《Gates of Doom》3. Adventures in comparative religion
I walked out into the bright sunshine . In front of me was a village square , with well kept grass around the edges and vendors selling their wares and competing to see who could shout loudest . Which did not help my headache. I peered back into the glass partition of the door I'd walked through , inside the scene had changed . It was now evidentially a shrine of Solas , with several clerics bustling around inside , lighting candles, refilling the incense censers , dusting , and trying to look busy probably so they didn't get the job of trying to convert the rough looking vendors. I walked back in , being a newly minted priest I'd no spells , bar a bonus passive ability for going deep into the light element , so I'd need to skill up
“Hi I , .. “
No one paid me any attention , I coughed , but I was still seemingly invisible
I tried a different approach.
“Greetings my brothers and sister of the light , I come from afar , and seek training , is there a deacon or bishop present.?”
This did get a response , one of the acolytes came over to me .
“Greetings brother , I am Patricius ..do you seek aid? A meal or perhaps you are going to be going on a mission of converting the godsless heathens of this blighted town” This voice rose a little at that last part , these guys didn't really want to go out amongst their flock . Either they were a collection of the most agoraphobic clerics around or I was right Highshore really was a tough crowd
“Actually I need to speak to a deacon , or anyone that can train me, in the ...er ways of the church.”
I could see Patricius thinking
“Deacon Azural is very busy , but if you could help me with a task I have , I may be able to grant you an audience”
[Quest ]
[Spread the light]
[convert at least one Midgaardian to the temple of Solas]
[reward : access to starter priest of solas spell book]
Well this was a pain . From what I remembered from the original version of Gates' the starter spells didn't require a quest , except...well shit , these weren't starter spells, Originally on creating a character I'd start at the training area , get some champion abilities and spells , kill some practice dummies , go to war on the local wildlife ,bring some chef 10 'fresh boar urethras' or something , and level up . After a few levels , I'd go out in the wide world , wander a bit , find a sage , pick that class and get some starter spells , then after killing more low level creatures and carting around various disgusting animal parts to lazy cooks and artificers I'd level up a little more and find a temple of Solas to train as a priest. Except I'd skipped all that . So now I was level 1 , with no class other than priest , and no abilities bar healing myself naturally at a snails pace , and possibly prodding things with my staff . I tried an experimental parry and dropped the stick . Ok , so not even that .
Well Shit.
Patricius stood there waiting
“Look , could you help a brother out?, I'm just out of character cre...I mean the Abbey , I need to learn some skills as soon as I can!”
“Brother” he said “ you know that our sect is built on hard work and trust , by your hard work , you can earn my trust”
No help there.
Turns out I'd guessed right about the converting thing though.
A thought struck me
“Is there a Sage library , or maybe a Champion's barracks in the town ?”
“No , thankfully no Gods-less places of empty learning here ..if you travelled north , to the town of Eldersvale , there might be a barracks, but its two days travel over bandit country”
“However , I have something that may help” he continued
He produced a small round glass bottle , filled with what looked like cranberry juice.
A health potion.
“A health potion” he said.
[added to Inventory .Minor health potion]
When a healer has to start using health potions you know things have gone pretty badly.
I turned to go .
“Wait !” he said guiltily , “ I cant let you go without these”
Aha! At least I was getting some bonus gear , or a weapon to help.
“It'd be hard to spread our world without the proper literature!”
He thrust some pamphlets into my hands
[added to inventory , “The light and your soul” leaflets]
I looked though the pamphlets as I trudged out into the street.
I hit my bloody head again on the door frame .
I was on my own right now , no guild to help , some of my friends would arrrive eventually , but I didnt really fancy kicking my heels around till then.
Out in the street I went to the first vendor , I possibly I could buy a wand , or a few spell scrolls , or a knife..hell even a sharp enough fork!Anything to defend myself with.
I put my best smile on ,and prepared to barter
“Hello there! have you..”
“Nope not interested, you can sod off”
I was getting pretty pissed off now
I opened my mouth.
He wasnt finished.
“ ..you pious twerps keep coming out here , saying you want a quick word then trying to bloody baptise us into your fire god's religion ..we're not interested! So you can take your holy words , roll them up and stick them where the sun don't shine...”
I got as far as “I'm not..” before he added “SIDEWAYS”
He'd picked up a blackjack , and the other vendors were starting to come over, similarly producing anti theft (and anti conversion) weapons.
-NotImportantNowSoI'llStopTalking.” I blurted out.
“Well why didn't you say so first eh? Would have saved yourself some bother!” he said
The other vendors were going back to their stalls , weapons hidden again.
The large gentleman smiled “I'm Lars , can I interest you in some cheese?”
Because of 40 years of habit I was about to say “ I'm actually lactose intolerant”, when I remembered that I could eat as many wheels of cheese as I liked in game, something I still forgot .
