《Transformation of Fuderpsy》Rewrite Chapter 6: Rings On Fingers
Layla appeared outside of the land that was completely white, even the trees were, and began to run in accord to the instructions of Uphion’s Avatar, avoiding any Natural or distraction in her way.
Soon enough she saw the walls of Redspring, they were three enormous walls made of red cores coming from Naturals and gates on all four cardinal directions to enter the city.
Before she could continue, suddenly she could hear the land shaking as many [Guards] in tamed horse Naturals surged on the other end of the open plains she was, their speed and her location made her know it was impossible to really hide or outspeed them.
She was already detected so she hoped for the success of the diplomatic route.
A woman lead these [Guards], she had an enticing and dangerous beauty with her long red hair and arrogant demeanor.
She wore an armor that seemed to be useless in actual combat and strange expensive four rings in her hand. Behind her there were four handsome men all coming from different Races and wearing a ring in their left hand, there was a Human with black complexion, a Bear Beastfolk, a red-skinned Demon full horned, and a Race that seemed like a Human but was actually an alien being slightly taller and with long pointed ears, an Elf.
“Heroine, I feel corruption and the touch of Devils coming from the Half-Beast male that the female is holding. I suggest his extermination, what do you say?” Several priests that were accompanying the [Guards] claimed the same thing while not noticing how Layla actually is a Devil.
Layla prepared herself to make a run and evade them, she felt the woman leading them was especially dangerous. She knew now the identity of the very woman she wanted to never meet as she didn’t want to increase the list of people that Alderam will have to kill. We are still Wizcalen so she can only be the said [Heroine] that let Bashaag go kill Ald’s loved ones.
I can’t let both of them meet, for Ald’s sake and this woman also too. Ald can be pretty scary when trying to kill someone, after all.
Rachel, the one leading the army, said. “Is that so? Let me check, but first I need to cancel her Charm, some men are drooling.” Rachel used her SP to cancel the Charm Layla inadvertently caused by appearing almost nude with her bosom and ‘dangerous’ parts showing up since she didn’t care about her clothes’ state after Alderam got hurt.
Her clothes were totally tattered by Alderam’s [Water Balls] and the wounds caused by the insect Naturals she fought before meeting Uphion’s Avatar. Many men before Rachel’s pink smoke covered them had been drooling and looking lustfully at Layla thanks to her high Charisma with even intentions to rape her but fortunately, all of their intentions instantly disappeared after Rachel used her SP.
Rachel activated [Full Appraisal] and read Alderam and Layla’s Gift after she finished dealing with the minor problem that cropped up. “I’ve never heard about an Eldling but that surname I’ve had.” Rachel creepily smiled without the priests seeing. “While its true that man is corrupted and full of sin, how can you guys not be moved by the actions of this pure girl?”
Rachel’s voice contained indignation as she began to cry false tears. “Can’t you see how this girl had to suffer to carry her friend to safety? She is all tattered, bleeding and even almost nude! Telling me to kill the man she tried so hard to protect isn’t a little too much?! Where’s your pity, empathy, and honor?”
She let her words echo through the heads of everyone around her before continuing her speech for various motives and also achieve another good action by saving Layla since she needs of three more good actions to finally level up, after all. “I refuse to hurt even a strand of hair of her, if I do so how can I be called of this world’s [Heroine]? The one that will bring hope and peace to everyone? Don’t you all think so?”
Everyone cheered on and felt the shame of their earlier actions, even the priests were appalled and were actually crying by feeling emotioned by Rachel’s speech and monstrous Charisma. “Guards, let her go and give to her an eternal free pass to any city she might visit, principally Redspring. Priests, please forgive the sinful man she carries and hope for her pure devotion to him make him one day regret his ways. These are my orders as Wizcalen’s only [Heroine] and carrying the Empress’ Seal. Anyone against this?”
“No!” The land shook by the power of the voices of the entire army of Redspring.
“Go now, child. To where you must go, and if you need our help to heal you or your friend just say it now.” Rachel beamed in a way similar to how Uphion’s Avatar did when meeting Layla for the first time while thinking about letting a good font of Exp grow a little more before harvesting.
