《The Death Simulation》Proposal from the revived II
We all were seated outside, resting and waiting for the other clearers to finish the boss fight. All of a sudden we started hearing screams, coming from the inside. I said: "Quick, open the boss room door and let's look at the boss." Leo and Jingxi opened the door, as they opened the wooden door, we all gasped. The boss room was a throne room, inside though it was nothing like this map. It was a room with a tree in the back. The throne inside the room was fused with the tree, the ground was purely filled with grass. However, the thing that has surprised me and everyone else... Was that the person we were fighting wasn't Ymir, it was Loki. A giant with two golden horns on his head, from top to bottom he was wearing green and gold clothing. There was no mistaking it, it was Loki. It seemed like a humorous prank, because his name was "The Adopted Son of Odin, Loki." He didn't have anything to do with this, so why would he be here? No time to think about that though, as we watched them fight Loki was swinging his Ruby golden handle longsword at the clearers, one by one they retreated after constant switching. The clearers were getting flung here and there. However, things only got worst when suddenly a orange aura enveloped Loki. He aimed both his hands at the clearers, and lighting came out, instantly killing two shielders. In the chaos, he fired several fireballs which killed even more clearers. He then used his longsword, and charged at the clearers. It was chaos in there, and the clearers were getting slaughtered.
Then I saw henry, take out his greatsword. As he shouted: “I shall lead us to victory, fear not!” Henry was known, as a greatsword user. However his abilities were never on par with me and Hailey, but his levels were generally quite close to ours. What happened next, was a huge shock for not only us, but for everyone else as well. Henry took out his large longsword, and activated his recently acquired 23 hit combo White Fang. Henry charged towards Loki, dodging 4 fireballs that was shot by Loki. Loki then switched over to lightning, and Henry kept dodging them as he charged towards the giant Loki. The closer he got towards Loki, the more confident he felt. However, there was a scream coming from the desperate Loki. After the loud scream, Henry was struck down so fast by Loki’s lightning bolts that I could barely see them. Henry’s health dropped down to zero, as he said: “Dammit all… Ugh…” His body then started vaporising into dust. The clearers were in chaos, with the leader down Loki was killing clearers here and there. Screams were heard from inside the boss room, as they tried to run to the boss room door, only to be stopped by Loki. Hailey drew her rapier as she said: “No…. No…. No… Please stop!” I placed my hand in front of her as I said: “If we just go in there, it’ll just be suicide. We need to figure out a plan first, be rationale Hailey.” Peaches went over to Hailey and put her hand on Hailey’s shoulder as she said: “Hailey… I get that this is hard on you, but we can’t win this without sacrifice.” Hailey looked down on the floor, so that no one could see her crying face.
Luke and I started observing the boss, and after one minute we could tell that the clearers numbers went down to a half. Hailey wasn’t looking at the boss room, as she couldn’t bear seeing all the people die. So she was behind me and Luke, as we observed the bosses’ movement patterns. I looked through the hole in the door, as I saw the players getting massacred. Hailey came over suddenly, and asked me: “Are you done with your plan yet?” Just as I was about to formulate a response, we caught eye on Loki pinning down a little brown haired boy. The boy shrieked: “NO NO NO NO! PLEASE! I DON’T WANT TO DIE!” After I saw that I knew what Hailey was going to do as I reached out for her, but it was too late. She leapt out using Sonic Dash, a faster version of Flash Charge however, it didn’t any attacking power. As she shouted: “STOP IT!!!!” She charged towards the boss, as she landed the first attack on Loki. Her blade glowed blue as she activated the one slash skill Piercing Strike. As the slash made contact with Loki, Loki screamed in agony as he yelled out: “RAAAA!! FILTHY MORTAL, TASTE THE WRATH OF LOKI!” He shot lightning bolts from his aura at Hailey, and since Hailey was unable to dodge the lightning bolts due to the opening made by the skill to just use, she was going to be hit. If even Henry was killed in one hit, both me and Hailey would be as well… I knew what to do, to keep her alive. My mission, was to protect her. My mission, was to ensure she was safe. She, was my main motivation to clearing this simulation. Without her, all my efforts up till now… Would be a waste. I would gladly give my life up to preserve hers. Without thought, I activated Sonic Dash and went in front of Hailey. As I said: “Goodbye, Hailey… Live a happy life…. I love you...” Immediately after, I was electrocuted by the lightning bolt, and flung over to a enormous bookshelf as it collapsed on me. My health was drained, as I felt my consciousness in the world, being sucked out of this world. I knew my life was going to be over in a matter of seconds, but I would not regret my life up till now. I was happy, I got to meet Hailey and got to fall in love with her. My only wish now, is for her to survive, and be happy.