I'll save you the details of my Dairy Odyssey , (OK..for the fromage curious it was two Cheddars and a sort of Brie on flatbread , washed down with what was basically a vanilla milkshake,delicious .).
I visited the vendors but it was mostly a wash out, a lot of crafting materials , a lot of food , some plate and chain items I couldn't wear , and some cloth items with less stats than I had . I did find a nice bag to add to my inventory , that allowed some extra storage, and some shoes with a little bit of extra intelligence and wisdom stats .Also a few mana potions that were low enough power that I could use them without fear of my head blowing off .I very carefully asked there were other , specifically and definitely other parts of town that weren't this square , that may be open to the idea of possibly trying a new deity, maybe?
Eventually a dark elf tea vendor pointed me towards the north part of town
“Philosophers row and the Rats Maze area “ she said “ I'm not saying they would , but they mightn't kill you for asking, ”. She marked the area on my map.
“Well I say not killed , but they do string people up and whack the hell out of them with clubs”
An hour later I'd visited several lane ways and pubs filled with angry locals. I'd seen a few likely targets but they turned out to be other players , a few my level but most much higher than me , and too busy on their own quests to pay attention or chat .Power levellers? Supposedly the new server had actually opened during the old servers World Raid, and between that , and my downtime getting logged in , some players were already high enough level to have come to this town naturally . On top of that I'd also hit my head on two door frames and an archway , why was this town built for people so damn small? .Now I was heading into my fourth dark alley , full of rubbish , dank corners and a definite smell of piss . At this point I'd started talking to myself, more as a way to distract me from the smell.,than from the high possibility I was going to end up as a priest pinata ...
“..and this section , ladies and gentlemen covers the Murder Alley part of our tour of Highshore's shitholes! In the corner there are several photo opportunities for anyone wanting to bring back a souvenir , other than your many stab wounds that is !ha ha ha..on your right is what looks like a large rat eating a dog ,and of course , on your left is the spot where Batman parents were shot, you can still see the bloodstains In fact ..... “ .
“No Bat People here friend” came a voice from the dark .
The way he said friend , was well ..not very friendly .
A huge man appeared dressed in rags , followed by two other massive gentlemen of the road ,
“We don't have many men of the cloth visit our symposium of the street” he said
“I'm Plato , and this is my friends Socrates and Zeno”. Zeno racked his ham hock size knuckles and grunted.
The three were huge , with bodybuilder physiques, and towered over me , even with my new height
All of them were stripped to the waist , Plato was completely bald , he looked like Mr Clean , if Mrs Clean had thrown him out for excessive drinking and was now sleeping rough. Socrates looked like he was hewn from stone. Zeno had a massive white tangled beard and was even bigger than the other two , He looked like Santa ,if Saint Nick had developed a bad meth habit , then decided to get ripped and start doing steroids.
From the dark parts of the alley a crowd of urchins and beggars and other undesirables appeared and crowded around ,for the show.
“er..Hello there , can I interest any of you in..er “ I fumbled for my leaflets, “ the ..um..word of Solas?”
“Why yes , Brother of Light “ said Plato
“We are open to all new things here “ he said spreading his arms and turning around to address his crowd “all of my fellow scholars of the street”. I sighed in relief, this was thankfully starting to go my way.
“Indeed ..as long as you can beat me in unarmed combat, I'll happily go to your temple”
Yep , there it was .Shit.
“And if you can beat me in knife-play”, said Socrates producing a sword sized dagger and flipping it across his knuckles like a magician with a coin “..If you beat me I will happily join you”
Zeno's voice was muffled by his beard but I heard something about oil wrestling.
Well fuck that .
I turned to the unwashed mass around us, and pulled out my coin bag.
“So!...Who wants to make an easy ten gold ?”
Brother Patricius was impressed “So many converts” he said as the tenth hobo shuffled in .
“I cant believe it...to be honest I felt bad sending you out there on your own, between me and you , some of the townspeople can be ...well....unkind.”
The other acolytes were sponge bathing some of the newcomers , and I saw one urchin parading around in a robe , while his old clothes were taken away (presumably to be exorcised , burnt , and the ground they were buried in salted for good measure).They were getting fed , washed , dressed , and a free bath (technically a baptism) out of it , plus ten gold each , which was a lot, The acolytes were happy as they didn't have to go outside ,I was happy as I was unscathed , if a little poorer,Zeno was happy as he was getting his beard trimmed and deloused.He'd actually been the fourth to sign up , I think if I'd offered a few gold more I 'd have got the other two as well.
He mumbled something happy involving the words friend, clean , and still , strangely enough, oil wrestling. I just nodded and smiled and turned back to Patricius .
“For the extra trouble you went to” , he said ,” ..we had this saved up , but you can have it” , and handed me a gold piece .So I was just down 99 gold.
I honestly didn't think that would work in the alley , in the old Gates Of Doom it definitely wouldn't have , NPC's followed some fairly set instructions , and those guys in the crowd would literally have just been barely programmed , non talking extras, watching me get pummelled by jacked up street philosophers.