“Thank you very much, Heroine.” Layla passed through the soldiers and continued in her way to where Baruchard is. She really seems like a good person, now I want even more to Ald never meet her.
“Now my men and women, let’s go back to our main mission given by the Empress. We still need to verify why Uphion stole one of this Empire’s Dungeons.” Rachel led the soldiers once again and one of her husbands that she until now doesn’t remember well his name came to her.
“Why you actually let them go?” The Demon asked.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t let them go, I’m planning to sent spies to watch every step of them and apprehend them when they began to grow too dangerous, like let’s say… Rank D? I will order the spies to principally take care of the man, although Drakar’s Hero is known for being cruel and almost a true monster, his son will still serve as some kind of bargaining chip when needed. Thankfully, I’ve researched about him and discovered he had one day lived near Redspring.” Rachel couldn’t hide the smug look she let out and her creepy smile from her third husband.
The Demon fearfully nodded, only wanting to his sweet wife to go back to normal, where did all the days she only cared about flirting with him without scary expressions had gone?
Meanwhile the army advanced to the Dungeon, Layla was finally reaching Baruchard's position.
After some minutes of avoiding the square evergreen Posk trees, Layla saw a mysterious gigantic bubble holding the mercenaries that went to Ironcrest and as soon she neared the bubble it exploded and liberated the people within it.
“Please help Ald, he is poisoned,” Layla shouted to call the mercenaries’ attention as they struggled to come back to their senses after being suddenly teleported out of the Dungeon before they could see the Chimera attacking Alderam and Layla.
Baruchard and Toivo were the first ones to come back to their senses and rushed to Layla when they heard that, Alderam and Layla were too important to them, their only chance to finish their Quest and also finally have disciples. “I can’t produce a new antivenom without the original venom and the aggressor's appearance, but this thing should help a little.” Baruchard took the core from Alderam’s arm and no blood come out from the closed lump that was one day Alderam’s left arm.
“Mor, come here already. We need you.” Toivo urgently called Morgiana that was still recovering together with Yunan, the blond Dogfolk, and Berk.
Morgiana’s eyes beneath the mask seemed to be shifting, and she suddenly straightened up and stoically walked to near Toivo’s position as she never had been disoriented by the bubble.
“My dear, can you show us this object’s history? Toivo needs to see the being from where it came to help me cure Alderam.” Baruchard handed over the green Core to Morgiana while Layla was holding her breath in anticipation and trying to not disturb anyone’s work in curing Alderam.
Morgiana nodded and her eyes seemed to shift once again, this time her posture got less stoic and more natural, being still possible to see a little of disorientation coming from bursting out from the earlier bubble, but she was still capable of activating the abilities of her [Bard Job].
She touched the Core and everybody present saw scenes of a strange monster being throw in the Dungeon, killing everybody in its path and finally meeting Alderam until it got killed in a creative but silly way. They were incapable of hearing the conversations of Alderam with Shiro as something, a Hero’s ability, disturbed the functioning of Morgiana’s Ability.
So they had to ask Layla about the name of the creature made of different bodies to Toivo began to work. “Thank you, Mor. But Chimera? What a familiar and peculiar name. It had a Core so it is a Natural anyways.” Toivo took out a canvas, painting tools and a chair from a translucent red ring full of engravings. “It won’t be a problem for someone of my caliber to draw this strange creature.”
What’s that? Does it works like Ald’s SP?
“It’s a space magic tool I made, one day you will also be capable of creating one of those and if you are a really good girl I will give you one before that.” Baruchard said smiling while surprised Layla’s Race changed to something called Eldling by using his [Basic Appraisal] but this didn’t change the fact of what made her so interesting to him, she was a Devil when he discovered she loved Alderam and had the Gift despite ‘Bob’ forbidding a Devil to have one as a Devil is an existence ‘too boring’.
Layla didn’t understand Baruchard's implication and just nodded along to have the blond man not so close to her.
