《The Clockwork Apprentice》Chapter 15


I drifted in the darkness. I was alone. No voices. No Interface. No Bright. No ... Clarissa.

All was peaceful. Nothingness.

Then, a ripple in the darkness.


Meow? My awareness returned like a light shining on the face of a clock.

"Hello?" My voice echoed in the darkness. I was nothing. Thoughts and a voice.


There it was again. More ripples in the dark.

Then, I was THERE. Standing on the shore of the pond. I blinked. All around me was gray nothingness. The ground beneath me was slate gray sand. The water was like mercury. Silver, fluid, slow. The sky was a lighter gray - like an eternal twilight that would never see a new dawn.

I turned my head. Where ... ?

'Hello, my shield' came a voice.

It was a strong woman's voice. It had a resonant quality like a kindly grandmother.

Then, there was a cat standing before me. Black as night. Piercing blue eyes that thrilled me with ... fear?

"Hello, cat? Who are you? What is this place?"

The cat blinked and proceeded to lick its front paw, lazily.

I stood there, looking around. I could feel the sand between my toes. It was a wonderful feeling after having no legs for so long. Normally I would have demanded answers, with extreme impatience. But the solemness of the place - and the presence of the cat - filled me with hope and dread in equal measure.

"You're the cat from before, the one I saw before I woke up. Am I in a dream?"

I swore he could hear a slight chuckle from the cat. I shuddered.

'A dream? A dream within a dream? Or maybe this is the true reality, my little shield.' the cat spoke soundlessly. Not in my ears but directly to my mind.

Sighing, I sat down in the sand and crossed my legs. The sand was warm - slightly warmer than my own body. I glanced down at my hand. Still just one arm.

*I guess even in dreams, I can't be whole* I thought to myself.

'You will be someday, Aegis. But the wholeness of the body will not stop the danger you will face. Time is very short, yet you will have all the time you need. Until you will wish you had just a moment more. '

"I must be in a game. This must be a simulation. I'm still in a vat in a laboratory somewhere, aren't I? Am I dying?" A tear fell from my eye.

The cat's eyes glowed suddenly. It's hair rose on the back of its neck. It stood and growled.

'This is no game, Aegis. This is LIFE, and LIGHT. The ones who will depend on you to defend them are no apparitions of your imagination! '

"I - I'm sorry!" My hand came up in defense.

Suddenly, the cat was calm again. It sauntered up to me and placed a paw on my leg.

'Much will be asked of you, my shield. Everything you have. Everything you are. Do not be fooled by your own past, your own preconceptions. You must become a student of knowledge. You must learn all that you can about who you are, and why you are here. Will you do that for me?'


The cat looked up into my eyes. I could see them glow in the unearthly twilight of the strange place I was in.

"O .. okay? Can you tell me who you are?" I answered. I slowly reached down to touch the cat.

'No. Not yet. You are not ready. Look for my sign if you get lost.'

My hand brushed the cat's ear. Suddenly the paw touching my leg grew claws and it scratched my leg deeply. The world was suddenly an explosion of light and sound.

"... Aegis ... Aegis! Wake up!"

[Upgrade complete.]

[Automatic Electronic Generalized Information System : AEGIS.

System v0.02

Damage report: Repairs complete. Missing left arm compensation in place. Torso and legs have been reintegrated. Mana upgrade complete. Power at 100%.]

*Interface? Are you there?* I thought. My eyes fluttered.

[Location query: I am ... here. There is no other location I can be.]

*Did you see that .. cat?* I thought.

[Query: cat? There are currently no feline life signs within my scanning radius. However there are three life signs near you, asking about your current state of consciousness]

I chuckled. I opened my eyes.

Somehow, I was back in Clarissa's home, in her bed.

*Gee, I should NOT be making a habit of this* I thought to myself.

"Oh, you're awake now? All done ... fixing yourself?" It was Clarissa, hands on hips, dressed once again in a light green dress at the foot of the bed. No sign of her "Tomb Raider" clothing. She seemed both concerned and annoyed at the same time. She was biting her lip. Her blond curls bounced as she turned her head to the door.

Her father walked in briskly and strode up to the bed.

"Hello Gier" I said amiably.

"Don't you Hello Gier me young ... man!" His eyes were red and his hands were in fists. Fear and anger played across his face.

"Clarissa tells me you forced her to go to Mir castle to fetch your ... legs. And you encountered Goblins! What were you thinking, taking my daughter into danger like that?"

"I'm sorry! I would never let anything happen to your daughter."

A thought pulsed through me ... THE SHIELD.

"Well, after what happened yesterday, and now this? I don't know who or what you are, but you aren't welcome here any more. You hear me? Get out!" Gier was shouting, and waving his hands angrily.