Possibly the idea of someone buying their way out like this was planned for , but from what I'd heard in the promotion for the new release , it's Non Player Characters (NPCs), were actually fairly autonomous. Which made the world seem even more real. In an age of AI's and Personal Assistants , machine intelligence like that wasn't unusual , but to give it to every character in the game , even nameless hobo number #3 ?... incredible! .The ability to deal with game characters that could make decisions was new , and exciting. (..also before leaving I found out nameless hobo number #3's name was actually Tacky Joseph , you see...little details!).
I finally got to see the Deacon Azural . An elderly, smaller than average elf , he was a man (elf) of few words which I was grateful for . I was tired , I'd spent the last 30 or so hours awake , first in the end of the old game , partying with some friends , and then in my home space ,and after a wait to get a login window, into the new game. Even with my physical body being almost permanently at rest I'd have to get some shut eye soon , I'd a fairly important meeting coming up , anyway so I'd have to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for that.
Azural gave me the Priestly spell book
[added to inventory :Book of Solas]
[quest complete 2000 XP added]
[Level up!]
[you have one ability point to spend.]
[Level up!]
[you have one ability point to spend.]
[Level up!]
[you have one ability point to spend.]
[Level up!]
[you have one ability point to spend.]
Yep! Further proof that this whole setup was messed up , one basic quest here had net me 5 levels worth of XP, which pretty much confirmed that I shouldn't have been in this area until maybe level 14 or 15. On the plus side , quests would net me a huge amount of XP for my level . The downside was that killing anything would be almost impossible . But since I was a healer I didn't need to kill , all I needed to do be a healer for another player or maybe a party. Since at higher level they'd have much larger health pools than players at my level , I'd need to put everything into healing. It was risk versus reward, so while the sensible thing to do would be use the scroll to 'port to Northbrook , I 'd probably have no way of getting back here until I was at level 13 or 14 , and 2000xp would just inch me closer to the next level. I decided to stay here.
Pulling it from my inventory I read the first few pages . I read the first thee spells , trying to read the others caused my eyes to water , and made me feel like my brain was in a vice. Evidentially this was for later levels.
[You have learned : “healing hands” : a channelled spell , you can heal 10 health (per second).costing 25 mana( per second)]
[You have learned Prayer word Shield : A 4 second cool down, you can cast shield on yourself or another person with the power of your faith : Costs 200 mana]
[You have learned” Burst of Light” The light renews , and heals party members for 100 health .Costs 400 mana , ]
Each of the spells was listed as 0% practised , At 100% I'd get an extra bonus of extra healing or shield strength or an added effect. I tried casting burst of light on myself , but since my mana was full it wouldn't fire. I could cast Shield , but after a few tries it was still at 0% , .Unfortunately it looked like the only was to practice was to actually get hit , or heal someone getting hit . As if reading my mind the Deacon said , “I can help you practise these techniques safely, but we'd expect a donation for the Shrine in return . A menu showed up , 1 gold per percent , so basically a hundred gold per spell. I didn't really want to spend that much , but if I wanted to take advantage of the XP boost and heal properly I had to . I forked over the cash . For the next few hours Azural guided me through some meditative steps which increased my spell effectiveness to 100%.
Between this,buying some sundries at the market(and cheese!) , and paying for half the hobos in town to get a religious themed spa day I was down to about 500 gold , which was half my savings. So I'd really need to find some other players going to a dungeon , or clearing out a cave , or a sunken temple or something to make some money back.
With all this in mind I looked at my skill tree . On top of class/subclass/ and element , there was also various skill trees you could choose from , the idea was that all this would encourage players to be (or at least feel) unique, although in practice a lot of people just took the most effective choices based on pure numbers rather than style.. There were three paths to choose from , the first mainly improved healing and mana regeneration. The second path geared towards my own health pool , weapon skills as well as shield spells , Finally the third path empowered offensive spells , including the few basic ones I'd have kept from being a champion and a sage (which I didn't have), or light based damage spells (which I couldn't get yet).I put all five points into healing , four into 'Inspired healing' (which gave me the ability to heal more , for less mana ) and one into 'Shines Brightly' , which beefed up my passive “Aura of Light “ spell, so on top of normal health regeneration (slow) my party would automatically heal a little per second in the background (still slow, but a slight improvement).
Back in the main part of the shrine , the newly converted were having a post baptismal meal , with a lot of sacramental wine being served . Hey who knows!, maybe they'd stick around here , A few years from now Zeno could be out in the world converting heathens. I felt sorry for the vendors.
At this point I was practically asleep on my feet , I asked Patricius if there was an inn or tavern I could stay in .
“Don't be silly , there's always a bed for you here “
It turns out by bed he actually meant a spartan wooden bunk in what I'm fairly sure doubled as a closet in quieter times , but I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
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