meet you Khali, well you probably know me already."

"I guess you just came back today and need some time to recover more. Well, I will see you at work then again buddy!"

"Work? Do you mean the Berry fields?"

"So you do remember!"

"Nahh, it's just ehh intuition."

"Oh, well you still remember a little I think. Don't worry man, it will come back to you, I am sure! Alola then!", he said and left through the door as well.

"Sigh!". His mother was saddened that her son couldn't remember his friends anymore. She thought they would lighten up the mood and help him with his recovery but it seemed to have been futile though.

"Mum, can you tell me who they were?", he asked he with furrowing eyebrows.

"Ehh, the boy is a friend you made at work. His name is Khali Akiona, I think. You told me once his father's family was from Alola and his mother's from Kanto, and he moved here when he was younger. The girl is ... well, she is our neighbor actually. Zoe Underwood. Her father manages a Martial Arts Dojo and you always played together since you were small. I really hoped you would remember her, sigh!"

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