Toivo began to paint and everybody watched in awe his abilities and supernatural speed he was finalizing the painting, Layla principally couldn’t understand anything he was doing but as the minutes passed the painting of the Chimera looked so alive that it could at any moment jump out from the canvas.
“Amazing. Completely different from the ones Ald had painted.” Layla was so flabbergasted that she ended up complimenting Toivo while comparing him to Alderam.
The blue-haired man smirked and lifting the paintbrush off the finished painting, shouted. “Activate [Rivest Self-Created Style]. Came out with the most possible characteristics of your venom, Chimera!”
The painting rippled and from it, a mini Chimera jumped out while roaring.
“I-It really jumped out from the painting.” Layla stammered. “And it is so tiny.”
Toivo easily picked the mini Chimera and threw it to Baruchard.
“So this is the owner the venom.” The blond man said while examining it and breaking parts of it inside of his tools that he brought from his red ring near the golden shimmering ring on his ring finger.
“Mister Toivo, what is Mister Baruchard doing?” Layla said.
“He is trying to discover the original venom of the Chimera to cure Alderam by using my creation as a base.”
“Since he asked me to help him, probably the original venom is so strong that it would destroy his tools, not letting him test its reactions in contact with certain mixtures to make a precise antidote or actually, antivenom.”
Toivo stored all the painting tools and the canvas. “So he is using the ‘image’ of my creation together with the Core you brought to make an antivenom based on its possible characteristics.”
Amazing, if only I had a way of curing Ald in case of a similar situation happening.
Toivo continued while looking straight to Layla. “Don’t worry. Trust in my husband’s skills. With Willpower everything will be okay. He will make a miracle and save Alderam. He won’t even need to test if the pill will work with his [Appraisal].”
“How Willpower will save Ald?” Layla curiously asked.
“Girl, you don’t know the proverb passed on through the whole universe?”
“Then, let me tell you.”
Toivo opened his arms. “‘There is nothing that with Willpower you can’t do!’ with exception of resurrecting dead people, go back in time, stop the time…” He listed a lot of things that Willpower can’t do for some minutes and gave a great laugh in the end.
Aren’t there too many things Willpower can't do?
Layla sighed, am I really trusting Ald’s life to these people? I am kind of losing the confidence in them right now.
Baruchard injected some of the venom he artificially made in himself before extracting his blood from a specific part of his body. “I’m done,” Baruchard said carrying a white pill with his blood and putting it inside of Alderam’s mouth. “The antivenom will dissolve itself on Alderam’s mouth and then cure him. I assure you.”
Layla came close to Alderam and felt his breathing becoming more normal. “I don’t know how to thank you enough for saving Ald.”
“How about paying a blue Core for our services? I also accept one billion of F. Coins.” Toivo moved his hand just like a stereotyped loan shark.
“Hey.” Baruchard hit Toivo’s head. “Stop joking with Layla.”
“Ouch. I only wanted to see her surprised face. There is no way I would ask for such high price. Why can’t you endure a little joke?” Toivo with his muscular build and chiseled face pouted as Berk sighed at the little theatre and Yunan maintained on guard near Morgiana.
“Layla, you and Alderam only need to help in the store we have in Redspring for some days or pay thirty red cores of low-quality.”
“Thank you.” Layla bowed, what to do? Even though the necessity of me and Ald traveling to Free Cities has lessened because of my new Race, I don’t think Ald would want to continue in this Empire that everyone he knew is dead. So probably the plan of going to Free Cities will continue the same.
But I don’t want to continue the same!
If Ald in the trip is poisoned once again or is afflicted with something that Black Qi can’t heal, what will I be able to do to save him?
I don’t want to see Ald dying with me not able to do anything for him.
There is only one man that I know able to teach me how to cure Ald if something like that happens again.
“Mister Baruchard, can I tell some truths about me and Ald?” Layla said knowing the only way to make Baruchard help her is to being honest.
“...Yes.” The blond man said with confusion clear on his face, didn’t he know almost everything about them because of his Quest?
“Ald’s village was destroyed by the same Devil that had attacked Wizcalen’s Heroine and in that village I’ve been tortured for many years until Ald freed me and corrupted his own soul to destroy my biddings, creating a [Familiar Bond] with me in the process and also giving me the Gift, something forbidden to someone from the Aether.”
