《The Clockwork Apprentice》Chapter 19


'Interface, is it possible to change my appearance? Like other clothes?' I asked as I made my way down the narrow hallway towards the staircase that led to the tavern proper.

[Query response: Affirmative. All you need to do is visualize your clothing parameters, and I will attempt to emulate them.]

"Nice! Try this." I imagined myself before I … got sick. Weathered jeans, nice sneakers, and a gray t-shirt with a dragon on it from the game Dungeons and Dragons. Over that, was my trusty blue jean jacket that my ex-girlfriend said made me look like someone called James Dean.

Ugh, thoughts of my ex girlfriend, about how we got along so well before … the illness. But now as I looked back on that with seemingly older eyes I realized that she had just been using me for popularity. We got along fine, but looking back - and somehow memories in this body seemed to have an extra clarity to them - I could see the little looks she would give me when she thought I wasn't looking, or how she would act differently toward me when we were around our other friends instead of when we were alone. I don't know what hurt worse, the loss of my girlfriend or realizing she never really had feelings for me to begin with.

I glanced down at myself as I descended the staircase and smiled. I looked every bit the part of that James Dean - even with the hair.

'Nice job, 'face.'

Somehow, I felt Interface … smile? That was new.

'Are you getting emotions, Interface?' I thought to it.

[Query Response: Bright's updates are coming on line over time. It looks like one of these is a routine for simulated emotions. Shall I disable it?]

"No, no. I like it. Just don't turn into Lore please."

[**** Memory Query**** : Lore … … Ah a fictional robot -- correction 'android' -- from one of your 'tv' programs. It steals emotions from its counterpart … Data … and goes insane. Yes. If I begin to act erratically, please ask Bright to disable my functioning. ]

I laughed, drawing a few wary glances my way as I entered the Tavern eating area.

- Oh yeah, you're right, I AM talking to myself -

It was growing dark outside and what appeared to be gaslights were glowing along each wood paneled wall. The open windows from before had been pulled closed and I could sense heat coming from open panels near the floor. Central heating? My estimation of the technology of this world jumped up a bit.


The brown paneled walls were decorated with colorful paintings and tapestries, with lamps attached to the walls at regular intervals. The townsfolk were sitting at tables - eating and discussing all sorts of things. There were rough looking farmers at one table with leather hats and suspenders over dirty white shirts, while at another table some men in business suits were playing a game of cards - some with huge cigars in their mouths. Everything was busy, bustling, and overall friendly seeming. It reminded me of those big hotels my father would take us to when we went with him on a business trip. Travelers of all kinds, all talking in low key at once, with smells of cigar smoke, food, and even sweat mingling in a strangely comforting blend.

I pulled up my collar and went to the bar with my food tokens. The barmaid was there and gave me a wink.

"Just find a table anywhere hon' and I'll bring you some food." She said while spinning in place to avoid another barmaid passing by with a huge plate in her hand.

I nodded and wandered about the tavern. I picked up snippets of conversation that didn't make sense to me. Talks of crops, and of shipping deals, of zeppelin tickets, and rumors of goblins in the north. I chuckled.

'The goblins are much closer than you think, lady' I thought to myself.

[Query Response: Approximately 25 - 30 goblins have encamped roughly 10 miles from here. They are close to Castle Mir.]

My eyes opened wide.

'How do you know that 'face?' ' I asked.

[Query Response: I am 'tapped in to' as you say the Castle's defenses. It has been alerted to their presence for some time. ]

"Oh" I said as I found an empty table near the back of the hall. The lights were fewer back here, and as such I hoped to not attract attention to myself.

'Do you know how Bright is doing?' I thought to Interface.

~Why don't you ask me yourself?~ A chipper voice sounded in my ears.

I almost fell out of my chair. I started coughing to cover my startle. A few wary eyes turned toward me. I ducked my head down and pretended to be lost in thought.

'You mean I've been able to talk to you this whole time? Why didn't you say anything? Have you been reading my thoughts?'


~ HA! HA! HA! HA! You have to let a girl have SOME mystery Aegis! This is one of my upgrades to your system! I'm actually connected to that shiny blue gem in your chest. If Interface is your 'head' then I am your 'heart' HAH! ~

'And the reading of the thoughts …' I asked nervously.

~ Silly! I don't read any thoughts you have that aren't directed at me. ~

There was a pause. I could feel her eyebrows rising.

~Is there something I should know, Aegis? Are you holding back on me? ~

I could hear the teasing suspicion in her voice. Oh man.

'No, no. Nothing. Just wouldn't want to bore you. Do you know about a book called Archive? It was delivered to me today by … someone'

The barmaid brought me a huge plate of food and a big mug full of very cold water. The food was basically beef chunks covered in some kind of gravy, some green beans looking things, and what could only be a baked potato. My stomach growled.

[Query: Do you appreciate the hunger simulation routine I deployed? It allows you to process food more readily ]

"Yeah. Sure." I said absently. The barmaid raised an eyebrow as she left.

~Hmm. Sure I know about Artie - that's what I call that Archive. I have to deal with him all the time. He's sooo boooring! I didn't send any book to you though. That's kinda odd. I should know about stuff like that...~

I was starting to get a headache with all the talking going on in my head that wasn't me. I picked up the fork and tasted the beef. It was amazing.

'Listen, 'face, Bright. Could you guys give me some space tonight? Like is there a privacy mode I could go into so I can be … alone with my thoughts? I've had a lot of stuff happen today and I'd love to just kinda … be alone for a while?'

[Query Response: Of course, Aegis. I can go into a standby mode. I still need to process more of your memories and integrate more of Bright's … upgrades.]

~ Oh well geeze Aegis. I just get to talk to you and you're asking for some "privacy". Hmph! Well I guess I'll go polish some statues or something and await your beck and call! ~

Ouch. I cringed.

'I'm sorry Bright. If you want to stay, that's OK. ' I bit my lip. Was I crying? My cheeks were wet.

~ No no, Aegis. I understand. I'm your 'heart', remember? Interface may know what you're thinking, but I know what you're feeling right now. And you're feeling pretty lost and anxious. If having some alone time will make you happier, I'm all in for that. But just so you know I'm not like your dog Bud that you can just call and dismiss me like a little maid. ~

Suddenly she sent me a vision. In my mind's eye I saw Bright dressed up in a maid outfit. She had her arms crossed and a duster in one hand. One eye was closed and she was sticking her tongue out at me.

Oh man.

~ Ha ha ha! Enjoy your 'alone time' Aegis! ~ and she faded away.

I rubbed my face with my right ( and only! ) hand. I was going to need to be more careful how I talked to Bright. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to hurt her feelings for real.

As my thoughts returned to the table and my food, I was suddenly aware that someone else was sitting at the table with me. It was a woman dressed in loose tan breeches, a green tunic with a bright red cloak about her shoulders. She had shoulder length dark brown hair that had odd highlights … were they green? Her face had a very sly look with heavy lidded eyes and full lips. And her hand was upright on the table with her elbow down. A small flame was dancing just above her palm. The light reflected in her eyes in an odd way.


"Hi there young man. My name is Sylvania Dawn. I'm a purveyor of the magical arts, as well as a source for lots of - shall we say - hard to find items. I noticed you sitting here alone for the evening. Perhaps you might be interested in something … magical?”

She smiled slyly.

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