After the attack, Hailey collapsed on the ground as the rest of the Vigilante’s came in. Luke shouted: “We’re taking charge, everyone spread out and make sure you dodge those ranged attacks. Avoid them at all costs.” Hailey was at a loss for words, Jason’s death had damaged her deeply. She fell on the floor crying. Peaches went over to Hailey and dragged Hailey away from the frontlines in the boss room. She went next to Hailey and tried to comfort her, as Peaches said: “Hailey… I’m really sorry.” Hailey cried out: “What do you know… Jason meant everything for me… Now he’s dead, gone. What can you all do? What can I even do? I was so stupid to jump out there alone… I should’ve listened to him. If I did… He wouldn’t have died.” Jason, was the pillar for Hailey. He was what made her happy in this simulation, he was her emotional support. He was the pillar that kept her from breaking. Now that he’s gone, Hailey finally breaks down. Peaches hugged Hailey, like how a elder sister would hug a younger sister to comfort her as she gently said: “Jason wouldn’t want you to die, not here. Not now. He chose to save you for a reason, he wouldn’t want to see you like this. If you don’t want to live for yourself, live for him. Live for his sacrifice.” Hailey wiped her tears as she grasped onto her rapier. The queen of rapiers, stood back up and charged towards the boss. Out in the distance, Peaches said: “That’s the Hailey we all know.” Peaches picked up her mace as she charged towards the boss.
The 6 Vigilante’s charged towards the boss, as they all dodged the bosses’ lightning bolts. One by one, they attacked Loki. The Vigilante’s dodged the lightning bolts here and there, while continuously slashing Loki. Loki yelled out in pain, as everyone else charged in. The weakness of the boss was clear now, numbers or speed was the only way to defeat him. One misstep into the lightning bolts and you were dead. Luke shouted: “The more people we have here, the less lightning bolts is focused at one person, so let’s do this guys!” Cheers were heard as players poured in, to confront the boss. Every clearer jumped on as they slashes the ever so desperate Loki. Loki shouted in agony as he attempted to slash his sword, however his movements were too slow as the clearers easily dodged them. After he attempted to slash the players, Luke shouted: “His lightning aura is off! Let’s finish him! Use your skills!” Hailey nodded as she charged towards Loki, She shouted out: “This is for Jason, die you beast!” She activated Shining Starlight. Loki was struck by a multitude of skills. Blue glows could be seen everywhere on him, it was as if he was glowing. Loki’s health dropped by the minute, and soon his enormous health reached to 4%, equivalent to Jason’s max hp. Everyone backed off after using their sword skills, as they began to wait for the final scene. The final attack on the boss. The ray of light of hope could be seen as Luke gave the final order: “Let’s go, for Jason and the others, let’s kill this piece of shit!” Cheers and yells could be heard as the clearers charged towards the boss. However suddenly, Loki started yelling as he glowed bright red. A enormous sphere encased him as it erupted around the entire boss room. Everyone was damaged, to 1% health. There was no deaths, no exceptions. Loki shouted in victory: “FILTHY MORTALS, YOU SHALL NEVER OVERCOME ME.” He then shot a lightning bolt out, and… It was at Hailey. Hailey thought to herself I guess… This is the end for me. I’ll be joining you soon Jason, wait for me. I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your sacrifice afterall. Hailey closed her eyes, and embraced for the end.
I suddenly regained consciousness with full health, underneath the rubble made by the bookcase. Was I dead? Was this heaven? No… That can’t be possible. This is the same bookcase I crashed into. Was it for some miracle glitch I survived? I can’t be more thankful then. I carved my self a exit as I heard a enormous blast go off. I looked out from the hole in the rubble of the collapsed bookshelf. I shielded my eyes from the bright light, as I saw the boss charging towards a girl… And immediately I saw her health was 1%. But who was she? I thought to myself That clothing… No… It’s Hailey. I can’t just stand here. I have to.. Save her. I leapt out using Sonic Dash, surpassing the ingame limits I was able to reach to Hailey before the lightning bolts hit her. I grabbed her hand as I dashed passed her and was barely able to dodge the lightning bolt. Hailey opened her eyes, as she cried out: “Jason…? Am I dreaming?” I replied: “It’s alright Hailey, I’m alive.” I put her down from my arms as she hugged me and cried out: “I didn’t know what I would do without you… Do you know how upset I was when I saw your death… Please… Don’t do it again Jason. All I want to do is be with you, so promise me don’t die like that.” She cried as she hugged me. I accept her hug, as I looked towards Loki and shouted: “You. I won’t forgive you for making Hailey cry like this. The sorrow you put her through, is unacceptable. I’m going to kill you myself.” Hailey then released herself from me as she said: “Be careful!” I nodded as I took out my two swords. I charged towards Loki as beams of lightning were shot at me, I proceeded to dodge everyone of them. As I got closer, the faster the lightning bolts were. Just… Ten more meters and I’ll be in melee range to use Celestial Expansion. I charged through the hardest ten meters in my life, as I heard Luke saying: “No way… He’s dodging all of that by himself? He’s moving… Faster than I can see… This has to be beyond the system limit.” I pushed myself beyond the system limit, as I went faster, faster and faster. My blades glowed blue as I slashed Loki. Seventy Five slashes, onto Loki’s body. All direct hits. After I finished my combo, I leapt out using Sonic dash as I returned to Hailey’s side. By the time I was done, I saw everyone drink health potions as they regenerated their health. Once I touched the ground, I saw Loki’s health drain to zero.