“Serious?” Baruchard and Toivo asked at the same time to maintain the facade since Layla had a pretty solemn face on her while talking.
“Yes. And Ald’s father is a really bad villain we need to get stronger to defeat, he is currently at the Drakar Empire by what Ald said to me.”
“Wait, correct if I am wrong.” Toivo said already knowing the truth, being part of the reason he will take Alderam as his disciple, he is just as stupid as him. ”Are you saying that Alderam after his village was destroyed by a Devil, he had saved you, a Devil, from the Chimera. And because both of you have a [Familiar Bond] he still consider you as at least his friend, even though you are from the same Race that had ruined his life?”
“Well… when you put the things in this way, becomes kind of hard to even myself believe, but yes. And I think he likes me as much I like him. Although I’m not too sure with him being really shy about his feelings since a child and with what happened with Rhigon.” Layla said while blushing. “And I’m not a Devil anymore, the Gift said I’m a Half-Eldling now.”
“Oh my holy fucking Bob!” Toivo groaned while Baruchard was smiling to Layla.
“You don’t need to say anything more.” Baruchard said. “Knowing you have the Gift it is enough to win my trust for now. You are telling us this because you have some kind of request to ask for, right? Do it soon, I don’t think Toivo will withstand more of your love stories with Alderam.”
“Why it is so alike?” Toivo rolled on the ground, shouting. “I can’t take it anymore. This damn Quest is making me remember the past. What embarrassment.” He squirmed while saying nonsense words like ‘wryyy!’ or making strange poses with his hand in front of his head.
“Just ignore him, he is remembering the good old past.”
Baruchard looked at Toivo with tender eyes while showing a sentimental smile. “No matter how much time has passed, he hasn’t changed, he is still so childish for making these references while remembering of his first youth. But this is one of the things I love about him.”
Layla ignored the strange display of the blue-haired man and dropped to her knees while lowering her wings and head to appear subservient as possible. “Ald and I are going to the Free Cities. I don’t want to lose Ald because of some unexpected situation occurs and I am incapable of saving him from anything that the Black Qi can’t heal. Please until Ald is ready to travel again, let me be your disciple.”
Baruchard wide-eyed took a step back and put his hand over his stomach while unrestrainedly laughing. “This is really happening despite Berk’s intentions of making you two part of the group.”
So is it impossible? I am not even a Greed Devil, but I was too greedy, I should be satisf-
“Perfect. You from now on is my first and last disciple.”
What? So why are you laughing?
Baruchard turned to Toivo while crying of laughing too much. “It is already time for us to rest, don’t you think? Alderam and Layla are our best choices. For your earlier reaction, I don’t think you will oppose my decision and it seems Alderam also paints, how about you becoming his master and finally end everything?”
Morgiana and Berk understood Baruchard’s meaning as they are the only ones that knows his and Toivo’s secret, making Yunan be left out of the situation.
“End?” The blue haired man raised his body off the ground. “But I haven’t properly talked with the boy yet, what if I don’t like him?”
“With you two being so alike, do you really think you are going to hate him? Also, you have already said to me you are tired of our type of life.”
“That is true…”
“Now let’s go back to Redspring. Berk, don’t worry. I think it is still possible to Alderam and Layla join you when we retire to see other countries.” Baruchard patted Berk’s shoulders. “For now, let stay still on the shop, is it a problem?”
“No, Uncle Baru. And if they become yours disciples at least they will be for sure a good addition and this case, a substitution to the group.” Berk shrugged and was going to take out a carriage from his royal ring but perceived they were close to the city. “We can walk to the city, it isn’t even sunset now.” He looked to the beautiful sun hanging out there and the famous square Posk Trees.
As they walked, Yunan offered to carry Alderam but Layla denied it, she wanted to be the one to be carrying her Bond, she didn’t perceive until now because she was only worried about Alderam’s safety but now that she calmed down she observed that having him so close to her made her feel warmth coming from her heart and secure about the future, never did she feel so close to him and she wanted to enjoy this mysterious feeling more.