I glanced over to Clarissa who shook her head imperceptibly. Well, I had been sold out by my friend, so she'd avoid getting in trouble with her dad. That felt familiar. It had happened to me before, in school. Why should this be any different?

Angrily, I stood up from the bed. Somehow the magic that covered my body was active, and I also seemed to have on a rough shirt and breeches. Clarissa's eyes were wide with innocence and she came around the bed to me. Hesitantly, she touched my arm.

"You should go. There's an Inn just down the street from here. Here's some coins" She pressed a small bag into my hand. It felt odd - like it had more than coins in it. She placed her hand over mine to cover the bag.


"I'm sure you'll be OK."

She looked at me with wide eyes and tilted her head, almost imperceptibly. Was she trying to tell me something?

"Get out! Stay away from my daughter!" Gier was furious.

Bud appeared from outside the door and barked. He was growling at Gier.

"Hey! Bud! Come here!" I called.

Immediately the brown dog ran up to me and I rubbed his face. At least SOMEone still liked me. My body felt weird. Everything seemed to feel ... smoother. And I was standing! I grinned inwardly and faced Gier.

"Thank you for saving me. And for your hospitality. " I turned to Clarissa. "Good bye, Clarissa."

She blanched and put her hands behind her back. She looked down at the floor.

I was angry. Angry at myself for believing I could have friends. And how had I gotten back here, to Gier's house?

*Interface, can you locate the nearest Inn?*

[Query: Inn. Affirmative. Location to a building matching your query has been added to your internal directional sense.]

I blinked. I felt a subtle pulling in a certain direction. In my mind's eye I could see a map of the town, with a dot where I was currently, and a blinking path to another building a ways down the street. Nodding to myself, I paced out of the room. Gier glared at me as I left. I tried to catch Clarissa's eye but she had turned away.

Angry again, I strode out of the house and into the street. Slamming the door behind me as I left. They didn't deserve that, I thought.

I looked up and down the busy street. People were walking along the sidewalks, going about their business. Bud followed closely - walking ahead for a moment, then coming back to make sure I was still there. A horse and carriage rode by - looking like something out of one of my role playing games. There was a twinge in my leg, where the cat had scratched me..

[Alert! Minor damage detected in the right front leg. Commencing repair protocols.]

Ow. Apparently, as much as it might look like it, this was reality. And I was getting a full dose of it today. I looked back at Clarissa's house. Her face was in the window for a moment, then the curtain was pulled back. I arched my eyebrow.


Sighing, I made my way down the street, carefully avoiding other townsfolk. The buildings around me grew taller and I passed by more shops and stores. I paused to look into several interesting shops. One was a weapon shop - full of pointy looking swords and other dangerous weapons. Another was a bakery. I could smell the fresh bread and my mouth watered. Bud barked at me as I paused.


Why would THAT happen? I wasn't hungry. I probably didn't have much of a stomach. I remembered that I had drank water. Could I eat as well? Where would it go?

[Query: food consumption is possible. Your creator gave you the sense of taste as well as the ability to swallow and process organic material. It was to make you appear more ... human]

*Thanks Interface. Any idea where things ... go?* I felt embarrassed asking.

[Query: waste products are incinerated within your internal matrix. Any heat generated is used as an energy source. Other wastes are stored for later repurposing]

*Interface, do you know anything about the currency system here? Did Clarissa give me enough money to get a room at this Inn we are going to?*

[Kendranen Mir has given me access to many systems within this realm. One of which is the currency system. Please inspect the bag for confirmation of the currency]

I was still holding the bag Clarissa had given me. I walked away from the crowds and sat down at a bench near a small fountain. Bud bumped my leg and sat down beside me. I untied the bag and several coins fell into my palm. There was something else in the bag. It was a folded piece of paper.

That's odd, I thought.

[Currency is sufficient to purchase several day's lodging at the closest Inn. However, it is advised that you do not use all of the currency to stay there more than one night. ]

*Why's that?* I asked as I unfolded the piece of paper.

[This Inn is not your permanent housing location]

*Oh? And where might my 'permanent housing location be'?*

[Query: Your home is Castle Mir.]

Oh. Hm. Might want to let the Goblins know about that.

I turned the paper over. There was some writing on it. It looked like gibberish to me.

[Processing. Reading comprehension sub-processing activated.]

Suddenly, I could read it. It was a very strange feeling. Like the words had just jumped from the page.

[[ I'm sorry Aegis. My father does not know about my life outside our home. Please don't be mad! I want to see you again. Meet me in the lobby of your Inn (The Merry Maid) tomorrow at 6 bells. If you don't show up, I understand. -- Clarissa]]

I stared at the note.

She wasn't throwing me under the bus! A small thrill made me shudder slightly. Maybe this world wasn't as bad as I thought. I jumped up and ran the rest of the way to the Inn, a lopsided smile on my face. Bud followed with a tail that wagged vigorously.

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