After Loki’s health dropped to zero, I looked around me as I heard cheers from players all around. Hailey rushed to me, as she literally poured herself on me. She cried out: “I was… So scared… I don’t what I would do in life without you. I was so scared when you were gone, I didn’t know what to do.” I patted her back as I comforted her: “It’s alright Hailey, I’m still here. As long as I’m here I won’t let anything happen to you.” She cried out: “That’s not the point! I don’t want anything to happen to you either, I don’t want to lose you again. I was afraid, when you were gone.” I said in a gentle tone: “I promise, I won’t do that again.” Her tears were beginning to dry as, she once again cried out what she thought: “Jason… It was… All my fault… If I hadn’t rushed in like that… You wouldn’t have needed to take the risk. And you wouldn’t have…” I took out the ring as I knelt down, her face despite having tears on it was beautiful. She looked a bit, confused for a second. Everyone around us stopped what they were doing and looked at us. I took her hand, as I said: “Hailey, no matter what mistake you make, no matter what challenges we have to face together, I want us to be together. Our love for each other extends beyond this virtual world, I want to keep my promise to you which we made below the stars at that night. So Hailey… Will you… Marry me, and be my wife?” Wind blew as her long silky black hair was lifted, as she came closer to me. Our mouths came together, and for a quite a long time. Her face was red, she was blushing like a tomato. And tears of happiness was rising out from her eyes. She cried out: “Yes!”
As we were walking back towards the town, I realized something. Weird… I got no notifications that I got any loot drops… And then I heard a shout from Hailey: “Oh my god… It says here I’m level 500… The max level.” I checked mine in a hurry, and sure enough… I was level 500 as well. Since there was one more person in the party, that being Jingxi I asked him to check his menu as well. He was… Also level 500. Hailey asked me: “Is this a glitch too?” I replied to her: “Probably not, I think it was meant to be this way. But in any case, Jingxi will be enough to carry everyone to the tenth floor boss. I’ll tell the others later, about our honeymoon and our private vacation together.” She nodded as she smiled: “Alright! I can’t wait!” I said happily: “Yeah!”
When we got to Shinpong for the clearer’s burial, I held Hailey’s hand and asked her: “Uhh.. Do you think we should start finding wedding dresses for you?” She lightly blushed as she nodded. I replied: “Hey don’t be like that, I’m sure you’ll look real good in it. Hell, you’ll look real good in anything.” She blushed as she said: “Jeez Jason, you don’t have to tease me like that.” I protested: “But it’s real!” During the burial, non of us in the Crimson Vigilante’s spoke a single word. The white wolves’s Vice leader, who was a boy probably as old as I was who had a relatively short gelled, light yellow hair, called Brian Kong had delivered a speech. We were only at the burial to attend and to pay our respects, since we weren’t in charge of the raid we didn't
have to be the ones to explain the heavy losses. However, this boss raid was one of the most devastating boss raids. Out of the 125 players participating, 74 had died. This showed everyone, what would happen in boss raids if an idiot led it. Everyone, would die. The deaths of our comrades only strengthened our wills as we more than ever ready to challenge the 9th dungeon. The boss fight there, serves a catalyst to awaken the sleeping tigers within us all, the tigers which would lead us to victory.
As everyone began leaving from the burial, me and Hailey made our leave as we returned to our inn. Inside our inn room, we were changing. Hailey changed out of her skirt, as she also took off her bra, exposing her D cup breasts. I blushed like a tomato as I stuttered when I asked: “Hailey… What are you doing?” She blushed as she said: “I want us to be together, I don’t care if this is a virtual world… I want you to… Take my first time.” As she said this, she said calmly: “Disable NSFW protection.”
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