Before reaching the row to enter Redspring through the West Gate, Baruchard gave Layla a vest to cover her exposed body, making her aware of her state and quickly covering her body.
I’ve ruined another clothing, why is this becoming a pattern?
After passing the row and paying the tax to enter the city, with Layla exclusively not paying it to the [Guard] using a full armor of iron, enchanted with innumerable engravings and a coat of arms of a flower being held by a woman while killing a man with magic.
Incredible, the Heroine had already warned them about my appearance, how could she do that if she is still so far away from here?
Layla explained earlier the little encounter with Rachel so the group weren’t that surprised about what happened.
“So this is Redspring, this is my first time in a big city.” Layla looked around like a tourist all the architecture that seemed to like of red triangular roofs and white houses, squinting her eyes a little she was capable of seeing another two set of walls in the distance.
“Layla, what do you know about the Empire, Wizcalen, we live? Do you know for example that the cities has stratas that people non-authorized can't go? And in the first strata, the mayor normally lives there and he or she to be the mayor of a city with walls made of Natural’s cores, need to be at least Rank C and have [Guards] of minimum Rank F, meaning any random [Guard] can easily kill you.” Toivo seeing Layla’s curiosity, said.
“I don’t know much because my knowledge about this Empire is of more than two hundred years ago and Ald just superficially explained to me.” Layla paused to think what she knew about Wizcalen and said. “How this Empire lives based on a Matriarchal Society? On the Nether things are all about power, not gender.”
“Well, we just have the basic rights to everyone with a little more to women, not enough to cause a rebellion from part of the men but enough to women be considered special, like giving the right to women have a legal harem of men, different from the Drakar Empire which is heavily patriarchal. We also are proud of being the only Empire in Fuderpsy that abolished slavery and permitted same sex marriages.” Baruchard took the chance to explain with pride of his sister that is governing over Wizcalen.
“What an marvelous Empire, so is it perfect?” Layla innocently asked.
“Unfortunately, no. There are still basic enormous differences between the rich and poor people since we are in an Imperial system, natatility is sometimes really low and Racism is pretty strong still.” Toivo said and pointed to a small Human walking far away from them. “Wizcalen is still racist against someone that isn’t Human or our allies, the Beastfolk. So look at that Human, he is so small that he is constantly mistaken by the Dwarf Race, which is a Race similar to Human but their adult state’s height is of our normal children's height.
“Can you see a card written ‘I’m Human’ in his shirt? The Empire gives that to some people to them not receive bullying or different treatment just because of some of their qualities can be mistaken to another Race. And this is just the iceberg’s point of how Racist Wizcalen is, in some cities Elves, Dwarves, Demons and their half children are still bullied and killed.”
“How sad is to be killed and tortured by just being of another Race. I know well that pain.” Layla expertly crushed the easy-going atmosphere within in the group and was awkward to anyone in the group to bring another topic to the conversation, so they maintained silence until reaching the shop.
“This will be your new house.” Baruchard stopped at a four-story white building full of decorations of red flowers like the ones on the coat of arms of the guards and a symbol of a red ax inside of a brown square at the top side of the store. “Toivo, take Alderam and put him on his room and you my disciple, I’ve prepared to you your first lesson.”
“Yes, Master.” Layla enthusiastically said and was forced to let of Alderam. I will do my best.
“Let’s go, my disciple.” Baruchard took Layla with him to the third floor. “For your first lesson, we will take a bath together.” Layla’s master smiled. “To improve our relationship.”
“Because the masters from another world said so.” Baruchard said trying to make his nonsense appear mystical and profound while caressing a nonexistent beard.
“Who are these masters? This makes no sense!”
“One day you will know what I am talking about.”
The new master of a Half-Eldling deviously smiled. “Don’t worry. I am a homosexual. There is no problem.”
“I don’t think you being homosexual is the problem here!”
On the next day after receiving a traumatic memory, Layla killed a lot of Naturals. And after two days of being unconscious, Alderam finally woke up.
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